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The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)

Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  As she sank in the hot soapy water and closed her eyes, she realized she’d overreacted to what she’d seen with the busty blond.

  I still have to tell him how I felt though, because it did really upset me and he should know that, but I love him so much, and I trust him. I don’t want him to think I don’t.

  The hot foam was floating around her, relieving her stress, but there was a ripple in the water, and before she could open her eyes she felt the joy of his hand fondling her breast.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  “Keep your eyes closed,” he murmured as he moved his other hand between her legs.

  His fingers began to explore her sex, and she spread her legs as much as the tub would allow, surrendering to the delicious tease. Her tits were being tweaked as her clit was being rubbed, and when his lips dropped to hers, pressing her with a warm, fervent kiss, she felt her body respond with its familiar ache.

  “I’m not going to stop this until you come,” he purred, moving his lips to her neck.

  “Oooh, Chad,” she moaned, “it feels so good.”

  “Uh-huh,” he mumbled, squeezing a breast as his finger rubbed her clit more aggressively. “You should have seen how gorgeous you looked in that bit last night,” he breathed.

  The memory sent her butterflies to life, spurring her forward, just as he knew it would.

  “Your ass was so red, and your muffled cries, Cassie you were so hot,” he continued, sliding his finger inside her as his thumb massaged her magic nub. “And when I touched my finger between your cheeks and pushed on your naughty anus, you wanted it there so badly.”

  The salacious memory sent her tumbling forward into her orgasm, and as her cries echoed off the walls of the steamy bathroom he continued to rub and tease and whisper, milking her moment, until finally spent she fell limp before him.

  “Sweet girl,” he crooned, stroking her forehead.

  “I feel dizzy,” she moaned. “That was amazing.”

  “I’ll stay here until you feel normal enough to stand up. I don’t want you falling in the tub.”

  Slowly opening her eyes, she gazed up at his boyish cowboy face and wise, warm eyes.

  “I love you, Chad Douglas,” she mumbled.

  “I love you, Sassy Cassie,” he smiled. “You ready to stand up?”

  “I am,” she sighed.

  He helped her to her feet, dried her off, and they ambled into bed. As she rolled into him she reached her hand to his cock.

  “One good turn,” she whispered.

  “Not yet,” he answered. “Now you’re gonna tell me what upset you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, a wave of submission washing over her. “I’ll tell you everything, and I’ll tell you right now.”


  “I mean, did she have to drape herself all over you, and then put on that T-shirt to show off her nipples?” Cassie groaned, finishing up her diatribe.

  “No, she didn’t, and no, she didn’t,” Chad replied. “I’m very sorry it upset you, but you have nothing to worry about, you do know that, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she sighed, “but it still bugged the hell out of me. What are you going to do about her?”

  “Me? I’m doin’ nothin’,” Chad declared.

  “What do you mean? You have to,” Cassie insisted. “I’ll bet the other women in your group are just as horrified by Miss Sugar Tits as I am…for different reasons of course,” she added quickly.

  “Miss Sugar Tits?” Chad laughed.

  “Fine, Miss Twin Peaks then,” Cassie grumbled.

  “For someone who’s still hoppin’ mad you’re real quick with the wit,” he quipped, “but to answer your question, yep, I saw some frowns.”

  “So why won’t you do something?” Cassie demanded.

  “Because I’ve turned that particular job over to Marty,” he replied calmly. “Her name is Molly Roberts and she’s the only daughter of a very wealthy rancher, very spoiled and a total brat, like someone else I once knew,” he grinned.

  “You’re terrible,” she grinned back, punching his arm.

  “She was here last year and pulled the same crap. I managed to keep her at bay, but she’s worse than ever this time around. I’m thinkin’ Marty might be the guy to set her straight.”

  “Huh, maybe you’re right,” Cassie frowned. “He can be really intimidating when he wants.”

  “Darn tootin’, and she’ll be embarrassed when he scolds her. Me, it’d just turn her on.”

