Orange Moon

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Orange Moon Page 16

by Barbara Sheridan

  “Oh, this won’t bring him any trouble. In fact, it will probably enhance his big, bad rock star image.” She sipped her water. “I guess you’re too young to remember his Gothic de Sade days.”

  Hideki frowned. He wasn’t that young, but he couldn’t deny that he had only been eleven or twelve when Toru first started to hit it big in the music industry. “I know the music.”

  Sasao grinned. “The music isn’t even half the story. What went on backstage and on the road made Toru’s family blush. His mother and mine are good friends, and I used to overhear about the wild parties and the orgies ... It was wicked. He won’t confirm it, but he’s never denied it, either, that he met Kyoru and Jun at a wild orgy party.”

  Sasao slid off the stool and crouched down next to Hideki. “That was so stupid of me to say, but those days are long gone. Toru hasn’t been with anyone in ages. And he does love you very much.”

  “Wow.” Hideki rested his chin on his knees. Orgies ... he pictured Toru naked, each muscle on his lithe body as cut and well-defined back then as they were now. The man’s sexual allure would’ve been irresistible.

  Hideki sighed and slouched lower.

  No wonder Toru was so amazing in bed. The older man had sex down to an art, and now Hideki understood why. Practice made perfect, and someone as gorgeous as Toru would’ve gotten plenty of it. Oh, God ... making love to me must be a joke.

  All his fears of inadequacy in the bedroom rushed back, and Hideki groaned. “He has to love me a lot if he’s still putting up with me.”

  “Him putting up with you?” Sasao tugged on a clump of his hair. “Are you crazy? You must be a living Buddha to put up with the likes of him. He smokes too much, drinks too much, and thinks about sex constantly. Have you ever heard the lyrics to the songs he’s written, but not recorded?”


  Sasao simply stared. “Consider yourself blessed.” She gave a big theatrical shudder. “I once told him he should just collect them in a book and call it Uncle Toruhiko’s Sex Manual.” She grew serious and gave Hideki a long look. “You are here because you want to be, right? He hasn’t made you his sex slave, has he?

  Hideki bolted upright. “What?”

  Sasao burst into a fit of giggles. “I’m messing with you, Hide-kun.” She waved her hand through the air. “Really.”

  “Oh, no, you’re not. Toru captured me with a horrible plan, and you're in on it.” Hideki caught her wrist, and she swatted at him playfully.

  “Oh, no, I've been found out!” she said with an exaggerated sigh of defeat, her large brown eyes all wide and falsely innocent. She started giggling again, and Hideki toppled over sideways.

  “Thanks a lot ... brat.” He curled up in a fetal position, and Sasao laughed harder.

  Hideki propped himself up on one elbow and waited until she quieted down. “I had no idea he wrote songs like that,” he said, serious now. “You, um, wouldn’t know where he keeps them, would you?”

  “Oh, he really only wrote two that I know of, and I think that was just before he got that insane idea to be ‘Ryoko’ to try and get your attention.” Sasao pouted and folded her arms across her chest. “He’d better buy me a new pink cashmere sweater in Los Angeles. He stretched the shoulders out of mine!”

  Hideki couldn’t help but grin. Toru really had looked hot in that pink sweater and skirt when he first met “Ryoko.” To go to such lengths to be close to him was ... Hideki couldn’t think of the words, but he knew he felt very special. And he wanted Toru to be proud and not to think he’d made a rotten choice in a romantic partner.

  “Ow!” he complained when Sasao tugged his hair again. “What did I do?”

  “Nothing.” She stood and brushed off the seat of her jeans. “I just want to know if you’d like to go over the audition scene. I have the script at my place. We can pick up some takeout food and practice there.”

  Hideki considered it. “The way those stupid reporters are following me, they may think I’m trying to have some secret affair with you.”

  Sasao dismissed them with a wave of her hand. “We’ll sneak out the back way. They’ll never know.”

  * * * * *

  “Oh, Toru.”

  Toru peered at Koji over the tops of his sunglasses and stubbed his cigarette out. “What?”

  “Sasao is cheating on you -- with Hideki.”


