MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 30

by L. Ann Marie

  "Yeah I'll go to dinner. You looking to be alone now?"

  "Nope, just to spend time on my bike on a beautiful day." I throw him chin. Nice!


  Kate and Ally pick me and Max up and take me to Nancy’s store. She says she has some outfits that she ordered for me. I’m not so sure about this though. Nancy has barely-there clothes in the window. Jess meets us and we each take the outfits Nancy pulls and go to the dressing rooms. It’s a light blue linen skirt that sits low on my waist with a matching top. The back of the top is bare. There’s a bra built into the shirt and it reaches the waist of the skirt. It will show my tattoo but everything else is covered. I love it but I’m not sure about the top. Patches freaked about the last one I wore with no back.

  “Come out Tess. I want to see it.” Ally whines. I step out not sure what to expect. Kate loves it. Ally likes the color and Jess likes my tattoo showing. I waver with it when Kate tells Nancy I’m taking it. I guess that is settled. The next outfit is linen shorts with a white see through top over a light blue tank. I love this one too. Coming out I smile at Kate and Nancy.

  “I knew you were going to be just like Jess with the clothes. I have two more outfits I picked for you and some shorts you can wear t’s with.” Nancy says handing me a whole pile of clothes.

  “I really just needed a pair of jeans, a bathing suit and some shorts.” I tell her.

  Kate waves her hand at me shooing me into the dressing room. “You need clothes that you pick out, whatever you’re comfortable with. Everything you own everyone else picked for you. Rich said a wardrobe not three things.” She closes the door on me. I smile at myself in the mirror they are so sweet.

  Six outfits, four shorts and two pair of jeans later we finally leave. They whisk me to the mall for a bathing suit and shoes. I have three bathing suits, five shirts, seven t’s, four pants, three skirts, and five pairs of shoes. When I think we’re finally done they drive around the mall and we go back in to Victoria’s Secret. I have ten panties and six bras. I don’t know why I need so many but they feel it is needed for variety. Since I’ve never been shopping I take their word for it. Jess explains about shopping sprees being only once a year or so and getting rid of old clothes. I listen and think my clothes are all good. When I tell them they laugh. They are going to help me go through my closet and the clothes they get rid of go to the women in the shelter. Ally thinks this is funny. I roll my eyes at her.

  Back at the house a bucket of margarita mix is delivered. Ally goes home and we take our drinks up stairs. I like shopping with the girls, well at least this part. We drink and go through the closet laughing at some of the clothes that I’ve never worn. Kate thinks Kelly would like some of them. They are a little more daring than I would wear. Patches and Rich find us on the floor of the closet laughing and throwing shoes around. They call Steve and Ben or Danny to come get their women. They do this laughing. We don’t care, we’re laughing too.

  “I love shopping with the girls. Well mostly I love after shopping with the girls. Shopping wasn’t much fun but putting the clothes away is a blast!” The guys laugh at me, Kate says shopping is fun and Jess shakes her head no.

  “It’s only fun when it’s for someone else. It’s no fun shopping for you. That’s why we need drinks after. That’s fun!” She almost falls over and we all laugh.


  Max is sitting outside the closet as if he’s guarding it. When we walk in he goes to his bed. I look in and see the women on the floor laughing throwing shoes at each other and missing by a lot. Oh my fuckin word. “They’re all drunk. How much of the bucket did you make?” I ask Kate.

  “The whole thing. We all had a glass.” She slurs out. I smile.

  “Did you add the crushed ice to it?” I already know they didn’t add anything.

  “No, was I supposed to? The Prospect said it was ready mix. That means you just drink it right?” She asks standing up. Patches catches her so she doesn’t slam her head against the wall. We crack up.

  “You’re supposed to pour it over a full glass of crushed ice.” Patches tells her with a big fuckin smile.

  “It tasted different than you made but it was still good.” Tess says pushing off the chair to get up.

  Ben comes in with Steve they have the biggest fuckin smiles on. I wave my hand at the women. “They got a bucket of ready mix and drank it straight.”

  Ben cracks up. Kate wobbles over to him. All we can do is smile. Steve goes to Jess and helps her stand. I didn’t even see her sit back down. “Shopping was good?”

  “The best but poor Tess needed a drink.” She says closing her eyes.