  “And what about you, would it turn you on to scold her?” Cassie asked lightly.

  They were laying side by side, and in a flash Chad rose up, grabbed her wrists, pushed her on her back, and pinning them on either side of her head he glared down at her.

  “What did you just ask me?” he asked, his voice threateningly hushed.

  “Don’t get your jock strap in a twist,” she retorted.

  “A comment like that means you’re still worried,” he frowned.

  “She’s just so beautiful, and cowgirly, and-”

  “Hey, don’t you trust me?” he pressed, his eyes boring into hers.

  “Of course I do,” she squeaked. “Her, though, not so much.”

  “Think about what you’re sayin’. What could she possibly do that would pull me away from you?”

  “I’m sorry, Chad,” she sighed, surrendering to the power emanating from his eyes. “Seeing her all over you, and then those boobs, it made me crazy.”

  “Listen to me, and listen good,” he said sternly, “you know I love you, and you know we have somethin‘ real special. I won’t let nothin’ or no-one mess that up, not even your insecurity. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she squeaked.

  “Do I need to spank that into you?”

  “No, Sir,” she breathed.

  “This is a new rule. Jealousy or worryin’ about other girls, it’s not allowed,” he declared.

  “I can’t help how I feel,” she protested.

  “Sure you can, you can trust me. If you get all bent outta shape you tell me. Yeah, I’ll spank your butt, but I’ll spank it harder if you act out,” he warned.

  “I almost came bursting into the dining room,” she admitted.

  “Whoa, I would have roasted your tail if you’d pulled that,” he frowned.

  “It was Hannah who stopped me,” she sighed.

  “Good for Hannah. She’s come around real well. I’m glad Marty convinced me to let her stay on. He’s really a happy man,” Chad remarked.

  “If he’s so happy he should do something about it,” Cassie murmured. “If he’s not careful he’ll lose her.”

  “What? What do you mean?” Chad frowned.

  “I mean, she’s not going to wait forever,” Cassie said. “I don’t think I need to say more than that.”

  “Hmmm, yeah, I can see how she might be feelin’ that way,” Chad said thoughtfully.

  “Chad,” Cassie whispered.

  “Can we not talk about Marty and Hannah, can we talk about how I can return your bathtub favor, and let me make amends for being such a silly, jealous cow at the same time?”

  “Sure,” he grinned. “What’d you have in mind?”

  “Your wish,” she purred.

  “It’s been a real long day,” he sighed. “I wanna lay here, and I want you to sit on me and ride my cock till it bursts.”

  “I think I can manage that,” she smiled.

  Kissing him softly, slipping her tongue between his teeth as her fingers wrapped around him, she moved her hand up and down the shaft until he was standing at attention. Straddling him, she rubbed the head against her wetness, then slowly lowered herself down.

  “Ooh, yeah,” he groaned, “that feels real good.”

  He closed his eyes and sank into the joy of her hot, drooling cunt. She had her hands on his chest, and when he flicked open his eyes and stared at her tits swinging like luscious breast pendulums, he felt his orgasm begin to build. His hands traveled to her hips
, holding her lightly, and closing his eyes back down he felt her nipples lightly brush his chest.

  If I were to die right this moment, I would die a happy man.

  When he ultimately erupted and his hot cream spewed forth in a series of shuddering spams, he held her on top of him, not wanting his cock to leave its warm home.

  “I have to get off at some point,” she murmured.

  “I know, but you feel so good,” he mumbled.

  Finally feeling his hands drop away, she rolled off and nestled against him.

  “You have a big day tomorrow,” she yawned.

  “Yes, I do, but not like Marty and the boys. I’ll be working with a few beginners,” he sighed.

  “I forgot to tell you, I have to go into town. Is there anything you need?”

  “Yep,” he sighed, “you to come back safe and sound, and Cassie, please don’t be alone up in your barn for now. Take Hannah and Mickey with you. I’m just a bit worried.”

  “I’ll be careful,” she promised. “I’m so tired, goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” he whispered, and please be careful. I can’t imagine my life without you.


