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Page 13

by K. J. Dahlen

  She hoped that included the bodies the guys had left behind. She knew there would be at least three. She could only pray that those three would get what was coming to them when they finally got to their final destination. She hoped hell was hot and nasty for them.

  Destiny patted her arm and Quinn looked down. When the girl made a drinking motion, Quinn poured her some more milk and handed her the glass.

  Destiny grinned slightly and eagerly drank the milk.

  Quinn wondered what was actually wrong with the little girl. She seemed bright enough even if she didn’t talk at four years old. That might not be her fault though, if you looked at her previously lifestyle.

  Mona had told Cassie that her daughter was slightly slow in her thinking or something stupid like that. Quinn didn’t think that was the case. She thought Destiny had been ignored to the point she’d given up.

  This thought hurt her heart. No child should ever be ignored like that. Every child born deserved to be loved and wanted. They truly were a gift from God.

  She reached out to brush a strand of hair away from Destiny’s face and caught the little girl’s flinch.

  Then Destiny got down from the table and ran over to the corner where she squatted and wrapped her little arms around her knees. She kept her head down and didn’t see everyone turn to look at her.

  Chance dared to look toward Quinn and caught the look of devastation on her face. He got up and went to her, gathering her trembling body into his arms. “Shhh baby. It’ll be ok.”

  “All I did was brush her hair out of her face. I didn’t hurt her,” Quinn whispered as tears rolled down her face.

  “I know sweetheart. I know.” Chance reassured her.

  Just then, Cassie joined them. She squatted down beside Quinn and began rubbing her back. “You didn’t do anything wrong Quinn.”

  “Then why did she run like I’d smacked her? I wouldn’t do that. I would never hurt that sweet child,” Quinn wailed softly.

  “I know that,” Cassie told her. “We all do. But when you live like she did, it’s so hard to not anticipate the smack that has always came before. All that tiny little girl has known is pain instead of love, being ignored instead of being hugged. Going to bed hungry, instead of with a full belly. It’s going to take time but if you’re patient with her, she’ll come around.” Cassie smiled at Quinn. “I promise you that much. You, we all, just have to teach her how to love and not be afraid any more. She’ll never have to fear us as long as she lives here.”

  “How do you know that?” Quinn asked with tears running down her face. “Her own mother told you she’s retarded or something.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that sweet little girl.” Cassie frowned. “And I know because I was her when I was four. I never trusted anyone else’s touch either. It wasn’t until I met another little girl that I learned someone else’s touch didn’t have to hurt.” Cassie turned to watch Destiny. “She has to learn that too. Learn that not everyone’s touch is bad. You have to give her a chance and she’ll give you one back.” Turning back to Quinn and Chance, she added, “But it’s going to take some time. She has to learn to trust you and trust doesn’t come easy for some people. Just be there for her. That’s what she needs the most.”

  Quinn nodded as understanding came. She knew Cassie’s story and she wondered just how strong this little woman really was. Then she looked over at where Destiny was sitting. Her heart broke all over again. She leaned into Chance’s embrace.

  Looking up at him, she had something to tell him. “You know I love you right?”

  When Chance nodded, she sighed and went on, “I love that little girl too. I can’t let the foster system have her. Some kids don’t do very well in the system. I know her mother is still around but she can’t have her back. After everything she did to her, she doesn’t deserve to get her back. I know it doesn’t make sense but I want to keep her.”

  Chance smiled. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. That little girl needs you as much as you need her, and I need you both.”

  “Really?” Quinn smiled. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “I wouldn’t mind at all.” Chance smiled. Leaning toward her, he brushed his lips over hers. “Come on, we should begin as we mean to go on.” He got up and pulled her to her feet. They walked over to the corner where Destiny was sitting. Chance sat down on one side of the little girl and Quinn sat down on the other.

  Destiny grew stiff but they didn’t touch her. Instead, they began talking to her and to each other. It took a while but eventually, Destiny relaxed. She sat there listening to them. When Quinn began playing with her hair, Destiny didn’t flinch again. Instead, she leaned into her allowing the touch.

  They all sat there longer than the rest of the group. Even after everyone else had gone home, they sat there in the corner talking quietly. Destiny eventually laid her head on Quinn’s lap and went to sleep.

  Quinn’s heart was full enough to burst as she gazed down at the little girl on her lap. She looked up at Chance and smiled.

  “I think she’s ready for bed don’t you?” Chance asked.

  “Yeah, I think so too.” Quinn agreed. “We’re in one of the bedrooms down the hall.”

  “I know where you’re sleeping.” He growled low.

  “And how would you know that?’ Quinn teased.

  “You’re my woman. I know where you are all the time.” Chance got to his feet and bent over to pick up Destiny. When she half woke, he hushed her. “Shh, baby girl you’re all right.”

  Destiny settled down again and allowed him to carry her to her bed. When he settled her on a small cot in Quinn’s bedroom, she turned over and went to sleep. Quinn put her purple bunny next to her and then turned to Chance.

  He was waiting for her and went she turned he crushed her lips under his. Quinn couldn’t move or protest, not that she would. She wanted him too much for that.

