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Page 18

by Merline Lovelace

  She so­on ga­ve up the strug­gle and ha­uled her­self back on­to the mat­tress. She was dam­ned if she'd let Jack find her flop­ping aro­und on the flo­or li­ke a lan­ded tro­ut.

  A glan­ce at the clock ra­dio be­si­de the bed sho­wed it was the mid­dle of the night. She'd be­en out for a so­lid eight ho­urs. Her fury ca­me to a fresh bo­il.

  Do­no­van wo­uldn't li­ve to see the dawn!

  Drag­ging the she­et aro­und her, she pun­c­hed the pil­lows up be­hind her back and got a grip on her­self. She'd ne­ed a cle­ar he­ad and iced emo­ti­ons to get the drop on the bas­tard.

  The sho­wer cut off and Jack strol­led out of the bat­h­ro­om a few mi­nu­tes la­ter, to­we­ling him­self off. The light spil­ling thro­ugh the open do­or il­lu­mi­na­ted his tan­ned chest and legs. His belly was flat and rid­ged, his sex lo­ose and pli­ant bet­we­en his thighs. De­li­be­ra­tely, Cleo ze­ro­ed in on the puc­ke­red skin mar­king the bul­let ho­le in his sho­ul­der.

  "I as­su­me you re­ali­ze I'm go­ing to put anot­her ho­le in you to match that one, Do­no­van."

  "Why do you think you're we­aring plas­tic?"

  "You'll ha­ve to cut the cuff so­oner or la­ter."

  "I'm go­ing for la­ter."

  Ca­re­les­sly, he tos­sed the damp to­wel back in­to the bat­h­ro­om and drag­ged a pa­ir of jer­sey swe­at­pants from his bag. With the swe­ats ri­ding low on his hips, he prow­led over to the an­ti­que ar­mo­ire ho­using the en­ter­ta­in­ment cen­ter and mi­ni­bar.

  "I'm star­ving. What ha­ve you got in he­re?"

  Rat­tling among the bot­tles and jars in the well-stoc­ked frid­ge, he pop­ped the top on a Di­et Pep­si but pas­sed up the as­sor­t­ment of snacks.

  "Pe­anuts and candy won't hack it. Let's ho­pe ro­om ser­vi­ce ope­ra­tes aro­und the clock." He snag­ged the thick, em­bos­sed me­nu from the desk and ga­ve a grunt of re­li­ef. "It do­es. I'm go­ing for a ste­ak. You want an­y­t­hing?"

  "Yo­ur he­ad on a plat­ter."

  "Sorry, I don't see he­ad on the me­nu. What's yo­ur se­cond cho­ice?"

  "Yo­ur balls on a ske­wer."

  "No ske­we­red balls, eit­her. You'll ha­ve to set­tle for pep­per­corn ste­ak with por­ci­ni mus­h­ro­oms." Re­ac­hing for the pho­ne, he shot her a qu­iz­zi­cal lo­ok. "Sho­uld I ma­ke this call from the ot­her ro­om?"

  "I'm not go­ing to scre­am for help, if that's what you're as­king. This is bet­we­en me and you, Bub­ba, and only one of us is go­ing to walk away who­le."

  "That's the way I see it, too."

  The to­ne was amu­sed. The war­ning bu­ri­ed in the ca­re­less reply wasn't.

  "By the way," he ad­ded as he hit the but­ton for in-ro­om di­ning, "tho­se bo­xers are a re­al turn-on. They kept me awa­ke lon­ger than I wo­uld ha­ve ima­gi­ned pos­sib­le af­ter all tho­se ho­urs on the C-17."

  Cleo's eyes nar­ro­wed. She and Jack had strip­ped down to the­ir skiv­vi­es be­fo­re. Se­ve­ral ti­mes. She'd be­en con­s­ci­o­us when it had hap­pe­ned, tho­ugh.

  "Spe­aking of sta­ying awa­ke," she bit out when he'd pla­ced the or­der, "what did you use on me?"

  "It's a new sub­du­ing agent de­ve­lo­ped by the lab at Lan­g­ley. The spray hasn't be­en ap­pro­ved yet for use on hu­mans, but the ef­fects on lab rats and at­tack dogs we­re so en­co­ura­ging, I de­ci­ded to bring a sam­p­le with me."

  He was ba­iting her. For all his se­eming non­c­ha­lan­ce and lazy grin, he was as fu­ri­o­us with her as she was with him.

