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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

Page 21

by L. Ann Marie

  We get a certificate and Max gets his new vest saying he's an official K9 Companion so I take him to the Bakery so Peg and Karen can see. He sits and doesn't move from the table. The customers don't care and even Jess comes out to see him. We go to my self-defense class but Max can't come in because we have to be scared to learn our moves so he stays with Sally watching until I'm done.


  I stay at Security and watch Tess with Max. He stays right with her and moves when she does. He even follows her to the bathroom and sits at the door waiting for her.

  "She'll be fine." VP says. "Never leaves the yard, taking self-defense classes and now has protection every-fuckin-where she goes. Better than Sally. She didn't follow to the john." Rich and Pres laugh.


  "Why are you still watching then?" Pres asks.

  "She had a dream and isn't sharing it." I tell them.

  "When?" Rich asks.

  "This morning. Max sat on her feet and didn't move. She was on the couch holding a pillow when I came downstairs. I sat on the side of her and held her hand. When she was back she didn't say a fuckin word about it; acted like it never happened." I look at him then look back at Tess.

  "Was she crying?"

  "No just holding the pillow." As I'm saying it I realize it's probably not anything bad.

  "You're going to have to let some of this go Patches. If it was bad she'd cry with noise. If it's sad there's no noise. No crying is nothing to worry about. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to guess." Rich tells me.

  "I think he's right Patches. She's going to have this forever. Can you imagine what it's like to have these visions and not be able to control it? Seeing your stress will make it harder for her. You have to find a way to deal with it that leaves you both at peace. Women don't tell men everything and she already lives in a fish bowl. Let her have her moments that are only hers." Pres pipes in.

  "I know you're right. I need to figure out how to do that." I tell them.

  "Could stop stalkin her." VP says. Even I laugh at that.

  "I'm out." I throw chin and walk out to them laughing. Fuckin Brothers, I think smiling.

  Thirty One

  Two days


  I'm working numbers today, I love my days here. I'm learning so much. Jess is an awesome teacher. She started letting me put in all the bills and purchase orders. She's always happy. Today there are two purchase orders that have the same items but they're different prices, by a lot. I put them aside so I can ask Jess maybe they put the wrong name on it. I don't even know what it is so it could just be different sizes and they didn't write it. She would know.

  When I'm done I find her in the kitchen making brownie batter for tomorrow. I tell her about the PO's. She asks me to get them so I do. Max follows me everywhere and no one cares. I'm glad. I tell him to stay at the door and he does. I don't really think he should be in the kitchen and he can see me from there so I'm good. Jess looks at the PO's and asks me to pull last month’s PO's. I do and find the same thing. I show her the ones I pulled out. She stops what she's doing and asks me to help her pulling all the PO's for the two companies. I call Anita and tell her I can't make the Independent Life class. She'll let the instructor know.

  I pull everything Jess asks for and make copies. I replace them in the files and put the originals on Jess' desk in order by date. When I look for Jess, Peg says she went to talk to Petey. I go back to her office and pull the PO's onto a report. When I think about it, I decide to pull a report by item and filter for the one item from the PO's.

  When I filter that by the company it shows all the same item but different prices. I print it but don't get up. I check other items and see the same thing on two of them. I print them too. I feel like a detective.

  I'm so excited I don't pay attention. Max sits on my foot; I pet his head and look up. A man is dropping off papers for Jess. I don't move from my desk, I tell him Jess isn't here but she'll be right back. I don't look at him. I've seen him in my dream. He's not nice. He leaves with his papers. He didn't leave them like the other guys.

  I go back to my items list and look on the PO's for other items and finish without finding any more like the three I already printed. Jess still isn't back so I go to the sub shop to get a sandwich.

  When I walk in a whole bunch of people are waiting in line so I stand at the end. I keep my head down and watch their feet move. "Hi Tess. Are you doing ok back there, do you want to come up here?" Evelyn asks me. She's so sweet.

  I look up at her and smile, "I'm fine Evelyn. Thanks for asking." She nods and goes back to work. The man in front of me looks at me. I look down.

  "Look more than fine to me Tess. Do you live around here?" He asks me.

