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Shark Out of Water

Page 23

by DelSheree Gladden

  Gabrielle sat still, not trying to move her chair toward him for the first time that night, and considered what he had said. She was far from convinced, but she had at least halted her relentless attempts to be near him. Guy took the moment of peace to discretely remove his phone from his pocket. Worried about Charlotte, he checked his notifications for any messages. Save for a few new emails, there was nothing. He returned the phone and refocused on Gabrielle, though it was not easy to put his worry for Charlotte out of his mind.

  The furtive chair migration began again shortly after their discussion. Guy was not surprised, but he spent most of the meal ordering her back to her own side of the table. In between bites, he quizzed Gabrielle about her personal life. It was sadly unsurprising to learn her life outside of work and work functions was rather bare. Her behavior turned away not only potential dates, but friends as well.

  Since taking on the date shark business seriously, Guy had begun accumulating the names and specialties of various psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, and group therapy moderators to refer his clients to at their review session. He knew some of the women he encountered would not follow through on his recommendations, but he hoped Gabrielle would. Aside from her strange behavior, she seemed to be a nice woman.

  When the meal ended and they had finished their discussion, Guy set his napkin back on the table and prepared to stand. He was eager to get back to Charlotte. At the first movement of pushing his chair back from the table, Gabrielle bolted up out of her seat, nearly upending her chair in the process, and darted over to Guy’s side. “Where are you going?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “We are done for tonight. We just discussed that it was time to say goodbye,” Guy said. There was a hint of impatience in his voice, but Gabrielle did not seem to notice. “We will meet again this week to discuss your next steps, yes?”

  “Why can’t we keep talking now?”

  “Because I must get home to my girlfriend. She is not feeling well.”

  Guy’s hope that mention of a girlfriend would drive Gabrielle back from him backfired. “Your girlfriend is sick? Oh no! Can I help? I’m really good at taking care of people.”

  “I am sure you are,” Guy said with a kind smile. Too good, most likely, but he did not doubt her compassion. “We are all right on our own, but thank you. I will call you this week with a date and time to meet.”

  Before Guy could do anything else, Gabrielle launched herself at him. He was shocked by another full body hug and Gabrielle’s enthusiastic kiss. Too startled to do anything for a moment, it took him several seconds to respond. Guy grabbed the woman’s shoulders and pushed her back. A whole string of thoughts ran through his mind, a million different things he should say to her, but he gave up for the night. He said goodbye, turned, and walked away.

  He only made it as far the edge of the dining room before his phone began buzzing in his pocket. He extracted it without missing a step. A worried frown broke out on his face at the sight of Carmody’s number. Putting the phone to his ear, he had a dozen questions on the tip of his tongue, but Carmody beat him to it.

  “Guy, we’re on our way to the hospital.”

  Her words tore through him, sending him into a spiral of panic.

  “I went in to check on Charlotte and she was burning up. I tried to talk to her, but she’s non-responsive. Her fever is at one hundred and three and still climbing. Michael is carrying her down to the car and I’m waking up the kids. We already called Dr. Myles. You need to meet us at the hospital as soon as you can.” She was trying to keep her voice calm, but a tremor broke through as she said, “Please hurry, Guy.”

  His hand grabbed the door handle to his car, though he could not remember actually leaving the restaurant. “I am on my way,” he said quickly before yanking the door closed and blasting out of his parking space. “Je viens,” he whispered as he tried to hold off the pain and fear tightening in around him. “I am coming.”

  Chapter 28

  Pour la Famille

  Guy burst out of the elevator and ran through the empty halls. He had not needed to ask Carmody where Charlotte would be taken. Myles was already there. He had called Guy on his way to the hospital and explained what he had already assumed amid his panic. Charlotte’s depleted immune system could not be subjected to the myriad of bacteria and viruses in the Emergency Room. She would be rushed up to the Intensive Care Unit to a room protected from any other sources of possible infection.

