MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 2

by L. Ann Marie

  Gene from Hartford steps forward. "My Brothers there is no reason to curb our planned activities but Ben is right, stay together, look out for each other. We've had two altercations with Outlaws in the first two hours we were here. They are looking for trouble. Let High Security handle it. Our objective is for peaceful resolutions." He steps back the other Pres' step up and look to Ben. "Everyone is in agreement. Once your number is in one of the phone you are free to find a group and go have fun. We have a group going to Shooters to show presence for a meet that is planned for tonight. You're welcome to join us." Everyone starts talking.

  I whistle getting attention. "High Security you need to check in with LaPonte he'll need your number to keep you updated and get you placed with the groups." Sticks, the Brother that sits by Digs in surveillance stands next to my dad typing information into his laptop. "Fuckin geeks always bring their job with them." Patches laughs on the side of me.

  "Heard Outlaws were eyein you." VP says from behind me.

  "Yeah. First time I put one against a bar. Told him no one saw me pull so there was no face to save. We walked away then were eyed on the street. Knew they were aiming for us, Hammer stepped in." He nods.

  "Both intentional?" He asks.

  "The bar no, I think it was drink. The street yeah, there were six that I counted. Couldn't see behind." I tell him Patches nods. "Something else, girl came up to Patches. He asked if she was attached, she hesitated leaving a bad feeling. Like it was set up."

  He nods again. "I'll have that sent out. All we need is fuckin traps being laid." He goes back to the Pres' telling them. They all get a Brother typing on their phone.

  I laugh. "Geeks always happy to work. Where the fuck is Digs anyway?" Patches points to Petey's truck. Fuckin Digs is sitting in the bed typing away while Brothers are talking to him. I shake my head.

  I do a time check. We've got an hour before the meet. I snag Bob and point across the street. I tell the Brothers around us we're going for a beer until it's time to meet at Shooters. A group follows us. We take a couple of tables outside and a couple of guys go in to get us a beer.

  I'm sitting with Patches, Bob went in. "I wonder what the old ladies are doing." I ask him.

  "Heard they're staying in the rooms tonight doing chick stuff." He says with a nod to Bob who plops down beside us.

  "Did you see Jonesy in that crowd?" He asks.

  I think running through the faces. "I don't think I did. I can't be sure though. I register friends or people I've met before. I wouldn't have given him a second thought."

  "Jonesy needs to be taken seriously. He's escalating fast. Used to be it'd take him a month before he'd start spouting shit. Now it's almost weekly. I looked for him but didn't see him. I'm going to talk to VP but he's been tied up because of this meet. I can't wait to get it over with. Maybe everyone will relax." He says blowing out a breath. I'm glad Bob is seeing this too, I need to stop assuming no one else sees this shit. I nod.

  We shoot the shit with our northern friends and some new Brothers in the New York chapters until we see our Brothers moving toward their bikes. We follow them to Shooters. Pres tells us he wants High Security forming a perimeter around the building and Security and Brothers inside. VP comes to me, "Trouble, send Patches in to let us know. I'll send Digs out to let you know."

  "Got it VP." I tell him and get the Brothers spaced every ten feet with Patches at the door. I don't like Patches being out here but VP wants to use him. I stand away from him with Bob on his other side. The other chapters stand in line by teams. I nod to their leads on each side.

  Other clubs are in and out of the place with wannabe's, the biker groupies are milling around the outside. High Security ignores them. I'm proud and want to laugh all at the same time, the chicks are getting pissed. Bob tells them we're on the job. They calm down and invite us in when our job is done. A group of twelve one percenters pull up eyeing the MC Brothers. I know some of these guys are Officers and give them a nod being civil. They walk into the bar. When the door opens we hear how fuckin loud it is in there. Fuck. There’s a fuck of a lot of people in there. A bouncer comes out and stands in front of the door. "Need people to leave before anymore can come in." He tells me as an explanation.

  "If trouble hits, my Brother on the side of you is going in." He looks at me then down the line of Brothers standing alongside of his building.

  He nods but doesn't look happy. "Fuckin meets should happen in an empty fuckin field."

  I'm thinking everyone single one would be a fuckin shoot-out. At least here no one wants innocents hit or witnesses.

