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The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)

Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Dammit girl, what?” he frowned.

  “That first day when he introduced himself at the site, do you remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember, what about it?”

  “Mickey growled at him,” she said quietly, “and then…”

  “And then?” he pressed.

  “When I ran into him at the barn Mickey growled and barked at him again, and today Mickey actually snarled at him, then jumped on my lap and started licking my face.”

  “If I wasn’t so tired you’d be over my knee right now,” he declared. “Why didn’t you tell me about this, and the Sheriff too?”

  “Sorry. I’m not sure. Maybe because I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, or because the whole thing was so weird I didn’t want it to be any weirder,” she mumbled.

  “Or maybe, you didn’t want this crazy ass guy to be the guy who’s been pullin’ all this shit,” Chad quietly suggested. “He’s a good-lookin’ guy, and he was flirtin’ with you, and it felt good, right?”

  “Kind of,” she admitted.

  “Hey, I get it. We all like attention, it’s natural, but you can’t turn a blind eye to somethin’ because your ego’s gettin’ stroked.”

  “I know, you’re right. I should have told you how Mickey reacted to him that first day,” she admitted.

  “Tomorrow I’m going pick up where I left off when the Sheriff arrived,” he said sternly, “and yeah, your bottom’s gonna be real red by the time I’m done with you.”

  Her butterflies fluttered to life, and she pressed up against him.

  “Please, not too hard,” she begged.

  “As hard as you deserve,” he replied giving her a squeeze. “I love you, and you’ve got to stop keepin’ things from me. I have to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

  “But it won’t,” she promised.

  “Darn tootin’. Now go to sleep.”


  “Goodnight, Chad, I love you,” and everything you said was right. I did think Jason was a hunk, and I did ignore what I knew Mickey was telling me because I was flattered. I was an idiot. I hope you do spank me hard, I deserve it, and I don’t want to be an idiot like that again.


  Cassie was in a deep sleep laying on her side, when she was woken by Chad’s powerful member insisting upon entry. As he slid into her from behind, his lips kissing her neck and shoulders, she moaned in her drowsy state, filled with the deep, glorious emotion she felt every time he made love to her.

  “I could stay in bed with you all day, every day,” she whispered.

  “Mmm, me too,” he murmured as he gently pumped her.

  “What is this amazing feeling,” she sighed, “every single time?”

  “It’s love, baby,” he purred, “and man, I’ve got it bad.”

  “Me too,” she breathed.

  Grasping her hips he surged forward, then shifting away from her he grabbed her bottom cheeks and squeezed as he stroked. Arching her back she thrust her hips at him, seeking out greater penetration, and he complied, moving her up on to her hands and knees and accelerating his assault.

  “Oh, Chad,” she groaned, “fuck me harder.”

  He slowed his tempo but increased the power, plunging into her, making her cry out with each stroke.

  “I’m nearin’ the edge,” he growled. “Get your fingers on that clit, rub yourself and come for me.”

  His words spurred her forward, and rubbing fervently as his robust fucking picked up speed, it was only moments later that she held her breath, signaling her pending release.

  “Yeah, that’s it girl, come for me now,” he demanded thrusting rapidly.

  She let out her orgasmic squeals as he gushed inside, until finally spent she fell limp and happy, then rolled over, flinging an arm across his stomach.

  “It was over too fast,” she complained.

  “I have a dozen people about to arrive,” he panted, “I have to get up, and be careful about complainin’. I might just tease you for an hour after your spankin’ later.”

  “Oooh, no, I wasn’t complaining, it was a compliment,” she protested, “a wish for more.”

  “You keep on diggin’ that hole you’re in,” he remarked pulling her closer.

  “Stop, short and sweet is just as good as long and, uh, long and what?” she asked.

  “Hmm, long and lusty?” he chuckled.

  “Sure, long and lusty,” she giggled.

  “I need to get out of this bed,” he groaned.

  “Yes, you do, Miss Sugar Tits will be very disappointed if you’re late.”

