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Solarans 1: The Gift From Aquarii

Page 24

by Don Koch




  # Later that morning #

  All Solarans arrived for the meeting. No one was missing. Andy started off with a recap of the previous day's events noting that is was probably one of the most eventful days they had yet to experience. He let that sink in for a bit.


  Someone responded,



  He then went on to explain their experience with the Slegna and the gifts they had provided.

  Someone in the group said, With that the meeting ended.

  # Earth Orbit on the Solaran Ship Aston #

  # Tuesday, August 2 #

  Andy and Pat were discussing the Slegna when Aston offered an update.

  “How is recruiting going with the Lotans? “


  “That makes sense. I would like to add a few others from Earth so we have a sound group of experienced heavy lifters. I also think that Paulo and Rosa are going to be important here, just a feeling, but a strong one. I would like to see Paulo in charge while I am gone.”


  “I will need to get with Collum to figure what we need to take with us in the way of aid. As important, we need to be ready to deal with the Sorza if any. We will all go with high charges from Sol because we are used to that particular form of energy. While there, we will experiment with energy from Aquarii so we can see how readily we can adjust. I expect no problems there but best be prepared.”


  “Aston, what are the defenses like on the Lotan ships, not the arms, but rather the shields?”

  im to have enhanced the shield efficiency by factor of ten. If true, they can probably withstand repeated hits from the Sorza energy cannons. I am not sure we would want to test that, but let’s just say it is much improved. Fortunately, the Sorza do not have cloaking technology or detection capability. That should give us an advantage if any of them are still there.>

  “I have a tactic I would like to use if there are still Sorza present. If we find it necessary to fire on a Sorzan vessel, I do not intent to do it from a ship. We will teleport to a position close to the target and fire from there. That means we will need to establish portals on each of the ships we take so we can hit and run.”




  # Isla Maria Magdelena, Mexico#

  # Wednesday, August 3 #

  The containers for five more compounds were placed at Isla Maria Magdelena to add to the 5 initially placed on July 20th and the subsequent 5 placed on July 27th. The pace of construction was surprising to see. The first five compounds were nearly completed with the roofing for the stacks completed. The solar panel installations were underway. Construction of the other structures were also at a fairly advanced state and would likely be finished well before the stacks were all completed. The last of the stacks for the last of the 50 planned compounds was expected to be placed by the first week of September. The construction of the fences would follow and the addition of arable soil would all be complete by October. A number of the Lieutenants incarcerated in the same facility as the Capos would eventually be housed in their own compound on Isla Maria Magdelena, however they would have to complete their own construction of amenities. Several other countries were exploring the notion of creating similar facilities.

  # Base 1, Luna #

  # Monday, August 8 #

  A team of Lotan Solarans with some Earth Solarans had thoroughly searched the principle base at Luna and found it to be generally clean. There were a number of sensors and surveillance mechanisms found and these were carefully removed and destroyed. Lotan technology was substantially advanced over that of the Grell so those devices that were questionable were easily addressed. In a few instances construction methods were superior to anything they had previously seen so some reverse engineering was in progress. In a remote section of the base there were items used in that construction so the reverse engineering was enhanced with the actual equipment used. Aston reported that the Grell fleet had modified their course and was no longer heading for the Grell home planet.

  “Nikolay and Anya are ready to lead an exercise. Also Paulo and Rosa should not miss out on all the fun. It also turns out the little Estela has developed truly formidable shields and has managed to trigger many of her talents way before we expected them to be available to her. Her understanding of what she is capable of doing is amazing. I shudder to think what her childhood might be like. I think they might appreciate the outing.”


  “Let’s see what Paulo and Rosa think.”