  Steve lifts her up with a smile. “Looks it.” We laugh. He looks at Tess. “Glad you had a good after party.”

  She looks at him smiling. “Me too! Shopping sucks.” We all bark out a laugh at that. Fuckin Tess. Ben lifts Kate and carries her to the door with Steve following. The women wave and love each other goodbyes. I can’t stop smiling.

  “Not much for shopping huh?” Patches asks her.

  She shakes her head no then stops holding it. I grab her before she falls. “They made me try on everything. But they helped clean out the clothes I don’t wear. It’s a good thing too; the new stuff wouldn’t have fit. Nancy said I like Jess’ style so I’m easy to order for.” She leans against me. I’m not sure if she’s going to be sick or fall asleep. I wait her out. Patches is organizing her closet and emptying bags. Fuckin Patches and organizing. I laugh as I lift her up and put her on the bed. I get her a glass of water and the bathroom trash barrel just in case.

  When I come back out she’s sitting up smiling at me. She’s so fuckin cute. “I’m really thirsty.” She drinks the whole fuckin glass right down.

  I laugh. “It looks like it.”

  Patches comes out of the closet. “You got some really nice clothes Tess.”

  She nods. “I picked everything myself. I like almost all of them.”

  We crack up. “Why did you buy clothes you didn’t like?” He asks her.

  “Peer pressure.” She says disgusted making us laugh more. “I don’t really think you care if I have a variety of panties. Now I have ten new pair.”

  “Your panties are very important to us. Variety is definitely a turn on.” I tell her trying to be serious.

  “Oh, well you’ll be happy then. I have ten new pair.” She says happy then flops back and yawns. I look at Patches. He takes her shoes off while I get her another glass of water. She thanks us and turns over. Patches goes back to the closet and I fill her drawers with her new panties and bras. Fuck, I can’t wait to see some of these on her. I finish, fold the bag and go down to clean my bike with the biggest fuckin smile on. Fuckin Tess drunk in the closet.

  Forty Seven

  One week.


  People are already arriving. The club is fuckin nuts. I need to keep checking the room assignments. Some of these people are just showing up. Laconia is a wash, with the rain they’ve been getting the MC Clubs decided to come early. I’m trying to get the families in at the club until the hotel is ready for them. Tess is taking care of the kids. She’s so excited about the meet. I’m a little surprised. I would think she’d be dreading it but she says she’s psyching herself out for it. She’s so fuckin cute. One of the old ladies asked for her today. She can’t wait for the Little Sisters book. My old lady is going to shock these women. She did a phenomenal job on the book, it’s well thought out and combines projects with the Little Brothers regularly but in a completely girly way right down to the pink ‘Sister’ patch that she included the graphics for, so every club would be uniform.

  Rich is training until tomorrow. He offered to help after work but I know he’s going to be exhausted; he left at five today to set up for testing today and tomorrow. I’m so fuckin glad we’re back to normal. Therapy is helping and Rich is making it easy. I see all he does to show me I’m a valued part of our trio all the time now. He hasn’t done anything different but I
finally opened my fuckin eyes and see it.

  I call Sam about the food order I sent over. He laughs telling me a special delivery is on the way. Shit, now I’m nervous. Derrick the Prospect is setting the dining room up for a buffet style dinner. Jess is sending over desserts and she started muffins for tomorrow morning. I’m wondering if I have everything covered when I see a commotion at the door. Fuckin Tess, I smile. The Little Brothers and Sisters walk in wearing their cuts and carrying bags of food from the Seafood Shack, the Diner and the Polish Pierogi. Rich is right behind them with a Prospect carrying boxes from the Bakery. They always have my back. Pres walks in with a smile greeting some of the chapter Officers. All the food goes into the kitchen; the Little Brothers set the food while the Sisters get the desserts and drinks readied. Fuckin beautiful.

  I walk to my girl and kiss her earning cat calls from the masses. Fuckin Brothers. Rich laughs. “Thank you for doing this. I just called Sam looking for the delivery.”

  “We didn’t want you stressing out over the food so we handled it. Ben helped transport. Danny and Kate are on their way.” She says looking pretty in her new shorts and top.

