The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)

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The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) Page 2

by Maggie Carpenter

  “You’ll know that when I get back,” he frowned. “There’s that pad of paper and a pen in my nightstand. Whatever you think of, write it down, and remember, you stay in this room! No sneakin‘ out. I have some stuff to do around the barn.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she nodded, “I won’t go anywhere.”

  “Your butt will be redder if you do,” he warned.

  “I know, I swear I’ll be good.”

  He held her tightly, then laying a soft kiss upon her lips he moved off the bed.

  “Can Mickey stay with me?” she asked as he headed out the door.

  “Nope, just you and your thoughts,” he smiled. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  As the door closed Cassie turned on her side and closed her eyes.

  Wow, I think I’m falling in love with you all over again.


  Chad stared at the few scribbled notes Cassie had made, relieved to see there wasn’t a laundry list of complaints. At the top was a note about her unhappiness at not being able to ride much during the winter, and except for some broken tree trunks she’d found in a back paddock, she nowhere to jump.

  “I can understand this. I’m sure it’s been tough not being able to ride the way you did at home,” he frowned. “I like haulin’ over to the covered arena at the show grounds. It gives the horses some stimulation, but I know there are no jumps there for you. I guess it has been pretty frustratin’. You should have said somethin’ sooner.”

  “I just didn’t want you to think I’m not happy here, because I am, but not riding as much as I’m used to has been difficult.”

  “Hmmm, well, with spring here let’s see if we can’t do somethin’ about that. We could get some jumps in here for you, and I know the manager over at the show grounds real well. Maybe he’ll agree to bring some in for the winter months so you can keep your hand in. Not many folks use that arena in the winter, so I’m sure he’ll be amenable.”

  “Chad, that would be so great, thank you,” she beamed.

  “Hey, I love you, girl, I want you to be happy. Now what’s this about Hannah?”

  “Um, well, that’s a bit tricky,” she frowned.

  “Just tell me,” Chad pressed. “Did she do somethin’ Marty should know about?”

  “Oh, no, it’s nothing like that. She, uh, she really misses working with the horses, and-”

  “Hang on a minute, sweetie,” he interrupted, holding up his hand. “You know why I had to fire her, bringin’ weed on to the property and havin’ the nerve to smoke it, I can’t bring her back into the crew. I can’t do it.”

  “I know,” Cassie said hastily, “I have another idea.”

  “Go on, let me hear it,” Chad frowned.

  “I have Dominic, Rembrandt and Shelby here, and at home I had a groom. With the show season starting I can’t do everything myself. Maybe Hannah could help me. I need someone and it’s much better that it be a person I know and trust. The horses know her, and she really wants to start jumping again. I could teach as a bonus. I’d pay her whatever I would have pay a groom of course.”

  Though Chad had known what Cassie was asking after the first sentence, he had listened patiently as she pleaded her case, using the time to make a decision. Cassie had made good points, and he had to admit that Hannah had been great with the horses.

  Hannah has probably been real unhappy not havin’ the same kinda time with them as she used to, and if she starts resentin’ that, then Marty won’t be happy, and that’s the last thing I want or need.

  “Call Jerry Golden and make sure you get whatever extra insurance we need, and Hannah can help you as much as you want,” Chad smiled.

  “Really? That’s fantastic. She’ll be so happy, and I’m so relieved.”

  “You can’t tell her, I have to make sure Marty’s okay with this, and he may have some rules of his own. I’ll call him, then he can talk to her about it first. Not a word, you understand?”

  “Yes, Chad, of course. My lips are sealed,” she promised, “but it won’t be easy.”

  “I have an idea,” he frowned. “We’ll be finishin’ the house now that spring is here. You know, Cassie, I can’t wait to move in there with you. Lookin’ over at the lake every day, it’ll be a special home for us.”

  “I know,” she sighed. “I can’t wait either, but what’s your idea?”

