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Shark Out of Water

Page 15

by DelSheree Gladden

  “Oui, monsieur.”

  Guy handed her Warren’s two bags with his thanks, and then lifted the sleeping boy into his arms after donning his own messenger bag. His right hand was free to wheel his suitcase as they walked. As soon as they were back in the airport, the young woman was quick to call for a cart and someone to assist them. Guy thanked her graciously before she returned to her duties. It was not until they were seated in their rental car that Guy noticed Charlotte’s subdued manner. He had assumed she was just fatigued, but the expression on her face said she was more upset than tired.

  “Ma chérie, what is wrong?”

  “Do you always flirt with women to get what you want?” she asked.

  Guy was mildly surprised by her honesty, but amused as well. He pulled out into traffic and headed toward their hotel. “It has always proven effective,” he said, “but if it bothers you, I will not do so any longer.”

  She looked over at him with a wry expression. “Guy, I don’t know if you know how to not flirt with women.”

  “It is just politeness and flattery, not interest, ma chérie. I would not be taking you to meet my parents if I were interested in anyone else. You are the first to make this journey with me, and I would do nothing to spoil your trip.”

  “You’ve never brought a girlfriend to meet your family before?” she asked.

  Guy grinned. “Are you my girlfriend now?”

  “I…well, that’s not really the point,” Charlotte balked, her cheeks coloring.

  “Oui, I think it is. You would not be so jealous of me flirting with the flight attendant if you did not feel you had claim to my attention.” Guy pulled up to the hotel entrance, but did not immediately get out for the valet to take his keys. He pinned Charlotte with his eyes and he had no doubt she felt the pressure of his gaze even though she refused to look at him. He took her chin firmly in his hand and made her look at him. “How shall I introduce you to my parents? As my girlfriend, or my friend only?”

  Frustrated, Charlotte threw up her hands. “I don’t know, Guy. How can you call me your girlfriend when we haven’t even kissed, when we can’t have sex because I can’t risk a pregnancy during treatment? Things would be so different if I weren’t sick, but I am, and I just don’t know.”

  “We do not have to be having sex for me to consider you my girlfriend, ma chérie. The kissing, though,” Guy said with a grin, “that I can remedy, if you would like.”

  She stared at him, wide-eyed, but before Guy could fulfill his promise, the valet appeared at his door expectantly. Guy may not have ever noticed him if Charlotte had not pointed out his arrival in relief. Breathing out slowly, Guy forced himself to open the door and address the man cordially. He handed over his keys and moved to the backseat to retrieve Warren, who was still asleep.

  Charlotte started toward the trunk for their bags, but Guy caught her arm gently. “They will take them up to our room. Do not worry.”

  She looked at the car uncertainly, but shrugged and allowed Guy to guide her into the lobby. Because Guy never liked to drive out to his parents’ estate immediately after a long flight, he stayed at this hotel three to four times a year and they knew him by sight. The stately gentleman at the desk addressed him by name.

  “Monsieur Saint Laurent, c'est merveilleux de vous revoir.”

  “Merci, Édouard.”

  He then surprised Charlotte by turning to her and saying, “Mademoiselle Brooks, we are pleased to have you and your son with us as well and we hope you enjoy your stay.”

  “Oh, um, thank you. I mean, merci. I’m sure it will be wonderful.”

  The rest of the check-in process was carried out in French and concluded quickly. By the time they made it up to the room, their bags had already arrived. Guy took little time to appreciate the room, but he enjoyed watching Charlotte take everything in. She had not asked him about accommodations during the trip, but Guy suspected that was because she was too worried about a dozen other things to consider it.

  He saw worry in her eyes as she glanced around the room and saw only one king sized bed. Still carrying Warren, Guy took Charlotte’s hand and led her to a door on the west side of the room. It looked no different than the door that led to the bathroom, but when Guy opened it, Charlotte could see it was a bedroom.

  “I wanted you and Warren to have some privacy.”