  People start leaving and the bouncer goes back in. For the hundredth time today I wonder what the meet is about. Officers are playing this close to the vest. After twenty minutes Outlaws show. Fuckin great. There's got to be twenty of them. Again, I nod to the recognizable Officers showing respect. They walk by without saying a word. Bob looks at me. "Patches stand to the other side. When the door opens, pull it all the way open so I get a clear shot at who's coming out. I look for Hammers High Security second. He's watching me. "Trouble, you move your team into position at the front." He throws chin. Pres is right, training everyone the same way works for all of us.

  Three minutes goes by and people are running out. Digs is at the door. "Team one in." Bob yells to the side.

  Milt yells, "Team two to the front."

  We're trying to get into the fuckin building against a tide of fuckin bodies. "Left." I yell to Bob, fuckin MC is fighting both Outlaws and one percenters from RI. As we get closer we circle the group. Most of the Outlaws are down and stripped of their weapons. Security is standing back watching. The fuckin Officers are fighting the group left standing. Ben hits the biggest Outlaw with his signature ‘I’m fuckin done’ move, an uppercut that drops him. Doug from Security strips him while he's out. My father slams another with a kick to his face, he falls flat on his back, he's out. I'm fuckin smiling watching these fuckin old guys wipe the place up. Hammer takes a one percenter by the head and smashes him onto the side of a fuckin pool table. Bob is cracking up. As the fuckin guys are falling Security is stripping them. It's fuckin funny to watch like pigeons on bread crumbs. Gene swings a guy around, the VP from New York swings his fist breaking the guys jaw. He wrings out his hand smiling and throwing chin. Now that every fuckin pussy is down the VP's and Pres' are slapping backs.

  "Besides the obvious, what the fuck happened?" I ask. Pres looks at us watching them and gives me the biggest fuckin smile. "They thought we were more of the corporate CEO types. We reminded them that we're fuckin Badass Bikers.” The whole fuckin High Security team laughs hysterically. Fuckin Pres.

  I look for my dad. He's standing by VP. "We thought thirty two to nine was good odds." He fuckin smiles as he's says it. Badass fuckin Bikers, even if they are old. I shake my head laughing.

  The bouncer from earlier and his partner come up to the edge of our group. "We have to ask you to leave." He looks like he wants to be anywhere but here.

  Fuckin Pres has everyone laughing again, "We're the good guys." He tells the guy, his partner fuckin laughs.

  "We'd ask them to leave but they're all out. We'll drag them out after you're gone." He tells us. My dad shrugs and walks toward the door. Everyone follows. The Security guys are carrying the weapons they took from the pussies. All I can do is laugh. "Fuckin old timers."

  Bob slaps my back. "Doesn't look like they need glasses just yet Brother." Fuckin Bob.

  Back at our house for the week we decide to hit the bar across the street again. Brothers are already there and everyone's relaxed. Patches gets all the highlights of the fight laughing at the amazed younger guys. Nick from Hammer's Security tells him of the patch guys martial arts moves. Patches proudly tells him he's our dad rendering him speechless.

  As Brothers are leaving we move outside, women move with us trying to get their shot with the Brothers. It's always the same. Bob throws chin as he puts his arm around a girl moving her toward his room. Patches
laughs. "Fuckin Digs needs a room for the night. Bob don't share." I smile. Poor Digs, I bet he sleeps in Petey's truck.

  "Does that mean that you share?" I turn toward the voice looking at the girl from top to bottom. She's doable.

  I look at Patches, he's doing the same. "Depends on what the offer is." I smile at her.

  She looks at Patches, "Only me looking for a hookup, you covered, no strings."

  I look at Patches, "You claimed by anyone?" He asks her.

  "Nope, got shot of him over a month ago. Bikers are not people I normally associate with but my friend just left with one. I'm figuring I can twiddle my thumbs or make one of those memories you never tell your kids about." She says with a smile. Fuck if my dick's not jumping.

  Patches smiles and puts his hand out. She takes it and puts her hand out for me. "I'm Rich, that's Patches." I tell her.

  "Vicky, nice to meetchya." She says making me chuckle. I guess we'll see.