  “Why don’t we put up a six stall barn for Dominic, Shelby, and Rembrandt, and a ridin’ ring behind it? There’s that big flat pad, won’t need much gradin’, then you and my boys won’t be gettin’ in each other’s way as we all start ridin’ again.”

  “That’s brilliant,” she beamed, “and if it’s a six stall barn there’ll be enough room for another horse.”

  “Lordy, please, no,” he chuckled. “Don’t you be gettin’ another horse without talkin’ to me first.”

  “I’ll try,” she sighed.

  “Tryin’ I’m not buyin’,” he said firmly. “You talk to me first.” She stared back at him, and he could see the challenge in her eyes. “You gotta a problem with that?” he asked.

  “Kind of,” she replied. “I mean, if I did find another horse I’d be buying it, I’d be responsible for it, why would I need your permission? What if you found another horse you wanted, would you need my permission?”

  “That’s a fair question,” he nodded. “Let’s see, I have two full-time cowboys, a foreman, and Mandy takin’ over my show schedule this year. I have a dozen horses here, maybe more, another one is no big deal. I only deal with it when they need me. If you bring in another horse, what will that mean for you?”

  “One more wouldn’t be too much,” she argued.

  “You’d be trainin’ it, as well as gettin’ your other three ready for the shows, and from what you just said, teachin’ Hannah as well. Sweetie, managin’ time is tough, and if you bought a fourth horse I think you’d be a bit overwhelmed.”

  “Then I’ll hire someone else to help,” she frowned.

  “You would? You’d bring someone in here, pay worker’s comp, get their insurance, and you’d trust them with your horses? What if I didn’t like the person you brought in? What if I felt that person didn’t belong on this ranch? You see what I’m sayin?”

  “I guess,” she pouted.

  “Hey, if you find another horse you really want we’ll talk about it. I’m just askin’ that you don’t do anythin’ impetuous. Okay?”

  “Sometimes I like to do things on the spur of the moment,” she said quietly.

  “Are you already plannin’ on another horse? Is this already in your head?”

  “Maybe,” she sighed.

  “Tell you what, let’s get the barn built and the arena done, and then see where we’re at. Is that fair?”

  “Sure,” she frowned, “but I still think-”

  “You know what I think,” he interrupted, “I think the spoilt Cassie is rearin’ her head right now, and considerin’ her butt is already a nice shade of tender pink, she might not want to press her luck.”

  She stared at him, a crimson flush crawling up her neck.

  “You’re right,” she admitted. “I was beginning to stamp my feet.”

  “There you go,” he grinned. “Okay, the last thing on your list is that you’d like to go out more. Me too, let’s make it a point to go into town for dinner or a movie every week.”

  “Wonderful,” she bubbled, and wrapping her arms around him she kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Chad, so much. I know I can be difficult sometimes. Thanks for putting up with me.”

  “Hey,” he grinned back, “I love you too, but remember, from now on, difficult means a sore backside.”

  “If I don’t, I’m sure you’ll remind me,” she grimaced.

  “You’re darn tootin’, I will,” he nodded, “so you’d better behave yourself.”

  “Will you call Marty now?” she begged, pulling back and staring up at him. “I’m dying to talk about things with Hannah.”

  “Nope, now you’
re gonna go in that bathroom, take a shower, then walk back in here totally naked. It’s time I’m reminded you who’s in charge around here.”

  Cassie felt a warm shiver tremble down her spine. The glint in his eye told her exactly what he meant, and already feeling the quivering anticipation, she dropped her arms and moved slowly from the bed.

  Chad watched her walk into the bathroom and close the door, then quickly stripped, donned his black cotton robe, and pulled back the bedspread. Moving quickly to his large dresser he unlocked the bottom drawer and studied his collection of naughty toys; selecting several he placed them carefully on the bed ready for Cassie’s eyes as she as she returned.

  You’ve become a very naughty girl of late. I share the blame, not keepin’ as firm a hand on your butt as I should’ve, but that’s gonna change.

  Picking up the various implements he held them in his hand, deciding which he would put to use, exactly how, and the positions he would have her assume, the decadent thoughts moving his own psyche into the right frame of mind.