  A minute later, all invited were aboard the ship. Andy described what was going on with the Grell. “There are several things we would like to know. First, why have they deviated from the course they were instructed to take? Next, what is their intended destination? We will want a full explanation. Nikolay and Anya will be in charge of this project with Paulo and Rosa as his seconds. Collum, we need an additional second-in-command team from your ranks. We expect to take two to the Grell carriers that have been upgraded with our new drive and Lotan cloaking devices. We need at least 5 teams of Solarans on each ship to offset the firepower of the Grell battleships. They have substantially more firepower than the carriers but they are not going to see you or know what kind of ship you are in. All of your communications are to be done mentally. Do not use the communications equipment on the ship, in fact be sure it is turned off. We have removed any programming that allows the Grell any kind of control of anything on your ships. There are no transponders left that they can access to identify your position or type of ship. If it becomes necessary to fire on them, teleport to a firing position before firing. As soon as you fire, teleport to another position immediately. Keep them off balance. You will have a good crew of experienced space men and women to support your project. Collum and Menna, we need at least 5 teams of Solarans from your crew. More would be appreciated and it would likely be a good experience for them. The Solarans represent our fire power. Do your very best to avoid firing on the three largest ships since those house a large population in stasis. We are not after genocide here. Your approach should be a demand for explanation, not to play nice. They have had their warning. If they attempt to fire on you, even though they can’t see you, take out the firing weapons. Paulo and Rosa, I have a question for you. Do you feel comfortable taking Estella along with you on this operation?”

  “As a matter of fact, we were going to ask if you had a problem with us doing just that.”


  “This morning Estella informed Rosa and me that you would shortly contact us for a project to talk to those really nasty people who used to live on the moon. She said that they are on their way to invade some very nice people that live on a planet called Fair. She said that it was important that we take her with us because she was the only one who could make them tell us the truth. She said that the tag setting for truth was not accurate with this species and that the no harm setting worked on only some of those tagged. At first I thought she was showing signs of hyper imagination. Now I think otherwise. She said that they would lie and tell us that that their planet was dying. She said that is not true and the Grell know it. She suggested that we send a ship to test and see for ourselves the condition of the Grell planet.”

  As usual, when Estella saw Pat, she immediately went to her and climbed up into her lap. Estella gave Pat a big hug and said, "After my Mama and Papa and my Grandmamma and Granpapa, you are my favorite person in the whole world."

  "Wow Estella. What a really nice thing to say. I love you too, but why do you say that to me? For sure someone else must sometimes be your favorite."

  "Oh I like lots of people, but the sound of the song you sing with your thoughts is the most beautiful."

  "Do you mean you can hear what I am thinking?"

  "Well not exactly, but sometimes there is a little bit of that. It is sort of what Señor Andy is doing right now. He finally believes what I told my mama and papa just a little while ago about those really nasty people that used to live on the moon. Those nasty people are laughing about it and saying how much fun it will be to hurt a lot of people who can't hurt them back. They really do like to hurt people."

  "Would you like us to make them stop?"

  "Oh, that would be very nice but the only way to do that is to take their toys away from them and make them stay on their own planet. You know, I can make them tell the truth about what they are really like and want to do."

  How can you do that dear?"

  "Gabriel told me that I should appear visibly before them when you go to their ship invisibly. When you ask a question and they tell a lie, I am supposed to remind them that what they say is not true. I can tell when they lie. I am supposed to give them a shock when they do. A shock that will not damage or kill them or even hurt them. Gabriel has told me how to do this. I do not like doing this but I do not want the people of Fair to be hurt. He said to remember that many lives on Fair will be saved if we do this well. I really want to save those lives on Fair, so I have to go. Gabriel also said that the protection we already have will be enough
but that Michael will make sure we are all safe."

  "When did Gabriel tell you this?"

  "He woke me up this morning to tell me this. He also said that the truth setting in the tags may work but I would be more reliable. He said use both the tags and me."

  All listening to the exchange were absolutely amazed at what the child was saying.

  "Estella is telling us what she knows as true and I am happy to hear that the Slegna are continuing to take an interest in the Grell. Collum, do you have a ship you can send to the Grell home system and see what conditions are there?"

  "Yes I do. They will be underway within the hour. It is a converted destroyer and has the proper equipment for the task. It will take them about 18 hours to get there and we need to allow another 6 hours for testing. "

  "By the time we can determine that they are lying to us, they will be 21.2 light years away and still going. At that distance we can still overtake them in about 16 hours."

  "This is not a welcome distraction."

  "You have that right. We will likely have to shepherd them to their home planet and quarantine them there but we are not going to delay the rescue mission to Lota any longer. This just means we will have two major operations at the same time."


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