  Rounding a corner, he almost crashed into the crowd of people gathered there. He should not have been surprised to see not only Carmody’s family, but Eli and Leila with her rounded stomach, Vance and Stephanie, and Leo as well. A frightened Warren huddled in Leila’s arms until he saw Guy. The terrified little boy squirmed out of Leila’s grasp and ran to Guy, who scooped him up into a massive hug.

  Wet tears pressed between their faces as Warren cried. “Is Mommy going to die?”

  In the silent hallway, everyone heard his response. “Shh, do not speak like that, mon petit homme. Her doctors will do everything they can to make her better. We must have faith.”

  “I’m scared, Papa Guy,” Warren whispered, more tears cascading down his cheeks.

  “Me too,” he admitted quietly.

  No one said anything as the fractured little family held each other. Vance’s hand on his shoulder gave him some comfort, but Guy knew the situation was precarious. Charlotte was in her sixth month of chemo, but her body had taken it hard, even after the administration was slowed down to try and help her cope better. That had not been the only complication. Charlotte’s kidneys had started to feel the strain as well, and Guy feared for her now.

  Myles broke up the group as he approached. “We have Charlotte settled for the time being. She won’t be allowed visitors without proper infection control procedures being followed and full personal protective equipment being worn. Even then, only one person…” He paused when he looked at Warren. “…or a parent and child, will be allowed in. We can’t risk more than that.”

  He told everyone where the nearest waiting room was, and then asked Guy to speak with him privately. Charlotte had long ago given him permission to discuss her case with him. She had also given him power to make medical decisions for her if she could not. Given the expression on Myles’ face, Guy realized Charlotte had still not woken up. The fear he was already carrying pressed down on him even more.

  “I’ve already sent cultures to the lab with rush orders,” Myles began. “For the time being, I’ve started her on a cocktail of broad spectrum antibiotics, but I could only start her on the basics.”

  “Why?” Guy demanded. “This needs to be treated aggressively. She needs the strongest antibiotic. Vancomycin, something more. She…”

  “Guy,” Myles interrupted, “Vancomycin is nephrotoxic.”

  It was a simple phrase, information Guy already knew, but it rocked him. He leaned against the wall and struggled to hold himself together. Several of the chemotherapy drugs Charlotte was being treated with had the potential to damage her kidneys, and they had already begun to see the signs of such a side effect. She was tested regularly to monitor her renal output, and Guy knew Myles had been worried about a recent decline in function. Guy had not yet learned the results of her last test, but Myles’ comment told him everything. The results had not been good.

  “How serious is it?”

  Myles sighed and rubbed at his face. “The last test showed a significant drop in renal function. I ordered more tests to be sure, but my best guess is tumor lysis syndrome. All the cancer cells being destroyed, her kidneys simply can’t keep up with the toxic waste products and it’s built up in her system. Add in this infection and…Guy, this isn’t going to be an easy fight for her.”

  “But, that’s supposed to be more predominant in men. And it’s such a small percentage. She was given medication to prevent this. How…”

  “Guy, everything you’re saying is true, but women still experience this on
occasion, and even with the medication, there’s always still a chance it won’t work as well as we’d like. We did everything we could to prevent it, but she’s still in this situation and all we can do now is try to manage it as best we can.”

  “What do we do? How do we…?”

  Myles’ hand clamped down on his shoulder, halting his panicked words. “Guy, give me some time to get the test results back. Let me figure out what caused the infection, first. I need to know that before I can make any other decisions. Why don’t you go in and sit with her for a few minutes, let her know you’re here with her, okay?”

  Guy nodded numbly. He felt Myles pat his shoulder gently before walking away, leaving Guy in the middle of the hallway. Vague thoughts that he should go find Warren and take him in to see his mother floated in the distance, but he started walking on his own. He was scared, terrified to walk into the room and see not Charlotte, but a dying woman. He could not subject Warren to that… not until he could prepare him.

