MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 15

by L. Ann Marie

  Digs: "Roger LP2."

  Pres: "Supply truck just left Station three. He's meeting up with Bob to drop you more gear LP2.

  Me: "Roger that." I scan the area and hit two off their bikes. What the fuck? "Got pussies off their bikes along buildings."

  Pres: "LP1, B3 is three minutes out. Change partners and clear me some fuckin roads."

  LP1: "On it Pres." My fuckin father making Pres smile, I know he's smiling.

  Digs: "B3 will clear the J walkers on his way to you."


  "Doc we got three in transport GSW’s."

  "Fuck Patches. I'm going to need some help. Is Petey here yet?"

  "He's one of them.” Fuck! "Kate just came in; I'll see if I can find you another with some experience."

  "Thanks Brother." He walks away pissed.

  "LISTEN UP PEOPLE!" Everyone stops. "I need anyone with medical training ASAP. GSW's are in transport." People start moving again.

  "I'm a CNA, I don't know how much help I can be." I think this is Doug's girl.

  "Let me see who else comes up. We could always use triage." I tell her, she turns pale. Fuck, she's not going to work.

  Sally comes to me. "I'm a doctor. I did a surgical rotation years ago, I'm not sure about operating but I can assist." Fuckin perfect.

  "Who is with Tess?" I look toward the kid’s room.

  "That huge man named Tiny. I asked him to stay while I talked to you." She's good.

  "Thank you." I look around. “PROSPECT!” Derrick comes running. "Take Sally to Doc's rooms." They leave moving quickly. Walking to the kid’s room I'm stopped by a nurse. I tell her to drop her kid with Tess and go to Doc's. Tiny's stopping Brothers at the door. "Thanks Tiny, I need her to work the kids room. Sally is a trained doctor, she's needed with Doc. Petey is our first GSW. I got two more on the way. In order for her to keep working no Brothers in. Got a Prospect Doc got a bad feeling from; he walked in on the guy moving over to her. She was assuming a sub stance."

  "Fuckin Prospects! I'll deal with him when this is over. Didn't she go through a fuckin ‘nough already without having to worry over fuckin Prospects? Fuck!" He looks fierce when he's pissed. "I got the room. Go do what's needed in that circus out there."

  "Thanks Brother." I walk back into the circus.

  Kate finds me. "I need to help Doc but I wanted to cheek the kids first. Just letting you know I'm here. I have a couple of teenagers helping Jess and the Prospects collecting bags."

  I smile at her. "Thanks Kate. Are the shelters set?"

  "Len and Anita got them taken care of as soon as we got the call." She pulls me down and kisses my cheek. I laugh while she walks away.


  Bob ran me up more ammo an hour and a half ago. Everything is slowing down. Digs is running our team of eight. Pres has been quiet; he must be running another team. I haven't heard from VP.

  Me: "Digs we're just about clear here. HS is running the yard roads picking off the stragglers. Cleanup is clearing bodies and wreckers are clearing the bikes. Are you seeing anything that I need to know about?"

  Digs: "No, LP2. You still have three trying to run from HS but you're clear otherwise. Nothing coming your way. The ramps are clearing now. Nothing on the highway. Pres wants HS and snipers to stay in position but you, LP1, Bob, Driscoll and Chet back at Security." Thank fuck!

  LP1: "Roger."

  Me: "Roger." I say as I'm climbing down the ladder.

  B3: "Roger."

  HS10: "Roger."

  HS9: "Roger.

  Me: "Digs, I need cleanup to circle the Center. B3 left fuckin bodies all over the fuckin place.

  Digs: "Roger."

  B3: "Was keeping them off your six Brother." I crack up, run across the street, open the back door to the Bakery and ride my bike off the ramp. HS, Security and Brothers are cruising. I even see fuckin PD out.

  My dad and Bob are in front of me. I pace to them at a cool seventy five. We pull into the Security lot and around the back so the Brothers can get the bikes serviced. "Saw Baxter SUV out front." I tell my dad.

  "Yeah. This ought to be interesting." We walk in dropping our gear and helmets. We all keep our holsters on but empty our pockets. We walk into the meeting room and stop. The Baxter brothers and Beau are talking to Pres and VP. Two outlaw Presidents are sitting at the table. Casper is standing by the door watching them. If there was ever a 'what the fuck' moment this would be it. My dad goes over and shakes the Baxter's and man hugs Beau. I look at Bob. He shrugs and moves to Casper's side. I walk over to my Officers and stand aside.

