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River Falls: The Wolves

Page 3

by Lizzie Wildblood

  My ears only hear her voice, no other sound is getting through. She’s not saying much, but just those little sounds she’s making is doing things to my body and I’m craving to hear more. The first thing my eyes land on is long dark glossy hair that hangs in waves. I can’t see her face but I know when she turns around she will be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. The second thing my eyes land on is the fact that there is a guy, one of my team mates, O’Connor, with his arm around her shoulders. Touching her. I can feel my temper raising, I’m trying very hard to not lose my rag here but finding it very difficult.

  This is insane I’ve never even seen her or talked to her. The only way I should be feeling like this over a girl is if she’s my....., but......


  My whole body screams at me that she is mine.

  This is what has had me on edge all day, that smell, her divine smell is what was different about school today. She is what was different. But this is going to ruin everything. My plans. It can’t be happening now, it’s not even safe for her. I’m stood frozen to the ground. Unable to move and unable to take my eyes off her. My anger is still growing. I don’t like that she is there and I’m still stood here, and I hate that there’s another male touching her. But I’m also angry because this wasn’t supposed to happen yet. I’m torn between marching over there, punching O’Connor and throwing her over my shoulder to go claim her straight way or marching over there and telling her to go away and come back in a few years time. After I’ve had my normal high school experiences and college. When I’m stronger. When I can keep her safe. There’s no way dad would let me go away to college if he knew I’d found my mate. I’d be Alpha by this time next year.

  That's not fair to her or to me.

  I can tell she’s getting fidgety but if I can smell her she must be able to smell me too. She sits up straighter and starts looking around the lunch room. Her eyes finally land on me and they don’t move any further. I was right. She is the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen.

  My Mate ... my body hums again.

  She’s locked her eyes with mine and neither of us can seem to look away; but when I thought I couldn’t get any more annoyed, O’Connor bends to her ear and whispers in to it. Then turns around and looks at me. I’m going to break his hand if he doesn’t take it off her and rip out his tongue if he talks into her ear that close again. I can feel myself beginning to shake. I’m struggling to hold back from shifting right here, right now. I’ve got to get out of here before everyone sees me transform into a huge wolf or someone ends up dead.

  I run.

  After I’ve managed to cool myself down a little and deciding I can’t take the whole of the afternoon off if I want to play at the game tonight I go to my last class. I can’t get her face out of my head. It’s imprinted there. Walking into biology I can smell her before I’m even in the room. I’m not sure I can be in the same room with her without touching her but right now I think there’s only one thing that will calm down my body and take away the edge that’s been there for days.


  Walking in I stand by the door to see where exactly she is is the room and I spot her in the far corner looking through a text book but not really paying attention to it. She looks up at me and I’m pulled into the room by her. She doesn’t even know what she’s doing to me. I don’t even know what she’s doing to me. There’s an empty seat directly behind her so I go sit there, cursing that they aren’t double desks but smiling at her as I walk past. I can’t believe she’s sat right there. Right in front of me. I’ve got to do something. I’m the freaking school quarterback, why am I so nervous with her. If Tara doesn’t scare me I don’t know why she does.

  I do know though, its because she’s my mate... before I even realise what I’m doing I reach out and tap her on the shoulder. I just need to touch her. As soon as I do, I feel like two hundred bolts has just been struck right through my body. My body is practically purring like a kitten.

  “Do you have a pen.....?” A pen?? Smooth, real smooth. She just looks at me, stunned. I wonder if she felt it too. She doesn’t answer me, just carries on looking at me so I ask again. I can feel my confidence coming back. I can tell I’m having an affect on her. Thanks God it’s not just me. Then she talks, it’s like velvet. It’s like playing that perfect game where every move you make is on target and you can’t do anything wrong. I want to hear it again and I feel myself leaning in a little closer to her. I can see the way her hair falls over her shoulder exposing her neck and I can imagine my mark there. So every werewolf around will know that she’s mine. She suddenly lifts her head up and we are eye to eye. She has the brightest blue eyes. It’s like swimming in the clearest ocean. I can smell her even better being this close to her and I notice something I can’t believe I didn’t notice before. But she did have a guy draped all over her. Don’t think about him. Back to her. I take the pen from her making sure that my fingers gently touch hers.

  “Thanks” I say and lean back in my chair. I can’t believe I missed it.

  She’s human.