  Walking into the decontamination room, Guy ignored the woman there to give instructions and began the process on his own. It had been years since he scrubbed in for surgery, but he felt as if he were doing so now. The harsh soap and brush scoured his skin as he worked in silence. He did not know, nor care if the woman had stopped trying to give him instructions. He knew what he was doing and he would not let her stop him from seeing Charlotte. She did not say a word as he put on the protective clothing and entered the germ-free room.

  He could not look at her at first. He stood at the edge of the room, terrified. He had seen her only a few hours earlier. She had been tired, worn out, but awake and in good spirits. He never should have left her. Guilt assaulted him, rooting him to the floor. How could he have left her when he knew she was not feeling well? Why did he not stay?

  Guy was not sure how long he stood there second-guessing and blaming himself before finally taking a step toward her. It killed him to see her still body lying beneath the blankets. Surprisingly, Charlotte had not lost her hair during chemo, but she had lost weight and color and energy. She looked so frail as he sat down next to her bed. His gloved hand took hers gently, and he was startled by the heat radiating off her skin. Even through two layers of gloves, he could feel her burning up.

  His head dropped to the bed, tears fell, and he begged her for forgiveness.

  “Dr. Guy,” a woman’s voice said quietly, sometime later, “your son is here.”

  Dragging his head up from the bed, Guy turned toward the voice. He saw the woman who had tried to help him earlier holding the gloved hand of a little boy covered in protective clothing. All he could see of Warren was his wide eyes peering at him above the too large mask covering his mouth and nose, but those eyes were filled with fear greater than anything Guy could hope to understand. It was the fear of a child who knew he may lose his mother, the center of his world.

  Guy reached out, and Warren ran to him. They collided in a cloud of pain, but being near each other was a balm. Pulling Warren into his lap, he scooted closer to Charlotte’s bed so Warren could hold her hand. Warren said nothing. Fear would not let him. Guy could only hold the little boy he had come to consider his own. These two people meant more to him than anything else, but he feared he was on the verge of losing them both. Guy kissed the top of Warren’s head and held him.

  When the nurse came to tell them it was time to step out, Warren cried and begged for more time. The woman, no doubt hardened by years of watching patients die, still struggled to deny him. Her eyes were glassy as she told him he could come back soon. He clung to Guy as he carried him out of the room. Leila and Carmody were there waiting and helped strip him of his protective clothing as they attempted to comfort him.

  Eli and Vance waited nearby as Guy removed the papery gear. Neither one asked for details or prodded him for answers. Their presence was what he needed. They knew he would explain what he could when he was ready. For now, they supported him through their nearness, a hand on his shoulder, a gentle tug toward a chair. He could not bear to speak for fear that his darkest thoughts would come tumbling out if he did.

  They were willing to wait, but Guy knew he needed to call Charlotte’s parents immediately, whether he was prepared to face them or not. As the phone rang, Guy worried they would blame him for Charlotte’s illness. Their view of him had not softened over the past months. When the ringing stopped, so did Guy’s breathing.


  “Mr. Martin, this is Guy Saint Laurent.”

  “Yes,” he said warily.

  “Charlotte, she…she has been admitted to the hospital. It is a very serious infection.”

  The rustle of clothing Guy heard made it clear the man knew in an instant how dangerous the situation was. “Where is Charlotte? I want to speak to her.”

  “You cannot. I’m sorry. She is has not woken up yet. Her fever is very high.” Guy took in a shaky breath. “I know travelling is not easy for you or your wife, but it would be best if you were both here, in case…she would want you both to be with her.”

  For a long moment, there was no sound. Charlotte’s father sounded frightened when he finally said, “We’ll be there as soon as we can.” The call ended after that, leaving Guy alone.

  When he pocketed his phone and felt it vibrating almost immediately after, he hesitated. He worried it would be Charlotte’s mother, who cared for him not at all. His hand seemed to move of its own volition, as if it knew better than he what he should do. He stared at the phone, at Sabine’s number pulsing on the screen. Suddenly, he needed to hear his sister’s voice.

