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Noble Love (The Nobles of Sweet Rapids #1)

Page 7

by Té Russ


  Spending the night with her had been spectacular. He didn't know what it was about her, but something in her brought something so primal and possessive out of him. Even now, his desire for her was nearly overpowering.

  From the moment he'd kissed her last night after she'd agreed to him staying the night, something in him had been unleashed. His craving to be inside of her was borderline addictive.

  He stretched his arm out, reaching for her warm body and his eyes snapped open when he realized Tessa was gone. He sat up in bed and looked around the empty room. He listened for sounds coming from the bathroom, and when he heard none, he grabbed his boxers from the floor, slid them on and went in search for Tessa.

  A few minutes later, he found her in her spare bedroom, which she'd obviously converted into an office/gym. He watched her as drops of sweat rolled down her back and her ass jiggled every time her running shoes hit the treadmill.

  The sound of her heavy breathing reminded him of the way she sounded beneath him just hours earlier, as he slid in and out of her for the third time.

  She must have sensed his presence because she turned around and gave him a sheepish grin.

  She slowed her run to a walk as she caught her breath and pulled out her earbuds.

  "I didn't wake you, did I?" she asked apologetically.

  He shook his head as she stopped the treadmill and hopped off. She grabbed a towel and began to wipe the sweat from her brow, then neck and finally her chest. He grabbed the bottle of water sitting on her desk and handed it to her when she stopped in front of him.

  "Thanks," she said, taking a long swig.

  He leaned against the door jamb and grinned as he said, "If you still have enough energy to get up and jog..." He looked over her shoulder at the display screen on the treadmill. "...Eight miles," he said, impressed, "Then I must have not done as good of a job as I thought."

  "You did a fantastic job," she assured him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before backing away. "It's just a habit I suppose. But it wasn't without difficulty that I got out of the bed this morning."

  As she began to do her post-workout stretches, Isaiah sat in her office chair. "So, running is your thing?"

  "Yep," she said. "Started in college."

  "Is that how you got so toned?"

  A throaty laugh floated from her lips. "If by getting toned, you mean losing about thirty pounds of 'baby fat' as my parents affectionately called it, even in high school, then yes. But you're sweet for being kind with your words."

  "I meant no harm–"

  "Oh, I know, Isaiah," she said, waving off his comment. "No harm was done. I've always been comfortable in my own skin, no matter what size it's been."

  Her confidence showed in every aspect. The way she walked, talked and carried herself. He'd remembered that same confidence when they were younger. To him, she was beautiful no matter the size of her body. It was the size of her heart that was pulling him under her spell.

  He nodded and asked, "Do you just run on the treadmill or do you run outdoors too?"

  "I love running outdoors," she said.

  "If you don't mind the company, maybe I can join you some time."

  Tessa stood, and Isaiah did as well.

  "That would be great. I knew you were a runner," she said, smiling at him. "I need to get in the shower, and get ready for work."

  His mouth spread into a wide grin. "Another place I'd like to join you."

  Tessa yelped when he scooped her up in to his arms and her laughter floated through the house as he carried her back to the bedroom.

  Chapter 13

  Tessa hurried into the bakery over an hour late. Dana was in the shop area putting fresh desserts in the display case. The bakery was set to open in twenty minutes.

  "I'm so sorry I'm late," Tessa said, tossing the apron over her head. "Mama's not here, is she?"

  Dana spun her finger in a circle, ordering Tessa to turn around. "No, oddly enough," she said, helping Tessa tie her apron on. Tessa turned back around when Dana was done and headed toward the kitchen.

  "Good," she said. "The last thing I need is Mama questioning why I was late this morning."

  "Why were you late this morning?" Dana asked, right on Tessa's heels.

  Tessa grabbed the hair tie off of her wrist and gathered her hair to the top of her head before getting a hair net. It had reverted back to its normally curly state once she took her shower that morning.

  Her very long, very sexy shower with Isaiah.