  Charlotte’s hand tightened around his. “Thank you, Guy. That was very thoughtful of you. I was so frazzled trying to get ready, I completely forgot to ask you about this. I just assumed you would book two rooms, and when the man at the desk only mentioned one, I wasn’t sure what to think.”

  “You understood our conversation?” Guy asked.

  “I know the difference between une and duex. I was listening when you were teaching Warren to count to ten in French.”

  Guy pulled Charlotte in closer. “Hmm, I will have to teach you more words. I would very much like to hear you speaking French.”

  “Later,” Charlotte said firmly, yet there was a smile hiding on her lips. A moment later, her expression turned pensive. “What about when we get to your parents’ house?”

  Releasing her momentarily, Guy set Warren down on the bed and pulled the blankets over his body. He immediately began drooling on the pillow. A sudden coolness on his shoulder made Guy realize he had been drooling on his shoulder also. Charlotte saw the damp spot as well and grimaced.

  “Sorry, he’s always been a drooler.”

  “It is fine. Lily tends to use me as her napkin when we eat together.” Guy shrugged off the drool and took Charlotte into his arms. “At my parents’ home, your room will be next to mine. Warren can stay with you, or in the nursery with the other children. There will be several nounous on hand to make sure the children are watched over.”

  “Nounous?” Charlotte questioned.

  “Nursemaids, or nannies. There will be quite a few children at the château this week. Most of the families will bring their own nounou, but my parents have arranged for several more to help if needed,” Guy said. “I told them you would most likely want to keep Warren with you, but my mother said that if you need a break or time to rest, someone would be there to watch over Warren if I am not able. I will be with him as much as possible, but there may be times when I am required to be involved in the activities and cannot tend to him as I would like. There will be a doctor on staff if you need anything, also, in case you do not feel well.”

  Charlotte looked a bit stunned by everything he had just told her. Guy had asked her permission before telling his parents of her illness. He had explained that he was concerned she might need medical attention while they were away and she had agreed. Obviously, she had not expected such overwhelming attempts to provide for her from his family. “Guy, you went to all this effort for me?”

  “Of course, ma chérie.”

  She seemed truly touched by his concern. Her arms slipped around his waist as she stared up at him. “Girlfriend,” she said quietly.

  “Excuse me?” Guy asked.

  “The answer to your question earlier. I want you to introduce me as your girlfriend…if that’s okay with you.”

  She bit her bottom lip nervously, but Guy had no idea why she would be anxious about her request. “Nothing would make me happier,” Guy said. “I shall tell everyone you are ma petite amie.”

  “Your little friend?” Charlotte asked with a laugh.

  Guy laughed as well. “The French do not have a specific word for girlfriend. I could call you ma copine, but it can have improper connotations and my parents would not be pleased with me using that term. Unless you want to be referred to as my wife, which is the other option, ma petite amie is the best term.”

  When Guy said the word “wife,” Charlotte’s eyes had widened a bit. He was not surprised when she said, “Ma petite amie is just fine.” She punctuated her words with a yawn, reminding Guy that they were all exhausted from traveling. They still had a drive ahead of them the next day as well.

etting his arm fall from Charlotte’s shoulders, he took her hand instead and led her from the room. Charlotte tried to protest, but Guy refused to let go until they reached the bed in the main room.

  “Guy…” Charlotte began.

  He shook his head and took the zipper of her jacket in his fingers. Slowly, he pulled it down until the sides separated. His hands moved up to her shoulders. He paused when her breathing stalled, but only for a moment. Stepping closer, he slid his hands down her arms to remove the parka. Guy let the jacket fall to the ground, but continued to slide his fingers down her palms to her fingertips. He was standing so close to her that he could feel her chest pulsing against his, hear her rapid breathing that matched his.

  Guy knew how to pleasure a woman, but this was something entirely new for him. His intent was not physical excitement alone, though they were both struggling to maintain their impulses. Guy’s intention as he moved his hands to Charlotte’s waist was to make her feel loved. That was something he had never attempted before, and his own hands were shaking as he slid his hands beneath her sweater and slowly pulled it over her head. The t-shirt she wore beneath the sweater was still in place, but its tight fit revealed the curves of her body in such a way that he was left speechless.