  In the room Patches asks if she wants anything to drink. She shakes her head no kicking off her fuck me heels. She pulls Patches down by his shirt kissing him. This is not her first time. I'm loving Laconia. I slide my hands around her front sliding her skirt down; my hands follow it all the way to the floor. She's making fuck me noises. Patches steps back pulling her shirt over her head, he likes what he sees. "Beautiful Vicky." Her bra falls on her arms while I'm sliding down her thong.

  "Fuckin ass to die for." I slide my hands back up her standing up squeezing her ass. Patches turns her around moving his hands over her tits. Fuck she's got a nice rack. I bend kissing her while Patches undresses. I grab her ass and lift her up. Her legs go right around me pushing her pussy into my belt buckle. Fuck she's hot and getting hotter. Patches moves to her back his hands find her tits, he squeezes making her moan in my mouth. I lower her down unlatching our mouths. "Fuck that looks nice." Patches has her tit in one hand and his fingers sliding in her pussy. He walks her over to the bed lifts her and puts her in the middle. "We fuck together." I tell her, she nods making a whimper noise. I look at Patches and smile. "Brother?"

  "Back." He says moving to get the lube from his bag.

  Undressed I lay on the bed pulling the beautiful Vicky on top of me. She straddles just above my dick, it jumps looking for pussy. I pull her down sucking her nipple in getting another moan. "Fuck that's feels good biker one." I chuckle.

  Looking over her, "guess that makes you biker two Brother."

  He laughs. "If I can get into that fuckin sweet ass I'll answer to any fuckin thing you want to call me."

  I lift Vicky up sliding her back to my thighs. Patches kneels behind her kissing her neck, I slide my fingers in her. She looks down and moans. "You like that Vicky. Have you ever had a barbell and studs in you before?" Patches asks pinching her nipples.

  "No." She cries out breathing heavy. She's ready.

  He moves his hand opening her for me. While he circles her clit I plunge my fingers in. Her whole body starts shaking, she moans low in her throat. He squeezes her tit and she comes that fuckin fast. "Fuck that was pretty to watch Vicky." He tells her.

  I take the rubber he hands me and roll it on. I lift her and slide her down on me as Patches tells her she's going to like the studs. She shivers as she goes down. "Fuck that feels good Vicky." I moan as she takes me all in. She moans out a yes.

  Patches nods at me. I pull her down kissing her neck, rolling my hips getting that moan. Patches moves up and slides his fingers in her ass. "Two Brother." He tells me. She's definitely done this before. "Fuckin nice." He says. Pulling his fingers out he lines up and slides in slow. She makes a sound low in her throat again. I let her mouth go, Patches pulls her up lifting her hips, I start moving getting more fuck me noises.

  Patches is encouraging her to tell us what she wants. "Harder." She says breathing heavy.

  "Fuck, I like hearing that." He looks at me. We move in sync each pounding into her. My hand finds her tit and I message her nipple. She goes off again making me moan as she clenches me tight. I can't stop, my dick got the green light and it’s running on its own. "Stay with me here Vicky." I tell her. Patches is still talking to her. She's fuckin moaning every time I hit deep. "Let's stand her up Brother. She's taking every fuckin bit of me." He nods slowing down she whimpers again. I smile. "We're just changing positions Vicky, you'll like us standing better." She just moans falling against me as Patches pulls out and gets off the bed.

  I jackknife us up and slide off the bed standing with her still on me. Leaning against the wall I nod to Patches. He slides right in causing Vicky to cry out and me to moan. "Fuck that feels so fuckin good. I love how your pussy takes all of me." Patches hands find her tits again while I pull her into me holding her ass. She's begging for harder. Patches moans biting down on her shoulder. She's liking the rough. "Put a hand on her pussy Brother. Give her the memory she's looking for." I tell him. We're fuckin pounding into her, battering her body from both sides. "Fuck she's going Brother I can't hang on." He fuckin growls squeezing her nipple. The first fuckin time she clenches I'm gone. I moan hitting her hard two more times. Fuck that was good. Vicky falls on me while Patches finishes. He pounds his last and moans. Fuck I'm all the way in, she's going to be fuckin sore tomorrow.

