MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 3

by L. Ann Marie

  "I do Brother. Your dad is not going to do a fuckin thing to lose her Brother; she's the same with him. You got nothing to worry about." He always knows what's going through my fuckin head.

  "Thanks Brother."



  I'm in a tent; I hear what sounds like thousands of bikes. Some sounding familiar some I've never heard before. Men come into the tent, I'm told to suck them off. I do. They leave. Rod came in to twist my nipples telling me if I don't do better they'll sell my body parts instead of me. Tears roll down my face but I don't make a sound. They leave me alone for the night. I hear them talking and fighting about a Club they're going to hit. I sleep on the ground in my house dress.


  In the restaurant were sitting with my dad and Pres. I can't stop thinking about what we need to do once we find the woman we want. The Brothers are already off with groups. Patches is making lists in his head. Finishing I push my plate putting the fork and knife down, I pick up my cup and look up. Both my father and Ben are looking at me. "What?" I ask wondering what the fuck?

  "Just waiting for you to ask." My dad says.

  "Ask what?" What the fuck is this about?

  "Rich I'm your father. You got something on your mind just ask. If I don't know the answer I'll find someone that does." He says, all at once I love him and hate that he knows me so well.

  I look at Patches, he just shrugs, might as well. "We decided we're sick of the hump and dump. We want to find a good woman but we're not sure how to do that by dating her once we find her." I tell him.

  He takes a breath and sits back. He looks at Pres. Something passes between them. Finally he looks at me. "I can't believe I'm having this conversation for the second time this week. You find the girl you're looking for and treat her like a queen because that's what's in your heart. Your life will revolve around her happiness. You take her out, remember to think about what she wants, what she likes and do that. Bring her into your world. Let her see who you are. Dates aren't always about dinner and movies. Spend the time living as real as possible. Not putting on your best face and manners but everyday life shit. You both do that and then you do it together. She needs to see how you interact together so she can understand why you'd be willing to share. She has to make the decision herself. You have to give her that time without pressure. You're asking her to live a life that is not common, it's even frowned upon. She has to be a strong woman and you have to be strong men. You’re looking at a commitment that starts off as complicated. As time goes on and you have kids, that becomes more complicated. Think all of that through; decide how you'd like to handle things now before you get involved with the woman you want. Fighting with each other will cause her to choose sides. That will never work for a long term relationship. Through all of that, respect each other enough to have those hard conversations you probably want to run away from." He stops looking back and forth between us.

  "That's a fuckin truck load of shit to think about. This is the second time you've had this conversation this week?" I ask.

  He looks like he's weighing something. "Yes, we went and talked to Kevin Baxter before we came up here." He doesn't look like he's going to add anything here.

  I look at Patches. "I hate that you see all that shit. Are you going to remember all this?"

  He smiles at me, "Yeah Brother." He stands. "Thanks Danny." He walks to the door.

  "He's going to make lists; I better go help him out with that. Thanks Dad." I give Pres chin and follow Patches. Fuckin Patches, he knew. I look back; Pres is smiling at my father. I realize as I'm walking Pres didn't say not one fuckin word through all that. Fuck I don't want to know this shit. We spend hours trying to figure shit out.

  I text Digs about dinner. He and Bob are going with a group to a bar on the other side of the main drag. After going through a whole fuckin life of choices and scenarios I'm ready to see fuckin Brothers over food and beer. We meet up with them; all the Officers are here with Te Jess and Kate. I kiss them and throw chin to the group before sitting down. "Ally was asking about you today. She wanted to know if you're doing a competition. I didn't know. Are you?"

  Looking at her I notice Pres is on one side and my father on the other. Fuck. It takes me a second to remember her question. "I'm not sure." I look at my father. "Are you doing the hill?" I ask him.

  He shakes his head no. "I'm not leaving Kate while there's a threat; we're not in Kansas anymore." He smiles.

  I look at Kate with a smile. "Yep, I am." Everyone laughs. "What? I don't have a fuckin chance if he enters."

  Digs starts telling everyone about me flipping the bike in the air coming off the jump in the yard. I watch Pres and my father. My father is shaking his head no. "You want to go dad?"