  He pulled led her through the door and to the room adjoining hers. She moved with him as he made his way over to the bed they would be sharing that night. Her insides quivered. She wondered if this was finally it. Would he finally relent and they could be skin to skin? It would be so wonderful!

  “You’ll never have to spend another night alone. I’ve got you now and I’m not letting you go.” Chance smiled as he went over to the side of the bed and quickly undressed, leaving his boxers on. Crawling under the covers, he waited for her.

  Nervous about this, Quinn grabbed her nightgown and went to the bathroom for a moment. When she came out, she doused the lights and crawled into bed with Chance.

  They laid there facing each other kissing softly.

  “Quinn. I know we wanted to wait for this.”

  Quinn giggled. “YOU.”

  He stared at her. “What?”

  “You wanted to wait. I wanted you the first minute I laid eyes on you.”

  He grinned at her. “Is that so?”

  Nodding, she reached out and smoothed her fingers across his hard chest. “Please take me? I’ve waited so long. I’ve dreamed of you every night for months.”

  Chance stared at her face. “I…just wanted you to know that you meant more to me than—”

  She placed her fingers on his lips. “You’ve proved it over and over.”

  With a smile, Chance reached down and began touching her. “When they got taken today. I thought to myself. What if it had been your girl?” He gazed into her eyes. “I’d waited to be with you. I vowed that I would wait no more as we all could be gone tomorrow.”

  A tear slid down Quinn’s cheek. She was so overwhelmed, she couldn’t speak.

  Dipping his hands into the neck of her gown, he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingertips.

  She groaned softly and moved closer to him. Oh, this felt so good. Her fingers slipped under the waistband of his boxers and cupped his hot cock.

  Chance groaned and began dry humping her hand. “God, woman,” he groaned. Then his hands slipped down her body and rea
ched her wet core. He groaned again, when he felt her slickness and his fingers slid inside her.

  “I need you now,” Quinn whispered.

  Chance turned her around with her back to his front and with his hands, he held each breast. He whispered to her ear, “Bend your body, Quinn.

  Quinn pushed herself back to him, her ass up against his hard cock. .

  He lined up then plunged into her core. Slamming into her over and over again.

  Quinn covered her mouth as she screamed with her almost instant orgasm. He filled her so completely as he held her body in a strong grip.

  Chance wasn’t done yet. He raised her up then rolled to his back and planted her on top of him.

  Quinn looked down at him.

  He reached up and played with her nipples. “Ride me, Quinn.”

  God, this was so sexy. She’d known he would be like this, but it was even better than she’d dreamed about. She slowly lowered herself to his hard thick cock. Every sweet inch was like more heaven as she slipped him inside. Then she moved her hips as he raised her up and down. Again, she felt a climax coming on. God, how many times—her body bowed in his grip. “Ohhh,” she let out. This position hit at her button too, as he went deep. Her body grew rigid with pleasure.

  “So beautiful when you come,” he whispered. “I didn’t sheath myself, sweet Quinn.” He gazed into her eyes as he held her in a tight grip. “You will marry me and have my babies, right?”

  Quinn gasped as she realized he was asking her the question right this minute! “Yes, yes!”

  He smiled. “So, if you are okay with it—?”

  She lowered her lips to his. “Yes, Chance. Come inside me please?”

  He raised his hips and plunged into her a few more strokes.

  Just this movement amped her up again and she was so close to coming too.

  He reached in and rubbed her clit. “Come with me.”

  The man had magic fingers as he hit the right spot yet again, and she exploded. As she did, he raised his powerful hips up and nearly speared her as he joined in her climax.

  Quinn was breathless the feeling of them coming together was supreme. She’d never dreamt this. She held in her cry, as she didn’t want to wake anyone.

  Chance’s heart was pounding in his chest as his body was caught up in the moment.

  It took a few minutes for them to calm down. Chance covered them up with a blanket and then snuggled with her. “I love you,” he whispered in Quinn’s ear. “That was more than I hoped for.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered as she wrapped his arm around her more snuggly. “Yes, that was sooo good.”

  “I know and I can’t believe we didn’t do that before now,” he teased in her ear.

  Quinn smacked his arm as she chuckled and gasped for breath as her body still had leftover trembles.

  “Sleep now sweetheart.” Chance kissed her neck.

  “And just how am I supposed to do that if you keep kissing my neck?” she whispered. “Behave yourself there is a child in the adjoining room.”

  Chance groaned but settled down.

  A few hours later, they were both awakened by Destiny crying. She wasn’t crying very loud but she was sobbing uncontrollably.

  Quinn rushed out of bed and ran through the doorway over to her. “Oh baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  Destiny wouldn’t talk but she huddled into Quinn’s arms. Wrapping her arms around her little legs, she tried to make herself smaller.

  Quinn looked over the room to Chance. She didn’t know what Destiny was trying to tell her but she thought maybe the child had had a nightmare. “Oh sweet baby, you are safe. I’ve got you sweetheart. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise.” Quinn kept assuring her.

  Finally, Chance got up. After putting on his jeans, he came over to join them. He wrapped his arms around both of them and tried to hush the little girl’s crying. “Hush now child. You’re safe here with us. Quinn and I are here to protect you from anyone ever hurting you again.” He laid his hand on her shoulder.

