MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 9

by L. Ann Marie

  "She broke her promise to keep the girls safe Brother." Bob says.

  I rip my arm away from him and walk into the room closing the door. "Tess." I can't even recognize her. There are bumps and bruises all over her face. Everything is misshapen. I pull the sheet off her and let out a growl. Her fuckin back has open wounds like whip marks, because she needs a few fuckin more. I'm going to make sure they fuckin die for this. She makes a sound. Her eyelids move, her eyes are swollen almost shut but she opens them to slits and sees me. "I'm here Tess. I'm afraid to pick you up. Can I lift you?"

  She nods. "Ally?" She mumbles through her swollen lips. I lift her gently holding her on my lap.

  "Babe you saved them both. Neither was hurt. They're both worried about you though." I kiss her head. "I love you Tess. You were so fuckin brave protecting the girls." I wipe her tears.

  "Broke the promise." She says.

  "You saved Ally and Brenda. You did that the only way you could babe. No one cares about the fuckin promise in the face of what could have happened to the two girls and what happened to you. I'm so sorry you're hurt. We should have done better for you."

  Doc comes back in. He covers her whole back with a blue pad thing. He tapes across a cut on her chest. Taking his shirt off he pulls his t and folds it putting it between her legs. I'm blinking back tears as he dresses. "We need to get her to the Club. I have some work to do for her." I nod lifting her while I stand. He tries to cover her up so I can walk her out. The sheet is dirty and bloody. I growl. A dirty fuckin sheet is what she gets after what she gave. "I'll have another sheet brought out before we bring her in. There's nothing else here." I want to scream at him but I just nod clenching my teeth.

  My Brothers are waiting when he opens the door. "Dad you need to get to Patches."

  He nods and bends to kiss Tess' head. "Thank you for saving my girl Tess. I wish it wasn't a choice you had to make." I hear the emotion in his voice. He walks out with Bob and Chet following.

  Pres gets in the truck with us. Her breath hisses out when I sit. "Sorry babe. I'm trying to be gentle." She fuckin try's to smile with tears falling out of the side of her swollen eyes. "You're so brave Tess. I'm so fuckin proud of you. We'll get you fixed up back at the club." She nods and closes her eyes.

  "You're stronger than I would be Rich." Pres says.

  "She needs strong right now. I'll give her whatever the fuck she needs." I say without taking my eyes off her.

  She tries to smile again. "The dream. You love me with strong."

  I blink away more tears. "Yeah babe. I love you with my strong like you love the girls with yours."

  "Yeah, promise you tell Darren, I did it." She mumbles out.

  "I will Tess. I’ll tell him." I kiss her head.

  Brothers open the gate and VP pulls to the side. Kate is waiting with Patches and a sheet. Fuck! I look at Pres. "If she has him by her side he's strong enough to be there." I nod.

  The door is open before we stop. I see his tears. "She was so brave Patch." He nods pulling the sheet and putting the clean one on. I hear him pulling in breath. Kate keeps her hand on him. He nods to me. I slide out and carry her up the stairs. My father is holding the door open. I walk right into Doc's rooms. Someone set up the gurney. I kiss her head and lay her down on her side.

  She moans but doesn't open her eyes. Patches covers her bending to kiss her head. "I'm so proud of you Tess."

  He looks at me. I see his pain and the fury right behind it. I tell him what he's thinking. "I need to finish this."

  He nods. "I've got her Rich. Do what needs to be done so she won't ever have to go through this fuckin hell again." He's barely holding his anger in. I nod and walk out.

  VP is waiting. "Ride in thirty; will go over the plan on the way. Darren is with Ally. Says he needs to talk to you now." I nod.

  I go through the common room, people are clearing a path for me. I feel hands on my back as I pass through. I appreciate the show of support but I can't stop to acknowledge it.

  Making it to the kids room I walk through the door and right up to Darren, he's holding Ally. I get on my knees. Ally holds on to me while Darren signs. 'Promised if Tess got Ally back safe I tell you the dream. You go to next state. Watch for man to hurt you. He will be on roof. Won't shoot til you get to first step. Prospect will try to help but it will be too late. First step. Tess said she loves you be careful of first step.' She told him. She fuckin knew Ally would be hurt and changed it. I sign 'when did she tell you'. He looks at me with tears. 'Today in kitchen she said if she can change Ally would be back safe.' I pull him to me hugging him. She fuckin changed it keeping Ally safe getting beat to give us time. So Fuckin brave and stupid. She should have told us. I sign 'tell mom.' He nods. I give Ally a tight squeeze telling her how proud I am of her for being so brave. She kisses my cheek telling me she loves me. My sweet sister, she would have lost her innocence today. I feel the rage building again and have to get out of here.

