Book Read Free

Wounded at Home

Page 21

by Mitzi Pool Bridges

  “I’m not sure I’ll be ready by then.”

  “Make sure you are unless you want me to go to the media and tell them what a mess you made of this whole thing. Unless you want me to tell them how a dog saved the day…not the FBI, but a German shepherd. You’ll look like a bunch of amateurs.”

  “Three hours. Pick her up at our downtown office. Third floor.” Hansen stepped onto the porch, his cell phone to his ear.

  Sky pressed her lips together. It was almost over.

  The room was packed. She needed air and walked outside, Sully on her heels. “If I still have a job, I’m going to ask Mr. Parnell if I can take you to the office.” She rubbed his head before he bounded across the yard to greet Shorty and Lanie who were hurrying toward her, Lanie pushing Maggie in a stroller.

  This was such a wonderful family.

  They were there for one another no matter the problem.

  Would she ever have one like it?

  Her entire body trembling from the encounter, she walked over to greet them.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Dirk couldn’t get his nerves to settle down. One minute he thought Sky had been shot, the next her entire case came to a screaming end. And she was still in control. How did she do it?

  Twice now, she’d faced the killer—twice her life had been threatened, and twice she had come away looking her same beautiful self. No hysterics. No outward sign of what she’d just gone through.


  But then he already knew that. After Hansen’s phone call, the place swarmed with FBI agents. Somehow the local authorities were alerted and they were there as well. The room was overrun. Theodore Steel, because of his mangled but bandaged right arm, was unwrapped from his makeshift ties, loosely handcuffed, and put in Agent Hansen’s car. “We’ll take him in and get his confession signed.” Hansen looked unyielding.

  “I’m not signing anything until I see a doctor. My arm will never be the same. I need a rabies shot. That dog could still kill me.”

  “We’ll get you a doctor the minute we see your signature.”

  “You’re as bad as the other bunch. Don’t I have any rights?”

  “You have a helluva lot more than you gave Martin Oates, so shut your mouth.”

  Theodore looked up at Hansen and didn’t say another word.

  “I’ll need all of your statements.” Hansen stood by the car, his face all smiles. “I can have my people get them now or you can come to my office later. They’ll finish up here in the next hour and get out of your hair. Thanks for the assist. I’m indebted to Browning Investigation. Anytime you need help, call me.”

  “You’re saying that because you have the killer in handcuffs and the ten mil back where it belongs.”

  “Damn straight. I’m no fool.” His smile grew wider. “I mean it. All you have to do is ask.” Hansen got in and started the engine, but not before he put all four windows down.

  Dirk couldn’t help but laugh. Hansen would have to put up with that awful smell for the next fifty miles. “Breathe through your mouth, Hansen. We’ll see you at your office.” Hansen shot him the finger.

  Still chuckling, Dirk stepped back as Hansen’s car did a three-point turn and headed down the drive. Hansen deserved fifty miles of hell.

  “Sully came through like a champ.”

  Dirk hadn’t realized his brothers were standing behind him. “That he did, Coop. If he hadn’t, I don’t want to think how bad this could have turned out.”

  Matt gave him a brotherly slap on the back. “It turned out great.”

  “Then why am I still shaking?”

  All three brothers looked over at Sky who was giving Shorty, Carrie, and Lanie a full accounting of what had just happened.

  “You’re in love.”

  “C’mon, Coop. I’ve known Sky only a short time. How could I be in love?” But he was. A few days or a few years wouldn’t make any difference. He was in love with a woman who was afraid to love him back.

  Coop chuckled. “Same thing happened to me. It took a while for me to realize it.” He looked at his brothers. “We’d better head downtown and get those statements out of the way.”

  “It can wait until tomorrow. The FBI knows where you live.”

  “You can be so droll sometimes, Matt. But I want to be there when Dory is released.”

  Sky headed toward them.

  When she stood in front of him and smiled, Dirk wanted to take her in his arms and hold her so tight she would never leave him. “Are you all right?”