  Abruptly sitting up he grabbed her wrist and yanked her forward, landing her over his thighs.

  “You,” he declared, slapping down hard, “have a very, very, sassy mouth.”

  “STOP!” she yelped, “you wouldn’t have me any other way.”

  “That might be true, but it’s not gonna save this butt,” he exclaimed, landing several hard swats.

  “Aaarrggh,” she squealed, “stop, it’s too early and I just came really hard.”

  “I have to stop ‘cos I have to get up, but it’s never to early to spank a sassy backside,” he exclaimed, and rolling her off his lap he climbed from the bed and ambled into the bathroom. “If you really want to start my day off right, you could go scramble me up some eggs and put on the coffee,” he called.

  “Will that get me some brownie points?” she called back.

  “Depends on how good it tastes.”

  “Shit, I’m not Hannah,” she reminded him as the bathroom door closed.

  “No, but you could get some pointers from her.”

  I think I just might do that, she thought, and rising from the bed she grabbed her robe and hurried to the guest room to quickly shower. Mickey, still laying on his bed, sprang to life and trotted behind her.

  “Seems like we’re attached at the hip now,” she giggled at him as she walked into the guest room, “and I’m very happy about that. I always feel safe when you’re with me.”

  A short time later, as Cassie was grating cheese into the eggs cooking in the fry pan while Mickey sat hopefully by waiting for a treat, she remembered Hannah saying something about eggs and parsley being best friends.

  She used parsley to decorate the plates for the orientation munchies, I wonder if she left any here.

  Checking the refrigerator she found a small bunch, and excitedly broke of the green tips, dropping them into the mixture; Chad ambled in just as they were ready to serve.

  “The coffee’s made,” she smiled. “Maybe you could pour me a cup while you’re at it?”

  “Sure. That smells good,” he remarked.

  “I think you might be surprised,” she said confidently as she scooped out the eggs, placing them on top the buttered toast she had waiting on the plates.

  Setting the dish in front of him, she sat down and grinned across the table, anxiously waiting for him to take a mouthful.

  “Hey, these are great,” he declared.

  “Brownie points?” she asked.

  “You bet, and not just ‘cos they taste so good,” he said warmly.

  “What’s the other reason,” she beamed, delighted that he liked them so much.

  “Because you made such an effort,” he winked.

  She sighed as a warm, loving flush floated around her.

  “Your bottom will appreciate that later,” he added.

  “Did you have to bring that up?”

  “Yep, don’t want you forgettin’,” he said.

  “Oh sure, like getting my ass spanked later is something I’m likely to forget.”

  “There’s that mouth again,” he chuckled. “You get yourself outta trouble, then jump right back in.”

  She burst out laughing, almost choking on her eggs, and quickly drank some coffee to help.

  “Oh, my, gosh,” she coughed, “I think today is going to be better than yesterday.”

  “Startin’ out that way,” he grinned.

  “If you’re lucky, Miss Sugar Tits may show up without a bra,” she quipped, “and do an exhibition of the sitting trot all the way around the arena.”

  “Sassy Cassie, those brownie points just flew right out that window and into the next county,” he chuckled.

  “You wouldn’t like to see Miss Sugar Tits bounce around the ring?”

  “If I didn’t have to get out of here right now…” he threatened, raising his one wicked eyebrow.

  “You’d what? Throw me over your shoulder, take me back to bed and make mad passionate love to me?”

  “Throw a paddle and some handcuffs in there, and yeah, somethin’ like that,” he nodded.

  “And he wonders why I have a big mouth,” she said, raising her eyes to the ceiling.

  “I’ve gotta get outta here,” he declared, wolfing down the last of his eggs and drinking the rest of his coffee.

  “Will you stop back up to say hello at lunchtime?” she asked.

  “You bet. Remember, right home after you ride,” he said firmly. “We don’t know what this guy is capable of and I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “No, I understand and I agree,” she nodded.

  “Mickey, you stay with her, take care of her for me,” he said, leaning down to pet his faithful companion.

  “He will, I have no doubt about that,” Cassie smiled.

