MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 14

by L. Ann Marie

  "VP is working that; you may want to see him first. He may have laid some groundwork." I throw over my shoulder watching Chet lift a fuckin kid over his head. He puts him back on the ground gently. He's smiling, fuckin Chet. The group as a whole is more relaxed. The PD finally gets out of their car. I look at my other boards. The Bakery is busy, other than the group at the school, nothing is grabbing my attention. Peter shows at the school. He talks to the uniforms, I watch them leave. "Digs get video of the uniforms sitting over to Peter. Maybe he and Paul can use it."

  I look at tracking and see my group at the soccer field. I scan the screens waiting for the view to slide over to the field. Tess and Patches are cheering for Victor, Little Ben and Jessie. Taking a breath I focus and scan my other screens.


  Rich will be here soon. I've been fuckin jumping back and forth between dread and anxiety all fuckin day. With the kids it's hard to give any attention to the one thing I need to sort the fuck out. Ben comes in and asks me to stay and wait for Kate. Fuck I need to sit and think. How the fuck do you tell Pres no? This family change is getting fuckin complicated. Danny takes the kids to the pier for fishing.

  I sit and wait for Kate. She'll be bringing Tess home. I go through all that happened this morning replaying the conversations. Ben/Pres brings me a beer and sits. Thank fuck he lets me think.

  Maybe it's time to find a therapist that has experience with what she's been through. I'll have to ask Kate. This is a big fuckin issue to have missed. Next is her reaction. I wonder what exactly Steve said that had her fall back to slave? With her having more independence she'll need someone to keep her protected until this gets resolved and she's strong enough to get herself away from a threat.

  Kate comes in with Tess following. My girl is smiling. She sits on my lap and pecks my lips. Kate kisses Ben for the first time in front of me. He talks softly to her before she turns to me. "Rich is on his way, he was headed to shower before he left the Club about twenty minutes ago." I nod. Shower?

  Tess tells me about her class. She doesn't talk about therapy. I'll ask later. Rich comes in and we move to the table.


  I talked to Kate earlier and my dad at the club. With concerns of being dominant like Pres said, I wanted to find out how to keep that from changing me and Patches relationship. I don’t want to do anything that causes him to feel less. We’re in this together for the long hall. My dad told me he had that same conversation with Kevin. Kevin told him the relationship with the Brothers was in place long before a woman was involved. Patches has never had a problem with who I am. I should talk to him but he’s going into this with that knowledge. Patches has no problem that I’m dominant and I have no problem knowing Patches is more sensitive and able to express himself better than me. I know Tess opens up more to him and responds to his sensitivity. I think it’s beautiful to watch, not that I would ever say that shit out loud but it’s there. I put talking to Patches on my priority list and feel better about where we all stand. One thing that surprised me was my dad is the dominant one in their relationship. I don’t want to fuckin know the details but I was surprised, it’s a new side of Pres I never knew.

  Talking to Kate I think we've come up with a good plan. I hope to fuck Patches agrees. We sit at the table and Kate jumps right in. "I talked to Tess and her therapist today. The therapist is well versed in battered, oppressed and women's issues. She has no experience in working with former slaves or long term prisoners. Tess is her first. The issues while similar on some levels are vastly different on others. Her suggestion was to look at the companion therapist program put on by the college. This is PHD level. Tess' companion would be with her during the times she's not with you. She would meet with you all for an hour weekly and as needed during the week. The program doesn't have timelines or cut offs. This would be at Tess' pace to integrate her back into society with rebuilt self-safety and security life skills; learned, tested and achieved."

  I look at Tess. "What do you feel right now hearing that?" She's looking down. "Tess, look at me." I wait for her eyes. "There is no one at this table but your family trying to help you find your way to the job you want and the life you deserve. What is it you feel right now?"

  "I was feeling like I failed but after you said that I'm happy I have a family to look out for me. I'm not doing so good with that right now." She's not smiling but she's not crying either.

  "I'm glad you recognize the need for help and accept our help in getting it." She nods. "What do you think Patches?"

  "I think you're going to cross off each item on my list so just continue and I'll let you know if I caught something you didn't." He smiles at me. Ben chuckles.