  “I will be. Thanks for what you did. You and Sully are my heroes.”

  “Some hero I am. I didn’t get here in time to save the heroine. Sully did that. I’m so sorry, Sky. I should have been more careful. I should have been here.”

  She put a finger to his lips. It was all he could do not to kiss her. He wanted to, just not in front of the whole family.

  “You were here. And you worked tirelessly on the case.” Her smile widened. “Dory will be free and I can go back to work.”

  Dirk’s heart hit the ground. There was nowhere in her life for him.

  “I’m going to pack now so I can pick up my sister.”

  “I’ll see you guys later, unless there’s something I can do.”

  “Thanks, Carrie.”

  “Since you’re already here, why not stay for dinner?” Shorty asked.

  Carrie smiled and promised she would.

  Dirk heard but didn’t care. He wanted to talk to Sky.

  He walked into the bungalow behind her. FBI agents were taking photos, one was checking Sky’s computer. Dirk ignored them. “Ms. Chapman wants to gather her things and we’ll be out of your way.”

  “Where are they?”

  “On the bed and in the closet. I don’t have much.”

  “Make it fast. We’ll be here a while.”

  Sky hurried to pull her clothes out and lay everything on the bed.

  “You don’t have to leave, Sky. You can stay as long as you like.”

  When she turned to him his heart stilled. “You’ll need the bungalow soon for a handler. I’ll have to find another place.”

  There was always his house. What would she say to that? “Where will you go?”

  She looked at him with regret, Sully stood beside her. “Actually, I have no idea. For today I’ll go wherever Dory goes. She’ll need me, at least for a short while. After that, I have no idea. I suppose I’ll get another apartment.”

  He walked over and took her hand. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Actually, neither do I. I like it here.” She smiled. “I never thought I would love the open space, the sky that goes on forever, the beauty of a field of bluebonnets. I’ll miss it all.”

  “You can stay with me.”

  “In your house?”

  The questions in her eyes gave him pause. Did he go further? Did he tell her he loved her and wanted her to stay with him forever?

  “I have four bedrooms, three of which are seldom used. You can have them all.”

  Something shifted in her eyes. She loosened her hand and began to gather her things. “I have a little more than when I came.” She asked one of the FBI guys for a garbage bag. He gave her one. “This will do.”

  “Please stay, Sky. I…care about you.”

  “As I do you. You took me in and gave me shelter. You gave me Sully for protection. You made sure I was safe. I’ll never be able to repay you for all you did.”

  “Then stay. Please.”

  “I can’t. You should be glad to be rid of me and my problems.”

  “The problems, yes. You, no. You are incredibly brave.”

  “Not really. My insides were shaking so, I couldn’t think. They still are. Funny, isn’t it, how Theodore popped up out of nowhere?”

  “Carrie told us about Steel’s brother more than once, but we never connected him to the crime.”

  Another mistake.

  “It’s over now.” She turned from her packing to look at hi
m. “I want to buy Sully. You can name your price. If I don’t have enough money in my portfolio, I’ll pay you in installments. The same with what I owe you for taking Dory’s case.”

  “Sully is yours. Look at him. If I took him from you he might attack me.”

  “Not likely. But you can’t just give him to me. He’s too valuable.”

  “He belongs with you, Sky.”

  “I insist on paying.”

  “I’ll add him to your bill.” If he even sent her one.

  “Good.” She turned to finish packing. The surviving china cup from her apartment was lovingly wrapped in paper towels and put in her purse.

  She made sure the FBI were finished with her computer before taking it. “I think that’s all. If I left anything you can let me know.”

  He took her arm and dropped his voice. “I may be wrong, but I thought there was something going on between us.”

  “So did I.”

  “Then why won’t you stay so we can pursue it?”

  She looked deep into his eyes for the longest minute of his life. It was as if she could read his mind. If only she could read his heart and know how much he loved her.

  She shook her head and turned away.

