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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

Page 23

by L. Ann Marie

  "Can you read people to?" I ask her. She looks at the doctor.

  "She didn't realize until I came in. She can if they're emotion is high, love, anger, sadness any emotion that is felt strongly by someone close by she can read. To know what they're thinking no. She could easily open herself up to explore that ability but she has no interest in learning. I'd go as far as saying she has shut it down completely." She looks at Tess with a smile. I'm glad she did, she has enough to deal with having visions. She doesn't need more stress in her fuckin life. The doctor laughs. "Every one of them worried over the stress you already have and not adding more. Not one was worried you'd see what they think or feel. I'd say you have a very strong support system of people who love you." She says to Tess.

  "Thank you everyone. I have one question. When do we start?" Everyone laughs. Fuckin Tess. Me and Patches kiss her cheek.

  The Dr laughs too. "Ben has made arrangements for me to stay until you've gained some control and your family can be effective guides. I will be like your Sally, a companion guiding you and your family." She looks at Patches, "we will do our best and go as far as we can. With such a strong family unit, Tess can learn what she needs. Ben and Danny will have your back and want you to understand that means in everything." Patches looks at them.

  I crack up. "This is going to be a fuckin blast!" They laugh. Tess hugs Patches laughing.

  "Do you have any other questions?" She asks.

  "You know we don't but we appreciate you asking. I think Tess would like to start now and know what kind of a schedule the rest of us will have. We already decided we can meet at your convenience. You just need to give us dates and times." I tell her.

  "Is it possible you have some abilities Rich?" She asks with a smile.

  "Anything is possible but I would not be willing to explore it so it’s a non-issue for me."

  "Fair enough. Tess we can meet right now, you can show me around and where I'll be staying. I believe it is a shelter not too far from you. Doc can accompany us. He is familiar with it and I have some questions for him." She's answering questions without them being asked out loud. I can't wait for her to meet the kids. She looks at me and smiles. I just laugh. Fuckin Dr Silva. This is going to be fuckin entertaining as hell. She smiles bigger.

  "Babe, are you ok with this?" I don't need to ask. I can see it on her face.

  "Oh yes. I want to do this right away. I need to control this so it’s more helpful than dreaded. I don't want everyone to keep worrying. I can do this and live happy. I know it. I just need some help getting there. When Dr Silva is gone Sally will help me keep it all straight." I crack up looking at Doc.

  Sally is smiling shaking her head. "We'll be working on that first." The room erupts into laughter.

  I kiss my girl and turn her to Patches. He tells her he'll have dinner at six if she wants to invite the Dr. She smiles hugging him. She's so fuckin cute. Thank fuck Patches looks relieved. We file out leaving Tess with the Dr and Doc.

  Ben opens a door a couple of rooms down we follow him in. "Is everyone ok with how this will work?" We nod. "If you need coverage let me know. We'll work it out so nothing gets dropped while we're working through this with Tess."

  I fuckin love that he words it that way. There's no question she's our family, and as part of it, we are all working together for her. Like Darren and the sign language. We all nod and file out.

  Thirty Four

  One week


  Dr Silva, Janelle as she asked us to call her, called everyone this morning to meet at the 'rents house after dinner. Kate asks everyone to come for dinner and stay for the meeting. Even VP and Te Jess were invited. I'm thinking something's coming that we all need to know.

  Tess has been doing awesome. She’s learning the control she needs, we all see the difference. So far Danny and Sally have worked with her. She responds well to both their voices and they're able to help her through. Danny said the techniques he's learning are very basic and don't take much adjustment on his part, words and phrases seem to be all that she'll need from us.

  I asked why we don't go first. Janelle thinks it would be easier on Tess if she learned to control some of her reactions first. Because we're so close she picks up our anxiety. If we see she just needs guidance she can move forward and not be stuck in a whirlpool of emotion. It makes sense and I want her to be comfortable but I'm a worrier by nature. I'm even worried I won't be able to help her because I worry too much. My fuckin brain sometimes.

  While everyone's in the kitchen and dining room I step onto the patio to get some time to think. "Patch don't worry until it's time. We're all here and we're in this together. Relax and enjoy what we have. If you keep this up you're going to miss the best fuckin parts." Rich puts his hand on my shoulder and man hugs me. Fuckin Rich, always knowing what to say.