  I don’t have a clue what Mr Phelps is droning on about. All I can think about for the next fourty minutes is her. I want her. And not just in that way but yeah I won’t lie, I have had those images too. But I also can’t stop thinking about everything else that comes with it. I wonder if I could just get away with telling my folks shes just a girlfriend. If she was a wolf too there would be no chance. Wolves don’t get involved with other wolves, unless it’s with their mate. But she’s human. She could just be my girlfriend. She wouldn’t have to be my mate. Well as long as I can keep my self from claiming her and marking her. If I did that then the whole pack would know.

  The bell goes and brings me back to the present. She takes her time getting her bag and things together but then starts to rush. I need to hear her voice again.

  “It’s Alexia right?....” Alexia. I like how it sounds. We talk for a while and I ask her if she’s coming to the game. I need to see her later. I’m not going to be able to wait till tomorrow.

  Then O’Connor barges into the room and puts his arm around her again. It instantly gets my back up and I clench my fists. I really cannot punch him; I don’t want to scare her. But why is she not telling him to move his arm. And why does she need him to walk her out. I can do that.

  It’s my job.

  But she’s human, she doesn’t know what I am to her but I can tell she feels something. It’s takes me a couple of seconds to realise he’s saying something to me. I snap back an answer at him. Not really caring how my tone sounds with him. Why has she not moved his arm. Are they together? How long has she been here and I’ve not noticed. Surely I would have noticed. She doesn’t seem like the type of girl who..... Type of girl like Tara. With a last look at her I say good bye and going against what my body wants I leave my mate alone with another male.

  Chapter Three

  Game Night

  Aunt Sara was really pleased when I asked her about the game. I think she was worried that I wouldn’t like my new school and wouldn’t want to stay around here. Although she had never said it out loud, I know she would consider moving if I really hated it here; but I knew she loved it in River Falls and I was already imposing in her life enough as it was, with out having to move to a different town as well.

  She was going to drop me off at the game, and if I couldn’t get a ride home with Amber or Chris then I would just let her know and she would come and get me. I really needed to learn how to drive that truck, I couldn’t keep relying on others for lifts if I was actually going to have a social life. Which I did actually want. I needed to get back in the drivers seat.

  Changing into a fresh pair of skinny jeans with rips on the legs and a long sleeve top with a band tee shirt over the top for added warmth, I really needed to go shopping. Again my leather jacket is just going to have to do. I don’t have another. Aunt Sara did offer me something of hers but I’m ashamed to say I turned it down becaus
e I didn’t think I looked nice enough in it. What’s wrong with me? After one day at this school I’m caring about what others think of what I’m wearing. Or maybe I was always like this and just forgot for a little while.

  Touching up my make up, adding a little more than what I wore to school, I mean it’s going to be dark out right? That’s the only reason I’m making the extra effort. Nothing to do with a green eyed guy.


  Apparently game nights were a big deal at school, to the whole town really. Almost everyone is going. If my aunt were interested in sports in the slightest I think she would have been staying at the game with me. As it is she couldn’t even say what shape the ball was or how points were scored.

  She drops me off and I try to find Amber and the others. The boys are already in the locker room getting ready for the game so I guess I won’t see them till after. I find the girls relatively easy and we go and grab some hot dogs and drinks and make our way over to the stands to get some seats.

  The cheerleaders come out in their skimpy outfits. They have got to be freezing, they might as well be wearing underwear. I notice right at the front leading the squad is Tara. I hate to admit it but she is actually quite good at it. Having that much co ordination was never really something I was good at.

  When the teams starts coming out onto the field the crowd goes wild, Rachel and Amber are screaming and hollering the loudest next to me. Caroline is a little bit more reserved, so thankfully I’m not the odd one out by not shouting. I get that feeling again that someone is watching me and after a while my eyes meet a pair of green ones. Although from this distance the only reason I know they are are green is from memory, I can tell he is smiling so I smile at him and give a small hand wave and he nods back at me. I’m glad he is so far away that he can’t see the blush rising in my cheeks. I could just blame the cold though. Yeah that’s what I’ll do if anyone does notice.

  Then it’s game time, Logan is the Quarterback and I can easily see why. He just takes complete control, and makes good use of his arm muscles when he’s throwing the ball. He is on fire tonight. I wonder if he is always this good or if he’s just having a good night. Chris is also easy to spot. Probably the second biggest player on the field with Logan being the biggest out of both teams. He is fast. I don’t know the full rules and positions, just enough to enjoy watching a game now and then. When we score a touch down though I can’t help myself grinning and cheering along with every one else. The atmosphere is just so infectious here.