  I look at Kate. "With the companion Tess' security will be taken care of while she's not with you. She was here at the house today. The companion would not have been here as it would be considered a home environment. Steve was shaken today. He came to see me after he left here. His concern is the wording that got Tess' reaction. There will be words that trigger specific reactions. When that happens it's like a flashback. Tess can't get back to 'now' until the flashback plays out or someone gets through to her. We don't have those words. The companion will be able to work with her on that but for right now she needs a safety protocol in the event that one of us stumbles upon a word and sets her off. I agree with Steve on this. It's going to grate on her nerves to have a constant shadow but I think it's necessary."

  Patches takes her hand, she looks at him. "Is this ok with you? It would mean not answering the phone or door. Staying where someone can see you."

  She gives him a sad smile. "Yes, I don't want to scare any more people. I want to learn how to take care of myself. This is just a step so I can get there." I nod. Someone must have talked to her.

  I look at Kate and nod. "Those two issues are the priority right now. Really it's one, Tess' safety. It's important that she stays in classes and therapy, she needs to start living so she can figure out what she needs to live safely again. Her job starts Monday working three days at first. She'll be working nine until one; she has classes and therapy in the afternoons so it works out well for both her and Millie." Tess is bouncing in her seat with the biggest fuckin smile. "I don't think you realize how proud of you we all are Tess. When men come back after prisoner experiences it sometimes takes them years to get back. You're being ready for a job and more independence is a huge milestone." She's so fuckin good with Tess, I can see why Tess is drawn to her.

  Patches kisses her head. I smile at her tears. "Those are happy right?" She laughs nodding. I look at Kate. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

  "Living simply is all Tess has ever known, you both live life to be happy. I don't think there is anyone more suited to walk with her through this than you. You don't see Tess as an object to protect but a partner to help through rough times. That's exactly what she needs. Stick with your instincts and keep talking to each other." She looks at Tess. "It will all work out."

  I breathe a sigh of relief and look at Patches. "Did we miss anything?"

  He laughs, "No Brother."

  We say our thanks and head out to celebrate Tess' new job.



  Holy Fuck! I couldn’t fuckin stop even if I lost my fuckin mind and wanted to. “Fuck that feels so good babe. I’m putting my hand on your head. You stop when you want to but I need to feel you.” She nods. Thank fuck. I move with her. Sliding me almost all the way out she flips the barbell on my head. Going back down she feathers her tongue across every fuckin stud. Fuck she does head really fuckin good. “Holy fuck, pull away Tess I’m going to come.” She swallows my fuckin dick causing me to blow my load right the fuck down her throat. “Fuck Tess!” I growl out. "Swallowed fuckin studs and all, fuckin beautiful." My fuckin girl knows how to do it fuckin right. Holy shit! “That was the best fuckin blow job I ever got thank you baby.” She moves up and kisses my lips with the biggest fuckin smile. I’m still pulling air.

  How the fuck did I miss Patches sitting there? His hands are keeping Tess happy. “Did you wake up like this?” I ask taking a deep breath trying to control my air.

  He’s fuckin grinning. “No. She asked if she could. I told her one of the biggest fantasies a guy has is to wake up with a mouth on his dick. She thought she’d do that first since you were still sleeping and have to get to work. Mine is the numbers game.” Fuck!

  “Thank you Tess. More fuel for the shower.” I pull her down and kiss her. “That was fuckin unbelievable. You have a fuckin talented mouth.” She smiles proud of herself. I laugh pecking her lips. On my way to the bathroom I hear her giggling. I’ve never heard that before. It’s a beautiful sound. Fuck after that blow job I want to giggle. Where’s Tiny with the fuckin tampons?

  That reminds me we need to stop over and bring him the blankets and shit for the crib before the kid needs to be put in it.


  One week


  I love my new therapist or is it companion? Sally is older and very nice like Kate. We met at the gym when we were working out. She asked a ton of questions about the guys and the tattoos and the Club but I don't go to the Club much. She helps at the nursery with me, Millie loves her too. Danny came by to check the fencing by the cliff but no one else ever comes while I'm working. The kids are so sweet. I love my job. I can't wait to show Patches my new ID card like his. I even got a check. I could buy something! I'm driving us to the Center. Sally said she could take me to get my license but Patches wants to. The kids go back to school so he can bring me next week. I'm so excited. Everything is happening so fast. I parallel park like Rich showed me and walk to the Bakery. I want to show Karen and Peg my badge before class. They hug me and give me an iced coffee for free.