  Unable to stop himself, he pulled her to him, crushed his mouth on hers. A glance told him the FBI was too engrossed in their job to even look their way. For a single moment, Sky stiffened. Then her tongue touched his and he was lost.

  His hand trailed down her arm, up to her neck. How could he let her go?

  She removed his hand and pulled away. “I can’t.”

  The words were breathless, broken. She cared, but refused to admit it.

  Maybe he was mistaken. Sky was too good for him and knew it.

  He stepped back. “I’ll miss you.”

  She wouldn’t look at him as she grabbed her purse, the bag that held her belongings, and walked out the door. Sully followed. Dirk grabbed Sully’s bowls and food and followed her out. The FBI guys shut the door behind them “I’ll see you at the FBI building. I want to make sure Dory is released.”

  “Thank you, Dirk. You’ve been wonderful.”

  The family and Carrie came over to tell her goodbye.

  By the time her car rolled down the driveway, the women were in tears.

  “How could you let her go?”

  Dirk whirled on Lanie. “Do you think this is what I want?”

  He went to his truck and followed Sky’s car. He’d damned well see that the process went as it should and Dory was released as promised.

  His heart breaking, he took the on-ramp to I-45 and headed to the FBI building.

  If this was the way Sky wanted it, there was nothing he could do.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Sky felt Dirk’s absence down to her toes.

  He wanted you to stay.

  As a roommate or maybe a playmate. She pounded a fist on the steering wheel. No way would she fall into that trap.

  She cared for him. More than cared. But that wasn’t an excuse to make the mistake that seemed to be in her family genes.

  Thoughts of Dirk with the dogs, pursuing Dory’s case, his sweet tooth, brought a smile through her gathering tears. The way she felt in his embrace tormented her until she drove into the parking garage at the FBI building.

  She had to stop thinking of Dirk and concentrate on Dory. She lowered the windows down far enough for Sully and told him to stay.

  Minutes after entering the building, she was escorted to a conference room by a nice-looking, young agent. “Someone will be here shortly to take your statement.”

  Sinking into a chair, she wondered if her sister would ever realize how close both came to being killed. The thought made her shudder.

  In a short time two agents came in to take her statement. “We’ll get it typed up for you to sign.”

  “When can I see my sister?”


  Moments ran to minutes, but a half-hour came and went before the door opened again and Dory walked in. She ran to Sky.

  Neither could stop the tears as they fell into each other’s arms.

  “I didn’t think this day would ever come.”

  Sky pulled back to look at Dory. She didn’t look much better than she had in the hospital. The bruise on her face was in the yellow stage. Her hair was a mess, her clothes looked as if she’d slept in them. A look of disbelief still lingered in red-rimmed eyes. “Neither did I.”

  “I knew you could do it. How can I ever thank you.”

  “Let’s not talk about it now. Are they through with you?”

  Dory held up a small bag. “They gave me the jewelry I had on when they arrested me. I’m wearing the same clothes, so this is it.”

  “Then let’s get out of here.”

  “They didn’t tell me a thing. What happened? Who killed Martin? Did you find the money?”

  “Later. Where do you want to go?”

  Dory stopped at the question. “I don’t suppose I have a choice. I’ll go home long enough to weigh my options, then I’m out of there.”

  “Unless Martin kept you apprised of your financial situation, you’ll need an attorney to help you figure out where you stand.”

  “Jacob Harrod is outside, so is Dirk. I’m sorry to say I have been a little hard on both of them.”

  Sky laughed. “You think?”

  “Shush, Sis. I know I was a bitch. You would have been the same if you were locked up for a crime you didn’t commit.”

  “Right.” Dory had no idea how she came across ninety percent of the time. Now was not the time to get into it.

  When they opened the door, Dirk, Agent Hansen, and Dory’s attorney were waiting. Dirk came toward them with a smile on his face. His dimples deepened. He looked wonderful. Sky’s stupid heart did the Texas two-step.

