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His-And-Hers Family

Page 15

by Winn, Bonnie K.

  “Thanks, Mama. And, really, it’s okay if we can’t afford it.”

  “Afford what?” Blake asked as he reentered the kitchen, a reluctant Kevin trailing behind him.

  “Nothing,” Cassie said dismissively, purposely folding the brochure and sliding it into the towel drawer. “If you guys are hungry, we’re about ready. If not, I’ll probably eat the whole chicken by myself.”

  “D.J. and the twins already had a head start,” Katherine Ann reminded her. “There’s not a whole chicken left.”

  Jim ran down the stairs. “Sorry I’m late. I didn’t think it would take the routine so long to finish.”

  “It’s okay. We’re just getting started. Jim, why don’t you grab the jar of sun tea from the patio?” Cassie glanced at Katherine Ann for confirmation, and her daughter nodded, indicating that the tea was outside. “Your sister’s made dinner. The younger guys have already eaten.”

  “I didn’t hear any of them moaning from food poisoning,” Jim remarked, grinning at his sister. “I’ll get the tea.”

  Cassie glanced between Blake and Kevin. “Katherine Ann, why don’t you show him where you put the jar?”

  “Anybody could...” Katherine Ann glanced at her mother’s face, saw her no-nonsense expression and amended her words. “Sure. I’ll check on Gulliver while I’m out there.”

  “Perceptive child,” Blake commented as the door closed behind Jim and Katherine Ann.

  “At times.”

  “I think Kevin has something he’d like to say to you.”

  “Uh, yeah. I’m sorry I glued you to the faucet and sprayed you with the extinguisher.” Kevin glanced upward at his father, whose expression urged him to continue. “And I won’t be pulling any more dumb tricks.”

  “Glad to hear it, Kevin. I wasn’t looking forward to finding my bed short-sheeted or filled with shaving cream.”

  From the expression that flashed across Kevin’s face, it was all too clear to both adults that he regretted not having thought of these delights as well. “Yeah, well...”

  “Tell you what—if you’re washed up, why don’t you grab the casserole dish from the oven, and we’ll have dinner?”

  Kevin glanced at her suspiciously, obviously waiting for the other shoe to fall. “That’s it?”

  “I don’t usually suggest tar-and-feathering until the third offense, and you don’t want to know what I recommend on the fourth. There’s an oven mitt next to the trivet.”

  As she continued her calm, casual behavior with Kevin, Blake could only watch with nothing short of amazement. While she hadn’t dismissed Kevin’s actions, she also hadn’t made him feel awkward and uncomfortable.

  It was more than just a touch with kids. It hit him that she actually cared for them. Despite the sarcasm, taunts, pranks and other grief they’d given her, Cassie worried about them, celebrated their triumphs and helped them with their weaknesses. He thought of how she’d turned the twins’ attitudes around.

  Watching her, Blake wondered just how many other changes she would be making in their lives.

  Chapter Twelve

  Katherine Ann peeled a potato, then shoved it down the garbage disposal. Since it was the second one she’d destroyed, Cassie guessed there was something on her daughter’s mind.

  “School going okay? You’ve got quite a load this semester.”

  Katherine Ann shrugged. “Sure, but the work doesn’t bother me.”

  “You’re lucky that way. Things come easy to you.”

  Katherine Ann deposited a big clump of peelings into the casserole dish that held the potatoes. “Some things.”

  Ah, There was a problem. “Something that doesn’t come so easily?”

  “Mama, do you think if I go to the dance, that anyone will ask me to dance?”

  Cassie’s throat thickened, remembering her own slew of insecurities at that age. “Of course I do. You’re a very pretty girl.”

  Katherine Ann studied the tile floor. “You have to say that. You’re my mother.”

  “Actually, I don’t have to. I said it because it’s true.”

  Her daughter’s gaze lifted to meet Cassie’s, her young face screwed into earnest concentration. “Mama, there’s this one boy. His name is Chad. You’ve seen him—he’s on the debate team, too. He’s got blond hair—the only cute guy on the team. I really like him, but...”

  “But what?”