  Jamie Baxter turns to me putting his hand out, "You must be Rich. Jamie Baxter."

  "I am. Rich LaPonte good to finally meet you."

  "Heard good things about you. Thought about recruiting you until I heard you were Danny's son." He smiles. "I knew there was no fuckin way I'd get you away from your family. Still, I heard you have skills to match Steve's. Impressive in someone your age." He slaps my back.

  "Thanks, I take it as high compliments coming from you. Saw your name quite a bit in my training." I'm honored that he was going to recruit me. They’re known for choosing only the best.

  Pres turns. "Thank Fuck. Is everyone here?" Driscoll and Chet move into the room. I nod. He leans into me and gives me a heads up. "Rich pull our normal surveillance up, set it to slide clockwise." He says out loud. I go to the computer and run the video.

  Pres points me to a seat beside VP. My dad sits to the left of Ben and Casper sits beside him. Bob, Driscoll and Chet sit beside me. The Baxter's sit on the end and Beau stands behind them. Jamie introduces the two Outlaws. "They wanted this meet and came to us asking that we mediate. This is not a job we would normally take; pulling video and seeing you pack bodies into a box truck we thought it might be necessary. According to Norman and Tall you wiped out an entire chapter in Rhode Island." He looks at Pres.

  "We did." He says with a smile looking at the Outlaws. "I have video if you'd like to watch. The video that I choose to watch is the one where my step daughter, the ten year old one with Down's syndrome, the Police Chiefs daughter and a woman, we bought as a slave from said Outlaws, but set free, was kidnapped from an ice cream shop that eight other kids and one adult were trying to dodge the fuckin bullets from the Uzi that were flying. I have video of where the little ten year old Down's syndrome girl was hung from a pipe in the basement by those Outlaws. I have video of the woman we set free with eighty three stitches in her back after being gang raped by those Outlaws. The woman that we set free took the beating to save the virtue of our kids. She is worth every fuckin life that was taken that day. I have video of your Outlaw chapter survivors driving into my yard after I told them they were not welcome here and I would not appreciate them bringing trouble to my yard again. Pick one. What fuckin video do you want to see? They were all in my yard."

  The Outlaws look at each other. Pres looks at me. Fuck! I go to the computer and pull the video of the house up. Tess' face is showing. I turn away. The Outlaws look at each other. Ally shows with Tiny bandaging her little wrists on the back of his truck. Brenda walks out the door hysterical. The Outlaws lying in a line in the back before they were tortured. The highway shows, Tiny going old school on the Outlaws.

  Pres looks at them. "We have more. Do you need to see more?"

  Norman looks at Jamie. "They went to the chapter's club and gunned them down."

  Jamie looks at Pres. "Yes we did. Kevin came over the week before and helped us with our computers. The money we paid for the woman was used to pay hackers to shut down our operations and kill as many of us as they could. We made sure that didn't happen. Again they came into our yard."

  "You still went into their club and killed every fuckin one of them." Norman says pissed.

  "Kill or be killed. We choose not to be killed. We are an MC we are not your local fuckin Boy Scouts. They came here. They took our woman and children. One thing the clubs around us know is YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THE MC!" He nods to me, I flip t
o watch cleanup. They're fuckin bikes are piled high on the wreckers. Bodies are being loaded in a box trailer. Kevin is laughing. "You'll notice the time on the bottom, this is real time, happening right now. You thought you would call the Baxter's. They would mediate while your members decimated our Brothers, families and neighbors. You were wrong. Just like RI, kill or be killed. We chose not to be killed today. The trailer will be driven down 95. It will be dropped on the side of an exit of your choice. The bikes will be brought to our salvage yard. We have a fuckin security force trained by the best. There weren't many that escaped wounded. They are waiting in the lot for you. If they don't go with you, they will be walked the fuck down the highway where you can pick them up on your way home. That was over a hundred bikes in three hours on a sneak attack. You've been here the entire time waiting for us to fall. Again, fuckin Outlaws come into our yard and forget that we are a fuckin MC. We run clean, we make money doing it. Our members are happy; people are fuckin fighting to get in this town with no fuckin drugs. The one fuckin thing every fuckin one of you forgets is we are fuckin Badass Bikers. Do you have a fuckin thing to say now that you know you’re walking away from your carefully laid plans with not a fuckin thing to show for it but a fuckin charity coffin from us?"