  I hear bikes and look out the window. I don't know them; Peg looks out and tells Sally to bring me to the back to talk to Mary. I follow her through the doors. Mary makes the most beautiful cakes. The Prospect is here but he stays at the sink. Mary tells me about Lily and Ally. The girls were selling lemonade to the policemen yesterday. Mary had lunch with Casper and the girls set up shop right in front of the in-door. We're laughing when Rich comes in the side door.

  I kiss him and show him my badge. He spins me around and kisses me good. Mary and Sally laugh. He signs something to Mary and she nods. I wish he didn't go so fast. I can understand when they go slow. "Babe I need to get you up to the Club. Patches will be meeting us with the kids. Sally you'll need to go as well." We both nod. "Give Sally your keys and I'll take you on the bike. I have the Ducati today." I haven't ridden on that yet. I smile huge for him. "Sally, follow Mary up." She nods.

  "What's happening?" I'm getting nervous now.

  "We're moving all the old ladies and kids up to the Club for security. We need to go now Tess." I nod and dump my coffee. I take his hand and walk to the side door. This bike isn't anything like the other one. I get on; it's higher so I use his shoulder to pull myself up. I hold on tight because the seat isn't like the other one. This is a little scary. He drives to the road and takes off like a rocket. I scream and laugh until he turns the corner. Bikers are all over. I hear him talking in his helmet. He weaves by people so fast, he turns again scaring me half to death. There’s shooting, it sounds like it’s on other roads. Other bikes like this one are coming at us, I hold on tight. He brings us up the hill to the Club and someone opens the gate. I'm so happy to be here right now. That was scary. The other bikes went back down the hill. Rich pulls me through the side door and tells me to stay with Doc until Sally gets here. Then I’m to go to our room or the kid’s room; always with Sally. I just nod. I'm scared. A Prospect brings him guns and a bag with more stuff. He fills his pockets and puts on a holster with another gun.

  "Please be careful." I tell him.

  He looks at me like he forgot I'm here. He smiles, "Always." He kisses my lips and walks out the door putting the long bag on his back.

  I turn around and the Prospect is watching. He smiles at me. I just look down and walk to the chair. When I sit down Doc comes in. "Why are you in here?" I look up. He's talking to the Prospect, the guy leaves. Thank God. He was making me nervous. "Hi Tess. How are you doing?"

  I smile. He's always nice to me. "Good Doc. I got scared on the way here but Rich didn't stop so we made it. How are you?"

  He laughs making me smile. "I'm good Tess. Did your companion come up too?"

  "No she was driving the car Dave lent me. She's going to follow Mary. She's really nice. She's going to be a doctor that fixes brains not bodies." I smile.

  Patches comes in and bends for me to kiss him. I show him my badge and check. He spins me around and kisses me again. Sally laughs behind us. "Rich did the same damn thing." She tells Patches.

  "Together we make one perfect man." He tells her and Doc laughs saying it's true.

  Sally looks at him and doesn't stop. I look at Doc he's looking at Sally. I pull Patches to the doorway and tell him about all the bikes on the way up here. He says Security cleared the roads and he made it with the kids no problem. Doc comes over to Patches and signs to him too fast. Patches frowns and takes my hand walking me out. He tells Sally to follow him. People are everywhere. I hold onto Patches until we get to the kids room.

  "I have to coordinate the Club. Kate, Nancy or Jess normally stays here with the kids. None of them are here yet. Can you do this Tess?" He's asking me for help.

  "Yes. Sally will be with me. We'll be ok. Thanks Patches." He laughs and kisses my lips. He looks at Sally. "No men should be in here unless it's a parent dropping or Tiny. Tess knows Tiny, they're friends." She nods.