  “He probably won’t like me. He likes cool girls.”

  Cassie reached out to smooth her daughter’s silky hair. “Just be yourself, and he can’t help but like you. You’re a very special person, Katherine Ann, and it shows.”

  A ray of hope shone in her daughter’s eyes. “Then you think I ought to go to the dance?”

  “Definitely. And I’ll do everything I can to make things easier—you know I already volunteered to help out.”

  “Can we get a new dress, Mama?” She rushed the next words, as though anticipating a protest. “I know you already bought me a lot of nice stuff, but I thought, maybe something special? You know, that might make Chad notice me.”

  Cassie drew her into a hug. “I think sometimes every girl deserves a magical dress for a magical evening. The dance is in three days, so we’d better hurry.” She drew off her apron and eyed the messy potato casserole ruefully. “Let’s get a head start on the traffic.”

  “But what about dinner? I thought you wanted to make it ahead.”

  “I think it might be a good night for pizza or burgers. Kevin and the twins are probably having withdrawal from not getting enough take-out food, anyway.”

  Katherine Ann gladly abandoned her task. “I wasn’t in the mood for scalloped potatoes anyway.”

  Cassie took one last look at the mangled potatoes and muttered, “Good thing.”

  BLAKE PULLED into the driveway, pleased that he’d gotten home on schedule. It had been difficult to pull off—he’d crammed eighteen hours of work into thirteen. But it was worth it.

  Kevin was slowly coming around, having volunteered for household jobs that amazed Blake, even though he knew his son was motivated strictly by the desire to earn time off from his grounding. Kevin had managed to reduce his grounding by nearly a full week. The minute he came home from school, he started on the work list Cassie had drawn up for him, and he didn’t quit until bedtime, hustling as Blake had never seen him do.

  Blake was proud of him, and he wanted to show Kevin just how much. He could hardly wait till Kevin found out what he’d planned. Never having had time to involve himself in any of Kevin’s school activities, Blake had decided to change that. Tonight was the school dance. Having heard Cassie and Katherine Ann discuss little else for the past three days had given him a great idea.

  Blake had called the school counselor and offered to chaperon. It wasn’t normally his sort of thing, and he hoped Kevin would see it as a move on his part toward the bonding he’d told his son he wanted. And since the school was woefully short of chaperons, his offer had been eagerly accepted.

  Despite a hectic day, he’d managed to eliminate the biggest obstacle—five more hours of work.

  Whistling, Blake strode inside, nearly as eager to surprise Cassie with his news as he was Kevin. He sensed she’d be startled—and pleased. She’d told him often enough that he had to be the one to take the steps to ensure that he and his sons stayed close...actually, she’d said to grow close. But he considered it repair work. He knew he’d spent more time working in the past three years, since Elizabeth’s death, but his business had filled a huge void in his life.

  Shaking away the memories, Blake concentrated on the present. Glancing at his watch, he realized there was less than half an hour to shower and change. Not seeing Cassie or Kevin, he hurried upstairs to wash away thirteen hours of work and tension. Sprinting down the stairs with five minutes to spare, Blake headed for the kitchen. Finding it empty, he turned toward the living room. At the doorway, however, he paused.

  Standing silhouetted by the late-setting sun,
Cassie was a vision in a simple sheath of a dress. She looked incredible. The scoop neck of the black silk accented her delicate collarbones, while the cap sleeves revealed her toned arms. His eyes slid to the abbreviated hemline—while a popular length, it was shorter than anything he’d seen her wear before. Simple black heels accentuated her long legs.

  She’d left her hair loose, hair he’d once thought frumpy because it wasn’t tamed into a sleek, sophisticated cap. It was the color of burnished wheat, long and thick—a stylist’s dream. As she stood there, tall, slim, utterly unselfconscious, her fresh beauty was stunning.

  Then she stepped closer. And took his breath away. Eyes of smoke—pure gray, with no hint of blue or green—focused on him. Had he once thought she needed more makeup? She was perfect just as she was.

