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Come Friday (Bishop Family Book 8)

Page 9

by Brooke St. James

  "I'm so happy to hear you found somebody," she said. "You mentioned her a few times, but I thought you were just friends. You're talking about the one from the videos, right?"

  "Yes ma'am, and we were just friends. I was actually seeing someone else. I didn't even tell you about that girl. Her name was Shea. I was with her on-and-off for like two years."

  "Really? You never mentioned that."

  "I know. I never mentioned her to you guys. I don't know why. I thought I really wanted to be with her, but I didn't. It was more like I just set this goal and kept going for it without even realizing that it wasn't the right thing. Jolene is different though. She snuck up on me. She's beautiful, and genuine, and wonderful, and it was like I couldn't even see it. It was like I had blinders on. We became best friends during the last few months, and then I just all of a sudden realized she wasn't my friend at all. My heart just suddenly realized she was the one. It was like I thought she was just a regular old rock that I carried around in my pocket, and then one day I took it out and realized it was a diamond. Not that she's like a rock. I shouldn't have said that. She's been a diamond all along, I just didn't see it. I couldn’t see it. I don’t know why. I was so focused on something else that I… I don't know. I just feel like I wasted so much time with Shea. I should have treated her better. I really hope she still loves me. I think she does. She's quiet, but I know she has feelings for me. I don't know why I couldn't see it before. She calls me Bugs because my initials are… never mind." He paused and sighed. "We haven't seen each other in five days. I feel like I'm going crazy. But I'm gonna see her tonight. I can't wait. I'm gonna tell her about the plane ticket. I'm playing a show at The Rooftop. I wrote like fourteen new songs, and we're doing three of them tonight. I think I might do a fourth by myself, but we'll have to see how things go. Anyway, I'll bring her home with me when I come. I really think she'll do it. I hope she will, at least."

  This was, by a mile, more information than Wes had given his mom in years. It almost didn't even feel to Rose like she was talking to the right person. Tears gathered in her eyes as she listened to him. Her heart swelled at the sound of his excitement.

  "Mom, are you there?" he asked after a few seconds of silence.

  "Yes, Wesley, I'm just listening to you. I'm trying to take everything in. You were talking so fast, and… what do you mean you're playing a show?"

  "My band. I have a band. We're playing a show tonight at The Rooftop."

  "Okay, first of all, why didn't you tell me you have a band?"

  "I don't know why. I think it's because I didn't want to ride on Shug's coattails, or Courtney's. I started playing guitar a couple of years ago. I've been in a band for over a year now, and we play out quite a bit. There's four of us, but the songs are all mine. I really do love music, Mom. I play a lot of it. We have a gig every weekend, and more and more, they're selling out. It's humbling for me to even say that out loud. It's weird how quickly things have happened. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys that it's a big part of my life, but it is. I didn't mean to keep things from you, it just happened that way. I think I had good intentions about not mentioning it when I first started, but then I just didn't know how to bring it up. I was trying to make that girl Shea love me, and she didn't know I had money or anything. I really didn't want to tell her about my family or even get notoriety for my own music because I didn't want her to like me for that stuff. I think I was just purposefully holding myself back a little bit. I see now that it sounds ridiculous, but I didn't realize it was until… well, until I found Jo I guess. She makes everything seems so easy and honest."

  "And Jo is the girl from the videos?"

  "Yes. Her name is Jolene. I call her Jo or JoJo or Doubl—I call her all kinds of things. Her brother works for the London dealership. That's how we met."

  "I remember you telling me that, but all this other stuff is news to me, Wes. I had no idea."

  "I know. It all snuck up on me, really—the music and Jolene. I thought she was just my friend, and then she went on this date with another guy, and I felt like the world crashed down on me. I broke up with Shea that very same night. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. It's so weird. I told Jolene that I broke up with Shea, and I told her how I felt about her, at least I think I did. I hope I did. She said we should take some time to make sure this was what we wanted. It's been five days since I've seen her. I don't know why it took me so long, Mom. I have no idea. I mean, in the last few months, she's become my best friend, and then suddenly, a switch flipped. It's like it was supernatural—like God had a hand in it."

  Rose had long since sat up in bed to try to make herself more alert, but she still felt zonked and incapable of fully understanding what Wes was saying. "Okay, baby, let me get this straight. You were dating one girl while you were friends with this girl, Jolene. But you realized you had feelings for Jolene, so you broke up with the other one—the one we didn’t even know about."

  "Yes, exactly. You didn't even know about her because she was wrong. She was the wrong one. I thought she was right, but I was wrong. I wasn't myself, Mom. I was keeping things from her; I was keeping things from you guys. I feel so much better now."

  "Why did you say you hope she loves you?" Mom asked. "Can't you tell?"

  "No. I mean, I kinda know she does, but she's not forward like Shea was. She's so sweet. She was content to just be friends with me and teach me how to throw knives. She's different than other girls."

  "I really want you to bring her home with you, Wes. I want to meet whoever it is that's making you so happy."

