MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 5

by L. Ann Marie

  "I'll pick her up at eleven. I'll have her back by one." She's smiling, I can hear it.

  "She'll be ready. Patches will go along." I tell her.

  "He doesn't need to, I can manage." She's sounds put out now.

  "She was a slave, ate like a dog, slept on the floor, never had clothes. Patches will be with her. She trusts him and he'll make sure she doesn't lose it in the middle of a crowd for the first time since she's been isolated for the last five fuckin years and however long her parents kept her hidden." I'm not taking no for an answer. Kate can deal with this when she gets home.

  "I'll be there at eleven and Patches can drive." She sounds concerned. I hang up and smile down at my shorts. Anita is the answer. No more raging hard on. I call the kids in. Patches is helping Tess get ready. I explain to the kids what I just told Anita so they can help her when she needs it. They don't ask a single question. Darren signs they got this. I laugh. "Fuckin kids." They put out their hands. I laugh more digging for money, thank fuck I keep dollar bills in all my fuckin pockets or they would hound me.

  Patches sits her at the table. Jessie picks up the plate of eggs and puts one scoop on his plate passing it to Tess. The boys start passing food around from the other side. Tess follows what Jessie does. Little Ben asks what her favorite color is as we start eating. She's trying to scoop sausage on her fork. Jessie moves her hand and stabs it. I hold my laugh in, Patches covers his mouth. She likes light blue and her favorite book is Twilight, but they can't tell anyone. Patches asks her why? "Because they're evil. No one is allowed to have them." She's so sure in that belief the kids look at me.

  It hits me her father was a pastor. "The book was not meant for young readers. It is ok to read as an adult. You can read anything you want now. You’re old enough to have a beer while you're reading it." Her eyes go big but she nods.

  Patches laughs. "I bet that will take some getting used to." She laughs with him, and then the kids do. The kids help clean up showing Tess what to do. She follows what they do until she has to scrape the plates into the disposal. Patches goes behind her and whispers in her ear. Her face turns red but she smiles scraping the food and handing the plates to Darren. I watch, then it hits me, I walk out to the patio. Fuck!

  Jessie and Patches come out and sit with me. I rub my hands down my face. "She'll get it Brother." Patches says.

  "She didn't want to waste it in case she got hungry later Patch. How the fuck do you get over being treated like a fuckin dog!" I'm pissed.

  Jessie puts his hand on my arm. "You replace it with love Rich. It will take it away for you." Fuckin kids. I hug him. He stands straight putting his hand out. "You owe me two bucks." Patches laughs giving him the two bucks. He goes back in.

  "Fuckin kids." He says.

  "Anita is coming by at eleven. Kate has her getting clothes and lingerie. I told her you'd be going along."

  "Fuck Rich. I had to help her dress. Now I have to watch her try on fuckin bras and shit. You know we'll be in fuckin Victoria's. That’s the only place these fuckin women shop for underclothes." He's just about growling at me.

  I crack up. "You'll get hazardous duty pay Brother. She was reaching for my dick in bed, I know where you’re coming from but you put the three months of no sex out there."

  "Fuck!" I leave him on the patio and find my brothers and sister. They're on the floor teaching Tess sign language. I get Ally, Alex and Aaron upstairs to brush their hair and teeth. Tess comes into Ally's room. Her face is showing pure amazement, it looks beautiful on her. Ally watches her in the mirror. We're at the beginning of the runway at her vanity. Tess pushes the swing hanging from the ceiling. She walks to the castle tree house and looks in at the bed. Spinning around slowly she takes everything in.

  "You must have been extra special to someone." She says to her. Fuck! Ally just looks at her. I finish putting a barrette in her hair and stand up trying to think of how to word this.

  "She IS extra special. She shares her love with everyone. When you feel low, Ally gives hugs that make you smile. That's why she has the room. She doesn't have to do anything but be Ally."

  Tess looks confused. Fuck where the hell is Darren, Jessie and Little Ben? Ally gives her a hug and brings her to the swing. Tess sits on it and Ally pushes her laughing. Tess laughs. "That's Ally sharing her love Tess. It's what she has to give to get her extra special room." She nods with tears on her face but she's laughing. Women and fuckin tears. Like I'm not fuckin confused by them already.