  "You're right Brother. Thanks for reeling me back. Let's go see what Tess is up to." He smiles a 'that a boy' smile.

  Tess is telling about her Little Sisters meeting and how Kelly showed the girls how to sit at a formal table and how they should act while they were at the restaurant last week. I wondered why they were all dressed up. She has us cracking up at the menu choices and how she didn't know what half the food was. When they found out, they all ordered cheeseburgers on french bread and veggies because the chef refused to make fries. She's too fuckin cute. I would have loved to see the chef's face.


  Dinner is cleaned up. I'm glad Kate did this we're all relaxed and happy. It's always good to strengthen us before the big shit hits. I know the big shits about to hit. Tess has been on high alert for a couple of days now.

  Thank fuck Janelle, Doc and Sally come in. Everyone does the ‘hi, how are you’ thing then we sit. About fuckin time.

  Janelle looks at me. "Exploring is open whenever you want to go there." She smiles. Not on my fuckin life, I tell her. She cracks up. You already do it, enhancing the ability may make it better, she says. I shake my head no, for my family I can do this, for the general public I can't, I say putting my hands up. She smiles again, then perhaps we should use words for the rest of the night. Fuck! She laughs. I look around everyone is watching. Fuckin mind games. I smile at her, she got me.

  Max moves his head onto Tess, he only does that if she has a dream. I hold her hand. Fuck, Tiny and Jared have the kids out. "Rich I need Danny to be there. Patches you'll have to move as well. Ben can you sit with Tess also, so she feels you close? It will make your training time go smoother." Everyone moves. I don't mind moving, I know my dad's got her and Ben is right there. I look at Patches and see he's calm. Love my Brother. Tess lets out a quiet sob.

  Dad: "I'm right here Tess. I've got you. Max is on your lap can you feel him?

  Tess: she lets out another breathy sob. "Yes he'll keep me safe."

  Dad: "Always, you forgot. He'll always keep you safe." He says gently.

  Tess: "Yes always. They're coming. She thinks the club took Jessie from her." Tears are rolling down her face, I kneel on the floor. Kate puts her hand on my shoulder. I touch it letting her know I won't go closer. "They hurt people. It has to stop. She is spreading lies we have to stop her." She's not hysterical. Her breath is hitching, tears are rolling but she's not loud at all. She’s more controlled.

  Dad: "Can you answer some questions for me Tess?"

  Tess: "No. It has to be Steve. Steve knows.” Every head whips to Steve. He looks shocked. Even Janelle is shocked. She nods. Steve looks nervous. Te Jess gets up and has Danny move, she has Steve sit. Dad puts a hand on Tess' shoulder.

  Steve: "Here Tess. My hands out." He puts his hand out.

  Tess: She opens and closes her hand unsure. My dad bends telling her he's right with her, she's not alone. She takes Steve's hand and makes a sob noise again. "They're coming. You have to lead so no more get hurt. You can't stay in the office. They need you to keep them safe. It has to be you or they won't come back." She sobs again. She's so fuckin quiet it’s unnerving.

nbsp; Steve: "Need the first time Tess. Start from there."

  Tess: "They blow up the new building. People get hurt, Danny, the work crew. Danny can't ride so you have to lead them or more won't come back."

  Steve: "Need more on the first. Look, find a calendar. Need the date." Fuck he's nervous. He's not asking. Te Jess stands behind him with her hand on his shoulder. “Tess, need a date to help people in the buildin first. Then we go to the second, yeah?" I smile at Jess.

  Tess: "I'm looking." She sobs. "I can't find anything." She's getting agitated.

  Dad: "Tess I'm right here with you. Is anyone around you right now?"

  Tess: "Ben is here, he's running his hands in his hair. That's all." Her breath hitches.

  Dad: He looks at Ben then smiles. "Look at his watch Tess. It has a calendar. What's the date?"

  Tess: "The twelfth." She sobs I think in relief. "The twelfth you can help them. The building will blow up. If you don't lead more gets hurt.