  "Thank you Vicky. I hope you got what you wanted for a memory." I tell her trying to catch my breath. Patches laughs in between dragging in breath. She just whimpers.

  Pulling out he steps away and lifts her up and off me. Fuck she's still clenching as she's sliding off.

  He holds her up until she's steady. "Do you need to call your friend?" Patches asks her. He fuckin hates women who want to stay. He gets rid of them right away. We haven't figured the sleep thing out yet. I guess we haven't found anyone we want to stay yet, I think smiling. Vicky isn't impressed with the after fuck care she's getting. Her lips thin as she hunts and scoops her clothes up. Patches goes in the bathroom to take care of the rubber. I'm waiting to get in there. Coming out he pulls his jeans on and sits on his bed running his hands through his hair. I go in the bathroom with a smile on my face. Patches is getting tired of humping and dumping.

  I clean myself up and pull a pair of basketball shorts from my bag. I slide them on just in time to see Vicky put on her fuck me heels. I take her hand, "I can walk you to your car."

  She shakes her head no and pulls her hand away. "My friend is waiting outside. I texted her." She picks up her purse and thanks me. I hold my laugh in and kiss her forehead. She wobbles down the hall while I watch. Maybe she's already sore.

  Coming back in the room I know what Patches is going to say. I feel it too. I sit and look at him from my bed. "I feel it too Patch."

  He looks at me with a smile. "Thank fuck. Brother. I thought something was wrong with me. I love fuckin them but hate the after. I want a real woman that I want to be around in the morning. We need to start looking for her."

  "I'm with you Brother but who the fuck is going to want to be with us?" I blow out a breath. "For two years we've been fuckin together and haven't found anyone that I want to keep overnight. Let alone over breakfast." I tell him.

  "There are plenty of good women that have two men. Mitch Baxter does, she doesn't even deny it on tv. Driscoll and Bull too. The way Pres looks at Kate I wouldn't be surprised if him and your father are with her. There are more that don't announce it but it happens. Sometimes I think it's something in the fuckin water." He smiles.

  "Kate is not into fuckin Pres; she can't keep her hands off my father. She's too into him and straight laced to fuck around." I'm getting pissed. He needs to leave Kate out of this.

  He laughs, "Fuck Rich, I love all of them, I wouldn't care if they hooked up. Kate is far from straight laced; she's got piercings just like your aunt. You need to pay attention Brother. I'm just saying there are good women that accept two men."

  "Fuck! Patch I don't want to fuckin hear about Kate and Te Jess. Jesus hearing about my father was fuckin enough. I don't need that fuckin shit in my head." I flop on the bed
covering my eyes. Fuck. "I want a good woman too, Brother. I'm tired of the hump and dump."

  "Do we need to make a list or something?" He asks so serious. Fuckin Patches and his lists.

  I crack up. "I think we'll know her when we see her but we need to decide how we're going to do this. Dating someone is a fuck of a lot different than fuckin them. We need to decide how we want to do that. If a woman doesn't want both of us do we both walk or does one walk?" This is going to get fuckin complicated.

  "You're right Brother. I think we need some time to figure out what we want and how we want to get it. Right off the bat I'm ready to say we both walk but what if you don't want to?" He looks fuckin worried.

  "Patch, I think the same fuckin thing, what if you don't want to? I don't know why we work but I've never felt pleasure like when we please a woman together. I don't want to sound like a pussy but really Brother it's never been better." I don't look at him. I'm really starting to feel like a pussy, Tiny would be throwing fuckin tampons at me. I close my eyes.

  "What the fuck are you smiling at?" He asks.

  "Was just thinking Tiny would be throwing tampons at me." I smile.

  "Let's take the time to think about it then decide what will work for us. I'll buy a box of tampons my fuckin self. I think it's important; it would be worth it if we could find the right woman. At least we'd know what the fuck to do with her." He pulls his jeans off, folds them and slides into his bed.

  "I could use the time to get it straight in my head." I get up and shut the lights in the bathroom, check the door and move the clothes from the floor and in front of my bed. Patches can't handle a mess, he'd be up cleaning it in the middle of the fuckin night. Laying down I can't get it out of my head. "Do you really think Ben has been with my dad and Kate?" I ask, hating that I said it out loud.


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