  Koji shrugged and turned his laptop for Toru to see the latest online tabloid headline. Spurned Lovers Seek Solace in Each Other’s Arms.

  A picture showed Hideki holding open a car door for Sasao, and Toru could tell that it was in the parking lot of his apartment building. He shook his head and pushed the laptop back to his friend. “Idiots. She called and told me she had an audition lined up for him.”

  “Or did she?” Koji teased. “Listen and be prepared to cry, To-chan. These shocking statements were heard from Miyamoto-san herself: “We kiss a few times and then drop down onto the bed. It’s nerve-racking the first time you do something like that while people are watching, and then it’s just like riding a bicycle.”

  Koji laughed, then switched off the laptop as the record company secretary came into the smokers’ lounge and told them it was time for their meeting.

  The secretary led them out into the hallway where Imai and Kyoru were waiting by the elevator. Jun stood in a corner with his cell phone and hung up as soon as he saw Koji and Toru join up with the rest.

  “Just called Rumiko.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Wow -- no way.” Koji was still in a teasing mood. “The only time you’ve ever called your wife was to propose.”

  “Fuck off,” Jun muttered as he tucked his phone away.

  Toru frowned. To be honest, Koji was part right; Jun hardly ever called Rumiko while the band was on the road. The band’s leader was usually so focused on work he forgot to do a lot of other things, too, besides calling home.

  “You worried about her, Jun-san?” Toru asked quietly as the whole group headed up to the conference room.

  “She’ll be fine.” Jun shrugged it off again.

  The chance to press the matter ended as soon as the secretary brought them to the conference room. Their manager greeted them at the door while the CEO and several of his assistants stood up from an oval glass table to welcome them.

  “Come in, come in,” the CEO called out them. “I’m Shawn Masterson, but please call me Shawn, everyone.” He had that very American style of doing business with a casual flair. For starters, he was dressed not much differently than the band was, with jeans and a leather jacket over a black t-shirt.

  Imai had the best English out of the group of musicians, so he introduced everyone, and they took a seat.

  “This is so exciting.” Shawn smiled at them. “ChildsPrey here in the US. How do you boys like LA?”

  “It’s crazy.” Koji grinned. “In a good way.”

  “You like what the fans are saying here?”

  No translators for that were needed, and everyone nodded, including Toru. “We had no idea our fan base was so big here in America,” Imai added.

  “And it’s growing.” Shawn clapped his hands together. “The sales of your older import CDs have gone through the ceiling since that concert, and we think ChildsPrey is going to blow everyone away once we really get you guys out there with the last release.”

  More happy nods and smiles passed between the band members.

  “So I was talking with your manager before our meeting, and we both agreed this would be a great idea.” The CEO leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “We’re thinking ChildsPrey should relocate here to LA. To live, work, and play. Give the fans a chance to know you better. Maybe do some meet and greets around the country, play some scattered dates to start with?”

  The guys just sort of stared at one another and then at their manager.

  “I told you it was a big offer.”

  Masterson grinned, and Toru was certain
he saw the afternoon sun glint off the man’s perfectly straight, perfectly white teeth. “We’ll help secure you guys decent housing, of course, close to good schools for that little one you have on the way, Jun.”

  “I don’t know if I want my baby raised in America,” Jun muttered in Japanese.

  Masterson continued on, not understanding what the problem was. “The rest of you of course are welcome -- encouraged -- to bring your significant others along, too. We want you to be happy.”

  Imai looked at them all, then said, “I think we need to talk this over.”

  “It’s a great opportunity,” their manager said.

  No fuck.

  Not too many Japanese rock bands had ever made it really big outside of their home country. ChildsPrey was the first to draw a lot of attention overseas, in Germany, and now in the States. Toru studied his band mates’ expressions, trying to gauge their thoughts from what little emotion they let show at the bargaining table.

  Imai looked ready for it. Hell, the way he fidgeted in his chair, Toru realized the singer was excited at the prospect. Far more reserved and deep in thought, Kyoru stared at his hands folded in his lap. He was seriously considering it.

