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Turned Innocence

Page 7

by Mara Lee

  Sheridan sucked in a breath. Her heart was pounding, and every nerve in her body was alive and screaming. The ball was well oiled with the juices of her body and felt deliciously wicked pressed against her skin

  Xethre pushed the ball slowly into her ass. He was electrified as the smooth shiny surface of the ball disappeared completely within her puckered flesh. When it was housed completely within he moved back in awe. “You are so beautiful … so beautiful.”

  Sheridan was taking small labored breaths.

  Xethre ran his hands over her breasts. Her nipples were pebble hard and her skin was flushed and sweaty. “Ass in the air, my love.”

  Sheridan bit her lip.

  Xethre peeled away several clumps of cooled wax from her back. “Do it, love…” his voice was a caress.

  Sheridan planted her legs a little further back and stuck her ass in the air. She waited. She didn’t have to wait long.

  Xethre impaled himself from behind within her pussy. Her dripping, aching flesh closed around his hard cock immediately and held him tight.

  “Ohhhhh my … my … ohhhhh…” Sheridan shrieked.

  Xethre grabbed her hips and fucked her hard. He knew her body had to feel completely full, his cock in her pussy, a ball in her ass, and he could hear her heart thumping wildly within her chest.

  His strokes were merciless and hard. He knew it was what she wanted, what her body needed. She was on the edge, on fire and she called to him to take her completely. With each thrust of his cock, her ass hit his muscled thighs and her whimpers turned to moans, which turned to ragged cries.

  Xethre could hear her screaming his name, but her voice sounded distant through the roaring in his head.

  He quickened his thrusts, driving himself to the hilt within her scalding flesh. She was rising up to meet him then. Her body began to shake and her pussy clenched tightly around his cock.

  He slapped her ass lightly and she gasped. Her body began to shake uncontrollably and she began to twist her head from side to side.

  “I … I … oh my God … I’m going to…” she screamed.

  “Oh, my love…” Xethre felt his mouth stretch, his fangs were coming out. He leaned down, planted his mouth over the large vein in her neck and bit. Hot, rich, blood bathed his mouth and dripped down his chin. Her body was convulsing and Xethre felt his cock tense and quiver. With mouth still latched to her neck, he brought both hands to either side of her thighs, thrust once more and released his seed into her waiting body.

  Xethre pulled at the pearls. The ball remained lodged firmly within his Sheridan’s gorgeous ass.

  He smiled. He pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Relax, let it go, love. Let it go.”

  Sheridan relaxed her muscles and Xethre pulled the ball free. It left her flesh with a small pop.

  “That was…” Sheridan was shaking her head. She was sagging against the wall.

  Xethre smoothed damp tendrils of hair away from her face. “Let’s get you more comfortable.” He unlocked the manacles and caught her as she sagged. He picked her up and cradled her within his arms. “Oh my love, my sweet love…” he whispered.

  Sheridan murmured something unintelligible against his chest.

  Xethre brought her to the bed. He placed her down. Right before he fell in beside her, he lit an oil lamp. “There will be no dark when you wake … sleep now, love, sleep and dream.”

  Chapter Seven:

  Sheridan woke to mellow light bathing her body. She smiled. He had kept a light burning for her. She put her arms over her head and stretched.

  Biting her lip she rolled towards Xethre’s unconscious form. God, he was beautiful.

  Sheridan took a moment to study him. His black hair in the lamplight seemed streaked with blue, it was that dark. His equally dark lashes lay sweeping against the delicate plane of his eyes. And his mouth in sleep was relaxed and slightly parted. Sheridan traced his lips with her fingers and suddenly went cold. He wasn’t breathing. Holy crap, he wasn’t breathing.

  Sheridan ground her teeth together. Okay, she had known this. He was dead. Her new boyfriend was dead. The dead didn’t breathe. That much was obvious. Then why was she freaked out to encounter evidence of his very un-animated state?

  Sheridan leaned over and planted her ear to his chest—no heartbeat—nothing. It was still, so very still.