  "I...uh...overslept," she lied.

  Dana studied her for a minute. "Overslept, huh?"

  "Mmmhmm." Tessa turned away from her sister's inquisitive gaze.

  "Late for work...glowing skin...not to mention that big ass hickey on your neck..."

  Tessa gasped and her hand flew to her neck, causing Dana to break out in a fit of laughter.

  "You got laid, didn't you?"


  Dana was still laughing. "He must have really knocked your bottom out if you couldn't even get up to get to work on time."

  Tessa huffed at her sister, who was still laughing, as she put the hair net on her head.

  Dana hugged Tessa from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder. "Oh, you know I'm just teasing. But seriously though, did you and Isaiah..." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  Tessa had told Dana she was going out with Isaiah and had promised to give her all of the details. After another moment of silence, Tessa nodded her head. Dana squealed and squeezed Tessa tighter.

  "I knew it! Lucky. At least one of us is getting some," she said, finally releasing Tessa.

  "What about Aiden?" Tessa said, as Dana went to the other side of the island.

  Dana's face scrunched up into a disgusted frown. "No way," she said, shaking her head.

  Tessa studied her sister for a moment before saying, "There's obviously some kind of attraction between you two. Hell, you've already kissed him once..."

  At the look of embarrassment on her sister's face, Tessa realized Dana just may have locked lips with her neighbor more than once.


  When Dana cringed, Tessa laughed. "How many times have you kissed Aiden?"

  "Only three!" she insisted.

  "Only three?"

  "Yes, but they were meaningless."

  "They can't be all that meaningless if you keep kissing the damn man," Tessa challenged.

  "Can we not talk about this right now?" Dana said. "We're supposed to be discussing you and your date with Isaiah."

  "Fine," Tessa said, throwing her hands up. "But one of these days, we're gonna figure out what is going on between you and that neighbor or yours."


  Isaiah looked up at his parents and smiled.

  "You guys ready?"

  His mother smiled and nodded.

  He hit 'record' on the camera and asked his first question.

  "How did the two of you meet?"

  Irene's smile widened and she looked over at Isaac, who cleared his throat.

  "Irene...and I...met in..."


  Isaac blinked and narrowed his eyes at Isaiah.

  "What do you mean 'cut'?" he grumbled. "We just started."

  "Pop," Isaiah sighed, trying to find the right words. "You've gotta relax. You're kinda sounding like...a robot. There's no script here."

  It was obvious that Isaac wasn't comfortable in front of the camera.

  "Just pretend like the camera’s not here," Isaiah advised.

  "But the camera is here," Isaac griped.

  "Okay," Isaiah said. "You've told us this story a million times. Just tell it the same way you've always told it to us."

  Isaac nodded his head and began to speak.

  "I met Irene when we were freshmen at the University of Nevada in Reno."

  "I was originally from Georgia," Irene threw in.

  "It was so funny to me," Isaac said. "Watching this Southern girl trying to get used to the desert."r />
  Irene laughed along with him as she placed her hand in his and gazed lovingly at her husband.

  Over the next hour, they continued talking, telling their story of how they met and fell in love.

  "That's good for now," Isaiah finally said.

  "What's next?" Irene asked, as she stood.

  "I've set up interviews with some of your old college classmates and friends, as well as people in town. I've also begun reaching out to some employees, specifically the few who have been around since the beginning. But we're done for now. Some time in the next week, I'll come back to interview you more about how you took Nana Noble's homemade concoctions, reinvented them and turned them into the success they now are."

  "Sounds like a plan," Isaac said.

  As Isaiah packed up his camera, his mother asked, "Are you staying for dinner?"

  "Can't," Isaiah said. "Already got plans."

  "With Tessa?" she sang.

  Isaiah grinned as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "Yes, with Tess."

  He'd been so involved in preparing for the start of the shooting of the film that he didn't get a chance to see Tessa that much. She'd texted him earlier that day and told him she would be going to hot yoga later that night and asked if he was interested. He told her he'd meet her there.

