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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

Page 131

by Melisse Aires

  “Commander, it’s been 24 hours. She’ll respond or we’ll hit our mark and move in. Not much else we can do. She’ll be fine. She knew what she was doing when she went down there. She’s a strong soldier.”

  He looked down, frustrated both at himself, and at the fact he let someone so inexperienced go on a scouting mission. “No. She was… all of you are, my responsibility. If one thing happens to her, by the stars, I swear the Dentonian security force won’t know what hit them!” The last words seeped out of him like the sounds from a feral animal.

  Standing not far away from the interaction, Merx had to stifle a laugh. “They already won’t know what hit them.”

  Maddux had to nod in agreement. “This is true.”

  As the team looked around their staging area, other members of the crew delivered supplies or received authorizations as needed. Rouen noted several items intended for Kala’s triage. “Make sure those are on the shuttle. She’ll lose it if they aren’t, even if we do have to break the Commander out of jail first.”

  Henessa couldn’t keep herself from laughing as Phelian responded. “Leave it to Kala to get jailed for being a doc.” He brought all of Kala’s gear onto the shuttle and then looked around at the team. “Beta team is already set. Alpha team what else do we need?”

  Zaren’s imposing presence became very clear in that moment, “The Commander.”

  Phelian stepped off the shuttle, and spoke directly to Zaren. “Yes, that’s first priority. We set up camp, and wait for the moment to enter the building and take out the computer. By then, Kala will be with us.” He turned to look at Maddux. “Hey, Rouen, don’t get caught down there. You only have one more telepath to alert us.”

  Maddux arched and eyebrow and looked right at Phelian. “Phil, don’t break my shiny new ship either. “ Most in the staging area chuckled. “Okay, we have just over an hour before we hit our mark without a signal. Let’s make sure we’ve tied up loose ends in our departments, and then we’ll meet back here just before eighteen hundred. Henessa and Phil, please get your hands on listening stones, and see if she can hear you at some point between now and then. Dismissed.”

  Phelian waited until the deck cleared, and dug his hand into his pokect to clutch the small round stone. With careful direction, he searched a long established link with a dear friend, not far away. When he found her, he projected, ~How are you holding up?~

  Attempting to meditate, Kala remained undisturbed by his projection. ~Well enough. Mark is soon. Is everyone ready?~

  Phelian was amazed by her calm demeanor. She was always the kid sister. The one to watch out for, but she’d grown a lot since training. He admired that, but made certain not to let on. ~Of course. You’ve got a lot of people up here worried about you, though. Jail isn’t the place for the most elite psionic in the sector.~

  ~No, it’s not. That’s why I’m here.~ She paused, knowing he would snicker on the ship above. ~The Sentinel crew is here. They are safe, well fdd and have taken turns in the interrogation room, but none have been injured. I’m confident I will be requested the visit the same soon.~

  ~Do me a favor, Red. Keep yourself safe. No one up here wants to see the big guy break down.~ He tightened his hand around the stone. ~We are coming for you. Not one of us will let you remain in that cell.~

  Kala almost smiled. Phelian was the only one able to get away with calling her Red. She appreciated the nature of his intention. ~I will, big brother.~

  Phelian chuckled. ~I only terrorize thos I love, or for those I love. You’re family, Red. We’ll bring you home soon. Right after we kick in some Dentonian teeth, and take back what’s ours.~

  She nearly smiled again. ~Of course. Look out for the others. I’ll see you soon.~

  They faded from each other’s minds, and she resumed her attempt to meditate. Kala remained as close to a meditative position as her bindings would allow. Security approached her cell. As they did, she could sense their angst, and conflict. The psionic screens they wore kept her from identifying exact thoughts, but she knew there was conflict between those who approached. The sound of the metal bars sliding open was an uneasy one. Footsteps drew close to her, and she was able to identify less of their emotions, due to the technology. She remained in the calmest state she could to keep her mind and emotions focused on hearing the team on the ship above. That was interrupted.

