The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)

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The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) Page 3

by Maggie Carpenter

  When he’d fallen from her dark crevice she’d moaned with relief, yet ached for his return. Her pussy was alive with sparkling sensations, and when she heard his words, they seemed to be coming from inside her head. His deep, warm, wonderful voice was sending her into her bliss. Every part of her body was prickling, or tingling, or stinging, or on fire, and as the giant orgasm wrapped itself around her and began to squeeze, she took a huge gasp and waited.

  She was standing on a sand dune, foamy waves were lapping below her, and Chad, her amazing, strong, loving Chad, was telling her to jump. Raising her arms, which suddenly felt like wings, she launched herself off the cliff, sending herself into the mercy of the winds. They tumbled her, shuddered her up and down, and she was surrounded by wave after wave of astonishing sensations that felt like an intense enveloping of a thousand pins and needles.

  She wanted it to last forever, but as the warm tingles finally left her, she found herself circling above the wispy grasses that fluttered in the ocean’s breeze below; such peace, such serenity, such a wondrous place she was in. It was silent, and golden, and white and warm, but she could hear a distant call. Straining to listen, she recognized it was Chad; he was asking her to come back to him.

  I don’t want to, I’m in heaven. I’m in the sky and I’m sure I’ll see some Angels.

  But his call was too great to refuse, his will too strong to disobey, and she slowly drifted towards the dunes, the white, fluffy, powder-soft dunes.

  “There you are,” he crooned.

  Her eyes were open but unfocused, and blinking rapidly she saw him gazing down at her.

  “I was…up…floating…so peaceful…” she murmured.

  “Uh-huh, I know, come on now, come to me.”

  An unexpected wash of emotion flooded through her heart, and sobbing loudly she fell against him.

  “It’s okay, girl, you’re just releasin’ a whole lotta pent up stuff,” he said tenderly. “You cry as much as you want.”

  “I feel so strange,” she muttered.

  “I know, but soon you’ll feel much better,” he promised.

  Her eyes needed to close again, and as the sobbing began to abate she snuggled against him, feeling the safe beating of his heart in her ear, and sighing heavily she allowed the gentle sleep to engulf her.


  Chad knew that aftercare was just as important in the days and nights that followed, as it was directly after such an intense session.

  He remained consistently affectionate, and when the stars were twinkling and the hour was late he would make gentle love to her, kissing her body with lingering lips, and caressing her with warm leisurely strokes of his fingertips. He’d dance his tongue against her sweetness, bringing her to the brink, then holding her down he’d impale her fervently, riding her forward to her release.

  The edge she’d developed over the previous weeks had evaporated, and while he knew Cassie would never be easy, she was back to being her yielding, sweet self. Hannah had been ecstatic when Marty had told her that she would be allowed to work with Cassie and her horses, but his approval had come with a warning.

  “You still have to take care of this house and me, Hannah,” he’d said sternly. “You know I’m an old-fashioned guy, and you can’t let things go around here.”

  “I won’t, I swear. I’m so excited. Thank you. You know I love being your housewife,” she’d promised, though as she’d made her vow she was fervently wishing she really was his housewife, and there was a ring on her finger.

  It was a week later that Chad took Cassie into his office directly after breakfast to explain his plans for her barn and riding ring. There was a large sheet of paper laid across his desk, and smiling happily she could see how it perfect it was going to be.

  “Everything’s been worked out,” he declared. “The field is basically flat so the grading will only take a day, and the barn can go to the side of the ring here, with the two small fenced paddocks behind it,” he declared as he pointed out the various areas on the large drawing.

  “Chad, this is absolutely incredible,” she beamed.

  “The construction on our house will be starting this week, but it has to be one week on and one week off, so it won’t interfere with the clinics when they start.”

  “Right,” Cassie frowned.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve learned how to manage them,” he grinned. “No more than a dozen people at a time, and some of those will bring their own horses.”

  “It’s six days, right?” she asked.