  I walk out going to the meeting room. "I need my gear. Jonesy will shoot from the roof. Tess told Darren if Ally came back safe she changed it. I need to watch for him on the roof. He'll be shooting down to get me on the first step." VP nods.

  "She got raped and beat to give us time to save Ally? Fuckin old ladies with balls of fuckin steel." Tiny says shaking his head.

  "Your gear and bike is out front." Bob says.

  "I'm ready." I look at VP.

  "Need to see your girl?" He asks.

  "Patches has her. I need to fuckin finish this."

  "Outlaws from the house are bein dealt with in a way they feel her pain. More waitin for these pussies at the club. Let's roll." He turns and walks out, we all follow.

  Putting on my helmet I hear Casper talking to VP. "LP2 on." I let them know I'm on.

  Casper: "Thank you for getting my daughter back Rich. You have an hour ride into Rhode Island. VP knows the way. Digs is controlling their video, we can direct from here."

  Me: "Roger that LP2 on the side." I say not wanting to talk to anyone.

  We pull out in formation. There are twenty in all, me and Bob roll out behind my father and VP. Digs warns us of troopers and cops along the way. My fuckin girl got beat to keep my sister and Brenda from being raped. How the fuck do you thank someone for that. She went into it knowing what would happen to her and still fought for Ally. I can't imagine what would have happened to Ally. I'm so fuckin glad she won't understand what almost happened to her. Brenda was having trouble dealing at fourteen.

  Digs: "This is your exit Brothers."

  VP: "Ten through twenty take the next exit and swing around. Driscoll you have the location. Get Geek on with Driscoll. Who's runnin the room Digs?"

  Digs: "Pres and unmentionable are here."

  VP: "Keep him clean Ben." Casper must be fuckin pissed.

  Pres: "Covered Brother. You have two bikes at a package store coming up on the left."

  VP: "B3."

  B3: "On it VP." He pulls out of formation and into the store lot. We continue on. I hear the shots. "Clear." Bob says. A few minutes later he's at my side again.

  Digs: "I'll lose you at the cliff, as you make it around I'll pick you back up."

  Me: "It just dawned on me I don't know the fuckin plan."

  VP: "Roger that Digs. Rich you're sniper." We come out of the curve to a straight away. Nothing else is said. It's a good plan. I would smile but the rage is eating me up. I need to feel the trigger release, see the bodies fall.

  Pres: "Ten through twenty are in position. You have one mile. Driveway on the left. Six foot chain link open. Digs is running a loop on their feed. Geek has the inside. No alarm tripped yet."

  VP: "Rich get your gun set we'll give you eight then we're riding right up to the fuckin front door." Guess that’s the bigger plan.

  Me: "Roger that VP." I pull around and to the side of the driveway. I push the bike into the tree line and run the fence line. I find a tree, secure my gear to my back and climb. When I'm looking ten feet do
wn to the roof I straddle a branch with my back to the trunk. Setting my scope I check the view. Outlaws are fuckin pigs their yard is a fuckin dump. "LP2 set. You have a second gate, it swings, closed but not locked. Front door one hundred feet from it. Three drinking at the gate. Yards a dump."

  VP: "Copy LP2. Digs get ten through twenty back on with us."

  Digs: "They're on VP."

  VP: "D10, LP2 is in position. Wait for my one."

  Driscoll: "Copy VP." I hear them turning in the drive.

  VP: "LP2 clear the gate."

  Me: I hit the three. "Clear."

  Pres: "Outlaws on the move inside."

  VP: "LP2 stay in position hit what you can. D10, in three, two, one." A Brother opens the gate for VP, they ride right up to the fuckin door like he said.