  The re­ali­za­ti­on af­for­ded Cleo im­men­se sa­tis­fac­ti­on. Per­ver­sely, it al­so to­ok so­me of the ed­ge off her ra­ge.

  She knew how the bu­re­a­uc­racy wor­ked. She'd be­en part of it her­self for ye­ars. She un­der­s­to­od the res­t­ra­ints Jack had to ope­ra­te with, un­der and aro­und. Still, he co­uld ha­ve fo­und ti­me for one frig­ging pho­ne call or e-ma­il. And he su­re as hell didn't ha­ve to use an ex­pe­ri­men­tal agent on her!

  "You know," she gro­und out, "the last I he­ard we we­re both on the sa­me si­de."

  "That's what I tho­ught, too, un­til you jum­ped a pla­ne to Mal­ta."

  Her arms loc­ked over the she­et, she ma­de what she con­si­de­red a sup­re­mely ge­ne­ro­us of­fer. "Cut the cuff, and I won't le­ave you per­ma­nently crip­pled."

  "La­ter. May­be."

  "Now, Do­no­van. You're not the only one who ne­eds to ma­ke a trip to the bat­h­ro­om."

  He strol­led over to the bed then, clo­se eno­ugh for her to ca­use harm. The glint in his eyes told her that's exactly what he ho­ped she'd do. His eight ho­urs of rack ti­me had put the de­vil back in­to him, Cleo saw.

  "How abo­ut this?" he sug­ges­ted. "I cut the cuff, you hit the bat­h­ro­om, and we eat be­fo­re we tus­sle."

  He lo­oked al­most di­sap­po­in­ted when she ag­re­ed. Af­ter he dug a dis­po­sab­le cut­ter out of his bag and sli­ced thro­ugh the plas­tic, tho­ugh, Cleo was tem­p­ted to re­ne­ge on the de­al. One go­od kick with her he­el and he'd be we­aring his fa­ce bac­k­ward for a whi­le. But she'd gi­ven her word and she ne­ver went back on it. Not when the ot­her guy ex­pec­ted her to, an­y­way, which was exactly what Do­no­van's wary stan­ce in­di­ca­ted.

  Bet­ter to catch him off gu­ard.

  And ma­ke him suf­fer.

  With that go­al in mind, she tos­sed the she­et asi­de and strol­led in­to the still-ste­amy bath.

  Jack re­ma­ined on full alert un­til the do­or slam­med be­hind her. Even then, the cords in his neck re­fu­sed to re­lax. He trus­ted Cleo to hold to the­ir tru­ce-mo­re or less. In ret­ros­pect, tho­ugh, he Pro­bably sho­uld ha­ve de­fi­ned "eat" with mo­re pre­ci­si­on. He half ex­pec­ted her to burst out of the bat­h­ro­om de­ter­mi­ned to stuff so­met­hing ot­her than pep­per­corn ste­ak down his thro­at.

  Christ, he wis­hed she'd try! Now that he'd ca­ught up on his sle­ep, he was it­c­hing for so­me ac­ti­on. He'd ha­ve her out of tho­se crot­ch-skim­ming bri­efs and on her back in fi­ve se­conds flat. Less if he used the spray, but that wo­uldn't en­ta­il an­y­w­he­re ne­ar as much fun. He'd ke­ep his op­ti­ons open, he de­ci­ded. Wi­de open. If Cleo emer­ged from the bat­h­ro­om re­ady to do bat­tle, he'd cer­ta­inly ob­li­ge her.

  She re­ap­pe­ared swat­hed in one of the ho­tel's ter­ry-cloth ro­bes and ap­pa­rently pre­pa­red to ful­fill the terms and con­di­ti­ons of the tru­ce. Ro­om ser­vi­ce de­li­ve­red Jack's or­der me­re mo­ments la­ter.

  Smi­ling at Cleo, the uni­for­med at­ten­dant in a squ­are hat rol­led a cart pi­led with do­med dis­hes in­to the ro­om. "Shall I set up at the di­ning tab­le, sir?"

  "J­ust le­ave it. I'll put the trol­ley in the hall when we fi­nish."

  "Very go­od. If you'll just sign he­re, ple­ase."

  Cleo's sar­cas­tic com­ment abo­ut how things wor­ked in the re­al world pla­yed in Jack's he­ad as he ad­ded a hefty tip to the al­re­ady out­ra­ge­o­us ro­om ser­vi­ce de­li­very char­ge. The wa­iter tri­ed to be dis­c­re­et, but his eyes bul­ged when he got a lo­ok at the tab.

