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Solarans 1: The Gift From Aquarii

Page 14

by Don Koch

  "Yes I do. Deliver him here in this room. I will call a security team here to support the arrest that I will make when you deliver him."

  Jim and Bill advised Andy what was happening and Andy suggested that a demonstration might be in order. I will send Jeff and Judy over for firepower, literally. They will have a sufficient charge for a proper demonstration. When Jeff and Judy arrived, Jim commented, "Mr. President, we will retrieve the General and give his companions an example of what they are potentially facing. We should return within 15 minutes."

  They teleported to the General's location in invisible mode. He was in the midst of a staff meeting. The team immediately disarmed all in the room and placed the General in restraints. All of the weapons were dismantled to their component pieces and placed on the conference table. Judy noted that there was a large Russian made tank in the compound outside that was presently unmanned. Jim commented, "We are here to take the General to a location where he will be arrested for attempting to start a nuclear war and give the appearance that another country had started the war without authorization from his government. If you remain loyal to your country this may be a surprise. If not, the likelihood is that you will shortly join your General with a charge of treason. Meanwhile there is something you need to see. Gentlemen, if you will, put on your headgear and then hands on your head. You are going outside for a demonstration. The four Solarans then transported the General and the seven officers in the conference to a location about 80 meters from the tank. Jim and Bill removed all of the ammunition from the tank and stacked it beside the officers. Fuel tanks and spares were also removed. This all took less than a minute. Since troops were starting to gather, The Solarans assumed a semi-visible mode and broadcast a mental warning to all troops in the area,

  Jim signaled to Judy,

  Judy was the most petite of all of the Solarans and was clearly feminine in form. She slowly rose to about 50 meters above the tank and pointed at the barrel of the tank. The air between her hand and the gun barrel of the tank hazed a bit and sparkled. The gun barrel started to glow red and slowly drooped like wet spaghetti. She then spread the energy she was directing to the tank body and increased the energy flow. The tank went through the same process as the barrel and started to collapse on itself. Some parts were burning. Soon the tank was clearly melting and the flow of molten steel could readily be seen. When the tank appeared to be about half of its former height, Judy changed the energy type and started cooling the melting tank. She continued this process until frost could be seen forming on the melted surfaces. She then slowly went back to her starting position on the ground. Most of the troops had moved back when the melting started.

  Jim again broadcast,

  This time, Judy went to the same place but very quickly. She made a fast fist pump motion at the tank. The energy she redirected shook the ground along with a flash of light. There was a one-meter wide hole through the middle of what was left of the tank. The hole was two meters deep through the tank, the concrete paving beneath the tank and soil below that. Jim asked Aston to tag the General and his staff with settings at one, two and three. Jim asked if anyone else in the government was supporting his activity. He indicated that no one in the executive branch was and named several in the Legislative Branch that were culpable. They transported the group to the Presidents office.

  Jim said, "Mr. President, here is the General and his senior staff. Before we relinquish them I have a few questions for them. The first question is, were you a party to the General's attempt to cause a nuclear war? The second is, were you aware of or were you a party to the General's plan to overthrow the government?"

  The questions were posed and five of the seven were aware of the General's intent. These were delivered with the General for interrogation and trial. Additional questions were posed to the remaining two to assure they were not complicit in the General's plans. Jim suggested that the remaining two be returned to the unit and be placed in command until the interrogations were completed and permanent appointments made. The remaining two would be questioned as friends of the prosecution. He also said that it was important that the prisoners be questioned and that they survive the interrogation. When the prisoners were taken away Jim explained that that they would be unable to lie to questions so there needed to be careful documentation of any of their responses. The remaining two officers were returned to their base to try to bring some structure back to the unit. Settings two and three were turned off and setting four was activated. This was explained to the officers. Jim noted that the armor protection was temporary. They reassembled the weapons on the conference table and returned to the lake.

  "Judy, how did you do that hover above the tank? I did not realize you could do that."

  "I think we all can, its inherent in the ability to teleport. We can teleport to a point and hold at that point after accounting for the factors that would have us fall such as gravity or speed of motion. Just takes practice."

  In the meantime the press group that had been provided with information had the scoop of the century and were playing it to the hilt.