  Pulling her from her chair, he engulfed her in his arms and rocked her back and forth.

  “You are my precious girl,” he whispered. “You be careful, okay?”

  “I will,” she promised.

  As she watched him walk out the back door, winking at her as he closed it behind him, she sighed heavily.

  “How did I get so lucky,” she asked walking back to Mickey and sitting on the floor next to him. He lifted his paw, his wise brown eyes staring back at her. “And how did I get so lucky to have a doggie like you in my life. You’re the best, Mickey, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I won’t make that mistake again.”


  The morning proved to be an enjoyable one for all concerned. To Cassie’s delight the jumps were delivered, and for fifty dollars each the driver and his helper put them in the arena. Staring at her new ring with the jump course in place, she thought it looked as professional as the arena at Randy’s barn.

  Having seen the truck arrive, when the clinic broke for lunch Marty and Chad headed up to make sure the delivery had gone smoothly and to help Cassie put the jumps in place. Not expecting to see the ring already set up, Chad jumped from the gator, picked her up and spun her around.

  “Look at what you did?” he exclaimed.

  “What I did, I did nothing,” she laughed. “The guys who delivered them did all the work. I just walked around barking orders.”

  “It looks fantastic,” he grinned, setting her back on her feet.

  “Looks mighty fine, Cassie,” Marty declared wandering up to one of the faux brick walls. “I swear it’s as impressive as any show jumpin’ ring I’ve seen. Can I ask you about this wall here?”

  “Sure,” she smiled. “Hannah, could you show Chad that loose saddle rack in the tack room?”

  “Oh, right, yes, I almost forgot,” she nodded.

  As Chad and Hannah disappeared into the barn, Cassie moved across to Marty.

  “Okay, so what did you want to talk to me about?” she asked.

  “How did you know?” he frowned.

  “It wasn’t brain surgery,” she giggled, “but don’t worry, I’m sure Hannah didn’t notice anything.”

  “Well, thank the Lord for that,” he sighed. “The thing is, I wanna do somethin’ real nice for her, and Chad mentioned somethin’ about a horse that Randy has. I know she wants to get back into jumpin’, and-”

  “Yes,” she interrupted, “his name is Ranger and he’d be perfect. He loves his job, and he’s totally safe. Of course he’s older now and will need the proper care to keep going, but he’ll be worth the expense.”

  “Great. I talked to Chad about this and he thinks it’s a fine idea for Hannah to have another horse for her to get back into the jumpin’ thing. Can you talk to Randy, find out how much he wants for him. If you let Chad know, then Chad can tell me, and I can-”

  “Sssh,” she said quickly, seeing Hannah and Chad exiting the barn. “I understand, I’ll get on it this afternoon.”

  “That’s great, Cassie,” he said softly, “thanks.”

  “Just one quick thing,” she whispered. “The horse is a wonderful present, but I think there’s something she’d like a whole lot more.”

  “Huh?” he frowned.

  “Think about it,” she smiled, and lifting her hand she moved the hair off her face, allowing the sun to sparkle on the diamond in her engagement ring.

  “I’ll get Jeb to fix that rack,” Chad remarked as he and Hannah joined them. “Are you done up here?”

  “All done. Quite honestly I’m pooped,” she declared.

  “I wanna change my shirt and freshen up a bit,” Chad said. “Let’s go on back to the house. You two okay with the gator?”

  “No sweat,” Marty replied. “Come on, Hannah, let’s zip home for some coffee.”

  Marty and Hannah jumped in the gator and headed away, but as Chad and Cassie headed for Cassie’s car, Chad stopped to check in with the young guard standing at the side of the barn.

  “Hi, I’m Chad, don’t think we’ve met,” he said, extending his hand.

  “Oh, hi Chad, I’m Eddie, I came on at nine this mornin’. Fantastic place you have here.”

  “Thanks, we like it,” Chad replied. “Eddie, I need you to keep your eyes open. I don’t think this guy will show up during the day, but he’s a sneaky fella so don’t drop your guard. Keep cruisin’, change how you walk around the place so if he’s watchin’ he won’t be able to figure out where you’ll be next.”