  Pres looks at me then my dad. "No Rich, I want to leave right after the competition on Friday. We're taking the long way home. I don't want to have to worry about the bike making the trip back." Pres smiles at Kate. Shit. I don't know what to feel here. I just nod. Patches is watching me. I look away to see VP watching me. Fuckin hell! I need a beer. I talk to Bob on the side of me.


  Watching Rich I see he’s noticing Pres with Kate. As much as he doesn’t want to know he can’t deny what everyone else already sees. Pres is happier than I’ve ever seen him. So are Kate and Danny. I think it’s fuckin great. VP does too. He smiles watching them all the fuckin time. Tiny hasn’t said anything but he’s at the house before everyone is up, he has to know. Pres truck in the drive and Jessie sleeping over all the fuckin time can’t be missed by everyone.

  I want to be like them but I don’t want to hide it. Maybe they don’t advertise it because of the kids. I want a woman that’s proud to be with us and doesn’t want to hide. If we find someone we can be open before she has kids. It won’t be so bad for them. The Baxters don’t seem to have a problem. We didn’t talk about how we would handle advertising or not. It should go on the list. If we don’t care who knows no one else will. Our fuckin list is getting longer every time I see the interaction between Kate, Danny and Pres. It’s going to drive us fuckin crazy or teach us how to make it. I smile.

  “Patches what the fuck you smiling about?” Digs yells across the table. Fuck.

  Might as well start preparing them now. “My list for the woman me and Rich are looking for.” Rich looks at me and cracks up. “He asked.” Everyone laughs but no one asks me another fuckin question. Pres throws me chin. He fuckin knows what I’m thinking. He’s too fuckin smart. I just smile at him.


  Two days


  I need to pee. I call out, "I need the bathroom."

  The Prospect comes in; pulling me by the cuffs he leads me to a Port a John. "Do something stupid, you're worth more dead than alive you lousy whore." He opens the door and pushes me in. I fall on the seat it’s filthy, I can't help gagging. I try to clean up with the toilet paper but it sticks to me and falls apart. There's no sanitizer in the pump. I pee and open the door. "What the fuck, did you do, wash up in it? Fuckin stupid waste of fuckin air." He pulls me over to a hose and sprays me down. I just stand shivering lowering my eyes; I can still see people watching me.


  Walking the through way Kate stops so we all stop. "Fuckin hell!" My father says. Kate stalks away. Fuck! What now?

  "Hey! Hey Prospect! What the hell are you doing?" She yells at an Outlaw Prospect that's yelling at a woman he's spraying down with a hose like a dog. He turns looking at Kate. Fuck! He raises his hand to swat her away but my father, Pres, VP, and Bob are there. I can't move. The girl is looking right at me. Her eyes are begging me for help. Finally my feet move. There's yelling and pushing all around me but I go to her. She's shackled. What the fuck is he doing with a slave out in the fuckin open? This has got to be the dumbest fuckin Prospect in this whole fuckin place. I turn around to see what the fuck everyone is doing. An Outlaw officer is talking to Pres. I move the girl behind me holding her freezing hand. She h
olds my pocket with the other. I can feel her shaking.

  Kate comes over to her. "My name is Kate. I know you're scared. Those men are working it out so you can come with us. We're going to get you out of here. Can you tell me your name?"

  "Tess." The girl says so softly but I can hear the shiver in her voice.

  "Rich can you get Tess some clothes and shoes from that booth over there?" Kate gives me money like I'm ten.

  I move quickly getting a sweat suit, t shirt and flip flops. Getting back Brothers are circling Tess and Kate looking out. "Kate I have the clothes." I hand the clothes over Bob's shoulder. I saw another booth that had hair things and hats. I go back and get some elastic things to match the sweat suit and a hat. Girls like matched clothes. I bring it back and tell Kate I have another bag.

  She laughs, "Perfect Rich, thank you." I hear her talking softly but I don't know what she's saying. Finally she says, "We’re done here, thank you guys." The Brothers take steps away and turn around.