  "I get nervous around men. I just came for a grinder." I don't look at him. Max sits on my foot. He makes me feel calmer.

  "Nothing to be nervous about, just asking Tess. So do you live here or work here?" He asks again.

  "I don't like you saying my name it makes me nervous." I just want him to leave me alone.

  "Such a pretty woman to be such a bitch. You're one of those high maintenance women right?" Now he's just not nice. I see his hand move toward me. My body starts shaking. Max gets up and stands in front of me growling. "Get this fuckin dog out of here!" He yells.

  Evelyn comes running out. She takes my hand and walks me over to the table behind the deli case. I watch her feet the whole way. Amanda comes in and Evelyn asks her to stay with me. She goes back and yells at the man. "She always tells everyone when she's nervous. Everyone else leaves her alone. What the hell is your problem? No means No here. Her dog goes wherever she goes to protect her. It's a good thing too. There are too many assholes like you around." Another man yells at him it's true I told him I was nervous twice and he called me a bitch. Evelyn tells him to get out. I hold my breath. Oh boy she's mad because of me.

  Amanda lets my hand go and smiles at me. "You doing ok kiddo?"

  "Yes, I'm sorry I made everyone mad. Max was just trying to keep him away from me."

  "Max was perfect. The man should have listened to you. It's about time the neanderthals are called out. Maybe they'll learn how to act." Evelyn says. She's not mad at me. I thank her and go back in line. Amanda waits behind me. I get my sandwich and go back to the Bakery. I smile, I was scared, Max kept me safe even though I didn't take care of myself today. I didn't run away either. I went right back and waited in line. I did good. Max did better but we did it. I can't wait to tell Sally at our meeting on Wednesday. At the corner I see trucks in the Bakery lot. That's too many people so I got to Jess' door. Men are coming in and out. Steve comes to the door with the phone at his ear. He tells someone that I'm there and hangs up.

  "Rich told me you're here." He puts his hand out.

  I look at him and then his hand; I put my hand in his. He brings me into the office. It's a mess. I let his hand go. "What happened?"

  "Greed." Steve says. I just look at him. Jess is talking to Ben. She turns and comes to me hugging me.

  "I'm ok Jess."

  She smiles. "Rich tracked you at the sub shop but it's good to see you with my own eyes." I nod and she lets me go. "As you can see the numbers you found were skimming that we're not supposed to know about. Did you put the PO's on my desk?"

  "Yes. It was the only thing on it. A man came to bring receipts but he left with them still in his hand."

  "The PO's are gone. The computers are fried.” She’s frowning, this is terrible.

  "But I made copies for the files and the lists are in the printer." I tell her proud of myself. She looks at Ben. He goes to the printer and she goes to the file cabinet. She unlocks it and pulls a couple of files taking the copies out.

  "You are unbelievably underestimated. Thank you Tess." She goes to Ben. I smile, look down and say 'wow'. Steve makes me jump when he laughs. He steadies me then steps away.

  I smile, "I don't want to move because of the glass. Max will get hurt." He nods.
/>   Ben looks over, he is mad. Scary mad, Steve goes over to him Ben shows him the PO's then the reports. Skimming must be stealing because Steve looks scary mad now. I realize I'm not afraid of them. I don't want to smile because they're mad so I look down. Peg comes in and asks me if I want coffee while they figure this mess out.

  "Oh yes. There are too many people in here. Thank you." We go out the door again so Max doesn’t have to walk on the glass. In the Bakery I tell Karen about Max helping me at the sub shop. She thinks we make a good team. I eat some of my sandwich and wrap it up for tomorrow. Evelyn makes big grinders; even the small is too big for one lunch. I watch the trucks go in and out. The men are going in the side so I don't really see them.

  Just when I decide to walk home Jess comes in through the back door. "Tess you are a Godsend. You backed up onto the flash drive today. You saved the entire file. My backup was stolen from my desk." Oh no. "Making the copies helped Ben figure out who it is that's skimming and the reports told him how much."

  "Wow I did all that and didn't even know. I was getting a grinder." She laughs.

  "Did you know this was going to happen?" I shake my head no. "How come you backed up when you just went for lunch?"