  Running his hands slowly back down to the small of her back, Guy rested his mouth against her ear. “Do you wish to change before lying down?” He wanted her to say yes, to ask him to help her as he wanted so badly to do. Her body was trembling in his arms.

  “I…Guy, what are you doing? I can’t…we can’t…”

  “I know, ma chérie. I just want to keep you close tonight.” As close as possible, Guy thought to himself. In that moment, he needed to touch her, to not let go of her frightened and trembling body until she felt completely at ease with him.

  Charlotte let out a broken breath as she pressed her hands against Guy’s chest. “I don’t think this is a…good idea.”

  “Do you not trust me?” Her hesitation tore at him. “You trusted me enough to let me take you halfway around the world, but not enough to let me hold you this night?”

  Her hands slid up his chest, to his shoulders, behind his neck, drawing him closer. “Guy, I want to trust you, but…your past…”

  “Charlotte,” he said as he pulled back, abandoning any terms of endearment, “I know that you are scared, about your illness, and the future, and managing everything, but I do not wish for you to be scared of me. A pregnancy would put you and the child in danger. It is too big of a risk. I understand that. I would never jeopardize your health. Please trust me on this. I will not hurt you. I promise.”

  Charlotte stared into his eyes, gauging his honesty. Resisting her was torture, but he cared for her too much to break his promise. His hands cradled her face as his entire being begged her to believe in him, though she had no reason to. Charlotte took in a shaky breath and whispered, “I do trust you.”

  Smiling down at her, Guy said, “Merci, Charlotte.” He did not think she could understand how much her words meant to him. He touched her face reverently, yet a smile crept back onto his lips a moment later. “Now, I believe there is the matter of le baiser.”

  “The what?” Charlotte questioned.

  Rather than translate, Guy decided to show her. As he leaned in, Charlotte’s heart rate jumped along with his. His fingertips slid along her cheekbones, gently turning her mouth up to meet his. Her lips were so beautiful, so perfect. His body burned where he touched her. It was a feeling he had never before experienced with a woman. It made him hesitant, fearful, as though he would be consumed by her if he held her too long.

  It was Charlotte who reached up and pressed her lips to his. The feel of her mouth on his had a startling effect. He still wanted her, quite badly, but that desire suddenly became secondary to protecting her, to keeping her safe from anything that would dare to break her happiness and peace.

  Chapter 18

  Plus de Plaisir

  Charlotte’s hand cinched around Guy’s as they approached the front door of his parents’ château. Guy squeezed her hand back, attempting to reassure her, though he was nervous as well. His reception here was not always as warm as he hoped. The only one unfazed by the impending meeting was Warren. He was too busy peeking through the nearest window to notice the tension.

  Guy reached for the front door, but it burst open before he grasped the handle. It flung outward seconds before Sabine stepped out with a smile rarely seen by the public. She threw her arms around Guy excitedly. “Mon frère! Je suis si heureux de vous voir!”

  Guy laughed at his sister. Seeing her so relaxed and carefree was the best part of coming home. She was never so informal away from their family. After kissing each of her cheeks, Guy began the introductions. “Charlotte, this is my sister, Sabine.”

  Instead of feeling intimidated by his sister’s beauty, like every other girlfriend who had had the occasion to meet Sabine, Charlotte grinned. “It’s so nice to meet you, Sabine. Guy has told me so much about you.”

  “Complaining, I am sure,” Sabine said with a roll of her eyes. “That is all he does lately, complain about the date shark business. It is not my fault Lewis grew too entranced with me to continue and Guy was forced to step in.” She grinned despite her penitent words.

  “The what business?” Charlotte asked.

  Guy shook his head. “I will explain later,” he said to Charlotte before turning to his sister. “How is Lewis, by the way?”