  “Yep, but the first day is an orientation day and everyone meets in the livin’ room here. They spend some time gettin’ to know each other and readin’ the rules. There’s four clinics over the spring and summer, one every other week.”

  “And you feed all these people in a tent by the barn. How does that work?”

  “Yep. It’s set up by the barn and it’s catered. It’s a bit crowded but it’s good trainin‘ for the horses too. We serve lunch, and then a coffee break in the afternoon,” then pausing he added, “though that first night, the orientation, Hannah asked if she could cater it so I’m givin’ her a chance. If she does a good job she can do all of them.”

  “She’s amazing,” Cassie remarked. “I know she’s a fabulous cook, but to prepare so much food.”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see how she does,” he smiled.

  “It’ll be weird having a bunch of people running around the place,” Cassie frowned.

  “It can get a bit hectic, but I have Marty, and Jeb and Tommy, and in the middle of the week they all take off for a day-long trail ride; it all works,” he assured her. “Mindy has already left on her five week tour so she’s out of the fray.”

  “That’s something at least,” Cassie remarked. “It’s such a long time.”

  “Back when I was doin’ the shows I’d travel for even longer stretches. Can’t say I miss it, ‘specially now,” he smiled at her.

  “And this mayhem starts on Sunday!”

  “Yep, the first group arrives on Sunday. It’s only six days, and that’s why I wanna get this ring and barn done fast, so you can have your own little world; you and Hannah and your three horses out of the madness.”

  “Four horses, don’t forget Maverick.”

  “Right, of course, Hannah’s horse would be better off up there as well,” he nodded.

  “Can I supervise the work?” she asked.

  Chad laughed out loud.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Marty will do the gradin’ for the ring, and I’m bringin’ in a local crew to get the barn up. It’s just a prefab deal, but I’ve checked it out and it doesn’t just look good, it’s solid, and it goes up fast.”

  “Why can’t I oversee everything?” she pressed. “I mean, if the barn’s for me and-”

  “Cassie, these things are pre-made,” he interrupted. “It’s like puttin‘ together a giant jigsaw, you’ll only be in the way. It’s been ordered and they’ll be arrivin’ tomorrow mornin’ first thing.”

  He stared at her, the message clear, and she silently nodded her acquiescence, then taking his arm she pulled him from the desk.

  “Thank you for all this, Mr. Douglas. It’s just wonderful,” she smiled, and lifting her chin and bringing her hands to his face, she held him still as she kissed him gently.

  “Mmm, girl,” he breathed as they broke apart, “it’s worth all the trouble for kisses like that.”

  “Hey, Mickey, you gonna keep me company up at the new barn?” she asked, calling to the dog laying on his pad by the fire.

  The dog sat up and barked several times.

  “I think that was a yes,” Chad smiled. “He’s not crazy about the commotion of the clinics. He might like to hang with you and Hannah.”

  “I’d love it. You come on up whenever you want,” she said firmly.

  The dog barked again and they both laughed.

  “He is so special, Chad,” Cassie said softly. “I love him to bits.”
  “Yeah, he is, and so dang smart. I never thought I’d own a dog smarter than me, but I do.”

  As if understanding what his master had just said, Mickey sat up in a begging position.

  “Oh, my, gosh,” Cassie laughed. “Mickey, you are way too adorable. If any of those people give you any trouble you come and get me.”

  Dropping to his paws the dog trotted over, and unable to resist Cassie broke her hug with Chad and crouched down to make a fuss of the incredible little canine.

  “Now I’m jealous,” Chad chuckled.

  “You have reason to be,” Cassie smiled, “I’m tempted to run away with him. He can’t spank me.”

  “You’re right, but I can, and if you don’t get your body back next to mine I’ll do just that,” he warned.

  Giggling, Cassie stood up and sank against him.

  “There’s no place I’d rather be,” she sighed.

  “That’s my girl. Now I have work to do, and if you want to ride you’d better get in the ring. I think the boys will be startin’ up soon.”

  “Shoot, okay, thanks. I’m running,” she replied hastily, and moving quickly from the office she headed to the bedroom to change.