  A barrel slides out from an upstairs window. I hit it, the gun falls. Outlaws run out the side. I wait, they're running for a truck bed. When they get behind it I hit them in a line. I watch while snapping a clip. Jonesy's climbs through a window and onto the garage roof. I hit his shoulder. He spins and I hit the other, then his knee. When he falls flat I hit the other knee. I look around hitting an Outlaw sliding against the building then go back and hit Jonesy's foot. Snapping a clip I see a barrel pointing my way. I send three for good measure then slip down a couple of branches. An Outlaw climbs out with Jonesy; I hit him through his forehead and hit Jonesy's other foot. "Suffer bastard." I whisper.

  LP1: "Clear."

  VP: "Clear."

  B3: "Clear."

  Me: "Outlaw is circling to the front from the west. VP walks out the front door and shoots him. Fuckin VP.

  VP: "Clear a-fuckin-gain." I can hear his fuckin smile.

  Digs: "Connecticut is pulling in with the wrecker."

  VP: "Roger. Watch for friendlies." I hit Jonesy's thigh then check his breathing. Good the fucker's still alive. I view the yard. I hear shots on the other side but can't see them.

  D10: "Clear." I hit Jonesy's other thigh.

  VP: "You fuckin done yet Rich?" I hit him through the head.

  Me: "I am now." Bob climbs out the window.

  B3: "Remind me never to piss you the fuck off Brother. The last is dead center. Nice fuckin shot."

  VP: "Let's roll Brothers." I fuckin hate going down. I shimmy my way down and run for my bike. An Outlaw is running the tree line making a fuckin racket. I stop pull my gun and drop him as he raises his arm. Stupid fuck. I get my gear stowed and on my back, I fall in beside Bob.


  Doc's working on Tess. I'm holding her hand. She's out but it makes me feel better, if she wakes up she'll know she's not alone. He puts something in her IV. "What's that?"

  "Sedative, I need to close the cuts on her back; I don't want her waking up in pain." I nod. Fuck, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I bend and kiss her head. Letting her hand go I move a chair by her head and sit holding her hand again.

  Kate comes in and stands behind me putting her hand on my arm. "She told Darren if Ally came back safe she changed it. The man was going to shoot from the roof at Rich when he stepped on the first step. Darren told Rich."

  "She took this to keep Ally safe?" I can't fuckin believe this.

  Kate nods with tears. "She was giving them the time to find them."

  "She kept Ally safe. How the fuck do you say thank you for that? She kept my baby girl safe and could have died doing it. What the fuck am I supposed to do Kate?" I don't fuckin care if she sees my tears again today.

  "Love her Patches, love her and make sure this never happens again."

  I can only nod. My fuckin girl saved my little sister giving up the only thing she had to give. I kiss her head and put my forehead against hers. "I love you Tess."

  Doc finally finishes her back. "I numbed her back so I can lay her on it to examine her." I nod. I help him move her; she opens her legs raising them. Fuck.

  He looks at me. "I think it's what they trained her to do. She only does it if we move her when she's sleeping. She does it every fuckin time we turn her." He nods with a frown.

  Pulling the sheet up I see blood between her legs. I put my head on hers. My girl took this for Ally. I can't watch him. After a while I hear water running. I look up. Jess brings a bowl and starts washing her. I close my eyes and breathe. I hope Rich kills every fuckin one of them. Doc pulls the sheet. She has a cut under her tit. He gets the stuff to stitch it. They used a knife on her. Jess puts a clean sheet over her bottom half. I thank her. She hugs me and leaves without saying a word. Doc finishes stitching her and moves to her face. It's all swollen. Her eyelids are all puffed out. I pull the sheet up covering her, she deserves to be covered. "Sorry Patches. I'm so fuckin pissed I wasn't thinking." I nod. Two stitches go on the side of her face. He puts his fingers on her cheeks feeling around. She moans. I clench my teeth. I want to push him the fuck away. "I'll watch her ear and screen her in a few days."


  "Her ear has blood in it. It could just be trauma to the outside or her ear drum was ruptured." He moves to her eyes then her head. He feels around then looks at his gloves. "No blood." I just nod. "Help me get her back on her right side. We need her ear to drain." He puts a blue pad on the pillow and we move her.

  "Can we take her to our room?" I ask.

  "I'd feel better if she stayed here. It's a sterile environment here. I don't think you're dirty Patches but the rooms have had whores in them." I nod. He's right, that's the only time we use it. I move my chair and put my head against hers again. "I can tell you everything now or wait for Rich."