  "Oh! So it's just 'Tess' now?" Irene teased.

  Shaking his head, he kissed his mother on the cheek. "I'm late. I'll see you guys soon."


  The class was already starting the standing deep breathing practice when Isaiah slipped into the studio onto the mat next to Tessa, which she'd saved for him. She peeked over at him as he interlaced his fingers together and placed his knuckles under his chin.

  Seeing him in his compression shorts made her wish she'd have just invited him to her place instead of this damn class. The heat of the room already had his skin glistening, and he'd only been in there for a couple of minutes.

  His eyes met hers and he gave her a sexy wink before turning back to the front of the class as the teacher ordered them to inhale deeply, as they lifted their elbows to the sky.

  It had been bad enough taking the same class with Isaiah when he was across the room from Tessa. Taking the class right next to him was torture.

  When the class finally came to an end ninety minutes later, he whispered that he'd meet her after they took their showers.

  Tessa waited impatiently for her turn in the shower. When her turn arrived, she showered quickly and then threw her clothes on. She grabbed her bag and rushed out of the ladies room in search of Isaiah.

  When she didn't see him right away, she moved down the hallway of the studio. She gasped when a hand reached out and pulled her back around a corner hidden from the rest of the studio. She went from startled to aroused in an instant as Isaiah's lips covered her. Her bag fell from her hand as she reached up to grip his shoulders.

  Finally breaking off the kiss, the flashing of his teeth lit up their hidden little cove.

  "You were late for class."

  "Did you miss me this week, Miss Everett?" he whispered.

  She gave him a saucy grin as she shrugged nonchalantly. "I might have."

  "Hmmm," he murmured. "Let's see how much you missed me."

  Her eyes stretched wide as his hand slid past the waistband of her yoga pants and underwear.

  "I think you missed me quite a bit," he rasped, as his fingers danced around her pussy lips. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he spread her lips and slipped two fingers inside. "I missed you," he said, continuing to tease her.

  She could tell by the way he was making love to her with his hand, with people in hearing distance. It was so scandalous; the thought that if someone had the notion to come to the back of the studio and turn that corner, they'd get caught. But she couldn't seem to stop him. She didn't want to.

  She felt his tongue on her neck as his fingers pressed deeper inside of her and her hand pressed against the large pillar that kept them hidden.

  "Tess," he breathed against her neck.

  "W-what?" she moaned.

  "Spend the weekend with me in Tahoe."

  "Yes," she whimpered.

  His fingers moved faster and her breathing sped up as well. Her head fell back, lightly thudding the wall behind her. He pressed the heel of his palm to her clit and her body exploded. He covered her mouth with his free hand to stifle the scream that threatened to spill from her mouth.

  Once she quieted down, he wrapped his arm around her waist as her body continued to convulse, and covered her mouth with his own in a scorching kiss. When he finally ended the kiss, he pulled his hand from between her slick thighs and licked his fingers.

  "Let's head to your place so we can finish what we started," he crooned.

  They couldn't get out of the studio fast enough.

  Chapter 14

  Tessa pulled up to her parents’ large house and shut off the car. She hummed with a smile on her face all the way from her car up to the porch as she took her key out of her pocket. It had been a good week so far, starting with that impromptu little session at the hot yoga studio. Isaiah had worked her body into such a frenzied state after bringing her to an insane orgasm with just his hand that by the time they got into her house after he'd followed her home, they didn't even make it to the bedroom.

  She shivered uncontrollably remembering how he'd taken her right there in the living room against her front door.

  And the weekend was fast approaching, which meant her first weekend away with him at his place on South Lake Tahoe.

  The timing couldn't be more perfect. Their father agreed to let the girls hire a few more employees; so they chose a few culinary students with a focus on pastries, from over at the local community college. Though Janet initially griped about the idea, she'd gone along with it. Tessa felt like it was a tiny stepping stone in getting their mother to agree to the idea of not only expanding their menu, but also their business as a whole.

