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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

Page 123

by Melisse Aires

  He started to hang the clothing and uniforms for both of them. Henessa smiled and lingered for a moment before getting her shower. Once she was done with hers, Merx took one as well. The two went to their respective assignments to review where things stood, and to get a handle on their departments.

  Just before the evening meal, acting Captain Palrion called his hand-selected senior staff together. The room was quiet as he looked from person to person at the conference table.

  “I trust everyone found their field rank and uniforms in place?” Most nodded, some vocalized agreement, but not all were in uniform. “I’m glad that was straight forward enough. I realize some of you know each other fairly well, while others are new, so let’s begin with introductions.”

  He gestured to field Commander Maddux. “For the duration of this mission you will be introduced and treated as your field commissions, not the ones we left behind on our ships of the first Xenonian fleet. This is Commander Rouen Maddux. He’s likely the best pilot in all of the Xenonian fleets combined, and can teach hand-to-hand and close quarters combat. He will be flying the Enpassant as well as managing duties as my Second. Commander, please stand up a moment so there is no question who you are.”

  Maddux stood in his Commander’s uniform proudly. He looked from face to face and back to Captain Palrion before he sat back down.

  Palrion continued. “Commander Maddux is a Tactile Telepath. On to my Psionic Chief Medical Officer, Commander Kala. She came to us as a former slave and therefore has no house name. You will show her the same respect, regardless of previous stature in life. Kala please stand up.”

  Kala stood, her deep red hair falling to her shoulders and beyond. Her warm green eyes greeted all she made contact with. She was among those not in uniform for this meeting.

  Once she was standing in full view, Palrion continued. “The Commander has studied more on psionic illnesses, injuries, and related conditions than anyone else in this fleet. In the last six months she has forced herself to become the foremost psionic lobe expert. There are none who have focused and studied more than she has, however due to her otherwise lack of applicable experience she has a non psionic equal in the medical facility. Thus, for the duration of this mission, there are two Chief Medical Officers. For the chain of command concerns, Kala is my third. She is a multifaceted psionic.” Palrion nodded at Kala and she sat down.

  “From there, the rest of you are equal in the chain of command. Chief of Security is Commander Henessa Sar. She is a projective combat telepath and she’s the most qualified weapons expert I’ve ever worked with. If she indicates a specific tool for the job, trust her, she knows exactly what she’s talking about. She will oversee both Security and assist at tactical as needed.”

  Henessa stood up. Her blond hair was pulled back tight and her piercing blue eyes stared straight ahead.

  When she sat back down, Palrion turned his attention to now Commander Phelian Crex. “My primary communications and operations officer is Commander Crex. He is a projective combat telepath capable of forcing many to succumb in a matter of seconds. He is also the best qualified to work with and run the fleet and ship communications systems. He knows the new systems on the Enpassant better than most people know their own hands.”

  Phelian stood for a moment. His soft brown eyes made eye contact with everyone, before he made eye contact with the captain as he sat down again.

  “We move on to Commander Merx Tol. He is the most interesting Humanoid Empathic Manipulator I know, but not surprisingly he’s best with machines. He’s been provided information on the unique systems of the Enpassant for study, almost a month ago. He knows the traditional systems better than I believe he knows himself. He is the logical choice for Chief of Engineering. Keydra Tan please stand up.”

  Merx, who stood while the captain was talking, sat down as a small framed woman stood. Her nearly midnight dark features were enhanced by her shimmering blue eyes and soft deep brown hair.

  “This is Lieutenant Commander Keydra Tan. She is our ship’s nutritionist. You’ll find her assignment is in the mess hall. When we begin strike team training tomorrow you will find her as our astro-projector. She may prefer our crew healthy, but do not doubt she can carry her weight in battle. Small frame or not, she’s a formidable team member.”

  As she sat down the dark, and very tall man beside her stood. His broad shoulders squared and his gaze remained forward as Palrion introduced him. “This is Commander Zaren Rixx. As most of you know, he is our telekinetic addition. What most of you are unaware of is that he is also a botanist, and will be managing much of our food supplies on the botany levels below.”