  Jun’s feelings, Toru already knew, and Koji was still in kind of a state of shock. Toru still hadn’t figured his own reaction out. He loved Japan, and that would always be home, but Masterson’s words echoed in his mind. “The rest of you of course are welcome -- encouraged -- to bring your significant others along too.”

  Could this be a good move for Hideki as well? The tabloids were just as insane here as they were back home, but two male lovers might not draw the same kind of attention here in Los Angeles.

  Koji stared at the band, desperately trying to figure out what to tell Shawn. Toru cleared his throat. “We do need to talk more about this, Masterson-san,” he said in his thickly accented English.

  “Please call me Shawn. And, yes, we understand completely.” The CEO nodded. “Let’s have dinner tonight, so we can talk over any questions you all might come up with throughout the afternoon.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I woke you, didn’t I? Damn time difference is a pain in the ass.”

  Hideki smiled groggily and turned onto his side to stroke his hand over Toru’s pillow as his lover’s voice wrapped itself around him. “It’s okay. I need to get up early anyway.”

  “Sasao got in touch with you then, about the audition?”

  “She did.” He sat up against the headboard. “How’s it going on your end? With the record people?”

  “It’s crazy. They want us to spend time in America, to temporarily relocate.”


  “I told you it was crazy.”

  Toru exhaled a tired sigh, and Hideki wanted nothing more than to hold him tightly. “What did you say?”

  “We’re still thinking about it. The guys have questions they want to ask and Jun wants to talk to Rumiko. He isn’t exactly thrilled with the idea, but he’s not going to say no outright.”

  Hideki switched on the bedside lamp. The room seemed too large and so very empty all of a sudden. “What about you? What do you want to do?”

  “I think it would be fun. It’s different for sure. It’s worth a try.”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “But I don’t want to unless you’ll consider coming over with me.”

  Hideki sighed. “I don’t want to be your groupie, remember?” But I don’t want to lose you either, not so soon. Not after I’ve lost everything else ...

  “But this is LA -- Hollywood. There are a lot of opportunities for you. The American fans loved your singing and your English is good enough to land you an acting gig. I’m sure of it.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  Toru gave a half-hearted laugh. “I felt the same way, but if the other guys agree, I want to do this. With you.”

  “So ... would I still have a choice, then?” Hideki asked, his voice barely above a whisper. For a long while, nothing but dead air came from the other end of the line, leaving Hideki to wonder if the call had been dropped.

  “Of course you have a choice, Hide-chan.” Toru sounded hurt, and Hideki immediately felt guilty.

  “I’m sorry -- I didn’t mean to ruin this for you,” he said, rubbing the last of the sleep out of his eyes. “This is great news, To-chan. Wow, America.”

  Toru sighed. “It’s all right.” He lowered his voice. “There are other places I’d rather be, a certain person I love very much who I’d rather be with ...”

  “I miss you,” Hideki murmured. He reached for Toru’s pillow and held it to his bare chest. “A lot.”

  “What do you miss most?” Toru teased.

  Hideki tilted his head back against the headboard. “I miss everything about you ...” He thought a moment, and added, “I miss the way you glide your hands down my back, your fingers just brushing along my skin. It’s like ... it reminds me of the way you play your bass.”

  Toru chuckled. It was a throaty, sensuous chuckle that sent the blood rushing through Hideki’s veins. He groaned.

  “What’s the matter, Hide-chan?”

  Hideki laughed. “Nothing’s the matter; I just want you.”

  “Want me for what?” Toru teased.

  “To play me the way you play your bass.”

  “Well, then, I guess you’ll have to do it for me.”


  “Yes. You’re alone, right? I want to hear you come for me. I love the way your breathing goes shallow and the way you whisper my name. I so wish I was there to taste you. I’m hard just thinking about the taste of you on my tongue.”

  Hideki heard the distinct sound of a zipper being pulled down, and his own cock went rock hard.

  “You’re short of breath already.” Toru’s dusky voice filled Hideki’s ear. “And you haven’t even touched yourself yet.”