  Patches comes in with Alex and Aaron. The boys laugh with Ally and Tess. I look at Patches. He doesn't know why either. Darren comes in and asks if Tess wants to see their room, Aaron tells her what he's signing. She signs yes with a smile. Patches stays with them while I jump in the shower. I need some fuckin relief and need to get her fuckin shampoo off my shirt. It's all I can fuckin smell, vanilla. Fuck my dick is twitching just thinking about the smell. It's going to be a long fuckin three months.


  If Anita asks me about one more fuckin nighty I'm going to embarrass myself like a fuckin sixteen year old. "She has pj's already and she just came off being a slave. I don’t think sexy nighties are appropriate here." She gets fuckin short sets. I groan out loud making her laugh. I find a robe to cover the fuckin short sets and add it to the pile. I hear Tess pulling in breath. She's crying. "Tess, I'm right here. Do you need me?" She opens the door. Fuck! She takes a step out. I block her in and step her back into the dressing room. "What's wrong pretty Tess?"

  "I don't know how to do this." She holds up a bra with a front clasp. Fuck! Rich fuckin owes me for this. I show her how it goes and step out trying to control my fuckin breathing.

  "Anita, you need to show her how they go on." I'm pissed and fuckin hard standing in this fuckin store full of fuckin women. She looks at me. "Her father was a pastor, she's twenty one been away since she's sixteen. She doesn't know anything but traditional. Help her. I fuckin can't." She nods then smiles. Fuckin Anita. I sit in the chair and think of the boys’ soccer schedule, the Little Brothers next meeting, Ally's play date with Lily. Everything but fuckin front clasp bras over a perfect fuckin rack.

  Anita brings the bras over to the pile. I go to the register to pay but Anita shoos me away saying it’s a girl thing and Jess and Kate got it. Whatever the fuck gets me out of this store the fastest is a great fuckin plan to me. Tess comes out with a smile. It calms me down. Last time I saw too fuckin much of her she was crying. I like this a fuck of a lot better. She reaches for my hand. I follow Anita to the next store. Tess keeps her head down. She puts Tess in another fuckin room and brings her clothes. This time she helps her. We're out in forty minutes with a bag full of clothes. Thank fuck!


  One week


  It's been a good week. Tess is getting comfortable and looks at everyone in the house when she talks to them. She never shied away from me and Rich, seeing that reaction threw me at first. Tiny clued me in about slaves, they're not allowed to look or touch unless they are told to.

  We've kept to the house and playground so she has time to adjust. With Little Ben there are seven kids during the day and nine at night with Devan and Elizabeth. She hasn't had a problem yet, she loves helping take care of them.

  I've been teaching her to cook and make sure they have healthy snacks. She's a natural though. She had some trouble with taking too much food but Jessie helps her with that. They all help her with something different. Aaron tells her what the toddlers need if they get fussy. Ally helps her with changing and dressing them. Victor explained bedtime rituals and helps feed the babies, Jessie helps her at the table. Darren and Little Ben seem to be teaching her about how they take care of the littler ones. They're always explaining why they do things; it always goes back to protecting and taking care of those that need it. They are the best teachers because she never feels awkward and is comfortable enough to ask question.

  Danny, Pres and Kate come home today. Tiny and Rob helped me g
et Jessie's bed finished. Danny and Pres have the dresser done but the platform was in the garage, they're going to be surprised we did this for them. I hope they see it as a show of support. The kids haven’t said a fuckin word about Jessie moving in. They’re happy though. I can't wait for Kate to see how far Tess has come.


  Danny, Kate and Ben came back today. They are so nice to me. Nancy showed me how to bake a cake for them. I told Kate about seeing Patches and Rich before I met them. I thought they were just a regular dream. Rich is strong and hard around the edges with dark hair and light blue eyes. He should be on tv. He's big but not the kind of mean big like the Outlaws. Patches has brown hair with gold in it. His eyes are light brown. He's pretty if men can be pretty. He's gentle and caring in a man way but different than the hard in Rich. In my dream we are on a beach playing in the water. They both hold me and kiss me. I never wanted men to touch me, but I want them to. Kate doesn’t ever get mad about the dreams; I tell her the one with Ally and the kids.