  “Wake up.” A tall man, nearly bald and clearly angry, spoke to her loudly, when she didn’t respond fast enough, he yanked her off the bed and onto the floor. “I said, wake up, girl.”

  Kala was able to keep her face from hitting the floor this time. She opened her eyes to look back at him. “I was not asleep. I was meditating. Likely something far too challenging for you, sir.”

  “I didn’t tell you to speak, girl.”

  He growled at her as he squatted down and yanked her up by her arm. The other man with him nodded toward the door and they led her out of the cell. Briskly they moved down a short hall and into a dark room with no windows or lighting.

  “Wait here. The top of the food chain wants to talk to you, personally.”

  The heavy metal door slid shut with a thud and she was left alone in the room.

  Unable to sit properly she closed her eyes again and attempted to reach out for the Enpassant, and found Phil briefly available. She hesitated to project to him when she heard new footsteps approaching. She focused on the person near the door and began to feel uncomfortable. It was just another Dentonian, but something in what she sensed from him made her frightened. More so in that she was unable to identify exactly why. The metal door popped and then slid open, followed closely by footsteps, and then the hard thud of it closing and this time locking. Kala was unable to see in the dark. The man was now close enough, she couldn’t sense him. She could feel her hearts working harder as fear overcame her. She fought for it not to consume her thoughts while she listened to his walking. Then, she couldn’t hear even that much through the throbbing in her own ears.

  He didn’t speak as he walked over to Kala and placed a hand on her collar. When she jumped, he was satisfied. He ran his hand down her arm and could feel her tremble. This reaction delighted him. He leaned over to her, and spoke directly in her ear. “Now, Kala, you have many friends somewhere nearby. Pretty and strong Xenonian women are normally leading a ship. You will talk to me or be of service for me. Your choice, girl. I’d prefer the second.”

  His voice chilled her. His touch terrified her, and his words added to her frantic state of mind. Her hearts raced but she remained quiet. She had hoped there would be an opportunity to escape, but he quickly squashed that thought.

  “This room is sound proof, it is without windows, and it only locks from this side. So no one is getting in. It does require a Dentonian DNA pattern for the lock to unlock, so you have no chance of getting out of here without me.” He removed her bonds from her wrists and feet. “More comfortable, Kala?”

  She remained quiet, fearful of everything and unsure of what was happening. She rubbed her wrists and almost attempted to nod but didn’t know if he could even see her in the dark.

  “Good. Now, take off your outer jacket. Things are about to get very warm in this room.” She complied and he grinned. “Now, how many serve on your ship?”

  Kala said nothing to him.

  “Hum… Let’s try something easy. What is your rank and how long have you served in the military?”

  Softly, Kala responded, “I am a slave. I serve only my master, once he returns for me.”

  The man laughed a deep and dark laugh. “Ahh… slaves are more fun around here. We don’t get many of them. That also explains why you are so… soft.” He ran his hand over her face and down her neck stopping at her collar bone. He pushed her back toward a wall she hadn’t realized was nearby. “Now, to protect your master, and yourself, how many serve on his ship?”

  “I am not aware of that information. My master and her husband lead our family. I am their servant. I am nothing more.” He
r tone remained calm as she fought to hide her fear.

  “What do you do as their servant, Kala?”

  “I tend laundry, household chores, care for the children.” She kept the information as short as possible, begging in her hearts that he would accept her words.

  He forcefully turned her toward the wall ,and held her against it with one hand, while he double checked her pockets and boots for weapons. “Why do I not believe you girl?” His hand slide right up her inner thigh and across her bum, and then forward holding onto an area Kala had never allowed anyone to approach. “This makes you uncomfortable doesn’t it?”

  Kala remained silent and more afraid than she was before.

  “Good. Now answer my question or you’re going to be servicing me with anything I desire. He moved his hand over her private area, and breathed very closely against her neck. “So, Kala, are we ready to service me?” He laughed darkly as he reached his other hand around and grasped her breast before moving his first, and using his body weight to push the smaller woman against the wall, harder.