  "Wait for Rich and the Brothers. They should know what she went through to keep Ally and Brenda safe."

  He nods and leaves. A little while later Kate comes in. "They're on their way back Patches. Can I get you a drink while you're waiting?" I nod yes to her. She comes back with a bottle of water. "I think you need to be clear until Rich gets here. When he does, I'll bring you a bottle of Jim Beam." I nod. It would be easy to lose myself right now but Tess needs me to be here. She gets the bowl and cleans Tess’ chest and face. She gives me a clean towel and a bowl of hot water. "Just lay it on her face and eye to help with the swelling." I nod and do as she says. "I'll bring you some ice in a little while." I thank her as she walks out the door.


  We get off the highway and go straight to the club. Digs told us Doc is done with Tess and is waiting for us. I don't understand why he's waiting for us. I push it away and ride. Brothers open the gate closing it as the last of us pull in. I park at the side so I can get to Doc's rooms. He's waiting at his door. He tells us we need to be quiet. Patches is standing by Tess and asks, "Doc can you let the Officers in?" He nods letting them pass. Tiny, Rob and Geek come in last. I bend and kiss Tess' head.

  "Casper is here." He says in question. I nod. If the Officers are here why the fuck not, he's still an Officer?

  "Patches asked that you be here. Tess is a very brave woman. She was raped repeatedly and without going into the detail with you, she has tearing bruising and all the trauma you're imagining to both those areas. She has eight stitches under her right breast from a knife wound. Two on her cheek. Her ear is bleeding, it may be ruptured but I'll have to wait until she's awake to be sure. Her face is swollen from being beaten, there are no broken bones. Her eyes are swollen shut but are responsive to light. The worst is her back. I thought it was whip marks but they're not. The whip scars are old. The new wounds are from a knife. There are seven in all. She has eighty three stitches on her back. You know what that signifies." His voice breaks. Seven fuckin men did this. "There are bruises around her throat where she was choked." He stops, I hear his breath catch. "I hope you killed every fuckin one of them. Because of her dream she knew what would happen and still took this to keep Ally and Brenda's innocence intact. I don't know of one fuckin person I've ever met that has that kind of courage in them."

  I'm bent over breathing as he talks. I can't even fuckin look at Patches. All I can think is I have to get the fu
ck out if here but I can't let her wake up alone. I need to take this for her. He’s finished. Thank fuck he’s finished.

  I feel a hand on my back. I stand up and see Te Jess. She hugs me. Kate is with Patches. I don't let her go. She knows, she was treated as a slave by an ex. A drink is put in my hand. I look back to see my dad. He brings one to Patches. We look at each other for the first time; I see the pain in his eyes, tears on his face. We drink together. Te Jess and Kate leave, my dad and Pres sit in the chairs by the door. There are chairs by the gurney. I didn't even hear them being moved in. Patches sits and holds Tess' hand. I pace back and forth. Pres asks if I want another drink. "No I need to be here for her. She did this for Ally and Brenda. I need to take this. She was just learning her body was hers to give. She willingly gave it up without the benefit of a fuckin drink to numb her mind. We can do the same for her." He nods. Mary brings us sandwiches. She goes to Tess and kisses her cheek saying thank you. I just watch her. I can only imagine what she was thinking while Brenda was missing. Outlaws and a fourteen year old girl are a bad mix. Patches was right to have the Brothers hear what she went through. They need to know how fuckin special she is after being a slave for six fuckin years, she gave more. She gave fuckin everything.

  I have no fuckin clue how much time passes. Tiny and my father are in the chairs. I sit by Patches. "Thank fuck, I need to take a piss." I nod. He should have said something. I hold onto her hand.

  Doc comes in. "Ben set a room up for you. You'll be more comfortable in a regular bed. Let’s get her moved."

  "No. Not until Patches comes back." I put my lips to her hand. Patches comes in and Doc talks to him. I stand. Doc guides us out; we roll the gurney through a quiet common room. Everyone is here standing to the side letting us pass. As we pass the kids room Ally runs by Kate. VP catches her and lifts her up. He stops me with a hand and lowers her. She leans over and kisses Tess' head so gentle. She straightens and signs thank you to me.


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