  Norman and Tall shake their heads no.

  "We did not go looking for the RI chapter; we did not come looking for you. We don't fuckin look for anyone. We're happy to do our business, protecting what is ours, in our way. We're not looking for fuckin wars with you or anyone. Stop coming into our fuckin yard and causing them! You want what we have, stop being so fuckin stupid and work toward living fuckin happy." He sits down. "Tell the Prospect on the way out what exit you want your coffin dropped at and get the fuck out of my fuckin yard."

  They move quickly to the door. Casper stops them. "This MC, that woman, that was sold as a slave, they saved my daughter. I'm the Chief of Police. You might want to watch your speed. I sent the information and pictures of my daughter coming out of that house so the other PD's know what happened here. They also have the make and models of what was left of your members bikes. Drive careful out there now. People are fuckin crazy on the roads today." He walks out the door. My father and Kevin are laughing hysterically. I look at Bob. Fuckin Brothers.

  "Rich, Bob get up to the Club, there were three GSW's. Petey was one. VP left the road clear and a sniper on the roof. Get the sniper relief. Digs will track dumb and dumber out with HS. I'm going to keep the Club on lock down over night. You'll have to be security until security is done being the fuckin salvage crew." He slides his hands through his hair turning he watches VP talk to Chet and Driscoll.

  "On it Pres." We say at the same time. I throw chin to the Baxter's and walk out with Bob.

  "That was fuckin sick!" Bob says laughing. We collect our gear and helmets.

  "Yeah. I wonder who the fuck is next. Pres is right, we don't fuck with anyone. We let them fuckin kill each other and live how they want. Fuckin clubs keep gunning for us for no fuckin reason. Fuckin crazy. Now we know why he went off about comments. Fuckin Outlaws, sitting in his building while GSW's are up at the Club. He takes it hard when Brothers get hurt especially when it's for no fuckin reason." We wait for our bikes.

  "Yeah." He says looking down the road. He cracks up. I move over to see what the fuck he's looking at.

  "Fuckin Pres." Our bikes show. We ride by the fuckin walking wounded at seventy. Fuckin Bob waves at them.


  The kids are so good. Ally stays right with me helping wherever I need it. She is just too sweet. Tiny laughs at us but we don't care. She cracks me up saying 'So What', when he laughs. His little girl is so good she's quiet and watches everything while sitting in her little baby chair. Nancy checks on us every once in a while. She brought the kids snacks. Little Ben and Darren checked before they would let anyone eat anything. Tiny told me about the lock down that the teenagers gave the kids candy and they went wild. They're all so good I can't see them as wild. Even locked in a room they're good.

  "Tess?" I look at the door. Patches walks in. "I need you baby." I walk over to him. He kisses me. "You doing ok with them?"

  "Oh yes. We've been having fun. All the babies are even good." I point to the toddlers.

  He smiles. "Rich and the Baxter’s are here. They wanted to talk to you." Oh no. "Both me and Rich will be with you." I nod and take his hand. They won't let anything happen to me. I can do this.

  We walk out and Tiny nods to me touching my arm for support. He's so big but really very sweet. Patches walks me to a group of men. I look up and see everyone's eyes then I put my head down. "She's got a room full of kids and they're all quiet and calm." Patches tells them. He sounds proud of me. I look at him. Rich comes to my other side and kisses my cheek.

  "I'm glad you're ok, I was worried." I tell him.

  He smiles at me. "I'm fine babe. This is Jamie and Kevin Baxter they wanted to meet you. They heard about what you did for the girls."

  I look at them and back down. "I'm sorry, I get nervous around men."

  One of them laughs. "Our wife will love you. She spent time in one of the shelters, she helps those women now. Women that she sees what she calls 'steel determination' in, people like you. You’re not being afraid to tell us your nervous means you'll conquer that and be stronger because of it. We admire that Tess. The group of Outlaws that came here today paid us to mediate. Since we didn't do anything we decided to donate the money to you with one stipulation. You can't give it away. You have to save it for when you know what you want or you spend it on yourself and family."

  My breath catches; I look at them then back down. "You don't even know me. I could be a terrible person. You should give it to Kate she can help so many people with it. She'll know what to do with it."