  When he heard her turn off the shower he rose from the edge of the bed and ambled across to the fireplace, leaning against the mantle. He wanted to watch her as she caught sight of the implements, and there was no better spot from which to view her reactions. He knew that as she toweled off and brushed her hair, her stomach would be churning, and even before she opened the door her pussy would be glistening with a nervous need.

  Chad was correct.

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror Cassie saw the erotic fear reflecting back at her. She knew what was coming and she both dreaded it, and longed for it. She knew that over the next few days she would feel different, simultaneously weaker and stronger, and her sense of belonging to him would cloak her, like a coat that had been sewn around her body.

  The wet heat had already begun, and turning around she moved slowly to the door, placed her fingers around the handle, turned, and pushed it open.


  Her eyes fell upon the dildos, the various butt plugs, the large vibrator and the lube. She’d been expecting the lewd display but it still caused her to catch her breath, and as the fire ignited burning through her chest and across her face, she lifted her gaze and stared over at him.

  He looked bigger than life; his arms were crossed and his head was titled as he studied her, his black robe draped around him like a vampire’s cape. As his lips curled into a small half-smile, a smile that said, you forgot your place, now I’m going to remind you, her thigh muscles constricted, her seat cheeks tensed, and a flood of moisture oozed between her legs; dropping his arms and locking her eyes he moved towards her.

  At such times she was reminded of who Chad Douglas really was; a determined, fearless cowboy, a man who never backed away from a challenge, be it a naughty girl or a bullying tough guy, and a man who had instinctively known who she was and what she needed from the moment they’d met.

  All those months ago, standing next to his truck in his aviator glasses, she had felt his quiet, resolute strength; he’d literally taken her breath away. Now, waiting nervously at the side of the bed the same feeling washed over her, and she felt her knees grow weak. She watched, mesmerized, as he reached down and picked up the small tube of lube, squeezing a large drop on the tip of his index finger.

  “Wrap yourself around me,” he directed, his voice low and deep. “You know what I want.”

  His slow, deliberate training over the early winter months as the fire had blazed, fighting the chill from the icy weather outside their window, had left no room for questions or doubt. Tremulously stepping forward she locked her fingers around his back, rested her head against his chest and separated her feet.

  Dropping one arm to her waist he held her tightly as he dropped his other hand to her bottom, slipping his lubed finger inside her crack to search out her most private orifice. Finding the target the finger softly circled, like a shark circling its prey, then touched, pressed, and entered. He could feel her butt muscles constrict and her pelvis thrust against him in an instinctive refusal, her arms fervently clutching him.

  “Relax,” he breathed. “I know it’s been a while, girl, but you know I’ll spank that tension right out of you if you don’t. Take a long deep breath and sink into my finger, sink and surrender.”

  Cassie had wanted to submit to the probing, prurient visitor, but her negative reaction had been involuntary; she had forgotten how it felt, how utterly overwhelming it was to be taken in such a way.

  Inhaling deeply, she held her breath for a moment, then relaxed her muscles as she exhaled, dropping her death grip around his body, letting herself fall limply against his chest, and released the tightness in the muscles of her seat cheeks.

  “There you go, much better,” he purred, but as he slowly moved his finger he felt the stress begin to return. “No, girl, no, take that breath again,” he said firmly.

  She did as he said, relishing his use of the word girl; he was retraining her, speaking to her as he would a skittish mare, and just like her equine sister she responded to his firm, tender control.

  “Much better. Stay still now, I’m gonna do this for a while.”

  Fully aware that he would do exactly as he said she rested her weight completely against him, slacking her muscles and calming herself; there was no point fighting the inevitable.

  “There you go, that’s my girl, just like that,” he whispered.

  Ratcheting up the attention, he gently probed with a steady rhythm, until finally satisfied he withdrew his finger.

  “On to the bed now, knees and elbows, legs apart, hands on your cheeks and spread for me.”