  “I can handle this,” Sheridan muttered. “I can totally handle this.” Sheridan leaped out of the bed. “No, I can’t handle this.” She began to pace. He was a corpse. She was sleeping with a corpse. Fine, no, not a corpse, not really. She understood and knew that when dark fell, he came alive. So, she just had to understand that when day came he died.

  Sheridan made her way back to the bed. She studied the planes of his face and the smooth, muscular expanse of his body and shivered. He was magnificent. He certainly didn’t look dead. He looked like a statue, a perfect statue. His body was utterly still and if there was ever a moment that Sheridan wished she could paint, it was now. She wanted to capture him like this. Capture how he looked surrounded by a sea of sapphire sheets.

  And at that moment she knew. “I love you,” Sheridan breathed. The moment the words were out she gasped and staggered back. She loved him? Oh God, she loved him, she truly did. It was impossible, it was ridiculous … it was true. Her heart was so full she felt as if it would burst. He was everywhere, he was everything to her. “Oh hell,” she muttered, collapsing to the ground in a boneless heap. “What am I going to do now?”

  * * * *

  Sheridan stared at what lay in her hands and blushed furiously. When she had arrived at Sharkey’s, Angela had handed her the bright red package. She had opened the package to reveal an expensive jeweler’s box. Nestled within the box was a strand of perfect shining pearls.

  Angela cooed and fawned over the gift.

  Sheridan turned beet red. She flipped the card over and read: To be worn and remembered.

  He hadn’t signed it. He didn’t need to. Sheridan felt warmth spread through her body. She allowed Angela to clasp the necklace around her neck. She felt the pearls warm and smooth against her skin and she remembered.

  * * * *

  Xethre stared so hard at the letter in front of him he felt as if he could melt a hole right through it.

  The Council wanted an update. They wanted to know his progress.

  Xethre clenched his hands into fists and shut his eyes. He gathered up his resolve and opened his eyes. He tore the letter into tiny pieces and let the pieces fall to the floor.

  Why did they want her? He had to learn the answer. It was the only way to free her, to free them both. And he would free them. He would not let the Council have her. He would not let them take his heart from him—for surely, to take Sheridan was to take his heart.

  It was more than a simple Turning. It had to be. The Council wanted Sheridan for a reason and the answer lay with that reason. But discovering why the Council wanted his Sheridan meant that he would have to dig into the workings of their ‘society’. It was a thought he did not relish.

  Xethre had never liked politics. He liked vampire politics even less. And the Council was nothing but twisted politics and twisted ancient ideals. The vampires who sat on the board were old, very old, and powerful, very, very powerful. They ruled much like feudal lords. They sat at the head of their ‘house’ and stretched their arms as wide as they could, encompassing as much land, wealth and power as they could in their greedy grasp. It had been this way for thousands of years. And Xethre knew it would remain thus for thousands of years to come. He was not powerful enough to topple the Council. But knowledge was power. And if he could discover what was at the heart of the Council’s interest in Sheridan … then perhaps he could find a way to use that knowledge to his advantage.

  He swore. Damn them. Damn them for bringing him to heaven’s gate merely to force him back to hell.

  Sheridan. In his mind’s eye he saw her face, smiling at him, heard her voice, laughing at him, and
felt her body pressed tightly against him. His love, his heart. No, he would not let them have her.

  * * * *

  Michaela studied the ancient text in front of her. She was forced to read the words back twice before she could quite believe what she saw—what she had discovered. She traced the words on the brittle parchment with pale fingers.

  Lineage … it was all about lineage, and an ancient one at that. It was little wonder that the Council was desperate to have her.

  How remarkable. How positively remarkable.

  Michaela closed the book and hugged it to her chest. How she would love to take it with her. But she knew that the librarian would miss its presence and then, as duty bade, alert the Council as to its disappearance. She was already fortunate to have been allowed access to the archives. Not many were. But she was Michaela, the Dark Twin, and no one would dare to bar her way. Sometimes it proved helpful that she was a walking nightmare. Even vampires, in all their evil glory, feared something. How strange it was to be that something. To be the dark that dark itself feared.

  * * * *

  Sheridan said goodnight to Angela and walked out of Sharkey’s. She was in an exceptionally fine mood. She had made over a hundred dollars in jar tips alone and she was headed over to her very sexy and very virile vampire boyfriend’s home for a night of wild, crazy, monkey love. Yeah. She was in a great mood. She made her way across the parking lot toward her car. It was very dark and Sheridan was suddenly very glad she had parked under a parking light.