  Tess looks like a little fairy in a pink sweat suit. I smile at her. "There you are. I was wondering when you'd get here." She sucks in a breath and tears fall down her face. I put my hand out and she flinches. "It's me pretty Tess, I won't hurt you." I move my hand and wipe her tears. She just watches me. Putting my hand down I ask, "Are you ready?" She nods and takes my hand. Kate's breath hisses out. I look at her, my dad and Pres are smiling. "Are we ready? I think Tess has had enough of this fuckin place."

  They all start laughing. I don't know what the fuck for but Tess isn't scared anymore so I'm good with the laughing. VP slaps my back, "Fuckin beautiful Rich."

  We start walking away when an Outlaw yells. "By tonight or we'll have your bitch to sell tomorrow with her." Oh fuck! This could get ugly.

  I hold Tess' hand tighter. My father picks up Kate throwing her over his shoulder and walks the fuck away with her yelling the whole time. Pres, VP and Bob walk back to where the Outlaw is. "Tess we're going to keep walking and get you away from those crazy ass motherfuckers. Are you good with that?"

  She makes a noise like she's sucking in air. I look down at her as she stumbles. I stop and lift her up cradling her against my chest. She's crying without making a sound. My father told me about my brother Victor crying like this and how it was the worst thing he'd ever seen. I feel that right now. This is the worst thing I've ever seen. She wasn't allowed to make a noise even to cry. I hold her head against my chest. "It's ok Tess, I've got you. You're safe now. As soon as I find where my father took my mom she'll make sure you stay that way. That's what she does. She runs a center for women. They'll help give you back your future. She'll tell you better than I can. We'll find her and she'll make sure you start living again." She's so quiet with her crying I don't know if she's done or not. I stop and look down at her. She's just holding on looking up at me.

  "Are you real, I dreamed of you and another man, kind and gentle?" Her voice is hoarse and she speaks so softly.

  My breath catches. "Patches?" I think I'm going to pass the fuck out. I take a deep breath letting the air out slow. My whole fuckin body breaks out in goose bumps.

  "Ally says you can do it." She says. What the fuck?

  I breathe deep. I need a fuckin minute for my brain to kick in. "How do you know Ally?" I barely get out.

  "She's in my dream. She said you can do it, her grandmother told her she can help me." Her voice is so soft. I want to believe I misheard her, but fuck, I know I heard her right.

  "Everything ok Rich?" Pres asks me. Tess closes her eyes.

  "I'm a little stunned Pres. I got this." I start walking again. Trying to make what she said make sense any way but the one that I know it is. I need Kate. "Where's Kate?" I ask him.

  "You're dad took her back to the room before she started a war." He says laughing. VP and Bob laugh with him. "She's the gentlest woman I know until you fuck with her. I watched her shred a cop for being a man and trying to take a report from a little girl when she asked for a woman cop. She won't give up until Tess here is free to live again." He says with a smile in his voice.

  I look down and she's looking at me with those fuckin big blue eyes, cornflower, is that what they call that color? I'll have to ask Patches while we're in the store buying those fuckin tampons. Where the fuck did cornflower come from? We make it to the lobby. "I'm taking her to my room; can you ask Kate to come talk with her?"

  "Brother, I'm not sure that's a good idea." Pres says.

  I look at Tess. Why the fuck not? "Is it ok to take you to mine and Patches room?"

  "You won't hurt me?" She asks sounding so small without all the outside noise.

  "No pretty Tess. I want to make sure you don't get hurt again and I need to keep you with us in order to do that." She nods.

  I take her to my room, Patches is waiting in the hall. Pres must have called him. I carry her in and put her on the bed. "Patches this is Tess, she's going to be staying with us until we leave. I promised her we would keep her safe."

  He sits on the side of her and touches her face. "Hi Tess, I'm glad you made it." She smiles and my breath catches. Fuck. My heart speeds up. I go to the bathroom and get a drink just so I don't do something fuckin stupid.

  "If you tell me your size we can get you some clothes while Kate talks with you." I tell her sitting on the side of Patches.

  "I don't know. I never had clothes. They gave me the dress a couple of days ago to sell me." She says it so matter of fact.

  "We'll figure it out Tess." I have to look away.