  “I am not your servant.” Her voice trembled as she spoke the words, inside she was begging for this to stop.

  He grinned as he slid his free hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. “You act like you want me to keep this up. You enjoy having your way with men don’t you, girl. All Xenonian women do, that’s why you’re at the top of the food chain. Not here girl. You are here to serve, us, now.”

  Her voice trembled again, “I’ve never…. had my way … with …any man.”

  “Well, then, this will be especially enjoyable.” He pulled her arms behind her back and spun her around. His face was close enough to be seen and he reached over for her again and she slid down the wall. “Oh, no girl, you will serve me as I desire, not as you wish it.”

  At that moment the door exploded inward, sending shards and light through the room. Without hesitation, Kala sprung to her feet and ran out of the room and into her team. Henessa entered the room, guns held high and aimed them at the man on the floor.

  “Are you hurt, Commander?”

  The shocked voice of the Dentonian Interrogator rang out. “Commander!?”

  “A few bruises.” Her voice was shaking and she fought to regain control of herself.

  Rouen walked up behind her and took her hand. Her eyes widened because she didn’t want to share what had just happened, but she knew it was far too close to the surface for her to hide it from him. “No… Don’t… Please… Let’s just get our people out of here.” She held onto his hand as tight as she could, but he yanked away anyway.

  He stalked past Henessa, and squatted within breathing space from the man on the floor. “You dare attempt to injure or harm one of our people? If this is acceptable Dentonian interrogation practices, we intend to blow this building up with you in it.” He roughly pulled the man to his feet and dragged him out past the doorway, and past Kala, to the first open cell door he could find. He yanked the psionic blocker off the man’s wrists and turned to Kala. “Feel free to keep him quiet.” Rouen growled out the comment.

  Kala quickly entered the man’s mind. Learning his name, rank, and assignment the moment she did. She pressed further into his mind and left a subliminal command that the next time he desired anyone, male or female, he would feel intense excruciating pain if he attempted the act. She then temporarily took away his ability to speak by rerouting his synaptic patterns.

  When Maddux noticed Kala had relaxed he asked, “Done?”

  Kala nodded.

  “Good, let’s get the prisoners. Kala your team is waiting outside.”

  She nodded and stepped away from the cell. Maddux slid it closed and Kala grasped his hand again, this time sharing the intelligence information she had gathered with him.

  He looked into her eyes. “Thanks.”

  She acknowledged him, and left at a quickened pace.

  Henessa placed a timed charge that would fuse the cell closed at the locking mechanism. Once it was set, the team moved out, Kala well ahead of them. Just before Kala stepped out of the cell block, she stopped in front of a cell with a very tall Xentue man in it.

  Inside he sat forward on his knees. His large head was lowered, but his eyes met hers. They shared a feeling of familiarity. In her hearts she knew him, but she couldn’t recall ever encountering him before.

  He locked his gaze with hers. ~I know you. Don’t I? My baby sister, Green Eyes.~

  Kala blinked. ~No, Xentue don’t project. I’m hearing things.~ She turned, frightened enough for the day, and moved rapidly out of the cell block.

  Kala greeted the dusk with relief as she could clearly sense her team on the far side of the compound. She picked up her pace and ran, ignoring the Dentonian soldiers who were trying to figure out what was going on. She hid when several teams moved past her toward the jail. Kala then ducked low and moved quickly when she heard a patrol coming, but she wasted no time getting to her team.

  When she was looking at Commanders Tol and Rixx from behind she gently projected, ~Does the computer building look that troublesome?~

  Zaren turned around and smiled at her. “Welcome back, Commander.” He gestured to a pile of supplies not two lengths from them. “Your supplies.”