  Steve: "Stay on the buildin first. Who blows it up?"

  Tess: “The twelfth, O hi o. She lied to them they're coming. People get hurt.”

  Steve: "Outlaws from Ohio?"

  Tess: “Yes, yes. They're coming. Please help them or they'll get hurt."

  Steve: "I'll help Tess." Fuck!

  Tess: She keeps repeating 'please help them' crying softly. Steve shocks the fuck out of everyone putting his arm around her. She puts her head on his chest and calms down.

  I look at Patches. He's smiling at me. Looking around we're all fuckin smiling. Steve looks at Ben then me. I stand and sit where Ben left and take Tess on my chest. Steve stands and sits back down with Te Jess. I'm so fuckin proud of my girl and Steve.

  "That was unexpected." Janelle says. "I don't really understand her need for you here tonight." She says to Steve.

  "She didn't either." He says. Janelle nods.

  "Is there anything else we need to know?" I ask.

  "Why I came here tonight was to explain while Tess is opening to the experience of the visions, she'll most likely have more before she learns to control what she lets in. Let them play out naturally. Don't force information out of her. She may get it wrong trying to please you. She is very intelligent. She's picking up how to keep control of the vision until she's ready to let it go. Use your questions wisely. If she can't supply the information you're looking for she'll get agitated and lose the control she is working so hard to get. Danny, that was brilliant with the watch. That's exactly what I mean. Get her to supply you enough that you can guide her to the answer you’re looking for." We all nod again.

  She stands up giving us a nod. "She's in a restful sleep, nothing more. I'll see you all on Monday." She leaves with thanks and goodbyes.

  I look around. Patches is on Tess' other side. Steve is watching Tess. "Need to stop this before it starts." I watch him. He looks at Ben. "Need to talk to them. Soon. It’s war that a lot of people get hurt in." Ben nods and looks at my dad then me.

  "If we can stop it we will." Ben says. "If not we'll be prepared."

  "Need to stop it. You and Danny are hurt. Rich doesn’t come back. Not prepared enough for that. She can't even look at it.” Steve shocks the fuck out of everyone nodding toward Tess.

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Ben asks.

  “She gave it to me, when she cries out it’s too much, it flows out.” He says lookin embarrassed. Jess holds his hand.

  Ben looks from Steve to me. “You too?” I shake my head no. “I watched you have a whole fuckin conversation without words.”

  “I never got anything from Tess. In the military we learn to focus on what they called our sixth sense, enhance it and sharpen it. That is all I can do. If Patches or Tess needs something I know. I sense when people are around me and their moods. I can read Steve same as you. I can’t read everyone and neither can Steve. We can pick up and shut off from strong people like the Dr. She was asking me if I wanted to enhance and open that ability and I told her fuck no. Steve did too.” They look at Steve. He nods.

  “Fuckin Brothers.” Ben says.

  “Need to stop this. Don’t give a shit about abilities. Need this to be done.” Steve isn’t letting the point get pushed aside.

  Ben looks at him. “We’ll need to come up with a plan.”

  Steve nods. “Now.” Ben nods.

  Patches jumps up. “I’ll get paper.” We all crack up. Tess moves I kiss her head letting her know I’m here. Kate comes over and hugs her then takes her to the kitchen for hot chocolate. She gives me a sleepy smile, I kiss her hand as she’s drawn away.

  “We need to know what building they’re going to blow up. If it’s the old restaurant we should let them. It’s going to cost a fuckin fortune to raze.” Dad says. I crack up. Fuckin Dad.

  Thirty Five

  One week


  Opening my eyes I'm on Rich's chest. I drop a kiss and climb down to the bottom of the bed so I can get to the bathroom. Maneuvering around Max I do my business and climb back up the bed. Rich is watching me. I smile and lay on top of him. He kisses my check and buries his face in my hair. "I love you." I tell him.

  His arm squeezes me tighter "love you too babe, let me show you." He flips me and slides down my body. I moan, he shows me really good with his mouth on my pussy. I can't hold in my moans and end up waking Patches. He kisses my cheek then moves to my nipple.