  "She's gonna want to move back if she comes," he said.

  "Move back where?"

  "To the States."

  "Is she American?" Rose asked, her heart beginning to pound. She had prayed desperately for her baby boy to eventually make his way back home. She would never make him feel guilty about it, but it would please her immensely for him to come back—it would make her heart sing. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, praying that Wes's next words were going to be that this girl's parents live in Memphis—heck, even Columbus or Kansas City would work.

  "Yes ma'am. Her parents live here in London, but she grew up in America. She loves it there. She's always wanted to move back. I thought you watched the videos I sent you. I thought you knew she was American."

  "I did watch them—a few of them, but I didn't even think about that. I didn't even think to listen to her accent. I had no idea. I just assumed she was from England."

  "No, she was born in Philly and then grew up in Savannah. She still has family in Philadelphia and some in Boston—an aunt in Atlanta, too. She really loved Savannah. She likes the south."

  "Oh, my goodness, Wesley, bring that girl over here right now. She needs some fried chicken and barbeque. Collard greens."

  Wes grinned at the sound of his mom's excitement. He knew she would love to have him closer to home, and honestly, it didn't seem like such a bad idea—especially if Jolene was there with him.

  Chapter 13


  Friday night could not come soon enough.

  I had waited patiently for lots of things in my life, but this wait was the absolute hardest. Those five days felt more like five years. Something had changed in Wes. He had stood in my apartment, regarding me with an expression that was all new. I remember thinking that it had been the date with Colton that triggered Wes to change, see me differently, and I couldn't help but feel indebted to Colton for it.

  I didn't know what to say when Wes told me he broke up with Shea—I didn't even know if I believed it. That whole exchange seemed like I was in a dream. I truly believed that if I gave him a few days to think about it, he would reconsider things and go back to Shea. She was Shea Shelton, after all.

  It didn't, however, seem as though that was happening. We had made plans not to see each other for five whole days after they broke up, but Wes had contacted me every day via text, and from what I could tell, he was still really looki
ng forward to connecting with me again.

  This knowledge did not prevent me from being more nervous than I had ever been in my whole life once Friday came around. I was shaking in my boots when we arrived at The Rooftop. I didn't actually have on boots, but I was shaking in my shoes. It was a beautiful summer evening, and I had on jeans with a short-sleeve ruffled top and flats. I put on a few necklaces and bracelets and added a few loose waves in my hair with a curling iron, but really nothing over the top. I didn't want to seem like I was trying too hard—even though I was. I was trying really hard.

  Chasidy and Katie had both made comments about my new blouse and how nice it looked on me. My brother even mentioned something about my appearance, which was odd for him. What's more was that none of them knew I was on pins and needles. I hadn't told a soul about Wes breaking up with Shea or the fact that things seemed to have changed between us. My brother knew I had it bad for Wes, but that was old news, and he didn't bother giving me a hard time about it anymore.

  Wes's band wasn't supposed to go on until 10pm, but we got there an hour early. It was already crowded when we walked in. I had no idea there was an opening act and was surprised to see another live band in full swing upon our arrival. It was busy and noisy, which perfectly matched the chaos I had going on inside my body. I really liked the feel of the venue and was happy that I had been there before. I felt at ease with the familiar setting.

  It was on a rooftop just like the name suggested. The building was only five stories tall, so it wasn't like we were towering over London or anything, but it was high enough to have a nice view of the surrounding area. The venue itself was indoor/outdoor with a bandstand in both locations. I had been to one show there during the dead of winter, and they completely had the outdoor section closed off. Tonight, however, it was a beautiful summer evening, and the doors and windows were open with the band set up on the outside stage.

  The bandstand was close to the indoor seating area, and there were plenty of doors and windows, so even from inside, we could clearly hear the music and had a good view of the opening band. I had no idea who they were, but they had a funk vibe and a lot of energy. The lead singer wasn't playing an instrument and was instead working the stage and dancing around. I liked them instantly and I got transfixed with trying to figure out who they were.

  My brother led the way to one of the few open sections. It was a spot near one of the doors. The closer we got to the outside area, the more crowded it became. "I thought there were more stools," Luke said apologetically once we reached the table.

  It was a tiny hi-top table with two stools. There were five of us, so we instantly began looking around for a stool or two that we could borrow from a neighboring table.

  "I'll stand," Micah said, gesturing to one of the stools and looking at Katie as if indicating that she could have it.

  "I don't mind standing," I offered. I was so full of nervous energy that I actually preferred it. I went to the side of the table, making a spot for myself where I would have a good view of the band. There was a stool next to me, and Katie sat in it, making sure (with facial expressions) that I was okay with standing. I assured her I was, and the five of us all sort of gathered around the small table—Katie and Chasidy sitting, and myself and the guys standing. The stools were high enough that we were all basically at the same eye-level.

  We made some conversation about the venue and the band that was playing, but all the while, I was on the lookout for Wes. I figured he would be there by now, and I was so anxious to see him that I thought about texting him.