  The directive sent a fresh blush across her face, and lowering her eyes she slowly turned, crawling on to the mattress. Moving forward she pulled a pillow underneath her head, then taking a deep breath she reached back and grabbed her cheeks; stifling a gasp of humiliation she slowly pulled them apart.

  Wordlessly he removed his robe, draped it across a nearby chair, and climbed behind her. Picking up a pink, glossy, medium-sized, hard rubber butt plug, he coated it with a generous amount of lube and presented it to her puckered hole.

  Cassie squeezed her eyes and clenched her teeth. There was nothing he did that affected her in such a profound way, and as he began to press the large intruder forward she did her best to consciously relax, though the heat of the moment was searing through her. This was punishment, it was perverse pleasure, it was his gesture of ownership, his complete subjugation of her, and as the bulbous intruder entered she whimpered her groan of surrender.

  His hands took hold of her wrists and pulled them away, letting her cheeks fall back in place. He smiled as her skin, still red from the earlier spanking, framed the flange, the colors so similar as to make it almost invisible. Smoothing his hands over her cheeks, he spanked her lightly, then tapped his forefinger against the exposed rubber.

  “Who’s in charge, girl?” he growled.

  “You are, Sir,” she bleated.

  “Any doubt about that?”

  “No, Sir, none.”

  “Place your hands on the small of your back.”

  Cassie groaned as she did as instructed, knowing he was going to shackle her wrists, enhancing her feeling of helplessness. In less than a minute the cuffs were on and snapped together, and she could feel him leave the bed.

  Oooh, Lord, now what? Is he going to strap me, or fuck me, or-

  The tongues of the flogger snapped her from any thought, and as the heavy stinging kiss bit through her flesh she howled her protest. The second strike landed, then the third, the slow, methodical pattern sending her into a strange, altered state.

  The rich stroking of the leather tendrils underscored the fullness in her backside, and her wails transformed into strange, guttural groans. From either side of her the tongues flew through the air, then flipped upwards and downwards against her pussy, sending a scorching heat through her sex.

  Chad dropped the flogger on the bed and quickly s
natched a vibrating dildo. Her gorgeously glowing backside was staring up at him, the glistening wetness of her pussy was shining between her swollen lips, and he could hear the muffled sounds of her pleasured anguish.

  His cock was craving the hot tightness her anus would offer, and he quickly slid the vibrator into her anxious cunt. As he flicked the button that brought it to life she lifted her head, yowling her erotic, joyful surprise.

  Holding her left cheek to the side, he reached for the flange and slowly withdrew the plug, her groans fueling his aching need. Rubbing the lube across the tip of his cock, he positioned himself, and slowly eased inside the tight, enveloping, mysterious cavern.

  The scintillating vibrations rippled through his penis, and as he slowly fucked, savoring the exquisite sensations, he could hear her cries growing in pitch; the vibrator was sending her into her release.

  He had to come first; he knew her orgasm would be nuclear and he needed to be fully present when she exploded. Gripping her cheeks he quickened his thrusts, knowing she was hurtling headlong into her climax. Urgently pumping he gazed at her marvelously marked behind and shackled wrists, and as he listened to her song of sybaritic pleasure he responded, fucking her with renewed gusto. The intensity was almost too much; his cock was controlling him, thrilling at the deep, tight, delicious grotto, the zing of the vibrator bringing him to his bursting point.

  Throwing back his head he let his moment careen through him, groaning loudly as the rocketing convulsions tingled through his loins, and barely able to draw breath, his heart hammering, he embraced the fleeting spasms as they washed over him. He never wanted it to end, but as the waves became ripples, then waned away, and his cock fell from between her cheeks, he promised himself not to wait so long for the next such encounter.

  It took him a moment to catch his breath, then gazing down he saw the dildo attempting to escape her cunt. After hastily unsnapping her shackles to free her wrists, he pushed the dildo back into her depths, and cupping his hand to hold it in place he stretched out alongside her.

  “Hey girl, you come now, you come for me,” he purred, his lips at her ear, “you come long and hard.”


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