  Max is looking up at us. I bend and pet his head scratching his nose. I hope this isn't too much for her, there's a fuck ton of people with nowhere to sleep showing up. I look around we aren't close to housing all these people.

  “Relax Patch, it will all work out. If it doesn’t’ we have a hundred cots in the storage unit. Twenty five are already on their way.” Rich says with a smile.

  “Thanks Brother. I was getting worried, a lot of people just showed up. I’m not sure if their staying for the meet or they just wanted dry weather.” I rub my hand down my face.

  Pres slaps my back. “Doesn’t matter. If they show up and have their card give them a cot and tell them to find a place. That’s just what I told the Prospects. No point in worrying over what you have absolutely no control over. Did Rich tell you his news?”

  I look at Rich he’s shaking his head no but he has a smile on. He’s an Officer. He nods at me. I man hug him. “Congratulations Brother!” I’m so fuckin happy for him I spin him around and look at his cut slapping his back again. “I’m so fuckin happy for you Rich.” He throws me chin. Tess smiles at us she’s so excited.

  VP and Jess show up followed by Tiny and Nancy. The Brothers slap Rich’s back, the women hug him. Rob shows with Bob, Digs, Driscoll and Bull. It’s getting fuckin packed in here. Danny and Kate come in with Sally and Doc. A few minutes later Geek comes in. Holy Fuck! It’s like Christmas without the kids.

  The Officers greet the members and Officers from the other chapters welcoming them to the Club. Tiny whistles then nods to Pres.

  “Welcome Brothers and your families. My name is Ben James. I am usually called Pres. Our Officers are here tonight. If you have a problem that our Prospects can’t help you with, find one of these men. Some rules: Drugs are not allowed on the property. This is not negotiable; you will be escorted off the property. Women and kids are respected in our house. We do NOT tolerate disrespect to our women or the beating of any woman. What you do in your house is your business and not our concern. Fighting with your Brothers will get you escorted off the property. There is a ring, range, and empty field out back. Have at it in one of those areas. Because of the old ladies and kids in attendance you will have to refrain from brawling inside.” Brothers laugh. The women look relieved. “Dinner will be delivered by the Little Brothers and Sisters. Breakfast will be delivered from our Bakery at seven am. I am told sandwich makings will be available for lunch tomorrow. If you do not have a room assigned you will be issued a cot. All I can say is, find a spot Brothers.” People laugh again. “For those registered for the meet, the hotel is relocating guests and your rooms will be available tomorrow at three.” A cheer goes up. “For the Officers going on the tour of the yard and Security, a Prospect will be here at eight tomorrow morning to guide you to our VP in the Security building. For the old ladies and kids there is a beach down the road and playgrounds at the end of this road and by the Ice Cream Cone. A list of group activities is on the board at the Bakery. There are maps of the area in the hallway. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your visit to our yard.”

  Everyone starts moving and talking. Our Officers are slapping Rich's back again. I watch smiling. He deserves this. He worked fuckin hard to get where he is and be respected by the older Brothers for his skill and ability. I'm proud of him. He looks at me and throws chin. Fuckin Brother. We have drinks with our visitors. I look around for Tess. My heart starts beating fast. Fuck all these people are here. I should have kept an eye on her. 'Kitchen'. I look around. Rich is watching me. I go to the kitchen. Max is standing guard over her. He's such a good fuckin dog. She's showing the book to the old lady that asked about her. She's so fuckin happy. Looking up she smiles and introduces me to her new friend Eleanor, she tells her I put together the Little Brothers Program. She's so proud, fuck I love her. I let them get back to it and stand just outside the door talking to Driscoll and Bull.

  "You knew he was making Officer?" Bull asks.

  "Yeah. The first Officers meeting I went to. They were waiting for Casper to step down."

  "We wondered about that. He was so fuckin happy for you when you got it. Not taking anything away from you but he got a fuckin medal from the President. It was only a matter of time." Bull says.

  I take no offense. "I was fuckin shocked until Pres explained it to me. The Officers have certain jobs; they needed me for that one and had to wait on Rich. They had to give Casper that respect, he's a loyal Brother. Rich does Security it makes sense he would replace Casper."

  Driscoll smiles, "You guys are good for each other. We're happy for you. We're hoping the club keeps growing so we get a shot at Officer."