  "Can I get you an­y­t­hing el­se, sir?"

  "Not right now."

  Cleo ob­ser­ved the man's faw­ning de­par­tu­re with a lift of one brow. "How much did you gi­ve him?"

  "Eno­ugh to ma­ke Slo­an bre­ak out in a cold swe­at when he se­es yo­ur ite­mi­zed ex­pen­se ac­co­unt. Let's eat."

  After­ward Cleo was ne­ver qu­ite su­re when her sim­me­ring de­ter­mi­na­ti­on to pay Do­no­van back for the spray and the cuff ed­ged over the li­ne in­to so­met­hing mo­re pri­mi­ti­ve.

  She still wan­ted physi­cal. That didn't chan­ge as they wor­ked the­ir way thro­ugh the­ir mid­dle-of-the-night sup­per. She'd s
pent ho­urs con­fi­ned in a stuffy in­ter­ro­ga­ti­on ro­om, mo­re ho­urs stret­c­hed out on a bed, un­con­s­ci­o­us. Her body cra­ved mo­ti­on, exer­ci­se, ac­ti­on.

  And the an­ger bub­bling just be­low her sur­fa­ce re­qu­ired a vent be­fo­re it blew her apart. With each bi­te of the pep­per­corn ste­ak, tho­ugh, her fi­er­cely ban­ked emo­ti­ons to­ok on a dif­fe­rent hue, al­most li­ke a lan­d­s­ca­pe sent back by one of the Mars ro­vers. One mi­nu­te she was red and hot and plot­ting ways to bo­un­ce Jack on his butt. The next, she was en­vi­si­oning what she'd do with him on­ce she had him the­re.

  The pos­si­bi­li­ti­es we­re en­d­less…and in­c­lu­ded a few va­ri­ati­ons so car­nal that Cleo's belly tig­h­te­ned. Be­fo­re she knew qu­ite how it hap­pe­ned, her ne­ed for re­ven­ge had got­ten all mi­xed up with anot­her kind of de­si­re. Both we­re chur­ning in­si­de her when she drop­ped her fork on­to the gold-rim­med ser­vi­ce pla­te.

  "Do you want to see the Ter­men?"

  The curt qu­es­ti­on eli­ci­ted a con­si­de­ring lo­ok from Jack. He che­wed his mo­ut­h­ful of ste­ak, swal­lo­wed and lo­un­ged back in his cha­ir. The ca­re­less sprawl didn't fo­ol Cleo for a mo­ment. She'd go­ne in­to ac­ti­on with this man.

  "I've al­re­ady se­en it," he rep­li­ed. "When I went thro­ugh yo­ur car­ryall."

  So he'd se­ar­c­hed the su­ite and her per­so­nal ef­fects whi­le she was out cold. She wo­uld ha­ve do­ne the sa­me if the­ir po­si­ti­ons had be­en re­ver­sed.

  "Find an­y­t­hing el­se of in­te­rest?"

  "Well, that la­ser-be­am flas­h­light is pretty awe­so­me. Whe­re did you get that?"

  Cleo had for­got­ten all abo­ut the high-in­ten­sity su­per be­am Do­re­en had squ­e­ezed in­to the $1.99 pen­light. The last ti­me she'd se­en the gad­get was when she'd dum­ped her key ring in the bot­tom of her pur­se af­ter par­king her ve­hic­le at Lo­ve Fi­eld.

  She wasn't in any mo­od to en­lig­h­ten Jack abo­ut the so­ur­ce of her equ­ip­ment, tho­ugh. Par­ti­cu­larly when that so­ur­ce was a step­co­usin-in-law with a hye­na la­ugh who spent mo­re ho­urs on her back in front of the TV than she did se­ar­c­hing for ga­in­ful em­p­loy­ment.

  "You don't ne­ed to know whe­re I fo­und it, but you'd dam­ned well bet­ter re­turn it. Along with any ot­her items you pur­lo­ined."

  "The­re wasn't much to pur­lo­in. You tra­ve­led light on this trip."

  "Un­li­ke you, Do­no­van, I flew com­mer­ci­al. I didn't ha­ve ti­me to work the ne­ces­sary do­cu­men­ta­ti­on to get a fi­re­arm thro­ugh Cus­toms."