  Chad was up and out of bed early, and though she’d heard him Cassie fell back asleep as though she’d never been disturbed. It was a paw touching her arm that finally woke her, and barely opening her eyes she saw Mickey’s face inches from hers.

  “Mickey,” she groaned. “What are you doing?”

  The dog barked and wagged his tail, happy that he’d finally been able to rouse her. Blinking awake she found he had his back feet on the floor, and his front feet up on the side of the mattress next to her.

  “You really need me to get out of bed?”

  He made an odd whining sound, which she assumed was his way of saying that was exactly what he needed, and yawning sleepily she glanced at the clock.

  “You’re right, I overslept,” she mumbled as she sat up. “Okay, I’ll shower, we’ll collect Hannah and go up to the barn.”

  Stumbling into the bathroom she turned on the shower, and as the water splashed around her she smiled; life was good.

  She had a quick breakfast, then with Mickey in tow she headed up to Hannah and Marty’s cabin, but before she could even turn off her car and knock on the door Hannah appeared on the porch.

  “I’m so excited,” Hannah declared as she climbed in.

  “Me too, our first ride in the new ring,” Cassie grinned as she drove off. “I’ll do Rembrandt first, he’s the easiest.”

  “When do your jumps arrive?”

  “Any day, though I hope they don’t come when I’m not here. Chad and the guys are so busy with their clients I’d hate to interrupt their work to supervise the unloading.”

  “Oh, right, good point,” Hannah nodded.

  Cassie pulled the car to the side of the barn. Mickey immediately bounded out to check the area while the girls headed inside, where they were greeted by a series of happy nickers.

  “First job, we have to put Dominic and Shelby into the paddocks,” Cassie declared.

  There were blanket bars on the front of each stall door where Cassie had hooked the halters, but when she passed the stall next to the tack room she noticed the halter was gone; it was the stall she’d shared with Chad.

  “This is weird,” she frowned, staring at the empty bar.

  “What’s that?” Hannah asked.

  “The halter, it’s missing off this door. It was here just like all the others.”

  “You must not have put it there,” Hannah said lightly. “There’s no-one in that stall is there?”

  “No, but I put halters on all the doors,” Cassie declared. “That’s just weird,” and as she fetched her grooming kit from the tack room she felt a vague prickling fear.

  Chad was right. I shouldn’t be alone up here, and I won’t be. Someone took that halter, it’s the only explanation, but they’re all the same. Why did that choose the one off that door?

  A short time later they were riding in her brand new ring, and as Cassie galloped her big, powerful warmblood across the soft, forgiving footing, all thought of the odd occurrence left her mind. The sun was showering its spring warmth, the soft breeze became a thrilling wind as she gathered speed, and by the time she pulled Rembrandt to a halt she was beaming.

  “This footing is better than Chad’s ring,” she exclaimed as Hannah pulled her horse alongside.

  “Probably because it’s new. I’ll bet if Chad rode in here he’d have his refreshed.”

  “I should mention that to him,” Cassie agreed. “Would you like to cruise around on Dominic while I ride Shelby?”

  “Sure,” Hannah replied enthusiastically.

  Cassie took a deep breath as her eyes looked across to the paddocks where Shelby and Dominic were meandering, and her eyes caught sight of Mickey perched on the mounting block just outside the barn; he looked like a sentry on duty.

  “Life doesn’t get much better than this,” she sighed.

  “No, it doesn’t. We have to remember that when things aren’t so good,” Hannah commented.

  “You mean like, when you pulled that hot tray out of the oven?” Cassie laughed.

  “Exactly,” Hannah giggled.

  “I need to get into town, are you still coming?”

  “I wish, but I still have a lot of cleaning up to do after yesterday,” Hannah said wearily. “I’m really organized but it was a big job. I learned a lot though. The next one will be much easier.”

  “You’ve decided to do the other clinics?” Cassie asked. “Wow, it seemed like so much work.”