  "Geek said to back up before I shut the program down, so I did." It's a good thing.

  "I need to thank Geek. From now on I'm putting a backup in the safe. We would have had to rebuild the files from the beginning of the year if you hadn't backed up." She doesn't look happy about it.

  "Since we don't have to, we're caught up right through today." I smile.

  "Yep. I'm afraid there's nothing left for you to do today. Geek will get us new computers and have us up and running but it will take a couple of days. Do you want me to call for a ride for you?"

  "Thanks Jess but I'm going to see if I can make some of my class." I stand up and hug her Max follows me out.

  I call Patches and tell him about Max helping me at the sub shop. He laughs saying Max is the man. I just hang up because I don't understand.

  Thirty Two

  Two weeks


  I love my new job with Ally, Lily and Tara! All I have to do is help them with homework, take care of some chores and have fun. It is even better than Millie’s. We go to Mary’s house on Tuesday and Thursday and stay at Danny and Kate’s on the rest. Today we are with the boys. I’m helping Ally hang her clothes and change her sheets. Patches does the beds during the week so there’s not so much to do for Kate on the weekends. I love it.

  Ben loved our idea for the Little Sisters and Kelly will help us with the girl parts. Patches was surprised I made a book like his and have pictures in it. Penny did a great job. He even asked her to do some pictures for his book. We have our first meeting on Thursday night same as the boys. Since the girls always went with the boys anyway Ben thought it would be good to keep it the same. I don’t care as long as we get to do it. Penny is excited too.

  Max follows me to the laundry room, I take sheets out of the washer put them in the dryer and put Ally’s in to wash. I feel dizzy so I sit.


  What the fuck? I run at Max’s barking. Where the fuck is she? Jessie yells down stairs. Fuck she’s on the floor crying those big fuckin sobs. “What is it Tess.” I'm going to do like Danny did asking the questions.

  “Kate, she’s going to lose the baby. Help her.” Fuck! She’s crying so hard I can barely understand her.

  “Jessie, call Danny. Baby where is she?”

  “I don’t know it’s a house. There’s water. A blue house, help her hurry!” Fuck.

  Jessie hands me the phone I put it on speaker. “Danny, Tess is having a dream she says Kate is at a blue house and we have to help her.” I’m an idiot like he can’t hear her crying.

  “Put the phone closer to her. Tess what day is it? Can you see her book and tell me the day?”

  “Help her, you have to help or she’ll lose the baby. Her book, her book is on the seat. HURRY!” She’s just about screeching to him. Holy fuck my heart is beating double time.

  “Tess, look at the book, what does it say, what day and where is she?”

  “Middletown, Tuesday at three please help her he’s coming you have to help.” She’s sobbing again.

  “Jessie, are you still there?”

  “Yeah I’m here.” He answers he’s scared as fuck.

  “Take Patches phone and call your dad. I need to stay on this one. I’m on my way. Kate's not there yet, please let her not be there.” Jessie takes my phone from me and runs to the kitchen. I have Little Ben call Rich. “Patches it’s not three yet I have ten minutes and I’m not far. Try to calm her down.”

  “I’m sitting on the floor rocking her. I can’t get through.” I have to yell over her sobs. Thank Fuck Darren took the kids up to the loft. Jessie and Little Ben are talking in the kitchen. “Did you call her Danny?”

  “No answer.” Fuck! His voice sounds flat.

  Tess keeps repeating please help her. I try to quiet her. She’s never been this bad. I call Max into the room and tell him to sit with Tess. He climbs and puts his head on her lap. She calms right the fuck down. Holy fuck!

  “Patches what the fuck is happening? I’m two streets away.” Danny sounds nervous.

  “Max put his head on her lap.”

  “Tess, are you with us?” He asks. She doesn’t answer. “I’m here Kate is on the porch.” He’s gone. I hear gunshots. Fuck. Kate screams. Tess screams what the fuck is happening? She's chanting, "no no no no"

  I hear a bike and yelling, more gunshots. I’m about to have a heart attack here and all that’s here are the kids. I look up and Little Ben sits down beside us holding Tess’s hand. Kate comes on the phone. “Patches?”