  Cassie gestured nervously toward the dress with her hands. “It’s too short. I know it is. I didn’t mean to shorten it this much. I was redoing my old dress...Katherine calls it my funeral dress... fixing the neckline and sleeves and all...and I guess I was a little nervous. Anyhow, I wound up taking off more material than I meant to. I know people are wearing them like this, but it’s not really me. At least, I guess it’s not.” She met his gaze. “What do you think?”

  Magnificent sprang to mind. “It looks good, Cassie.” He cleared his throat. “Real good.”

  She smiled finally, a bit of her nerves fading. “I thought you were going to be a lot later.” Then her gaze took in his damp hair. “Well, look at you. You’re all showered and changed. You going somewhere special?”

  “I should ask you the same thing.”

  “Mama, Mr. Matthews, you look great.”

  Cassie gazed past him into the hall. “Thanks, Katherine Ann. You guys about ready?”

  “Yes, Mama.”

  Blake turned, seeing Kevin. “Not so fast.”

  “But, Dad, my grounding was up yesterday, and—”

  “I know. But before you leave, I have a little surprise for you.”

  Kevin looked suddenly wary. “What?”

  Blake smiled. “I volunteered to chaperon your dance tonight.”

  “What?” But the startled question came from more than just Kevin. Cassie’s voice was chiming in, as well.

  He spun around. “I knew you’d be pleased.”

  She stared at him. “I volunteered, too.”

  “Great.” Kevin threw his hands upward. “Could this get any more embarrassing?”

  Blake looked in surprised dismay at his son. “What’s so embarrassing about it?”

  Kevin wore the look of perpetual teenage disgust. “Well, if you can’t figure it out...”

  “I know that acknowledging you have parents at your age is an embarrassment in itself, but somebody’s parents have to be the chaperons or there’s no dance.”

  “But why’d it have to be you two?”

  Blake glanced at Cassie long enough to see her register the insult.

  But she quickly camouflaged her feelings. “Katherine Ann knew that I’d volunteered, and I don’t plan to cancel. Actually, neither of us can cancel or, as your dad pointed out, there’ll be no dance.”

  “I killed myself for a week so I could take Jenny to this dance, and now you guys...” Kevin sank onto the ottoman. “Got any more wonderful surprises?”

  “Actually, I do,” Blake answered, disappointed by Kevin’s reaction. “Keep up this attitude, and after the dance you can look forward to another week of grounding.”

  Obviously startled, Cassie looked at Blake with growing admiration. “Well, we’d better get going.”

  “Can’t Albert drive us?” Kevin asked. “I mean, Katherine Ann and Jenny and me? Please?”

  “What about Jim?” Blake asked, not sure he should accede to Kevin’s wishes.

  “He doesn’t have a date. He’s going to watch D.J. and the twins. Please, Dad?”

  Remembering the embarrassment of being chauffeured by his father at that age, Blake wavered. “I guess that would be all right. Cassie and I will see you at the dance.”

  “Great,” Kevin mumbled.


  “Nothing. I mean, thanks, Dad.”

  As Katherine Ann and Kevin started to leave, Blake called out. “Katherine Ann?”

  She paused. “Yes?”

  “You look really pretty tonight.”

  She blushed, looking much the way her mother did when pleased. “Thanks. It’s a new dress.”

  He smiled. “The dress is nice, too.”

  Flushing under his praise, Katherine Ann literally shone. “Thank you.” Her gaze skipped toward her mother, her eyes telegraphing her gratitude, both for the guidance and for the new dress.

  Noticing the glance, Blake realized that Cassie looked as touched as her daughter. He doubted Cassie would have been any more pleased if the compliment was directed at her.

  Katherine Ann turned to leave just as Kevin returned.

  “Dad, you’re not going know...hang out with us at the dance, are you? Not that it wouldn’t be...uh, cool, but Jenny doesn’t know you’re coming, and...”

  Blake let him off the hook. “Don’t worry. We’ll remain anonymous. And I imagine we can find something to do other than hang out with you two. Even though that would be ‘cool.’”

  Kevin looked as though he’d just been rescued from death row. “Okay, see ya.”

  As he and Katherine Ann disappeared, Blake turned to Cassie with a wry smile. “We haven’t even gone to the ball yet, and one of the coaches has turned into a pumpkin.”