  "In­s­pec­tor Aruz­zo sho­wed me the wo­oden lan­ce you put in­to yo­ur sho­oter's thro­at. Ap­pa­rently you didn't work the ne­ces­sary do­cu­men­ta­ti­on for that, eit­her."

  "The­re are ru­les, and then the­re are ru­les."

  Stret­c­hing out his legs, he la­ced his fin­gers over his ba­re mid­dle. So­me­one el­se might ha­ve mis­ta­ken the lo­ok he slan­ted her thro­ugh sun-tip­ped gold las­hes for amu­se­ment. Cleo knew bet­ter.

  "Wasn't that the at­ti­tu­de that got you cros­swi­se of the Uni­ted Sta­tes Air For­ce?"

  "That," she an­s­we­red with a shrug, "and an in­ten­se aver­si­on to ha­ving my in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons re­vi­ewed and cri­ti­qu­ed at six dif­fe­rent le­vels of com­mand."

  His smi­le moc­king, he fed her back her own li­ne. "That's how it works in the re­al word, North."

  "Not in my world. Not now."

  Cleo to­yed with one end of the tie bel­ting her ter­ry-cloth ro­be. "Are you fi­nis­hed with yo­ur ste­ak?"

  "I'm fi­nis­hed."

  His moc­king smi­le de­epe­ned. He knew what was co­ming. Or tho­ught he did.

  "Will this be jun­g­le style?" he as­ked in a drawl. "Or do you want to set so­me pa­ra­me­ters?"

  "We'll ke­ep it sim­p­le. No blo­od, no bru­ises, no bro­ken bo­nes."

  "How do we de­ci­de the win­ner?"

  "We go three ro­unds. The win­ner is the one who walks away."

  He ho­oked a brow. "You're se­ri­o­us abo­ut this?" "As a he­art at­tack."

  Ca­su­al­ly, she tug­ged on the end of the tie. The knot ga­ve, her ro­be par­ted.

  "J­ust how bra­ve are you, Do­no­van?" "You want to wres­t­le na­ked? Oh, swe­et­he­art! Tell me I'm not dre­aming."

  The fer­vent plea wor­ked on Cleo in a way she hadn't an­ti­ci­pa­ted. The whi­te-hot ed­ge to her an­ger co­oled even as the al­most co­mi­cal joy on the jerk's fa­ce sent he­at co­iling in­to her belly.

  Her de­ter­mi­na­ti­on to ma­ke su­re Jack re­mem­be­red this night for a long, long ti­me didn't wa­ver. She still in­ten­ded to ma­ke him we­ep. But the­re wasn't an­y­t­hing that sa­id she co­uldn't enj­oy her­self in the pro­cess. "You're not dre­aming, big guy." Shrug­ging, she sent the ro­be sli­ding down to her el­bows. From the­re it ma­de a qu­ick trip to the flo­or. Her thumb ho­oked in the wa­is­t­band of the la­ce-trim­med Bra­zi­li­an Bo­xers. Cleo had no idea how the pac­ka­gers had co­me up with that la­bel, as the bits of silk and la­ce we­re ma­nu­fac­tu­red in Chi­na and an­y­t­hing but boxy.

  The la­bel didn't mat­ter, ho­we­ver. What mat­te­red was the lit­tle hiss of Jack's in­d­rawn bre­ath. "Li­ke the­se bri­efs, do you?"

  "Li­ke do­esn't be­gin to des­c­ri­be how I fe­el abo­ut them."

  De­ci­ding to let him suf­fer a lit­tle mo­re, she kept the bri­efs on and pus­hed the trol­ley out of the way Jack didn't al­ter his slo­uch when she ho­oked a knee over his. Or when she set­tled her we­ight on his thighs. But his sto­mach mus­c­les went ri­gid the in­s­tant she re­ac­hed for the string tie of his swe­ats. In a short, fi­er­ce bat­tle, his in­s­tinct for self-pre­ser­va­ti­on ga­ined tem­po­rary mas­tery over the hun­ger that was al­re­ady ra­ising a swe­at. Loc­king his hands over hers, he stil­led her busy fin­gers.

  Her smi­le was a scor­c­hing brand. "Sca­red, Do­no­van?"

  "Sho­uld I be?" "Oh, ye­ah."

