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Solarans 1: The Gift From Aquarii

Page 19

by Don Koch





  he opened his mind to her to show what he was up to. In doing so he gave them both a quantum leap in their telekinetic capability. They went to the geosynchronous orbit and absorbed the energy they felt would be needed. They then returned to the police station, surrounded the explosives and nanites in a force bubble. They teleported with the force bubble to the moon where they maintained the bubble until the explosion occurred destroying everything within the bubble.

  They returned to the parking garage below the Prime Minister's office and Andy described what had occurred.



  It occurs to me that the police station is a good place to start. We need to lock it down. We may want a military effort to do that. Also check to see if we have any more bombs to worry about including police and personal vehicles. Colonel, we need a secure lock up for these prisoners and the six who tried to take them out.>

  "Yes, we are working with too little information. We need to change that."

  The four outlined a plan for the next few minutes and then Andy and Pat teleported Adam and Moshe to the lobby of the station.



  "Everyone listen up. I am Colonel Moshe Eppstein. I have been appointed by the prime minister to investigate a matter of national security involving this station. We hope to have the station back in normal operation in about an hour, but from this minute on, nothing else takes priority. The only ones who may enter until then are officers and staff that were out of the building temporarily and are now returning. Who is the officer in charge please?"

  An officer responded, "That would be Major Roesberg."

  "Where is Major Roesberg now?"

  "We do not know sir, he left the building about 30 minutes ago without explanation."

  "Sergeant, is it normal practice for the officer in charge to leave the building during his duty time?"

  "No sir, in fact it is contrary to standard operating procedures."




  A few seconds later the three were delivered to the Police station lobby. Colonel Eppstein commanded, "Three chairs and restraints please." He then spoke to the desk sergeant, "Sergeant, are there any detainees in your cells at present?"

  "No sir, we are empty."

  "Ok, I want everyone in the building here in this lobby right away. Your phone lines have all been transferred to another station for handling. Sergeant, is there anyone else that should be here, who is not?"

  "No sir. We couldn't find Captain Keller when Major Roesberg left so Lieutenant Rosen assumed command. But other than the terrorist attempt earlier today, it has been exceptionally quiet."

  "Now, you are for the most part, trained law enforcement officers here and understand the risks you take everyday in your line of work. At the time we locked this building down, the Solarans detected a bomb in the basement of this building with about 100 pounds of C-4. I think most of you are aware of what that much explosive would have done in a building with this configuration. The walls would have been left standing but the interior along with anything within the walls would have been destroyed. Sergeant, please arrange for recording equipment in this room if you please. I am going to ask Major Roesberg a number of questions that the Solarans assure me will be answered truthfully and then we will see where that takes us. What the rest of you hear in this room, stays in this room. No leaks. Understood?"

  A number of the officers and staff nodded. The Colonel stated crossly, "I want to hear that you understand."

  All responded, "Yes sir."

  When the recording equipment was ready, Colonel Eppstein said, "Major Roesberg, you will answer my questions with these officers present as witness to your statements. Understood."

  "Yes sir."

  "Earlier today, six persons representing themselves to be Mossad agents arrived here to take eight terrorists into custody. You approved that action, is that correct?"

  "Yes sir."

  "Were those individuals in fact from Mossad?"

  "No sir, they were not."

  "Who then were they?"

  "They were representatives of a terrorist organization based in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia under Hadi Mustafa."

  "Can you name them."

  "No I cannot."

  "Do you know what was their intent?"

  "Yes, they were here to clean up loose ends by terminating the failed suicide bombers. They are also building a trap for the Solarans by trying to determine where they come from and then attack at their homes."

  "Why would you allow this?"

  "Because they kidnapped my wife and daughter and said they would slowly torture and then kill them if I did not do as they wanted."

  "Were the bombers in Nice and Stuttgard related to the incident here earlier today?"

  "Yes they were."

  "Where are they building the tracking devices they are using?"

  "I do not know."

  "Were you aware that there was a bomb in this building set to kill all of your fellow officers?"

  "Yes I was."

  The shock in the room was palpable. The colonel then went around the room and asked each officer including Major Keller and each staff person there if he or she was aware of or culpable in any of the confessions of the Major. None were. Next he started on the two men brought in with the Major. He asked "Where are the Major's wife and daughter?"

  "They died when the attack in Nice started."

  "Why were you going to kill the Major?"

  "Because he is a weakling and a loose end."

  "Who is your leader?"

  "He is Hadi Mustafa."

  "Where is he now? Give me his precise location."

  One of the men gave him an exact address.


  The Colonel continued, "What were your orders following execution of the Major?."

  "We were to assist in the termination the eight failed suicide bombers."

  "What were your instructions concerning the six fake Mossad agents?"

  "We were to terminate them when the suicide bombers were finished. They were private contractors that have no allegiance to our cause."

  "Are there any more from your organization targeting this station?"


  "Who is Husam Hassan?"

  "He is an Israeli agent who has been giving our group considerable difficulty. We were trying to arrange for the Solarans to find out who he is for us."

  "Sergeant, would you please put these creatures in separate cells until I can get someone over here to take them."

  "Gladly Colonel."

  "Now lets see what our fake Mossad agents have to say for themselves."

  The six were brought in and seated in the same fashion as their predecessors. The colonel played back the taped interviews and then asked them if they had anything to say. Essentially they had nothing to add. The tags were set at location and no harm and the truth setting was turned off. Finally, the suicide bombers were brought in and again nothing substantial was added.

  The Colonel called the Prime Minister and reported in full. "Moshe, I knew you were quick and efficient, but this is amazing. Thank you."

  "Prime Minister, I have never had this kind of help before. I hope to work with this group again sometime. Am I correct in assuming that Major Keller can return to his station here and stay a Major?"

  "Indeed. Talk to you tomorrow."

  The Colonel announced, "Ok everyone. The lockdown is over. Major Keller is in charge. Shin Bet will be here shortly to take charge of all your prisoners. Remember, this is not for public disclosure. If anyone asks, you were having a readiness drill that you are not supposed to talk about. Just another day in Paradise."

  Chapter 17 - Terrorist Take Down

  # Jerusalem #

  # Later that Day #

  "Commander, might I have a chat with you before you leave?"

  Mentally Andy responded,



  The Colonel looked surprised,

  Andy laughed and responded,



























  In a heartbeat, Andy, Pat and the Colonel were in the meeting room.

  "I am he.>







  He then went on to describe locations, timing and how many people were involved.


  Mustafa did as instructed. One could see he was struggling to resist the questions but could not. He was sweating profusely.

  tions have your nano trackers present.>



  "Where is Professor Schmidt now?"

  pointing at the Professor.



  Andy turned and faced the professor and the professor was clearly becoming agitated with the attention. Finally, Andy said,











  After that had been done, Andy said,

  He handed Andy an external 5Tb hard drive. Andy placed the hard drive in a force bubble similar to the one used earlier in the day with the police station bomb. He increased the temperature inside the bubble until the hard drive had completely melted and appeared to be boiling inside the bubble. He then reversed the temperature until the former drive was cool enough to handle.



  The Professor beat a hasty retreat and left.


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