  While Jim, Bill, Jeff and Judy had been addressing the issue in the Middle-East, Andy, Pat, Nik, Anya, Gus and Barbara paid a visit to North Korea. They charged up with sufficient energy for some heavy lifting. Aston had identified all sites with Nuclear, Chemical and Biological WMD's. Their objective was to remove them from the planet. They first went to a site where a missile had been prepared for a launch. First they fried all communications at the site so that no transmission could be received. Then they removed every missile and warhead they could find at the site and then proceeded to the next site capable of a missile delivery of a WMD. They used the same methodology at each site identified. Then they started on the storage sites followed by the manufacturing sites. Equipment used to manufacture WMD's was also removed to the same location. Ships at sea with WMD's were identified and all cargo removed.

  All of the WMD's and equipment were placed on a stable asteroid currently located at the L5 Lagrange point trailing earth's orbit. They then went back to sites and destroyed any equipment they could not move to L5 by melting it in place after warning persons there to evacuate the premises. They closed down all nuclear plants regardless of purpose and transferred all fissile materials to L5. This was intended as a suitable location until a means of disposal could be determined. Finally all Uranium mines were closed down and infrastructures destroyed.

  After they completed the work of de-nuclearizing the country, they paid a visit to the premier/dictator. He was extremely irate at the loss of this capability. Andy told him to shut up and listen. He recited the coordinates of all vessels. we threaten to do. Do not test our patience. Do you understand what I have said?>

  "Yes, but this is not reasonable. How do we defend ourselves."

  They returned to the lake after having Aston tag him with settings 1 and 2.

  Ten minutes later the sub surfaced, the Solarans teleported it to Pyongyang and removed the missiles. Thirty minutes later Aston noted that nine ships heading for Los Angeles, Honolulu, Oakland, San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria in Canada, and Anchorage had reversed course without explanation. Aston noted that each of the vessels had containers with nuclear materials aboard. Aston also reported that he had carefully rescanned the west coast ports and found several ships that had arrived in the past two days that had materials still in containers awaiting trans shipment arrangements. Those containers were extracted and transported to the L5 Lagrange point. When this was done, Andy and Pat revisited the Admiral in San Diego.

  "It is good to see you again. How can I help?"

  "In addition to yourself, do you have some one here that can hear my report that you trust, and do you have some recording equipment to get this all down?"

  "That is a very good idea. Yes, my second in command is available and I can have him here in a minute. My yeoman is also someone I fully trust and she can bring in and operate the recording equipment as well as be another credible witness."

  "That is perfect, do you mind if we sit down? We have had a particularly grueling day and its not over yet."

  "Ah, please forgive my manners, please have a seat. Would you care for some coffee, tea, soft drink or water?"

  "Water would be most welcome."

  The admiral called his yeoman and asked for the recording equipment and three bottles of water with glasses.

  When she and the second in command arrived they were surprised to see the two Solarans seated there. Andy rose and said, "It is always awkward meeting people since we can't introduce ourselves. I hope you do not mind if we dispense with that formality and understand the reason for it. I am the Solaran Commander and this is my assistant. We have much to tell you. I am pleased to meet you both."

  While they waited for the recording equipment to be set up, the Admiral said, "I have something I want to show you that you might find interesting. As you know, we videotaped your removal of that containership this morning. We used a high resolution superfast frame speed to record the event. I just finished looking at it for about the 20th time when you arrived. Have a look at this. I had an extra copy made so you can view this at your leisure. Essentially one second is stretched into over 2 minutes of viewing time." He ran the tape on a large screen high definition TV in his office. As the tape proceeded, one could see the ship with Andy gripping an anchor port on the forecastle. The background opened into a view of the area near the Apollo 15 landing site on the moon and then faded back to a view of the sea where the ship had been.

  Andy responded saying "There is a logic to what we are seeing but I am surprised that it showed up that way visually. Aston will be most interested in this video. Thanks for providing us with a copy. I will probably pass you by in watching this. It's fascinating."

  The Yeoman spoke, "Sir, the recording equipment is ready to go and I have voice levels adjusted based on the discussion that just occurred."