  Chad stared down at the plans; it all made sense that Cassie’s horses should live next to the house, and he would move Bailey there as well.

  The small cabin that was about to become their home, sitting on top of the knoll overlooking the lake, was where he’d kissed Cassie for the first time; the sun had been setting and they’d watched the lake transform into liquid gold. It was also where they’d first made love under the stars, and commemorated their first Christmas. The place was uniquely special to them both, and now their home was finally going to be completed.

  Wish I’d thought of havin’ her horses there when I was putting that cabin up. It’s gonna be a rough couple of weeks. Construction startin’ up there, and the barn and arena goin’ in at the same time.

  Settling behind his desk he began studying the attendees for the clinic. He not only liked to memorize the background of each of them, it was time to look at the number of guest horses that would be arriving so he could determine which horse would go where. He read through the first few, then grimaced.

  Damn, Molly Roberts. I hope she behaves herself.

  The year before Molly had attended three of his four clinics, and each time she’d made her feelings perfectly clear; she wanted him. He’d been able to handle her, but Cassie hadn’t been in his life then, and on two occasions the beautiful girl had managed to wangle a reason to be alone with him; he had no doubt Molly would be all over him from the moment she arrived.

  His cellphone chimed announcing a text, and staring at the screen he saw it was from Marty, but the message was not one he expected.

  Cassie and Jeb having words in the ring. Better come down.

  “Dammit, Cassie, now what?” he muttered. “Come on, Mick, let’s go see what’s brewin’.”

  Throwing on his hat he marched out the kitchen door, the dog running ahead as they hurried down to the ring. As he approached he saw Cassie standing by Shelby, her arms crossed in a defiant posture, and Jeb with his hands on his hips, holding a young horse, kicking the dirt at his feet.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Chad asked impatiently. “Never mind, you both be quiet, and Marty, you tell me what’s goin’ on.”

  “Simply put,” Marty declared, “the ring wasn’t big enough for both of ‘em. Cassie tried to make a jump out of those barrels there,” Marty continued, pointing to three barrels in the middle of the ring, two on their side and one upright, “and Jeb here needed them the way they were, set up to get this young horse here workin’ around ‘em.”

  “Cassie, did you roll the barrels from where they were?” Chad asked.

  “Yes, but-”

  “Stop,” he said sharply, holding up his hand. “You’ve got thirty minutes to work Shelby, then, Jeb, you put them back how you want them.”

  “But what about Dominic and Rembrandt, I need to ride them as well,” she complained.

  “It’s early in the day,” he frowned. “You guys alternate, thirty minutes each horse, but Cassie, the barrels need to go back where they were and stay there. You’ll have your ring real soon, and this afternoon you can order the jumps you want. This is a temporary traffic tie-up, that’s all. Let’s not make more of it than it is. Got it?”

  “Sure,” she sighed, glaring at Jeb.

  “No problem here, boss,” Jeb nodded, looking embarrassed. “I can do some work around the cows in the back fields while she’s doin’ her other two horses. I didn’t mean to cause any problems, but you know I’ve got to get this horse done and-”

  “You don’t have to explain,” Chad interrupted. “I know your schedule and it’s tight. Okay you two, put this behind you. I won’t have any hard feelin’s around this ranch.”

  Jeb broke into a grin and extended his hand, but as Cassie accepted it her smile was only halfhearted, and as she climbed back into her saddle and rode away, Chad stepped closer to the young cowboy.

  “She’s been real frustrated about not bein able to ride the last couple of months. Don’t take it personally. She gets over things quick,” Chad said quietly.

  “Hey, no problem boss,” Jeb replied. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to start nothin’. She’s always been real nice. All I did was ask when I could put the barrels back.”

  “She’s a bit testy about her ridin’,” Chad sighed, “and she’ll have her own little corner of the world real soon. This won’t even be an issue a week from now, and things will get a lot calmer around here.”

  Chad had no way of knowing how completely wrong he was.