  Next to Commander Rixx stood a petite woman. Her salt and pepper hair and features betrayed her as older than most in the room, but her soft brown eyes danced full of life. Zaren took his seat, as she looked around the room she made eye contact with each person, before the captain properly introduced her.

  “This is Commander Kei Salin. She is also an astro-projector and shuttle expert. She was part of the discussions around a psionic influenced custom designed shuttle, the Enpassant’s experimental designs, as well as much of the advance weaponry we have at our disposal. The unique shuttle is on board this vessel now and she will be training all of us in flying, fighting, and utilizing it for our purposes. She is the foundation of the original design team for the Enpassant, and its sister ships.”

  The room acknowledged her with genuine respect.

  Next, Palrion’s attention turned to a taller woman next to Commander Salin. Her soft brown hair and light features were only more accentuated by her nearly purple eyes. “This is Lieutenant Commander Cyrin Lan. She is quite the problem solver and will be working directly for Commander Crex. She’s got quite the shocking personality.”

  The Lieutenant Commander looked at Captain Palrion, and arched an eyebrow unimpressed by his reference to her electrokinetic ability. As she sat down, another woman, nearly as tall as Cyrin, stood. She had her black hair with deep blue highlights pulled tightly behind her head, her hazel eyes pierced through the wall in front of her, and she remained at attention while Palrion introduced her. “This is Sira Fal. She is our Pyrokinetic, and the Lieutenant Commander that will report to Commander Tol in Engineering. Selecting between the two was a very difficult decision. Trust her instincts with these systems, she knows what she’s talking about.”After the Lieutenant Commander sat again, “We are all acquainted, now on to the mission.”

  “I will make our mission directives abundantly clear to all of you. Your junior staff need not be advised as of yet, so keep this in this room.” As he spoke he looked right at Kala, who sunk into her chair just a little bit. Once he knew the room was ready, he continued, “We received confirmation that the XSS Sentinel was compromised by a Dentonian team some time ago. We believe that at the time the final message was sent from our crew, the Dentonians were downloading the computer’s data core into their own data repository. Our first job is to locate the information, erase it from their records, and, if possible, rescue our people.”

  Kala interrupted, “Ah…sir? Do we know where they were when they were boarded?”

  “We do. I’ll be providing all of you the details thereon, but I’ll be leaning on just a handful of you to help locate the ship and information.” The room nodded, most seeming to be aware of their own positions. “Now, once we have them, we need to trace the Dentonian ship responsible, and tag them. We will also have to find their scientific base of operations. The goal is to destroy all data obtained from the Sentinel as some of it was very sensitive.”

  Palrion frowned and looked from one face to the next. “The information included fleet positions, new technology only currently available on the Enpassant, and the complete list of all the psionics and the ships they’re assigned to. Although we doubt the Dentonians will consider our psionics a target, we know their technology won’t stand against either Ven or Cybernetic interception. We need that facility wiped clean, or destroye
d, if needed.”

  Most in the room shifted in their seats, while others sat stoically acknowledging what their commander was explaining to them.

  Commander Maddux interrupted the silence. “That’s not all of it, is it, sir?”

  “No.” Palrion stood and walked to the wall nearest him. He ran his hand across a thin grey bar that lit up with his motion. The wall shifted to reveal a large screen. After inputting several commands, the image of a Cybernetic facility appeared. “This is an amalgamation facility. It sits on the edge of Xenonian colonized territory.” He turned, and looked right at his team. “Our job is to save any survivors who have yet to undergo the process, and destroy the facility. We are to leave nothing behind.”

  Kala could feel the emotions in the room shift and she looked at Merx Tol, who clearly felt it too. Slightly shaken, she looked back to Captain Palrion. “Sir, which is our priority?”