  "I like waking up like this." I say moaning. Patches sucks harder. His hand is twisting my other nipple. I hold his head to me. My hips lift meeting Rich's mouth. Dear Load I'm going to combust. I cry out when Patches bites my nipple, it feels so good. He immediately lick it and I moan. Rich slides his fingers in me and I'm off. My body explodes sending me into bliss. Holy Cow my whole body shivers and I scream their names. Rich doesn't move his mouth off me, he circles all around my clit making me moan again. When he climbs back up he kisses my lip with me still on his face. He climbs out of the bed going to the bathroom. Patches slides over and puts me on top of him, I slide right down. "I really like waking up like this." I ride while lying on his chest, he growls and I sit up. He's talking telling me to take what I want. I move faster with his hands on my boobs I'm ready again. He moves a hand putting his thumb on my pussy where we are joined. I moan his name. Holy Cow! "It feels so good. I'm going to come." He moans and snaps his hips sending shock waves through me. His hands are on my hips he's pumping up into me pulling me down hard. I steady myself on his chest moving my thumb over his nipple he moans and slams me down. That feels so good. I pinch his little nipple and he groans out 'fuck'. Slamming me down one more time he stills. "I really like waking up like this." I mumble as I fold onto his chest. He moans, I know it means him too.


  I stand and watch, fuck she's beautiful. Hair every fuckin where bouncing on Patches dick. When she comes with her head back, back arched and her ink calling me, I want to suck on her neck and kiss my name on her back. Fuckin beautiful. Patches is pounding up into her. I love to watch them together. They're soft around the edges until they're close then they pound into each other. I like this side of them raw and edgy. When he finishes I go back into the bathroom and get a towel. I swipe it across my face and climb back into bed. "I love watching him pound into you baby." They both moan. I smile. Patches rolls her toward me and slides out.

  I'm hard as a rock. Tess pushes her ass against my dick and it jumps trying to find a hole to bury itself in. I push her to her stomach positioning myself I lift her ass. She tries to straighten her elbows. "No baby head on the bed." Patches moans. I drop the towel, there's nothing slowing my dick down. I slide in. "Fuck that feels good." She moans. I don't give her time to relax into this position I start pounding rolling my hips hitting her with my barbell just right. She fuckin makes a fuck me noise every time I hit just right. I pull her up so she's at an angle picturing her looking like the playboy logo, ass and tits pushed out, fuck. Sliding my hand low on her stomach she cries out 'harder'. Moving my other arm I bend around
her so my arm goes in between her tits, I hold her neck turning her chin so I can kiss her. Fuck I'm picturing this position in my head, it feels so fuckin erotic. I scrape my teeth on her neck pounding into her. She screams my name, her pussy clamps down on my dick. Rolling my hips, I'm losing it. Slamming her I tighten my hold and pound harder, three times and I'm off. I hold her tight to me while my dick releases throbbing so fuckin deep inside her. "Fuck baby." I moan into her hair. I turn her chin for me kissing her jaw to her ear. Fuck I like this position. I lean back on my knees pulling her with me. "I love you babe." She moans making me smile.

  "Fuck that was hot to watch." I turn seeing Patches at the bathroom door. I smile.

  I let her neck go and kiss her head. "Felt fuckin erotic. Need to do that more often." I say I between breaths. Tess moans.

  Patches chuckles. "I think she'd like that." She fuckin moans again.

  Sliding out of her I lift her up and take her to the shower. I wash her up, doing her hair then her body. I love washing her; I realize I've been doing it more often lately. "Do you like me washing you Tess?"

  "Oh yes. It makes me feel..." She's searching for the word. "Cherished. You touch every bit of me showing me love so gentle. I love it." Fuck, my dick jerks.

  "I like washing you. I love being able to take care of you. You’re so independent and do so much for us. I like this, knowing you enjoy it makes it better." I rise up and kiss her. My fuckin dick jumps. Damn. I turn and wash me then get us dried.

  Patches made coffee. We're up early; it feels good to sit over breakfast. I love how we work together. Fuck this morning I woke up loving every fuckin thing. What the fuck is that all about?

  "Tess we talked about having kids before we got married but we never talked about when. When do you want to start?" Patches asks stunning me into silence. Fuck where the fuck did this come from?


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