  Without another word, Kala started to set up the triage location. Everything she did was intended to keep the site compact, in preparation for a quick relocation, automated or otherwise. Merx called Kala over just as she was finishing up. “Phil is on his way back out. Cyrin is flying the shuttle and preparing to download the virus once we’ve established our connection. Zaren and Phil and I will head into the building, but we need you to keep contact with us, and if possible, between us. Phil will try to do the same, but we’ll be depending on him to set up the link to Cyrin.” He reached into his pocket and tossed something at her. “You forgot that.”

  “Everything as we expected it? I gave Rouen the information he needed to free the prisoners.” She caught the stone by the strap, and smiled when the light hit it. While tying it around her neck, her mind briefly drifted back to the Xentue in the cell. “Clearly, they’ve distracted the soldiers enough that we should be able to get in fast.” Kala looked at Zaren. “Watch their backs for me?” She smiled slightly.

  “Of course, Commander.” His deep voice was gentle and firm. He gazed back over the small wall they were crouched behind, seeing Phelian Crex return to the group. “I believe we will be going shortly.”

  Kala nodded and slunk back to the triage station to prepare any final touches. When she looked back to the small wall, she watched the men crouch low, and start moving from bush to wall to later hiding place, until she saw them disappear into the building. She placed her hand on the listening stone around her neck, and connected with the three men inside. She listened as they moved through the halls, undetected.

  She felt the moment of excitement for Phelian, when he made the download connection. That was quickly followed by anxiety when the alarms started to sound. She heard and sensed the men moving through the halls again, this time in a firefight to get out. She winced when a projectile struck and injured Zaren’s arm. She had to bite back a scream of concern when she could hear Merx tell Zaren to get out. She listened when a directed laser beam cut into Phillian’s abdomen, and she held her hand over her mouth, as Zaren had to use his telekinesis to carry his teammate out of the fight, while fighting off enemies.

  Merx shielded them both as much as he could. He hoped Kala knew what was coming as they left the building. Once they were clear of it, he used his communicator to contact Cyrin. There was a connection made. He reported to Cyrin what was going on and then he whispered, “Kala if you can hear me, get Phil, and then get in contact with the ship. He’s hurt bad and the Dentonians are blocking our longer transmissions.”

  Kala projected, ~I hear you. I felt Phil go down. I’m waiting for him and Zaren now.~ She looked around, and saw the body appear to float over the half wall just over a length a way. She retrieved him, pulling
him to the triage as she was able, and then activated the shield so she could treat him. While she was moving his body, she looked down at his injury. Her hearts crumbled at the sight.

  “Don’t you dare let go, Phil.” Kala moved to stop the bleeding coming from his arteries, as quickly as possible. She could sense him empathically, his agony overwhelmed her while she worked. She applied pressure through a Tram, and grabbed her medical scanner. After looking at the results, she had to fight back tears. “Come on Phil. Don’t let them get you.”

  She pulled him next to a cot and reached for her humanoid tegument tool, and applied it to a portion of the wound to slow some of the excessive bleeding. As she did, she could feel her uniform become saturated.

  Kala sat in a pool of blood, holding the body of her friend in her lap. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the battle raged around her. “No…no no…come on…please Phil come back to us.”

  She had tried to stop the bleeding but couldn’t move fast enough. She tried to open a connection to at least draw some of the pain from him, but there was nothing. She couldn’t open any connection because there was nothing to connect to.

  Overcome with guilt from not being able to save one of her closest friends, Kala screamed out in agony. She stood, still covered in Phelian’s blood, and her cheeks stained with tears. Without question, Kala’s focus became clear in everything she did.

  She approached Merx and Zaren who were still battling with the Dentonian forces. They had reinforcements from Sira, Keydra and Henessa from a distance. The security team was relentless, but so was the dwindling psionic team. Kala linked to as many of them as she could and simply projected, ~I’m done.~

  Kala walked in front of the team. She ignored Zaren and Henessa when they called her back. She simply walked into the center of the Dentonian fray. Not a single energy discharge struck her and only a small projectile got through her telekinetic barrier. Ironically, it missed her.


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