  The Admiral complimented her saying, "Efficient as always, Yeoman please start recording." When the recorder started, he continued, "This recording is Top Secret. Repeat, this recording is top secret and is not authorized for hearing by anyone with a lesser clearance." He paused for ten seconds and continued, adding a start time and date for the recording. "This is Rear Admiral Dennis Sullivan. Commander of Naval Base, San Diego. With me is second in Command, Captain Wilson Hardy and my Yeoman, Chief Warrant Officer 5 (CWO5) Susan Adams. We are here at the request of the Solaran Commander and his partner. Object is a report that they wish to make. This morning at 0900 hours, the Solarans teleported a containership, that had been severely contaminated by nuclear waste traced to North Korea, to just North of the Apollo 15 landing site on the moon. Commander, we would be pleased to hear what you have to tell us."

  "Thank you Admiral Sullivan. This report will tend to be a bit lengthy. This afternoon, a Solaran task force of six persons, denuclearized North Korea and removed all WMDs from their inventory. We started with those sites that had operational ICBM delivery vehicles. All have been decommissioned and placed on a stable asteroid at the L5 Lagrange point in space until we can determine how best to dispose of the weapons. The biological and chemical weapons will be sent sunward soon but we will not send the nuclear devices that way until we are sure that doing so will not be hazardous to Earth. We would appreciate an evaluation by your scientists on that course of action. We believe it safe but would appreciate your opinion. The material on that asteroid includes several hundreds of 40 foot cargo containers typically found on containerships such as that currently residing on the moon."

  Andy then proceeded to report in detail on each location that they had dismantled. Including bases, quantities and types of weapons, weapons building equipment, test sites, research sites, reactor sites and mines. "The fuel rods for the reactors are also at L5. We then met with the Premier and told him that he was to reduce his armed force by half within the coming year or another unannounced visit would occur. He was told to reverse those vessels with WMDs or nuclear waste aboard within the hour. If we discovered any such vessels after the hour was up, we would deposit it on dry land in Pyongyang. Within that hour, nine ships heading for Los Angeles, Honolulu, Oakland, San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria in Canada, and Anchorage had reversed course without explanation. Those containers will join their like tomorrow at L5. All of North Korea's subs have been recalled. Nuclear weapons have been removed from all of their ships. We are continuing to scan for additional WMDs. We believe there may be a connection between North Korea and General Omar Khalaf who was responsible for the terrorists captured yesterday. He is now in the custody of his government that does not appear to be implicated in his actions. We have identified some more containers that did make it into port at several west coast ports. We have removed the containers from those ships that contained nuclear waste. Our suggestion is that you may want to stop and inspect any Eastbound cargo containers from those ships. The may have as much as a two day head start. We will continue to scan but our numbers are not sufficient to cover everything. We will advise you if we find anything but it would be best if there were more eyes on this."

  "All of the terrorists have been returned to their country. They will not be returning as terrorists because we have made it impossible to again kill, threaten to kill or order a killing. Their own country can deal with them. Admiral that is all we have for you today but if anything else comes up, we will get back to you."

  "Thank you Commander, I will call on a secure line when we are done and get this report where it needs to be. There will be a lot of people busy tonight. I will also get with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) tonight and get things rolling there. Yeoman you may stop the tape now."

  After Captain Hardy and CWO5 Adams had left, Andy said, "Admiral, one more thing, you may wish to have the means to contact our ship. It would mean tagging you but only the location, identity and communications settings will be active. We cannot listen to your thoughts but our ship will respond when you address it. Do you want this kind of connection."

  Without hesitation he responded, "Yes please."

  After the communications was tested, Andy and Pat returned to the lake for some much needed rest.

  # Late Evening in Juneau #

  The group was debriefing the day's events on the ship. Andy commented, "There is one more thing we need to do before the day is done. We need to talk to the
Russian President about those Russian Nukes we found. I'd like to go with Pavel, Elina, Nik, Anya and Pat. I will do the talking and mostly it will be mental but if anything is spoken in Russian, I would like to have you there to cover any nuances that might arise. I do not particularly suspect the Russians of having engineered this exercise but I want listeners there to support or refute that belief. I want to see how candid he will be with us. Is everyone comfortable with this? OK then, If anybody notices anything, let me know by direct mental comment that does not include the Russian President. We will start out invisible and then switch to semi-visible mode. Aston tells me he is in his office with his security advisor. I think we will want him to stay. Ready? OK, here we go."



  The group appeared in semi-visible mode, slightly startling the security advisor,

  The Russian President laughed and stated,

  Andy produced photographs of the Russian nukes with serial numbers and other identifying markers. Andy explained how and where the devices were found.


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