  “But I really enjoy the whole cooking thing, and watching people eat my food and their reactions, it’s a kick. Chad said my cooking was better than the caterer he’s been using for the lunches,” Hannah grinned proudly.

  “I haven’t tried the caterer’s food, but I’ll bet he’s right. Your stuff is absolutely scrumptious,” Cassie said enthusiastically. “You should ask him if you can do the afternoon coffee breaks if you enjoy it that much.”

  “Cassie, that’s a brilliant idea, I will,” Hannah exclaimed.

  “Come on,” Cassie said, moving Rembrandt forward, “we’d better stop nattering and get these boys cleaned up or we’ll be here all day.”

  As they ambled back to the barn, the mystery of the missing halter floated back into her mind.

  I’ll tell Chad first chance I get. That is really worrying.

  It was an hour later that Cassie, Hannah and Mickey left the barn; all four horses were in their paddocks, the barn had been swept and the stalls cleaned out. Cassie dropped Hannah at her door and waved goodbye, and as she drove back to the house to shower and change she saw a Sampson Security Company van parked outside the front door. Moving quickly inside through the kitchen, she found two men with clipboards wandering through the living room.

  “Hey guys,” she smiled.

  “Sorry to intrude,” one of them said quickly. “Chad Douglas sent us up here. We won’t be long.”

  “Did he tell you to go to the upper barn as well as the one he’s at?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.”

  “Great, do me a favor and add cameras for the interior of the barn as well,” she said. “How fast do you think those can go up?”

  “From the time we get the order, we can have it done the next day, assuming it’s not a complicated install.”

  “Right, well, I know he’s asked you for a quote for everything, but I want cameras up there right away. I’ve just discovered something was stolen. They need to be up immediately,” she said urgently.

  “Hey, no sweat,” the guy smiled. “If you just want a nanny cam kinda thing on a temporary basis we can do that when we go up. We have cameras in the truck. Once we get the whole schematic for the house we can take them down and replace them with the new ones.”

  “Really? That would be fantastic,” she declared. “Thank you. I need to change so I’m locking off the bedr

  “We were just leaving so we won’t disturb you again,” he assured her.

  Hurrying into the bedroom she took a quick shower and changed into some decent clothes, then kissing Mickey on the forehead she headed out the door; Mickey however, wasn’t about to be left behind, and running ahead of her he darted through his doggy door and sat by the car.

  “I don’t know where your leash is,” she said sweetly, patting his head. “I can’t take you into town without your leash.”

  To her astonishment he raced back through the doggy door, returning in seconds with his leash in his mouth.

  “You are amazing,” she declared. “I guess you’re coming.”

  As she opened her car door he jumped over her seat and sat on the passenger side, panting happily.

  “If I wasn’t engaged to your master, I’d be marrying you,” she grinned.

  As she headed down the driveway, she paused to gaze down at the barn below. Jeb and Tommy were busy with several clients, Marty had a few in the round pen, but she couldn’t see Chad anywhere.

  Huh. I don’t see Miss Sugar Tits around either. Impulsively she turned at the fork and drove slowly into the busy barn area.

  “You stay here, Mickey. I’ll just be a minute.”

  The dog looked at her for a few seconds, then barked and laid down.

  He’s unbelievable, and it’s not all training, he’s just super-smart, but as she walked in the barn Mickey’s unique abilities quickly left her thoughts; she heard Chad’s voice and a woman’s, and as she neared the tack room she slowed her pace. Heart pounding she crept forward and peered around the door. Chad was sitting on a tack trunk holding Molly’s hand.

  Crap! Crap, crap, crap. Really? What the fuck? Miss Sugar Tits? Really?

  Get out of here before you do something you’ll regret.

  The hell I will.

  You have no idea what that’s about. LEAVE, NOW.

  Clenching her fists and fighting the overwhelming desire to confront them both, she hurried back to the car, forcing herself to head up the drive and into town.

  “Mickey, I’m going to believe there’s an innocent explanation there, but I’m fucking furious right now.”


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