  “Is everything good here?”

  “Couldn’t be better, unless you take into consideration that I shouldn’t have been here in the first place.”

  “We’ve discussed that, Ms. Oates, and we’ve apologized. There isn’t much more the FBI can do other than wish you well.”

  “All well and good, Agent Hansen, but I don’t forgive that easily.”

  Sky rolled her eyes and looked at Dirk who smiled at her in understanding.

  Jacob handed Dory a brown, letter-sized envelope. “You might want to look at these when you get home. They concern your financial situation. If you have questions, you have my number.”

  Dory thrust the envelope into Sky’s hand. “My sister will look at it and get back with you. From now on, she’s in charge of my finances. If I have any.”

  Sky gave a grunt of amazement. Where was her sister? This woman looked like her, but the sister she knew would have grabbed the envelope and tried to take care of everything herself. The optimal word being, try.

  They headed down the long hall. “If you need anything, Sky, please call.”

  “You know I will, Dirk.”

  “Is it all right if I call and check on you?” Dirk hastened to add. “I would like to make sure you get settled.”

  “That would be nice.” Or was it a bad idea? Wouldn’t talking to Dirk make it harder to stay away? Of course it would. But she couldn’t say no. Not just yet.

  Then they were in the car and headed to Dory’s house. “Do you have any idea how great it feels to be free?” Her sister let out a big sigh. Her glance went to the backseat. “I had no idea you would fall in love with a dog. A big dog.”

  “Sully saved my life. He’s more than special.”

  Sky looked over at Dory. She was sitting at attention, staring out the window, smiling. This was not the Dory Sky knew. Her sister reached over and squeezed Sky’s hand.

  “I wouldn’t be here if not for you, Sky. Tell me how you did it.”

  “I didn’t do it alone. Dirk was amazing.”

  “Umm. Just how amazing?”

  “Do you want to hear what happened or not?” Sky snapped.

  “That muc
h, huh? Okay, tell me every last detail.”

  “…And that’s how it went down. The money is back in Steel’s personal account, which is where it came from in the first place, and the killer/thief is behind bars.”

  “Who would have thought? I met Theodore a couple of times at company parties. No one ever questioned his presence though I have no idea why he was there.”

  “What do you know about him?”

  “Nothing, really. He was just the boss’ half-brother who Martin claimed was a pain-in-the-ass.” Dory shrugged.

  “Why did he say that?”

  “The guy was always asking questions. He told Martin he wanted to work for Steel, but his brother wouldn’t hire him. He thought if he could learn more about the company, Steel might change his mind.”

  “Pretty darned smart. He was getting an education in how-to-steal-ten-million-dollars without getting caught.”

  “He would have gotten away with it if not for you. How can I repay you?”

  “For starters, can Sully and I stay at your house for a few days? I gave up my apartment and I have no furnishings.”

  Dory grabbed Sky’s hand. “I’m so sorry. You can stay as long as you like and you can take anything in the house you want. Anything.”

  “Thanks, Dory. But our tastes are polar opposites.”

  “Then tell me about Dirk. I saw the way the two of you looked at each other.”

  “We became good friends.” Which was all Dory needed to know. “We’re here.” She turned to the backseat where Sully had been quietly enjoying the ride. “I hope you’ll like it here for a few days, Sully.”

  “Pick any room you like—pick two or three. I’m going to take the longest shower ever and get into something comfortable that isn’t orange.” Dory opened the door and headed in without waiting for them.

  Sky’s gaze took in the charming home her sister had created. It wasn’t stuffy like Matt’s, or bare like Dirk’s, but comfortable and stylish. Though Dory’s taste was more contemporary than traditional, she’d managed to mix the different styles to make a lovely home. Dory had a talent for decorating Sky had never appreciated before.

  Passing the dining room, Sky went to a corner table in the modern kitchen and opened the envelope. It didn’t take long to figure out just how much money Dory would end up with. There was no doubt her sister was going to have to get a job.


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