  She suddenly stiffened. Her eyes narrowed into tiny slits and her hand reached into her pocket for her mace when she encountered a figure leaning against the hood of her car. The person was wearing a long black cloak that effectively hid them from view.

  “Good evening, Sheridan.”

  Sheridan eyed the stranger warily. She didn’t like strange men addressing her by name. And this person was definitely a strange man. His voice had given him away.

  “Get away from my car.” Sheridan withdrew her mace.

  The man laughed. “I assure you that your human weapon will not harm me.” The man drew back the hood of his cloak, revealing his face.

  Sheridan sucked in a breath. Vampire. She knew immediately.

  The man had a face so beautiful it was nearly feminine in its glory. Large green eyes dominated a face of such still perfection, Sheridan wasn’t certain if she was staring at a dream. His eyelashes were pale and golden and matched the sun-kissed color of his shining hair. His cheekbones were delicate, his mouth pink and full and his skin, his skin was snow cast ivory.

  “Who are you?” She breathed out. She instinctively took a step back. Somehow she knew she did not want to be close to this vampire.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Pathos.” His green eyes suddenly seemed to burn brighter.

  Sheridan swallowed and shook her head. Her brain seemed cloudy, and her thoughts sluggish. She had to remember. She had to remember. She was going to Xethre’s home. Xethre. “Well, okay, nice to meet you. Could you, uh, step away from my car now?” Sheridan was pleased to find that her voice was level and calm. She took several deep breaths.

  Vampire Pathos seemed momentarily taken back. He stepped away from her car. Unfortunately, now he was closer to Sheridan.

  Sheridan clucked her tongue. Okay, the scary vampire was still staring at her. What? What was he waiting for? Sheridan decided she didn’t want to wait and find out. She forced her steps to be casual as she made her way over to the driver’s side of her car. She unlocked the door and was about to open it when an iron grasp stilled her.

  Sheridan looked up and swallowed. Scary vampire was now at her side holding her wrist. His fingers dug painfully into her delicate flesh and she willed herself not to flinch. “Let go.”

  “You should be enthralled.”

  Sheridan calmed her racing heart. “Enthralled by what?”

  “By me. Your human mind cannot withstand the power of my Glamour.”

  Sheridan couldn’t help it, she laughed. “I’m sorry, don’t mean to laugh.” She gasped when the hold on her wrist tightened. Okay, that hadn’t been the smartest thing to do. Don’t laugh at an obviously egotistical vampire. Not smart.

  “How are you doing this?”

  “Doing what?” Sheridan was completely baffled.

  Vampire Pathos jerked her flush against his body.

  Sheridan struggled, but it was no use. It was like struggling against reinforced steel.

  “You are beautiful. And humans so rarely are.” Vampire Pathos leaned down to kiss her mouth, but Sheridan twisted away. His kiss fell to her cheek.

  He released her so suddenly then, she stumbled against her car.

  “This will be a pleasure.” Vampire Pathos smiled, and it was like looking at an angel, an angel with really large fangs. He stepped back and allowed Sheridan to jump into her car.

  Sheridan didn’t hesitate. She locked the doors, hit the gas, and sped away.

  * * * *

  Sheridan took a deep breath and calmed her frayed nerves. She was fine now. She rang the doorbell and when the door opened, all but fell into Xethre’s waiting arms.

  “What’s wrong?” Xethre asked immediately.

  Sheridan shook her head. “Let’s fuck.” She tugged at his shirt.

  Xethre eluded her hands and his eyes went hot with fury. “Who touched you? WHO!” He shouted.

  Sheridan took a step back. “No one.” She had never seen Xethre like this before. His face was white with anger and his turquoise eyes swirled furiously. She could almost see flames dancing within those blue orbs. His hair seemed to suddenly crackle and when he snarled she could see large fangs elongating, lengthening. Oh shit.

  “Don’t lie to me. Don’t ever lie to me.” Xethre advanced.