  “Both. We’ll be going into Dentonian space first. We have reason to believe the Ven are building a force that will attempt to invade Dentonian space soon. We need the facility gone or at the very least clean of Xenonian information before that happens.” After a long pause, Palrion continued. “Is everything, thus far, understood?” The team appeared to be in agreement. “Good. You have further details on your data tablets. You are dismissed until zero four hundred tomorrow when training begins on Deck Five.”

  The room emptied quickly, everyone going their own way for dinner. Taking note of this Palrion went into the mess hall to observe the team, as well as get to know several of the other members of the crew.


  Kala walked into the mess hall with Henessa, Merx, Rouen, and Phelian all chatting softly amongst themselves. The small group moved through the line for dinner, and then to a table in the back, segregated from the remainder of the crew.

  “Well, we have a lot to consider right now. We knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but….” Merx took a bite of his dinner, and just shook his head. Knowing the others understood where he was leading the conversation, he added, “We just need to be sure we’re ready.”

  Confidently, Henessa spoke up. “Don’t worry, we’ll be ready. If I have to make sure of it myself, we’ll be ready.”

  Kala’s voice finally chimed into the hushed conversation. “Well, it’s not just ready. The strike team needs to work together, not just this small cluster. I’m grateful that I’ve not heard that I’m actually going on the missions, though. I don’t know I can do what you guys do.” Her eyes trailed along the plate and the food on it.

  Hesitantly, Rouen took her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We know Palrion won’t ask of us what we can’t handle.” He then turned back to the food in front of him, eagerly devouring it as he spoke. “The team that goes down to carry out the orders will be supported from the ship. This ship can move into the atmosphere safely. It’s the first and only full sized spaceship we have that can. The actual strike team will have the best possible back-up. That much, I know, is my responsibility. That’s why they wanted me to fly it. If things get shaky down there, this ship can do more than just get our people out.”

  Merx looked at Kala and pointed out, “You do realize with your ability to channel, your assistance would be a duplication of any of the abilities we have on the team right? Two of every kind. Makes us more capable of being a far more targeted and formidable force.”

  Kala frowned, and nodded slowly. “Yes, I’m aware but this is still very new. I don’t know how to control it. I don’t know what the repercussions of such acts would be and if lives end up… I just…” She trailed off. She was saddened by the potential she now realized she possessed, but understood why her friend mentioned it.

  “Kala, don’t be sad, be aware. You are unique. This is something you should master because you can. The fact it will come into use along the way should be a bonus. Never consider this a problem. You are an asset even without that or any of your abilities. You are an asset to yourself with them, if you continue to challenge yourself.” Merx’s tone was confident and reassuring.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Speaking of keeping in mind, we learned something you’ve not mentioned before. I’m assuming your contact over there doesn’t know about the intel.” Henessa took a bite of her food with her eyes trained on Kala.

  Kala could feel her face warm and flush, her eyes darted to everyone at the table for a moment before looking back at Henessa. “No. He’s not said a word about it. We speak nearly daily now, even if only for short moments.” Maddux said nothing as he kept eating, but he took note of the conversation and Kala knew it.

  Still speaking in hushed tones, “So you’ll be telling him, then?” Henessa spoke as if it were already done.

  “I don’t know. It’s a breach of security if I do. I’m not comfortable with that. I really want to be sure that our people are safe on these missions.” Kala poked around at her food, trying to ignore the emotions she was receiving from those who knew little about her contact with Lieutenant Commander Jae.

  “You don’t think he’s going to be there, do you?” Henessa looked up concerned.

  “No.” Kala paused and looked around. “I don’t know. I know we’re in trouble if he is. He’s battle trained and … able to do damage to a Turaant Level Red Ven. Our team would be faced with an obstacle not easily overcome before ever gaining access to complete the mission.”

  Merx, Henessa and Phelian nodded.

  Rouen scowled and looked right at Kala. “What are you… excuse me, who are you talking about?”

  Kala looked to her side, slightly uncomfortable. “A close friend of mine. Mind to mind we’ve helped each other out of some tough situations.”

  “And you’re worried about the team encountering this friend of yours?” Maddux was both confused and concerned at the same time.