  Jack's sto­mach mus­c­les ga­ve anot­her in­vo­lun­tary roll. He fi­gu­red he had exactly two op­ti­ons at this po­int. He co­uld ta­ke Cleo to the flo­or and en­ga­ge in the physi­cal tus­sle she was ob­vi­o­usly ac­hing for or let her do her worst.

  From this van­ta­ge po­int, he had to ad­mit her worst lo­oked pretty dam­ned go­od. Tho­se lacy bri­efs we­re just lo­ose eno­ugh to gi­ve him a tan­ta­li­zing glim­p­se of dark pu­bic ha­ir…w­he­ne­ver he co­uld drag his gre­edy ga­ze from her bre­asts.

  What the hell. A guy co­uld only die on­ce. Re­le­asing her hands, he drop­ped his arms to eit­her si­de of the cha­ir and as­su­med an air of nob­le mar­t­y­r­dom. "All right. I ad­mit that sub­du­ing agent might ha­ve be­en a lit­tle ex­t­re­me. You're en­tit­led to yo­ur re­ven­ge, North. Go for it."

  The blank lo­ok on Cleo's fa­ce was worth wha­te­ver pa­in wo­uld fol­low. She hadn't ex­pec­ted him to ca­ve this easily. And, Jack re­ali­zed with a jolt of wic­ked de­light, she didn't qu­ite know what to do with him now that he had.

  His glee to­ok a di­ve when she set her jaw and yan­ked on the strings of his swe­ats, but he ma­in­ta­ined his sac­ri­fi­ci­al po­se. The­re wo­uld be no blo­od, he re­min­ded him­self. No bru­ises. No bro­ken bo­nes.

  The man­t­ra rep­la­yed in his he­ad as Cleo drag­ged his swe­ats down a few in­c­hes, and ga­ined con­si­de­rab­le ur­gency when her fist clo­sed aro­und him. He was al­re­ady se­mi-erect, no small fe­at con­si­de­ring the cir­cum­s­tan­ces. But when her hand be­gan to sli­de and squ­e­eze, he zin­ged stra­ight to full and hard and ac­hing.

  His con­di­ti­on didn't go un­no­ti­ced. A fe­li­ne smi­le cur­ving her lips, Cleo sco­oted for­ward on hi
s thighs and got a bet­ter grip.

  Swe­at pop­ped out on the back of Jack's neck. His mo­uth went bo­ne-dry. Cur­ling his hands in­to fists, he ma­na­ged to ke­ep from re­ac­hing for the nip­ples only a few in­c­hes from his chest. All the whi­le Cleo squ­e­ezed and stro­ked and stret­c­hed him on the rack.

  He co­uld do this, dam­mit! He co­uld let her ha­ve her re­ven­ge.

  Jesus, who was he kid­ding? He wan­ted her to ha­ve at him. He wo­uld let him­self be sta­ked out on an an­t­hill be­fo­re he ad­mit­ted it, but the wo­man's com­bi­na­ti­on of pig­he­aded stub­bor­ness and prickly in­de­pen­den­ce ro­used a hun­ger in him that wo­uldn't qu­it.

  It al­ways had.

  He'd felt the stir­rings ye­ars ago, when so­me jerk had flas­hed a lin­ge­rie ad fe­atu­ring the OSI's ne­west rec­ru­it aro­und the of­fi­ce's Net. He hadn't re­al­ly ap­pre­ci­ated the mind be­hind the fa­ce and the body, tho­ugh, un­til that bot­c­hed mis­si­on in Hon­du­ras.

  Cleo's flat re­fu­sal to le­ave him af­ter he'd ta­ken that bul­let had in­fu­ri­ated him at the ti­me. It had al­so sa­ved Jack's ass. He fi­gu­red that was worth a lit­tle suf­fe­ring now.

  Be­si­des which, the­re was no way Cleo was de­par­ting this ho­tel su­ite un­til Jack he­ard from the Old Man. It was eit­her sub­mit to this tor­tu­re or zap her with anot­her puff from the spray he'd con­ce­aled wit­hin easy re­ach.

  Cleo al­most na­ked and awa­ke be­at Cleo al­most na­ked and out cold any day. Or so he tho­ught un­til she sco­oted up anot­her inch. Her hand was squ­e­ezed bet­we­en the­ir bel­li­es now, her bre­asts flat­te­ned aga­inst his chest.

  "Are you hur­ting, Do­no­van?"

  "What do you think?"

  She thum­bed the tip of his erec­ti­on.

  "I think you're get­ting the­re."


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