  Stepping away from the others as he answered the call, his voice was childlike as he said, “Sabine, I need you.”

  “I know, brother,” she said softly. “I am on my way. My flight leaves in ten minutes. I’ll be there soon. Do not give up hope. She will be all right.”

  “How…you’re coming? But…”

  “Eli called me,” Sabine said. “I booked a flight as soon as I hung up. Maman et Papa, they are coming, too.”

  Momentarily stunned, Guy struggled to find words. “Maman et Papa are coming here?” Guy’s parents had never once traveled to the United States to visit him since he left home.

  “Oui, of course they are coming. This is what we do pour la famille. For you. For Charlotte and Warren. For family. No matter what happens, we will be there.”

  Guy’s hand pressed to his face as tears slipped free. “Merci, Sabine. Je t'aime, ma soeur.”

  “Je t'aime beaucoup. I will see you soon, big brother.”

  Feeling strangely hopeful, Guy stuffed his phone back in his pocket. Nothing had changed with Charlotte, but knowing his parents and sister would be there soon to support them dampened his fear just enough to keep from being consumed by it.

  Vance walked over to him a few seconds later with Warren in tow. Guy immediately picked up Warren, but told Vance, “Sabine and my parents are on their way.”

  Seeming unsurprised by this announcement, Vance only nodded. Warren’s head popped up from his shoulder. “Grand-maman and Grand-papa Saint Laurent are coming, and Auntie Sabine?” Despite his fear for his mother, he seemed heartened by the announcement. Then his brow furrowed. “Are Grandma and Grandpa Martin coming, too?”

  Guy nodded slowly, but faltered as a new sense of panic gripped him. Charlotte’s parents had not changed their minds about him since the first few weeks, though her father seemed more open to the idea of Guy than her mother. They would come to be with their daughter, but if Charlotte did not recover, they would take Warren away from him.

  Chapter 29

  Mon Fils

  The hand on his shoulder jolted him out of a nightmare. Guy’s heart was pounding as his eyes snapped open, searching for the source. He found it in Myles, who was squatting down next to his chair. He had no idea what time it was, but the waiting room was silent except for the sound of breathing. Guy had attempted to send Warren with Michael when he took Lily home, or with Leila when Eli insisted she
go home to rest, but he refused. He lay sprawled across his lap, only shifting in response to Guy’s sudden movement.

  “Charlotte’s parents just arrived. They’re on their way up,” Myles said.

  “What times is it?”

  Myles looked exhausted, and Guy guessed he had been up all night. “About five in the morning.”

  “Do you have any news?”

  “The infection is bacterial. I switched Charlotte to piperacillin and pefloxacin about an hour ago. If she doesn’t show improvement, we may have to risk vancomycin, but for now, we’ll see how she does on the new drugs.”

  Guy nodded slowly as his sleep-weary mind struggled to process the new information. He knew he should ask Myles for a prognosis, for Charlotte’s chance of recovering, but he did not. He was too afraid. Instead, he focused on Myles’ first piece of news.

  “I’ll meet Charlotte’s parents at the elevator.”

  Myles paused for a moment, clearly having expected more questions about Charlotte from his friend, but he only nodded. He had been in this type of situation too many times not to understand. He patted Guy’s shoulder roughly and stood. “Would you like me to sit with Warren for a few minutes?”

  Carmody and Eli had both stayed, as well as Vance, but everyone else was still asleep. Warren did not know Myles well, despite the amount of time Guy and Charlotte had spent with him. If he woke and found himself with someone unfamiliar, he would be even more frightened. Guy shook his head and hefted the boy’s limp body into his arms. Warren’s face crinkled in annoyance, but he settled back into sleep a second later. Myles helped him up and walked with him toward the elevator.

  “I’ve been meaning to apologize to you for a while,” Myles said, not looking at Guy.


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