  She'd told her parents earlier in the week that she'd be coming by to discuss how things were going with the new hires.

  Just as she put her key in the lock, she heard a loud scream.

  "Mama!" she gasped and quickly unlocked the door in a panic. Her mother's cries continued to ring out as Tessa hurried inside.

  And then she froze.


  Tessa stood mortified after she came around the corner of the foyer and found her mother's leg hanging over the back of the couch, bobbing bonelessly as her toes curled. Her fingers were also clutching the couch.

  Tessa covered her mouth with one hand and her eyes with the other until she backed out of sight. They hadn't even heard her come into the house. She tiptoed quickly out of the house, her ears now covered to mute the sounds of her parents and their morning romp on the couch.

  She quietly closed the door and locked it before rushing to the car. Once she was in, she looked back at the house.



  Dana stood over the bakery island staring at Tessa dumbfounded.

  "Dad...and...Mom?!" she said, her face cringing.

  "Uh huh," Tessa said, opening the wine they kept for desserts. It wasn't even noon yet, but after what she'd seen...

  She poured herself a large glass and began gulping it.

  "So, he was just blowing her back out, right there on the living room couch."

  The wine Tessa was drinking flew from her mouth.

  "Oh my God, Dana!" she said, grabbing a towel. She wiped her mouth, then grabbed a bottle of disinfect spray and cleaned the area covered in wine.

  "What?!" Dana said, laughing. "I think it's great. Dad's obviously still got it. Maybe he can fuck a yes out of her so we can start selling the new desserts and work on our plan of opening a second location."

  "Judging by the yeses she was screaming when I ran the hell out of there," Tessa murmured. "He just might."

  While Tessa was completely grossed out about walking in on her parents, she was cur
ious about what had spurred their late morning loving. They were supposed to be expecting her, but it seemed Emmett and Janet had totally forgotten about their meeting with their oldest daughter. She'd definitely remember to call next time, she thought as she picked up her wine glass again.

  "I'm heading to the office," she said to Dana. "Are you good to run things for a while?"

  "Of course," Dana said. "Go, ahead and try to clear out your memory bank for the day."

  "If only I truly could," Tessa groaned as she disappeared.

  Dana was still quietly giggling when she came out to the front of the bakery to check on the new hires. Poor Tessa seemed traumatized, and Dana wouldn't ever want to see her parents going at it like rabbits either.

  The door swung open and her eyes narrowed.

  "What are you doing here?" she spewed. She folded her arms across her chest in a show of defiance, but truthfully it was to hide her embarrassingly hard nipples that came to life the moment he was in her presence.

  "Is that how you treat a paying customer?" Aiden asked, his upper lip twitching. "If so..." He shook his head, with a tut-tutting of his lips.

  Dana's glare deepened as Aiden's smile grew wider. He knew she couldn't verbally attack him like she wanted to because customers were around.

  "Excuse me, Becky," she said to one of the new employees who'd been staring at the two of them warring with their eyes.

  Dana shoved her hand in a glove, yanked open the display case from her side and pulled out several brownies and chocolate chip cookies. After placing them in one of their dessert bags, she held it out to Aiden.

  "You remembered my favorites," he goaded, as he placed the exact amount of money on the counter. He lowered his voice to where she could only hear, as he took the bag from her. "I knew you wanted me."

  "You wish," she spat out as she reached down to pick up the money. Her stupid body nearly betrayed her when his hand snaked around her wrist.

  "Oh I know, sweetheart. Your body is screaming right now. I can smell it," he whispered, rubbing his thumb across her jumping pulse and Dana tightened her legs together. He knew he caught her and he licked his teeth from one canine to the other. "You smell sweeter than any dessert in here. And I bet those lips..." His eyes dipped low for a moment. "...Taste just as good as the ones on your face."


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