  Everyone is here and happy to be together. I don't remember my family being happy like this. Jessie sits by me again helping me when I'm going too fast or I make a mistake. He never says anything just shows me. Little Ben went home with Elizabeth, Jess and Steve. Steve looks scarier than Tiny. Darren brings the cake out then signs that I made it today. I smile and sign thank you. Everyone gets cake and tells me how good it is. I did good! I tell them I wanted to say thank you.

  "You know the right way to say thanks." Danny says.

  "I promised Patches and Rich no sex for thank you's." Everyone stops and looks at me.

  Jessie whispers, "He meant making cake." Oh please send a hole to swallow me up. I get up and run to the patio. I put my forehead on the glass. I am such a dunce.

  "I think it was a good promise Tess." Ben says behind me. "They were right to make that promise important." I can't look at him. "Your body should be respected by the person you're with and by you. You didn't get a chance to learn that the conventional way. It's important that you learn it now." I nod against the glass. That's what the guys say.

  "We may be unusual but we are a family. You should never be so embarrassed that you run from your family. We accept who you were, who you are and who you will become. No one’s going to pass judgment on you here. Let's go back and eat that awesome cake that you made for us."

  I look at him, he's not laughing at me. I take his hand but try to stay away from him; I follow his feet and go back for my cake. Everyone is talking and doesn't stop because I walk in. Darren signs he's proud of me. I relax and watch everyone with a smile. I have family again. Patches and Rich are smiling at me. It's ok.


  Tess goes in the kitchen to help the kids with the dishes. “I wanted to talk to you without the kids. We’ve been sleeping with Tess every night. She’s having nightmares, Patches thinks a couple of times they were flashbacks.” I look at each one. There is no judgment in their looks.

  “We can take her home at night and bring her back in the morning.” Patches says.

  Pres looks at my father. “Stay at my house. I have three spare rooms for you to choose from.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. She’ll never be far from us and she can walk back and forth on her own giving her a little independence.” Kate says smiling at us.

  “You don’t mind if we move into your house?” Patches asks Pres.

  “Neither one of you can ever be accused of being stupid men. You’re asking the question but do you really want the answer?” My father asks with a smile.

  “Fuck no!” I say.

  Patches laughs shaking his head, “I meant actually moving our stuff in. I spend most of my time here. It’s more convenient for me to be close. There’s a house down a little farther going up for sale. I was going to talk to Rich before it hits the market. I really wanted something bigger but it’s there now.”

  Pres laughs. “Move in. You have time to look around for what you want.” My dad nods in agreement. Thank Fuck and Fuckin Hell!

  Tess has taken to helping Ally to bed. She brushes her hair and helps get her teeth brushed the right way. We wait for her to come down stairs. “We’re going to go to stay at Pres’ house. Let’s get a bag of clothes for tonight and tomorrow. We’ll move the rest tomorrow.” Patches tells her as he stands. She nods heading for Patches room.

  Kate smiles, “She really is going to be ok. You’re both doing a good job. Has she had any more dreams like the one with Ally?”

  “Fuck! Yeah. I don’t know what happened, I forgot all about it. She said ‘a man is going to hurt me the only way he can.’ When I asked her how, she said through my family. Patches will be hurt too. She couldn’t give me any more than that.” Fuck, I can’t believe I forgot.

  Ben stands. Pulling his phone out, he calls VP and walks out of the living room. My dad is searching for something in his head. “The only way he can. He can’t hurt you any other way.” He’s puzzling it out.

  “Jonesy.” We say together.

  “He can’t beat me in the ring or at shooting. His team lost the basketball game against the office workers. He can’t hurt me any other way. She said something else.” I tell him searching my memory. “I always get my way and he’s taking it away from me.”

  “In Shooters he should have been on the inside with us. I don’t remember seeing him. Let me ask Ben.”

  “Bob didn’t see him in the lot when all the chapters met.” I tell him. He jogs out to Pres.