  He left me here! I get to watch the kids. I'm so excited. We move into the room and I introduce the kids to Sally. Little Ben looks a little shaken. I sit with him and tell him about my ride up. He had the same thing happen but Steve shot back. He’s nervous for his dad. When Tiny comes in I ask him to check with Security to make sure Steve is ok for Ben. He calls right away. Little Ben relaxes and hugs me. That felt really nice, the bigger kids are awesome.



  Digs: "VP is on his way. He just dropped off Little Ben. He's fuckin pissed, fuckin pussies were shooting with LB on back. He had to drop two right in front of him."

  Fuck, Steve is intense on normal days, pissed he's out for blood. "Do we know what the fuck is going on?"

  Digs: "Outlaw clubs are here shooting at us?" He's fuckin kidding right?

  Me: "Not in the mood for fuckin games Digs. Get me someone with fuckin answers."

  Digs: "Geek is on his way."

  LP1: "On. What do we have Digs."

  Digs: "Not a fuckin thing. LP2 your next turn will bring you up to LP1. Four bikes heading to the backyard on Main Road. The back yard is full of pussies circling just waiting for you to show up."

  Me: "Roger." I make the turn and meet up with my dad. I pull to his right."

  LP1: "Thank fuck! I don't know where the fuck VP or Bob is."

  Me: "You're stuck with me dad."

  Digs: "VP is clearing the Club Road. Bob is clearing the way for family transport. Pres just got back in."

  Pres: "LP's clear the fuckin backyard however the fuck you can. High Security just left the building. Security is gearing up. I have two trucks dropping supplies at the fire stations. PD are running out of there. Casper's on his way. Geek just got in; hopefully we'll have answers coming."

  We clear three bikes turning for the Diner. Taking the corner we see the fuckin bikes circling the businesses.

  Me: "Digs, how far out is HS?"

  Digs: "A minute and a half."

  Me: "Guns blazing clear a path draw attention away from the Center."

  Digs: "They're on with you."

  Me: "HS we're not playing here. Drop them fast and move on. I need to get into position to clear. Digs get me a sniper for Pottery and the Bakery. While you’re at it position someone on Security."

  Pres: "Driscoll, Chet; get the west side cl
ear, you have HS eleven through sixteen. They're working the fourteen through twenty grids up to Main Road. You’re at grid twenty one back to Security. Keep us clear."

  Me: "I'm pulling into the Bakery. I'll get to the roof of the Center and clear from there."

  Pres: "Clean up; stay on roads parallel to Main until we have your way cleared. You'll be hooked into your Leads."

  Digs: "LP2, VP has a sniper on the Club and the PD. We have no one for Pottery.

  Pres: "Wreckers; coordinate with Dave on cleanup. Digs is clearing this for HS. You'll be hooked into your Leads."

  Me: "Leave it for now. Digs. I'm setting up." I drop my bag and screw on my scope. Fuckin gunfight going on sounds like the sand box.

  LP1: "If someone gets my gear I can take Pottery."

  Me: "I need you on the bike LP1. VP and Bob are occupied. Watch in front of you HS, I'm set. Dropping now." I hit four in a line.

  LP1: "Roger LP2." I can hear the smile in his voice.

  HS 4: "Fuck that was nice."

  Pres: "This is not training or drills, comments do not go on air."

  HS 4: "Sorry Pres. Four direct center of the forehead. I was excited. I'll keep it to myself sir." Fuckin Brothers. I'm laughing as Outlaws are dropping. Fuckin Brother pushing Pres buttons.

  Pres: "Nice LP2. HS 4, Not fuckin playing here. I got at least a hundred fuckin bikes that rolled in with no fuckin notice. Families are caught in the fuckin melee. Brothers can't get into town because the fuckin exits are blocked and you’re excited about the fuckin shot. I don't have enough fuckin people to run teams in the room. You want to watch ALL the fuckin shots, drop your fuckin HS patch and join the geeks. Until then shut the fuck up and clear me roads." Fuckin Pres is pissed. I hope to fuck everyone is ok. He's not usually this high strung.

  HS 4: "Yes sir."

  Me: "Digs find me a Brother or Prospect to run ammo. Make sure the snipers are set up. Prospect left my bag light not knowing what's going on." I position on a corner and hit bikes as they're coming around the corner opposite me.


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