  "Do you want to take a shower? We can loan you something to wear until we get back." Patches asks her.

  "Yes. I haven't had a shower in a long time." She looks hopeful. Fuck. "Can I still have clothes?"

  "Of course. We'll get you a couple of days of clothes, one of the old ladies will take you shopping when we get home." Patches says.

  "It's ok, I can keep these." She says looking nervous.

  "You need clean clothes for every day Tess. We'll make sure you have enough." I tell her.

  Her eyes get big. "What do I have to do?"

  Fuck! Patches looks at me. "Tess you're free. We don't own you. We'll keep you safe until we get home but you will be free to live your life again. Kate will help you." I tell her trying to keep the emotion from my voice.

  "The men who are paying for me. Do I owe them?"

  "No Tess. They didn't buy you. The bought your freedom. You don't owe anyone. Kate will help you because that's what decent people do for each other. We take care of our own. When you're ready you can get a job and a place to live. For now let us help you get back to living free." I tell her.

  "I didn't understand. You're strong is going to help me?" She asks with tears. I nod.

  Patches breath hitches. "How do you know that?" He whispers out.

  "Ally told me in my dream." She looks at him through her tears. "Was it real?"

  "I don't know what to say to that. We have a sister Ally. Her grandmother died a couple of years ago, that's how she became ours. She needed a family." I stop. I don't want to say too much.

  She looks at Patches. "Did you use strong to help Ally? Was she a slave too?"

  "Dear God no! She's ten now. Her and her twin Alex have Down's Syndrome." He tells her. She doesn't look like she understands.

  Thank fuck Kate knocks. When I open the door for her she pulls my shirt so I bend down, she hugs me. "You did perfect Rich. Don't stop. Whatever she sees in you is good." She lets me go. Fuck I don't know what to say so I just nod.

  Turning I see Patches’ hand on her face being so gentle, he slides it down her cheek. He's talking to her softly. Tess is laying on the bed so small, her knees drawn up wearing a pink sweat suit that's too big, a hat to match on her head, her blonde hair in a ponytail still wet from the hose. We need to keep her safe. Kate walks over and puts her hand on Patches shoulder. She leans down and kisses his cheek smiling at him then Tess.

  "Hi Tess." She sits and asks Patches to fill the tub.

can go get her some clothes while you talk with her. She doesn't know what size. They never gave her clothes until the dress a few days ago." I tell her.

  She looks appalled then changes the look to blank and nods. "Let's get you in the bathroom. I'll be able to see what size you are and we'll get you something else to wear for your ride home." Tess sits up and thanks her. Kate puts her hand out waiting for Tess to take it. She looks at Kate's hand then at me. I nod with a small smile. She takes Kate's hand and goes into the bathroom. Once the door closes I sit before my fuckin knees give out. Holy fuck!

  Patches just looks at me. Kate comes out a couple of minutes later telling us small, size six and six in shoes. She doesn't know about the bra though. She can take her shopping once we're away from here. I nod and stand waiting for Patches at the door.


  She didn't get clothes. I've heard the stories, seen some bad motherfuckers but never saw a slave before. I hope to fuckin Christ I never see another. I feel like she's the girl we're supposed to be with but she's so fuckin broken. How the fuck do we get her back?

  Rich hasn't said a fuckin word. I know it hurts him to see her. His aunt Jess, VP's old lady, was battered. She was used like a slave; this must be killing him to see how far that fuckin reaches. We ride to the outlets. He stops in front of Old Navy. We go in and have a girl help us get enough for a week. She even gets us a couple of t's and pj pants for bed.

  Walking to the shoe store I pick sneakers and a pair of sandal while Rich finds her some killer biker boots. We get socks with the shoes; the girl says she needs longer socks for the boots so we get those too.

  "All that's left is under clothes." I tell him pulling the empty bag from my saddle I put the shoes and boots in it. Rich still hasn't said anything. He nods toward a Dress Barn. We go in and scare the shit out of the girl. I tell her what we're looking for. She gets us panties and t's with a bra in it. Fuckin women's clothes. She picks five colors and puts them with the panties.


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