  It was early in the afternoon, and Cassie had just finished taking a shower.

  After riding her three horses she had spent some time with Hannah discussing how they could work together, then had driven up to the knoll and walked the field that would become her ring. By the time she returned to the house she was hungry, tired, and covered in dust, dirt and sweat.

  Toweling off she wrapped the bath sheet around her, sighed and stretched. Combing her wet hair off her face she applied some moisturizer and gazed at her reflection; though tired she looked happy. Staring down at the ring on the fourth finger of her left hand, she felt a lump of emotion rise in her throat.

  I look happy because I am. I am so happy. I didn’t know I could be this happy. I need to apologize to Chad for what happened with Jeb this morning. I overreacted.

  Hearing a sound in the bedroom she cracked open the door and saw Chad pulling off his shirt and walking towards his closet. The muscles rippling up his arms offered her a soft shiver, and smiling, she moved out of the bathroom still wrapped in her towel.

  “What do we have here?” he grinned.

  “Me, all clean and rosy pink,” she purred, slowly sidling up to him.

  “Damn, girl, you look a treat,” he whistled. “Whatta ya think, Mickey, doesn’t she look a treat?” The dog cocked his head, then barked twice. “He agrees,” Chad chuckled.

  “You don’t have to go anywhere right now do you?” she breathed, placing her hand on his crotch.

  “I have a few minutes, why? What did you have in mind?” he asked, dropping his lips to her neck.

  “Well, I thought perhaps I could apologize for being such a brat in the ring this morning by doing something really nice for you,” she whispered.

  “Yep, you were definitely a brat,” he agreed. “You’re engaged to the boss, you need to be nicer.”

  “I know, sorry,” she sighed, undoing the buckle of his belt and reaching for his zipper.

  “I think I’ll have Jeb spank you-”

  “You will not!” she protested, pulling back and staring at him.

  “No, I won’t,” he laughed, “but I had you goin’ there.”

  “You beast,” she griped, punching him.

  Reaching his arms under her butt he lifted her up, carried her to the bed and th
rew her down. Squealing, she attempted to scurry away but he was far too quick, and ripping the towel off her he flipped her over, grabbed her hips and pulled her up on her knees.

  “Okay, bratty, Sassy Cassie,” he declared, pushing his jeans down his thighs, “first a few good swats for behavin’ like a spoilt ten-year old, and then I think I’ll just fuck your brains out.”

  Without hesitating he brought his hand down with a mighty slap, quickly followed by several more in quick succession.

  “Owww,” she wailed, “I said I was sorry.”

  “Yep, and I told you that I wasn’t lettin’ anythin’ slide, and I meant it,” he said sternly, continuing to wallop her ass.

  “I’ll go and apologize to him,” she promised.

  “You’re darn right you will,” he proclaimed, and pausing, he ran his hand over her bright pink cheeks.

  “Oh, my, gosh,” she moaned. “That was intense.”

  “A few more,” he announced.

  Landing half-a-dozen more sound spanks, listening to her yelps and watching her squirm, he grabbed his cock, placed it at her hungry cunt-hole, and thrust forward.

  “Chad…” she groaned, “that feels-”

  Before she could finish he began pummeling her, surging forward with rapid strokes.

  “I told you I was gonna fuck your brains out,” he growled, “and you know I keep my promises.”

  Cassie was caught up in a whirlwind of feeling; her butt was stinging, and as he pounded, his pelvis slapped against her hot cheeks creating an encore spanking, but it inflamed her pussy, and as her orgasm hovered she let out a yowl of warning.

  “Ch-Ch-Chad…I c-can’t w-wait…I’m g-going to…” she stammered.

  “And I don’t want you to wait,” he said huskily, and closing his fingers tightly around her hip bones he accelerated his plunging cock into overdrive.

  His cock jackhammered her cunt sending her over the edge, and as the orgasm surged through her she let out a wail of release, throwing her head back. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he clutched it tightly as he stroked himself home, releasing his cream in explosive spasms.


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