  "This keeps up it may not be that far off. I have thirty three Associates." I see Tess walking out smiling at me, Max is at her side. I put out my arm and she walks to me. The Brothers nod at her. She looks at them then away. I smile. She's trying. There are a lot of new faces here tonight. Little Ben yells 'foods out'. People start making their way to the dining room. I stand with Tess. Bob and Digs come over. Tess talks to Digs about the computer and how to use a program for attendance. She's fuckin asking him questions. Bob smiles at them then looks at me. Bull and Driscoll are all smiles. Fuckin Tess is asking questions. Rich stands behind Bull watching.

  "I'm fuckin starving let’s get some food, and I'll explain it to you while we eat." Digs says to her. Everyone freezes. He looks around feeling the air change. "You guys are coming too right?" Fuckin smart move inviting us. He might as well have put her on his fuckin bike. Geeks don't think sometimes.

  “So fuckin lucky I know you have no fuckin common sense and you gave a blanket invite. Friend or not you don’t ask my fuckin old lady to go eat with you.” Rich says so low it fuckin scares Tess. Digs realizes he’s serious and nods.

  Tess looks at us and moves closer to my side, she doesn't say anything but lowers her eyes. Fuck. Driscoll says he can eat trying to ease the tension. Bull agrees and looks at me in question. "Yeah." I tell him then look at Rich. He nods. We all go into the dining room. It's fuckin packed so we head straight to the kitchen. The Little Brothers are cleaning up. Petey comes to Rich and hugs him telling him he's not surprised and he's fuckin proud. We're all standing like a bunch of pussies watching with smiles on. We snap out of it, grab food and sit at the table. Digs grabs paper and writes directions for Tess while we talk about the meet.

  "You doing the competitions?" Bob asks Rich.

  "Yeah. VP set them all up so he can't. I might make it to number two this time." He has the biggest fuckin smile on. We all laugh.

  "I know I don't have a chance of placing but I was thinking of entering." Bob says looking at him.

  "You should, if I come in third you're on fuckin guard duty at the fuckin bank." We crack up again.

  Bob laughs until he has to wipe the tears from his eyes. "No problem Brother. I don't
think I can make it past Milt, you've got no competition in me."

  "Just fuckin with you Bob. You're a fuckin sure shot you should enter." Rich puts his hand on Bob's shoulder. His head whips around to Tess. He smiles at her and slaps Bob's shoulder.

  Fuck! I hate the talking head shit. I miss what's happening. 'Third.' Fuckin Rich. I smile.

  When Digs is finished Tess leans into Rich he pulls her into his lap while he's talking to Bob and Bull. Driscoll smiles at me. "It's good to see that." He nods to Rich and Tess. "Our old lady is too shy to do something like that."

  "You should bring her around more. Between Tess and Kate she'd see there's no judgment here. She's coming to the meet right?" I remember hoping for someone who didn't want to hide our relationship.

  "Yeah, she's looking forward to it."

  "Did you sign up for any runs? We're doing the one they added, it's to Little Compton, it would be good to have dinner together. Tess can meet her." I can't remember her name. Fuck!

  "I'll talk to Bull. Deirdre would like that one, the log one right?"

  "Yeah it's a nice ride with the trees covering the road leading up to it." I'm remembering driving it in the truck. No leaves in the winter but it was still nice.

  I look around everyone is finished I stand to go out to the dining room. I need to check on the Prospect. I lean over to tell Rich and Tess. She kisses me then whispers she has new panties on. I laugh and tell her I won't be long so I don't miss them. Rich looks up smiling at me.


  I'm fuckin beat, I had to come though. Pres wanted all Officers at the Club. I made Officer this morning before work and never had the chance to call Tess and Patches. I'm so fuckin happy my Brothers came to show support. Even fuckin Digs. I wanted to beat the fuck out of him asking Tess to go eat with him. Geeks have no fuckin common sense; it's a good thing he fixed it fuckin fast. Patches leans in to kiss Tess while she's on my lap and fuck if my dick doesn't jerk. She shocks the fuck out of me telling him she has on new panties. Fuck if I'm not hard under her ass. Patches leaves to go check on Prospects and Tess smiles at me. Fuckin Tess. I finish talking to the Brothers and tell her I'm ready.


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