  “Thank fuckin Christ. I’m here Kate.”

  “I’m fine. Danny said I had to tell you I’m fine.” She’s crying. I hear an ambulance.

  “You’re not hurt? Is anyone hurt?” I ask, I hate to in front of the boys but I have to.

  She sobs. “Danny was shot in the arm but he’s fine. Ben and Steve are here too, everyone is fine. She saved me and my baby didn’t she?” Thank Fuck!

  “Yeah, Kate. She’s calming down now but she’s still blank.” I feel like I can breathe again. Holy fuckin shit.

  “Thank you isn’t enough but please tell her.” She’s sobbing now. Fuck.

  “I’ll tell her.”

  “She lives through this all the time. I’m so sorry she had to live through this.” She’s crying again.

  “Patches the police and ambulance are here. I’m going to hang up and go to the hospital with Danny. I’ll call when everything is a little calmer.” Ben says calming all of us instantly.

  “Thanks Ben. I need to get off the fuckin floor.” He laughs. “That sounded so fuckin good; I’ll talk to you in a little while.” I shut off the phone.

  Little Ben takes a deep breath. “That was close. Do you think it hurts her heart when she sees things like that?”

  “I do, but she is amazing at fixing it herself. It takes a lot out of her at the time but in a little while she’ll be fine like nothing happened.” I talk softly; Tess seems to have fallen asleep. “Down Max. Good Boy.” I stand with Tess in my arms. “LB can you reach in my vest pocket and get him a treat.” He does telling Max he did good.

  Rich comes running around the corner. He sees Tess and looks at me. “It was bad. I was going to put her on the bed but I don’t want to leave her alone. All the kids are here plus Lily and Tara.” He nods.

  “I can sit with her or do the kids. You look like you need to be with her though, your call.”

  I throw him chin. “Thanks Rich I could use some time to get my fuckin heart beating right.” He nods and corrals the two boys to tell him what happened.

  I take Tess to the spare/my room and lay against the headboard with her in my lap. Max stays on the side of the bed with his head on the mattress watching. “You did perfect today Max. Good job.” I reach and get him another treat. I lay
my head back and breathe deep. Fuckin hell. I wonder if it was so bad because it was Kate. Maybe the baby. I’m going to let it go for now. I picture a room for our baby. I wonder what we will decide. Fuck when the fuck did we decide on having a baby? Holy shit! I wonder what Rich is making for dinner. That’s a fuck of a lot better.


  Holy fuck! My fuckin heart is beating a mile a minute. Sam heard what happened and called to say he was sending dinner over. Thank Fuck. I don’t think it would have been very good tonight. Mary came for Lily and Tara. Patches looks like fuckin shit. She scared the shit out of him.

  Doc shows up. “Danny is on his way here. He refused medical treatment at the scene.”

  “Why the fuck is he so fuckin stubborn? We got this.” I tell him. My fuckin father.

  “I think it’s Kate, she’s worried about Tess. She said it could have been really bad.” He says in his doctor voice.

  “Jessie said she told my dad he had to help or she'd lose the baby.” I tell him, that’s about as bad as it fuckin gets if you ask me.

  "I think I'd like to check her out. Danny said she was hysterical. That is not a normal Tess emotion." He says looking concerned.

  "She's in Patches room. He said it was bad. Jessie and Little Ben were freaked the fuck out."

  He nods and heads to Patches room off the living room. Ben brings an exhausted Kate in. She's a fuckin wreck. Makeup running down her face, eyes red, she looks so fuckin tired, there’s dried blood on her shirt. I hug her. Her whole body sags. "Is she ok?" She asks with tears falling.

  "Doc is in with her now. She was sleeping when I got here." I'm not going to be the one to upset her more. "Where's dad?"

  "Bob was helping him out of the truck." Ben says as my dad walks in. Fuck he's got blood dripping down his fuckin coat. I turn Kate to Ben.

  "Sit him down Bob, I'll get Doc." I get to the door and look in; Tess is still out of it. Fuck! "My dad's here Doc. He's still dripping." He gets up and grabs his bag walking out. I sit by them. "The boys said it was really bad."


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