  Kate looks nervous. “I think we shouldn’t discount her dreams. She knows too much. It’s eerie but she’s had others. She’ll tell you when she’s ready but you need to know she has them regularly. Her parents kept her secluded because of them.” Just what I fuckin need, as if this isn’t going to get complicated enough. I nod. “It’s going to be ok Rich. In the end it will work for you. Just keep remembering that.” She says. Great, more cryptic fuckin messages.

  Thank Fuck! Patches and Tess come back in. “I forgot about the dream Tess had. I just told them about the man who will hurt me the only way he can. Pres is talking to VP and my dad. I’ll get my stuff while we’re waiting.” I start walking out.

  “Hold up Brother, what the fuck are you talking about?” Patches asks.

  “My dream. You’re going to be hurt Patches.” She tells him reaching for his hand with tears in her eyes. Kate signs for me to go she’ll explain. I go. Fuck. Patches is going to drive himself fuckin crazy worrying over our family being hurt.

  I get my bag together happy to be leaving. I didn’t want to be here when they all go to bed. I sit trying to think this through. I don’t understand what the fuck my problem is over them being together. It’s nothing more than what we are planning with Tess. Kate isn’t even my mother. I think I love her like she’s my real mom though. Fuck my real mother hasn’t seen me since I drove to her house on my first bike. She told me to choose between her and the club and I did. Kate’s been there for me like Te Jess. She’s the best mother I’ve ever known. I want her to be happy. She looks happy. Nothing like being a judgmental son of a bitch, I shake my head at my own hypocrisy. Walking back out I go to Kate and sit on the side of her. “I took a minute to try and understand why I’m freaked about Pres. I think I just want you to be happy, but I never asked you if this makes you happy.”

  She smiles with tears in her eyes. “I’m happy Rich. Thank you for looking out for me.” I smile and hug her.

  She’s happy, who the fuck am I to make this harder for her. “I’m happy for you. I know how we feel. So I’m going to be happy for all of you.” She laughs and looks at my dad and Pres. They’re standing at the door smiling at us. Pres throws me chin. Good for them.

  I move over to the other couch with Patches and Tess. They’re smiling at me too. Fuck, move the fuck along people. “Did you remember?”

  “Steve doesn’t remember seeing him and Jonesy didn’t show for his shift on Wednesday. He was automatically taken off the schedule. He never called in.”
Pres says. “The cameras are activated on the road. We’ll make sure everyone has their watches. Ally never takes off her necklace. We’ll need to get something on Tess.”

  Patches gets up. “I have the necklace for it.” He pulls a box out of his bag and hands it to Pres.

  Pres opens the box and smiles. “Fitting, nice job Brothers.” I smile at Patch.

  “It was a surprise so Tess hasn’t seen it. I think since everyone else has she should too.” I tell them. Pres walks it over to her.

  Tears fall, she looks at Patches. “Thank you.” She croaks out then turns to me.

  I hold her while she cries. “Did VP ever find the fuckin book?” They all fuckin laugh at me. I need to figure out the fuckin tear thing.

  “I think he just learned to ask her.” Kate says with a big smile.

  Patches sits on the side of us. “Tess, Pres is going to have a tracking device put on the necklace. We’ll get it back in a day or so. Are you crying because you like the necklace?”

  She nods sitting up looking at him. “No one ever gave me anything so pretty before and I did survive. It is special just for me.” I nod. Ok, I get this. My dad is smiling at me.

  “I’m at work tomorrow. Patches is here. Anything I need to know?” I look between my father and Pres.

  “Stay alert. Keep the tracking up on a viewed board. Kate will get Tess to the doctor. Geek’s been running background. We’ll meet tomorrow.” Pres tells me. I nod and stand. Me and Patches grab the bags. They walk us to the door. We kiss Kate and throw chin. Tess hugs Kate but stands away from my dad and Pres. They don’t make a move toward her but both smile and nod at her as she passes by them. I’m going to have to watch that. She did the same thing with Tiny. At least she’s looking at them. She won’t even look at Steve.

  We settle in the spare room with the king bed. I show Tess the room next to it. It’s kind of girly. I tell her it is her room whenever she wants to be in it. She just nods as I put her bag on the bed. I go back to our room and empty my bag. “It feels a little weird being in the same room but I think it’s right Patch.”


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