  “Oh, right, will do,” he nodded. “You don’t have to worry. I take all this very seriously.”

  “The security guys will be here at some point to install the security system, but don’t let them distract you. Keep lookin’ up into the hills out back, and listen for the sound of a motorcycle.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And don’t hesitate to ask if you need anythin’.”

  Cassie, waiting patiently in her car with Mickey, overheard the conversation and felt a fresh wave of appreciation for Chad’s protective concern, and as he climbed in the car she leaned across and pecked him on the cheek.

  “What’s that for,” he smiled.

  “For being you,” she sighed.

  He winked at her, then sat back and buckled his seat belt as she drove down the drive towards the house.

  “Do you really think he’ll be back?” she asked as they pulled up to the back door.

  “Hard to say. He may just be a guy who likes to fool with people, but he could also be dangerous,” he frowned as they walked inside. “I doubt he’s an architect, I doubt he’s anything he claims to be, and that concerns me.”

  “Me too,” she nodded. “You want anything? Coffee, something to eat?”

  “That’d be great sweetheart, I’m not really thrilled about the caterer this year. Hannah’s food is so much better, but lunch every day might be a bit much for her. I’m gonna take a quick shower and change my shirt.”

  “You should ask her,” Cassie said quickly. “She’s going to approach you about the afternoon coffee break.”

  “Huh, maybe I will,” he said thoughtfully. “Back in a minute.”

  Cassie put the coffee to brew, pulled the leftovers from the previous night’s dinner, and as she set placings for them both she thought back to Jason’s parting words;

  I think we’ll see each other again. I have a sneaking suspicion we’ll be spending more time together.

  The subtle suggestion was still on her mind when Chad appeared a few minutes later, and seeing the look of concern on her face he immediately hugged her.

  “Try not to worry,” he
said reassuringly. “You’ve got Mickey here, the creep, whoever he is, won’t show up at the house in the middle of the day with all these people around, and there’s a full time guard at your barn.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, but if it is Jason, he’s so…slick. It’s as if he knows things, as if he can get whatever he wants.”

  “Well, he may think that, but he sure as hell can’t get you,” Chad smiled. “You can always come down and watch the clinic if you want. I don’t mind.”

  “No thanks, I’ve seen enough of Miss Sugar Tits. The mood I’m in, if she flirted with you I’d smack her.”

  “Better not then,” he grinned taking his seat at the table.

  “I’ve got things to do here,” she sighed, “things that I keep putting off.”

  “Don’t forget, you’ve got that spankin’ to look forward to,” he reminded her. “That should keep your mind off the cheshire cat called Jason Lewis.”

  Her stomach churned, and taking a deep breath she stared across at him.

  “I’ve learned my lesson,” she declared.

  “Uh-huh,” he said casually as he began to eat.

  “Really, I have,” she said earnestly.

  “Learnin’ a lesson is one thing, makin’ sure you’ve been properly punished is somethin’ else, and that’s my job,” he said soberly.

  Butterflies fluttering, she picked up her fork.

  “You’ve accomplished your mission,” she remarked.

  “What mission?” he asked.

  “I won’t be able to think about anything else all day,” she grimaced.

  “Good,” he smiled. “I’ll take care of you right after my shower when I get back home. You can fix me dinner with a sore behind, in fact, you can fix me dinner wearin’ just a cut-off T-shirt, and an apron so I can stare at your red backside.”

  The familiar wave of submission swept over her, and sinking into the feeling she ate slowly, all thoughts of Jason having been vanquished, her entire focus on deciding which T-shirt it should be, and the apron to match.


  It wasn’t until early evening that Chad returned. The clinic’s official hours were 8:30-4:30, but Chad decided to take the responsibility of bringing Cassie’s horses in from the paddocks and putting them away for the night. Not only did he want her to remain safely in the house, he wanted to check in with Eddie and inspect the security system that the Sampson Security Company had put in place that afternoon.


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