  “We broke up a week ago,” Sabine said with a shrug. A sound from behind her turned her attention away from the conversation. “And who is this?” she asked in regards to Warren.

  Charlotte sighed at the sight of her son stepping on a planter filled with flowers to get a better view inside the house. “This is my very curious son, Warren.”

  Sabine squealed in delight and she somehow managed to squat down to Warren’s height in her ridiculously tall stilettos. It was a small miracle that the cold weather prompted her to wear jeans rather than her usual short skirts. Sabine reached out to Warren, beckoning him to her side. “Look at such a fine little man!” she gushed, much to Warren’s delight. “You are so handsome and such a big boy!”

  Grinning wildly at the attention, Warren hopped off the planter and was at her side immediately after. “You’re pretty,” Warren said, “and your shoes are super tall!”

  “Oui, they are,” Sabine laughed.

  “That means yes,” Warren said proudly.

  Sabine played up her reaction, gasping at him in amazement. “You speak French? I do not believe it.”

  “I can count to ten. Want to hear me?” He did not wait for her to respond, but immediately started counting. He barely even noticed when Sabine took his hand and stood, leading him into the house. She turned around and winked at Charlotte as they followed her inside.

  Charlotte leaned in close to Guy and whispered, “I love your sister.”

  “So do I,” Guy responded. He was tremendously grateful to his sister for softening the tension that had been lingering around both Guy and Charlotte. Some remained as they were led deeper into the house, but Charlotte was no longer strangling his hand.

  “Maman! Papa!” Sabine called as she led them toward the sitting room. “Look who I have found!”

  As soon they entered, his parents turned around excitedly. The direction they were giving the event staff was abandoned as they turned all their focus on Guy and his companions. His mother was very much like Sabine, beautiful and the picture of bourgeois etiquette in public, yet excitable and affectionate with family. Her expression lit up as she hurried over to the new arrivals.

  “You must be Charlotte,” she said with a wide grin. “We are so thrilled you could come. Look at you! You are so darling. And your son! He is so precious. He will have such an enjoyable time exploring everything while you are here.”

  To follow up her gushing welcome, she kissed both of Charlotte’s cheeks and turned to Warren, who was trying to see inside the grand piano in
the corner. Guy’s hands would have been slapped away from the instrument when he was a child, but his mother only smiled at Warren.

  “Thank you for inviting us,” Charlotte said. “Guy mentioned everything you’ve arranged to make sure we’re taken care of. You’re so kind to do so much. You really didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”

  “It is no trouble,” Guy’s mother said. “Guy never allows us to meet the women in his life, so we must make a good impression on this rare occasion. We must do everything we can to keep you around. My son is not so good at that on his own.”

  “Well, thank you, although, I think I should be the one worried about keeping Guy around. He’s a better catch than I am at this point.”

  Guy’s mother turned to her son with a doubtful expression. “If that were true I would have a daughter-in-law and grandchildren by now.”

  Shaking his head, Guy stepped forward and kissed his mother’s cheeks. “It is nice to see you too, Maman.”

  She glared at him a moment longer before breaking down into a happy smile and pulling her son in for a hug. “It is so wonderful to have you home, mon fils.”

  Guy was more than a little surprised she did not follow up her welcome with a plea that he should remain in France as a good son should. He turned to his father, expecting him to fill in for his mother on the requisite admonishments. He was greatly surprised not only when his father came over and clapped his hand on Guy’s back in welcome, but said, “Mon fils, je suis très fier de vous. Bienvenue à la maison.”

  Guy lost track of the conversation for a moment after that. His father was proud of him? Welcome home? Even though he knew his father respected his decision to go to medical school instead of following his footsteps into finance, like Guy’s mother, he did not understand why he felt the need to go to the United States in order to accomplish his goals. He certainly did not understand why he remained there. He believed Guy felt some sort of shame about his family, which was far from the truth. Guy only wanted to get out from under the constant pressure of being Aldérick Saint Laurent’s son.


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