  They laugh. "That's why we're giving it to you. Kate would use it to make your life a little easier. We were told that you've been working at putting your life back together and learning how to live. Use the money to do the things you want to do Tess. We wouldn't keep it anyway. Why not you? Sounds like your worth it. Take it, be happy. Our wife will be happy with us and that's always a good thing."

  I look at them again, this time I try to keep my eyes up. "Thank you." I look down. Buggers! One of them takes my hand and kisses it. I look up it’s the dark one. "Thank you for thinking about me." I tell him. He smiles. I look at Rich. The other one puts a bag in my hand. "Thank you." He smiles wow he's handsome. I look down. They say stuff to the guys but I'm thinking I did good. I looked at them and talked to them. I can't wait to tell Sally. When they leave I look at Patches. "I did it Patches. I looked at them and talked to them."

  He laughs. "You did baby. You did good!"

  I look at Rich. "I kept saying I would look at them longer and I did! I can't wait to tell Sally. I didn't even know them." He laughs.

  "You are so fuckin cute. I'm glad you're ours." He kisses me in front of everyone. Holy cow! My body is tingling.

  I realize I have the bag in my hand. I look at it. It's kind of heavy; I look in and make a noise. I don't know what I'm trying to say but it's just a noise. I show Rich and Patches. "Holy Fuck!" Patches says.

  "We may want to get this in the safe." Rich says. He's surprised like me.

  "Here, you can have it. That's a lot." I give it to him.

  "Babe you can't give it away. I can have it put in the safe and we can bring it to the bank when it quiets down. Te Jess can help you save and earn more from this. She's a whiz with money." Rich says looking at the money.

  "Ok." I give him the bag. "Can you take it now?" He laughs then kisses my lips.

  He walks away with the bag and Patches hugs me. "I'm so proud of you baby. You're working hard and it shows."

  I smile but remember the kids. "I have to get back to the kids. I left Tiny all alone in there." Patches laughs telling me Tiny is fine with the kids but Jess went in when I came out. It's her time to be in there, I'm off.

  "You did good Tess. Keepi
ng the kids safe and happy is important to the Brothers. You did that for them. They didn't have to worry about them while they were cleaning up the mess in the yard." Tiny says from our side. I look up at him with a smile. I pull the front of his shirt so he bends down and kiss his cheek. Everyone laughs. "Fuckin old ladies with balls of fuckin steel." He walks away. I smile at Patches.

  "The guys will be getting back soon. I need to find out where our fuckin room is. My old room is cleaned out and has a sign for Sally. I should have done it sooner but it got busy in here." Patches says pulling me with him.

  "I thought it was upstairs?" I didn't know they changed rooms. All our stuff was in that one.

  "Pres gave us that one because it was clean; we needed a clean room for you so you didn't get an infection from outside germs." Patches tells me. Men are coming in. I watch Patches feet and walk with him.

  We get to keep the new room the Prospect tells him. I look at the Prospect and thank him. Patches squeezes my hand. I'm doing good. I ask if we can see Petey before we go to the room. He takes me to Doc's rooms. Sally is talking to Kate. I show Kate my ID like Patches and my check. She hugs me so happy she has tears in her eyes. When Kate goes to get the kids I tell Sally about the Baxter's. She's smiling with her eyes too. She says I did good. I'm so happy I feel like I'm going to pop.

  Petey smiles when I kiss his cheek. He tells Patches to get him out of here. He's funny all grumpy. Patches says he'll check with the CNA and see if she could care for him in his room. Now Petey smiles again. I promise him I'll come find him for a visit later. I whisper I'll bring him coffee and Patches laughs. Petey tells us not to forget and we go out to get to our room.

  Patches stops at the common room. Men are squished in everywhere. Some are holding the women in front of them. This is what Patches does he puts me in front of him and holds me against his front. "Brothers." Tiny whistles then nods for Ben to talk. "Outlaw biker Presidents from southern chapters called Baxter's to set up a meet in our office today. Baxter's were to mediate. They showed early with bad feelings about the meet. They were right. While the two Presidents were just sitting down I got word over a hundred bikes were descending on our yard. The one fuckin thing every fuckin club should know is we take care of our own. These southern boys didn't count on us being Badass Bikers." Everyone laughs, me too.


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