  We had been there for about ten minutes when suddenly I felt someone kick my shin. There were a lot of legs under the table, and the culprit must have kicked multiple times, because Katie made an injured exclamation just after I felt the kick to my own shin. I glanced at Katie and then across the table to Chasidy, trying to figure out what was going on.

  I barely had time to notice that Chasidy was wearing a wide-eyed expression like she was warning us about something when I felt someone come up behind me in a gentle rush. Chills. Absolute chills. A gut-wrenching wave chills and anticipation washed over my body as I realized it was Wes and he was now standing directly behind me, taking me into his arms.

  I shifted, turning to look over my shoulder, but he held me in place with his big arms around my waist. He pulled me in close. His chest was touching my back, and I turned to look up at him. I had been so caught off guard that I just stared at his neck and jaw for a few seconds as he greeted everyone else who was standing around the table. I could feel him and smell him, and my body was absolutely buzzing with anticipation. He held me firmly around the waist as wave after wave of desire washed over me.

  Finally, Wes glanced down—his eyes meeting mine for the first time. His face was only inches from mine. His glorious, wonderful, handsome face was right there in front of me. I found it nearly impossible to breathe. Wes had never touched me before, and now there he was holding on to me with supreme confidence and familiarity. I wanted to melt in his arms and felt like I just might do that.

  "When'd you get here?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of me.

  "Like ten minutes ago," I answered. "I didn't know you had anyone opening." I glanced at the stage for the briefest of seconds before letting my eyes meet Wes's again. "Who is this?" I asked. "I like them."

  "You do?" he asked, smiling and squeezing my waist.

  I nodded. I thought he might take things really slowly and play it cool. I thought I might go through the entire night without the others in my group ever knowing anything was going on between us. Boy, was I ever wrong. Wes leaned down nudging his nose into the crook of my neck and taking a deep breath in as if relishing the smell of me. I could feel his face and nose brush up against the side of my ear, and it caused my blood to feel warm and heavy.

  My hand was absentmindedly resting on his forearm, which was wrapped around my waist. I squeezed his arm instinctually as his face moved and shifted near my ear, nestling next to me.

  "You're coming with me," he whispered.

  I hardly had time to take in what he had said before he looked up, focusing on everyone around the table. I glanced at them as well and, for the first time, realized that they were all staring at us with different expressions. Micah was mostly trying to ignore us, Chasidy was smiling and doing her best not to look stunned, and my brother was staring straight at us with a completely dumbfounded look on his face. Katie was right next to me, and I didn't even look at her because I could feel her foot pressing against my leg and knew she was as shocked as the rest of them. For goodness sake, I was shocked, too.

  "Thank y'all for coming," Wes said. "We'll get started in a little bit. I'm stealing JoJo for a few minutes, though."

  He took me by the hand and began pulling me through the crowded room. I trailed close behind him, holding on to his arm. I had been dreaming of this sort of contact with him since we first met, and I was overwhelmed by the reality of it. He was wearing a tightfitting, distressed white t-shirt. It rode up on his bicep, leaving the entire length of his arm exposed. I held onto him with both hands, feeling the soft, warm texture of his skin and muscles under my fingertips. My heart raced uncontrollably.

  I watched his body move as we weaved through the crowd. He had on faded jeans with tiny little holes in all the right places, and I stared at his long stride. He moved with the grace and confidence of an athlete—leaning this way and that to find the best path through the crowded room. He glanced back at me, and I shot him a shy but excited smile that made him squeeze my hand.

  Finally, we made it across the room. We came to a door that had a sign indicating that only staff could enter. Without hesitation, Wes turned the handle, opening the door, and pulling me inside.

  "Where are we going?" I asked once we crossed the threshold.

  "These are the offices and the backstage area," he said. "The rest of the band is back here getting ready for the show."

  He led me down the hall to a doorway on
the right. It was a large room with couches on three walls and a long table in the middle with snacks and drinks. There were eight or ten people inside who were all sitting around on couches, talking and laughing. They all looked at us when we walked in.

  "This is Jo," Wes said. He had a tight grip on my right hand, so I waved at all of them with my left. They all waved back at me—a few of them calling out, "Hey, Jo," and other things like that.

  I thought he might pull me to one of the couches, but instead, he crossed the room and opened a door on the far wall. It had a window, but I could see nothing but darkness through it, and I had no idea what would be on the other side. I was surprised to find that it led to a little rooftop patio. In the back of my mind, I thought it might lead us outside, but it didn't seem right with how the building was situated. Maybe I was just turned around.

  The patio was tiny—barely enough room for a little bistro table and two chairs that sat on the left of the door. Two guys were sitting at the table, and they both turned to look at us when we stepped out there.

  "Hey, can we have the patio for a minute?" Wes asked.

  The guys both stood up instantly, giving him a little smirk on their way inside.

  "Thank you," Wes said as they closed the door.

  One of them turned around and winked, but I pretended not to notice.

  "I can hear the music," I said, looking around curiously since I couldn't see anything.

  Wes pointed upward and to the right indicating that the stage was on the other side of the gable.


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