  “The fuck I haven’t.” Hideki slipped his fingers through the knot on his drawstring pants and pulled it loose. His cock quivered against his palm as he ran his hand along the stiff length. A moan vibrated in the back of his throat.

  “Do that again,” Toru whispered.

  Rubbing and squeezing his balls, Hideki sucked in his breath and moaned louder.

  “No.” Toru laughed, but his voice sounded strained. He was panting. “Talk dirty.”

  “Fuck me.” Hideki pressed his lips to the receiver. “I want you so bad, Toruhiko. I want my dick in your mouth and your fingers inside my ass.”

  “Mmmm. Only my fingers, Hide?”

  Hideki stroked himself a bit harder. “You know the answer to that already. I want your cock in me. I want to feel it stretch me and feel you pounding into me. I want to feel your cum pouring into me.” He sucked in his breath and reached to the nightstand to grab the bottle of lube. He fumbled with it and coated his fingers, then reached under and pushed them inside.

  “What did you do?” Toru asked in a halting tone. “Tell me.”

  “I’m pretending you’re here,” Hideki whispered as he thrust his fingers in and out of his hole. “My fingers are a poor substitute for your beautiful cock, though.”

  Toru groaned on the other end of the telephone. “You’re so tight. I almost come the minute I’m in you. Oh, God, Hideki, there’s never been anyone like you. I’ve never come as hard as I do when I’m with you.”

  A strangled little noise got caught in Hideki’s throat. He pushed his fingers in deeper, squirming as he imagined Toru’s cum trickling in his passage to soothe the sensitive flesh.

  “I can go down on you all night.” Toru’s voice was thick, his breath raspy. “Spread your legs wide and stroke my tongue across your balls ... slide it up into your sweet, little opening ... taste myself inside of you.”

  Hideki wedged the phone in place at his ear with his shoulder and clutched at the bed sheets. His own fingertips taunted him -- drove him crazy with the poor way they mimicked the feel of Toru’s fat, hard cock. He pulled out and squee
zed his aching cock, crying out as he slammed into his peak.

  Cum jetted out onto the rumpled sheets. He moaned again, calling out Toru’s name as he pumped his organ and spurted all over himself and the bed. On the other end of the phone line, Toru panted heavily.

  “Come for me, Hide,” he gasped. “Oh, God, harder. Harder.”

  “Oh, Toru.” Hideki sighed. “I wish was there. I want you in my mouth. I want to taste it. I can hear it in your voice; you’re so close, and I want to suck you dry. Or better yet, watch you come on your belly and lick it off ...”

  He heard Toru’s guttural moan and clamped his eyes shut as he pictured his lover coming. He tugged on his own cock some more, milking the very last from himself. His own fluid was a poor substitute, but he licked his fingers clean, imagining it was Toru’s taste.

  “Shit,” Toru said, catching his breath. “God, I wish you were here.”

  “Me, too.”

  Toru wished him luck at the audition and made Hideki promise he’d call the instant he got home, no matter what time it was.

  “I love you, Hide, more than anything.”

  “I feel the same. Bye.” Hideki kissed the telephone receiver and flopped back on the bed, the ache in his heart almost washing away the euphoria of the orgasm Toru had spurred him to from across the Pacific.

  Toru held the receiver against his chest as he reached up to the nightstand and hung up by pressing his finger on the switch.

  “I love you, Hide,” he repeated, his voice raspy and throat sore from his cries. Glancing down at himself, naked from the waist down, his half-erect cock still in hand, Toru chuckled huskily.

  A little phone sex and he’d spurted into his hands like a hormone-driven teenager. Into his hands and onto half the hotel room, too. The thick, creamy fluid glistened on the inside of his thighs, the carpet, even on the nightstand beside him.

  His laughter dwindled, and he leaned back against the bed. After the sweetness of the moment, the loneliness of not having his lover next to him started to sink in. Toru missed Hideki’s tender kisses afterwards, the way they would’ve bathed together or simply laid in bed, whispering playful, meaningless words that were actually some of the most sincere Toru had ever spoken to a lover. After sharing their bodies, they shared their souls. No one had ever been as close or dear to Toru.


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