  “A chauffeur-driven pumpkin,” she reminded him, a smile tilting her lips.

  Blake shook his head. “Prince Charming better work on the charming part before they pick up Jenny, or she’s not going to let him anywhere near her glass slippers.”

  Cassie laughed—a warm, throaty, exuberant laugh. It was a sound that reached down and snagged him, making him think of cool evenings, a brightly burning fireplace, and lights turned down very low.

  She stepped forward, picking up a small purse. “With an example like you, how can he miss?”

  The doorbell rang suddenly, breaking the moment. Cursing under his breath, Blake didn’t wait for Maria to answer the door, instead striding over and yanking it open himself. Daphne was poured across the door frame, as though her voluptuous body had been molded for just that purpose. Blake bit back a second curse. “This is a surprise, Daphne.”

  Well tended, perfectly shaped brows rose. “Really? You look all dressed and ready for me.”

  He glanced at her form-fitting evening gown. “Afraid not. You’re not outfitted for a night at the high school gym.”

  She made a moue of disapproval as she slinked inside. “And why would anybody want to be?”

  Blake chuckled, knowing Daphne’s tastes didn’t run to anything so mundane. “To chaperon a school dance.”

  “Surely they have people to do that sort of thing.”

  “Yeah. They’re called parents.”

  She give a small shiver of distaste. “How dreadful for you. How’d you get roped into this?”

  “I volunteered.”

  “Oh, darling. You’re just getting entirely too serious about this parent business.”

  Blake tried to remember that she didn’t know anything about the “parent business” she so casually dismissed. Before he could respond, Daphne had entered the living room and spotted Cassie.

  “Well, if it isn’t Cinderella,” cooed Daphne. “Traded in your Mary Poppins persona?”

  “Cassie volunteered to chaperon as well,” Blake offered.

  “How very convenient. Aren’t you lucky to have someone right here in the house to help with all these parent chores?”

  Blake studied Daphne warily. It wasn’t like her to be kind, especially to Cassie. “Yes, I am.”

  “Would you be a dear and get me something to drink, Blake? I’m about to perish.”

  Blake turned automatically toward the bar.

  “Do you have some tea or juice
? I’m really not in the mood for anything stronger.”

  This was a different side to his sister-in-law. “Sure. I’ll see what I can find in the kitchen.”

  “I COULD GO—” Cassie started to offer, as Blake left the room. Waiting on Daphne was definitely preferable to being left alone with her.

  “When a man offers, take advantage of it,” Daphne said, interrupting her. “It’s not like it happens all that often.”

  Cassie nodded, also suspicious.

  As Blake disappeared, Daphne turned toward her, and Cassie knew she had good reason to remain wary. But Daphne’s words threw her.

  “You look very nice, Cassie.”

  Cassie glanced down, still self-conscious about her converted dress. Especially since the other woman was expensively gowned in what was no doubt a designer original. “Thank you.”

  “So you’re accompanying Blake to the school dance?”

  Cassie nodded. “Well, we’re both chaperons.”

  “But to all appearances, he’ll be escorting you.”

  “I suppose so.”

  Daphne’s smile was offset by a look of deep concern. “Do you think that’s wise?”

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  Daphne waved her hands, gesturing around the expensively furnished room. “Blake has a certain...image to maintain. Most especially for his business contacts. As you no doubt have learned, his business is very important to him. I wonder what the men he deals with would think of him escorting his children’s nanny.”

  “I suppose you think you’d be a better choice?” countered Cassie.

  Daphne shrugged one of her perfect shoulders. “I didn’t say that. But how does it look with you on his arm? And trust me, in L.A., you will be seen, whether you’re at the local school or in the Polo Lounge.”

  “I think you’re exaggerating,” Cassie replied, adding silently, or just making trouble.

  Daphne’s eyes narrowed as she sighed. “I know you’ve done your best, but you and I both know that little dress you’re wearing isn’t quite up to the standards of Blake’s circle. While I’m sure it was fine back in Oklahoma—”

  “Texas,” Cassie corrected.


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