  Destiny had stopped bawling by this time but she still had the sniffles. She leaned against Quinn but kept her eyes on Chance. Popping her thumb into her mouth, she just stared at him.

  Chance just smiled and reached for the purple bunny on the bed. Handing it to Destiny carefully, he watched as she grabbed it and buried her face in Quinn’s chest.

  Chance moved to sit behind Quinn and Destiny then wrapped his arms around both of them.

  Destiny fell back to sleep first, then Quinn and finally Chance.

  The sun was high in the sky when Chance opened his eyes. When he looked down, he found someone watching him. Destiny was staring at him.

  Chance smiled and then he winked at her.

  She smiled back slightly.

  Chance leaned over and kissed Quinn’s neck.

  Destiny’s eyes went wide but she still didn’t say a word.

  Quinn stirred and slowly opened her eyes. She looked down at Destiny and smiled. Then she looked over at Chance and leaned closer to brush her lips over his. Then she peered down at Destiny and smiled again. “Are you hungry?”

  Destiny nodded.

  “Ok, how about we get dressed then go eat breakfast?” she suggested.

  Destiny nodded.

  Quinn stood the little girl up on her feet and moved her off to one side. Getting to her own feet she rummaged through the bag of clothes Amos had given her before they left Redemption House. Finding a set of clean clothes, she helped Destiny get dressed.

  Then Quinn grabbed clean clothes for herself and disappeared into the bathroom. It took her a few minutes to get dressed and when she came back Chance was talking to Destiny in a quiet voice.

  When she threw her gown on the bed, Chance got to his feet and quietly went into the other room put his own clothes on. He’d put his pants on during the night so all he had left to put on was his shirt, socks and boots.

  When they were ready, Quinn reached out her hand and waited for Destiny to take it. After a moment or so, the little girl reached out and grabbed Quinn’s hand. They turned and all three left the room.

  Before they got into the hall, Destiny reached out and took Chance’s hand as well.

  Chance lifted his eyes to Quinn and saw the joy in her eyes. He grinned at her.

  When they entered the main room, Reva smiled at the sight of them. She gave Quinn a nod and got up to fetch their breakfast.

  Chance sat them down at one of the tables. There were a few other members sitting there as well. Deke, Cassie and their kids were present. As were Gator and their kids. Mountain and Izzy and Danny were present too.


  Mountain watched his younger brother join them for breakfast. When he noticed Chance had Destiny’s hand in his own, he was surprised. Yesterday, the little girl was afraid of her own shadow. Now today, she was comfortable enough to hold their hands.

  Mountain met his brother’s eyes and held them for a time. When he looked away, he had no answers but Chance’s gaze told him something. Chance was calm and things appeared to be looking up for him. Maybe he finally took his woman. Yeah, he knew about this celibate rule his brother had set. He’d told Mountain that with the way Quinn’s father had been. With going through so many women and leaving them behind, that he’d decided to show her he was a different kind of man.

  Mountain had scoffed at this at first. To date a woman for six months and no sheets? Most men wouldn’t ever set themselves up for that. Then again, Chance wasn’t most men. He shook his head.

  Mountain always thought love was never an easy emotion and most times, it brought pain before it brought relief but he could see the relief in his brother’s gaze. He looked over at his own wife and son. They’d had their own problems along the way but finally things had settled down.

  Mountain thought about the last few days and wondered if Chance and Quinn’s problems were really over? Or if they hadn’t even started yet. They still had to face Mon
a Pearlman and her brand of crazy.

  Mountain prayed his brother and Quinn would have their time before any more problems came.


  Mona Perlman stood on the outskirts of the parking lot at the warehouse and stared at the smoldering ruins of the last place she’d seen her husband alive. A fireman walked past her and she reached out to him. “Were there any survivors?”

  The firefighter shook his head. “We haven’t found any bodies yet ma’am, but this fire burned hot. If there was anyone caught inside, we may not find any remains. They’d all be burnt to ash.”

  Mona felt weak. Tears fell down her cheeks and she never even knew it. She just stared at the ruins. She knew Lester was gone. She’d felt it last night.

  She turned and stumbled away from the wreckage. Where she was going she didn’t know or care at the moment, she only knew her life was over. No other man would care for her the way Lester had done.

  He’d told her that often enough. Step after step she moved away and with each step her heart broke a little bit more and the hole in her soul grew bigger.

  This was all Cassie Tory’s fault. If only she’d kept Destiny, this wouldn’t have happened. She would have been able to get Lester back in one piece, if only she had Destiny with her last night.

  As she got closer to home, her footsteps slowed. She had nothing left now. Lester was gone, Destiny was gone, and she was alone. She hated being alone. When she walked into her house, she could hear her own footsteps echoing through the rooms.

  This sound was the loneliest sound she’s heard in her whole life. She sat on the sofa in the living room and looked around. Lester hates chaos and a mess so she learned to keep her house clean and tidy. Looking around now she noted books out of order and broken glass on the floor form when Jonah’s men had broken in and taken Lester.


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