  “Yes. He’s Dentonian.” Kala left her eyes on her plate and her tone soft. She felt Rouen, who was sitting close to her, placing psionic blocks in his mind to protect his thoughts. He couldn’t hide his emotions from her, and she mourned what he was feeling.

  A shadow crossed the table as a tall imposing figure stood at the end of it. “May I join you?” The deep voice interrupted the conversation, and Zaren stood at the end holding his dinner tray.

  Kala’s head snapped up and looked into his deep dark eyes and she felt something shift for a brief moment, before sliding a little closer to Maddux to allow Zaren to join them.

  “Please, there is always room at the table for our team.” She smiled slightly, but looked over at Rouen who had his head in his dish even though it was basically empty. She was careful not to further upset him.

  “Thank you.” Zaren sat down next to Kala, and across from Henessa. “That is an interesting thought. Our team.” He sat in silence for a moment. “I suppose that is the most accurate description of the situation. Unit.” He began to eat.

  “Yep. I’m Nessa. This is my bond mate Merx, that’s Phil, Rouen, and Kala.” Henessa gestured to everyone as she spoke.

  “Zaren.” He spoke his name with confidence, but nothing else for several long moments. “I take it all of you have served together for a time?”

  “Yep. A year, year and a half, and training.” Phil contributed as he started to indulge in the cake he had selected with his meal.

  “I see. You’ve engaged in the battles often together then?”

  “Whichever ones the fleet has been involved in,” Merx commented as he placed a hand on Henessa’s leg reassuring her that he was there.

  “Enough. We train together, and push each other beyond limits until we’re better at what we do,” Henessa replied.

  “I see.” Zaren then focused his eyes on Kala. “You train with the captain alone, correct?”

  “I… kind of.” Her voice was soft, and Kala trailed off before completing her thought.

  Arching an eyebrow, Zaren studied the expression on Kala’s face and opted to pursue that topic further another day. “You are th
e same woman who confronted the Ven Turaant and lost, correct?”

  Kala looked up into his eyes. He sat so proud and proper. His voice carried like the sound of a Tael’s bellow. He seemed to select his words with intent behind him and everything she sensed from him was clearly controlled.

  She took a deep breath before responding, “Yes. I lost the first encounter with Greshna. Do not think that will happen again. The issue that enabled it has been dealt with.” Kala matched his tone and control, still focusing on reading him, but finding it difficult to do so.

  “Good. That could become cumbersome if we had to subdue you instead of the Ven during a battle.” Zaren continued to eat his dinner. He took careful note of everyone’s reaction to his statement, especially Kala’s.

  Seeing both Kei Salin and Keydra Tan enter the main dining area, Kala projected to them, ~Please join us. We’re in the back. We have room for two more.~ Kala then requested that Zaren slide another table and the chairs over so that they could fit several more. He complied, and returned to his meal. A few moments later, the women came to the table, and sat down, smiling.

  “Thank you for the invite, Kala.” Keydra smiled as she sat down, and looked around the table. Her eyes fixated on Zaren for a brief moment before she smiled with Kei who sat across from her. Kei looked across the room and back at Keydra. The ladies laughed, and then quickly quieted themselves. Keydra explained, “Sorry. Kei and I have been distracting ourselves a bit.”

  Zaren placed his utensil down quietly, and folded his arms in front of him on the table. “Distracting yourselves?”

  “Yes, Zaren. You really need to lighten up a bit.” Kei laughed. The older woman’s eyes danced with every hint of laughter. “Sometimes, astro projectors can play with the senses around us. Sometimes.” Kei smiled broadly as she took a bite of her salad. She looked right at her partner in sensory deception. “This is an amazing salad Keydra. Thank you.”

  “Wait, someone got something, not on the cafeteria list?” Phelian remarked from across the table, playing with his gravy. “I know who to talk to from now on.” He smiled warmly at Keydra, and teased, “You’ll give the inside connection to all the senior staff right?”


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