  Sheridan gulped. “Stop it. Stop it, Xethre.” She turned for the open door but Xethre’s hand was suddenly there, shutting it.

  “I can smell him … vampire…” Xethre hissed. “Who … who touched you?”

  Sheridan knew Xethre wouldn’t hurt her. She knew. But that didn’t stop her body from shaking.

  Through his anger, Xethre saw her reaction to his power and forced his energy down. He hadn’t meant to frighten her. His reaction was instinctive, his anger immediate. But he didn’t want her to fear him. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Sheridan.” Xethre stepped back. “It … it is like the tide, I cannot help it from flowing.”

  Sheridan nodded jerkily. “All right, fine.” She swallowed. “But you can control your emotions, and your emotions control the scary-ass vampire power thing, right? So get your shit together.”

  Sheridan’s words were like a slap across his face. Xethre laughed raggedly. “Sometimes, often, I find I cannot seem to control my emotions around you.”

  Sheridan sighed. “You’ve got to try. You really freaked me out.”

  Xethre nodded. “Yes, I know. Again, I am sorry.”


  He moved back even further. “Would you come to the sitting room with me?”

  The sitting room, yeah, she could do that. She nodded and followed his lead.

  * * * *

  “Show me, please.” Xethre asked calmly now.

  Sheridan bit her lip but held up her hand for inspection.

  Xethre took her hand gently within his and inspected her bruised wrist. He had seen it the moment she had sat down. Her delicate flesh was marred by thick clusters of purple and black.

  “Tell me, my love, please.”

  She hesitated.

  Xethre looked deep into her eyes. “I will not do the ‘scary-ass’ vampire thing, I promise.”

  Sheridan nodded. “I was coming to you. I made it to my car, and he was waiting for me. Vampire. I knew it the moment he pulled down his hood.”


  “Yeah, he was wearing a long cloak with a hood, you know, like something out of a fantasy movie. The moment I saw his face I knew. Is that ridiculous? I just knew.”

  “It i
s not so ridiculous, my love.”

  Sheridan took a deep breath and continued. “I think he tried something on me first, uh, Glamour. He said it was Glamour.”

  Xethre stiffened, but otherwise did nothing.

  “And then he got really upset … because it wasn’t working like it was supposed to. I think that is why he was upset. He grabbed my arm. He … he…” She broke off. When she saw the stillness of his face she rushed on, “tried to kiss me.”

  “A name, give me a name, Sheridan.”

  Oh, her full name. He was really pissed. Sheridan swallowed. “Pathos. He said his name was Pathos. And he knew mine, Xethre. He knew my name.”

  Xethre went completely white, so white, that his turquoise eyes drowned out his face.

  Sheridan placed her hand to his cheek. “Xethre, Xethre?”

  “Pathos,” the other vampire’s name was a mere whisper on his lips.

  “Xethre, speak to me, tell me what is wrong.” Sheridan was worried. Xethre was so white, so still. His face was utterly, completely bloodless and his skin so very, very, cold. She could see the flames dancing within his eyes once again and knew that it was not a good sign.

  Sheridan kissed him then. She coaxed his unresponsive lips into responding. She teased his lips with her tongue and swept inside the cavern of his mouth. She wrapped her hands within his thick hair and deepened the kiss.

  And suddenly he was with her. His hands were spearing through her hair and his mouth was ravaging hers.

  They tumbled to the floor.

  Xethre ripped Sheridan’s blouse open, tore her bra off, and shoved her skirt to her waist.

  Sheridan frantically unzipped Xethre’s slacks to free his hard cock.

  “Mine, my own,” Xethre ground out. His mouth latched over one of Sheridan’s taut nipples. He rolled the pebbled flesh within his mouth and when it hardened even more, he bit the tender bud.

  “Xethre, ohhhhh…” Sheridan writhed under him. She arched her back, desperate to get nearer still. She felt his hands cool and demanding on her hot skin and bit back a cry when she felt his finger slide deep within her dripping pussy. “More,” she cried.

  “Yes, yes, more,” Xethre ripped her panties away and shoved two more fingers into her tight passage. Her flesh sucked him in instantly. He ground his three fingers hard within her body, rotating his wrist to search her out even further.


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