  Half time comes and we go to use the restrooms and get some hot chocolate. I’m quite cold now. Everyone else seems to be wrapped up with heavier jackets, and my little leather jacket may look good but it’s certainly not keeping me warm. I’m waiting for Amber and the girls when I hear a deep laugh. I’ve only know him for a day but I’ve heard that laugh a few times today, I know who it belongs to.

  “Hey beautiful, you made it.” Chris has a huge smile on his face, and is in full uniform minus his helmet, carrying his letterman jacket. I must look like a dwarf compared to him with all his padding on.

  “Yeah I’d thought I’d give it a chance. See if it was worth all the hype you guys were giving it.” I reply cheerfully.

  “And what do you think now? Glad you came?” His face is just one constant smile. I don’t think I’ll ever see him sad.

  “Yeah actually it’s fun, just a little cold. I’m not used to this temperature yet” if it’s at all possible his smile gets even bigger.

  “Well that’s what I thought when I saw you standing up there. I mean, don’t get me wrong you look as hot as hell but you’ve got to be cold, so I bought you my jacket to wear to keep you a bit warmer.” I smile at him then, a real genuine smile, at his thoughtfulness, he really is a sweet guy. I thought he was just really cocky and over confident when we first met this morning but maybe I was wrong.

  “Thanks Chris that’s really nice of you. Won’t you need it afterwards though?” I ask him.

  “I’ll just come and find you and we can share” he says while wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh at him while pulling the jacket on. He grabs the the front of it and pulls me a little closer to his body and wraps the jacket around my small frame.

  “Stay warm, I’ll see you later.” He leans in a places a small peck on my cheek, winks at me then turns and heads back to the locker room.

  With the cold shivers that was already going through my body I didn’t notice Logan stood off to the side watching my interaction with Chris. Nor did I notice the hot chocolate and jacket in his hands. As I turned around though I did see him; he had a hurt look in his eyes. I started to make my way over to him to say hi, I’d been waiting for this moment all night. But once it seemed he realised I was walking to him he threw his hot chocolate on the floor and stormed off in the other direction. Strange. Maybe I’ll get chance later to ask him if everything was ok but once again I get the impression that I’m the reason for him being angry.

  After finally getting our hot chocolates, we made our way back to our seats. Amber just gave me a small smile when she realised who’s jacket I was wearing.

  “He was just being kind” I insisted when a few comments were made. maybe I really did need to do or say somethingto him, I didn’t want him to get the wrong impression, I liked him as a friend but that’s it.

  The cheerleaders were just finishing their routine and the players walked back on to the field. I spotted Logan right away. Just looking at him warmed me up a little. But then he walked right up to Tara and gave her a big kiss on the lips. His team mates and the other Cheerleaders all started hollering and whooping. I just stood there staring. I mean it doesn’t matter to me who he kisses. He can kiss whom ever. I don’t have any say over him. We’ve had like one conversation. For all I knew they could already be dating. I would have hoped he would have gone for someone with bit more class if what Amber had said about her was true but it is what it is.

  I truly felt like I’d been punched in the gut though. I just wanted to go home actually and get in bed, but I couldn’t, I needed a ride. I really didn’t think it was fair to ask my aunt to come back out now just because I was what?


  I was just going to have to make it through the rest of the game and wait for my ride home. I didn’t come here tonight just for him.

  That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.


  Logans POV

  After a couple hours to think it over, I know that I need to be near her, with her. It’s in me. Its instinct, I can’t do anything about it. I won’t be able to stay away from her. So I’ll just have to keep it a secret from my pack. From my parents.

  I come out onto the field at the game and take a look around. My eyes find her easily. She looks gorgeous stood there and when she notices me she treats me to a smile and a wave. It does wonders for me. I feel like my body is fully charged and ready for anything; but she must be freezing. She has on a tiny little jacket. Does she not know the temperature drops here? I’ll take her my jacket later and a hot drink.

  I play the best I have played in a long while. Maybe I am showing off a little for her and letting some of my wolf side through. At half time I quickly grab my jacket and some cash and go to get some hot chocolate. She has to be really cold by now. When I get there, there’s a huge queue, but I’m not bothered by that, I can get to the front of it with my charm. When I get there though, the woman serving will not shut up talking, in the end I think I come off a little rude but I’m running out of time. I have to get back to the locker room but I still need to go find Alexia. After a minute or two of following my nose, she leaves the most tantalising trail wherever she goes. She’s easy to find. But what I see has my blood boiling in seconds. She won’t need my coat, she’s already got one on. Of course it’s Chris' but then he leans in and kisses her on the cheek. I must have been mistaken. She can’t be my mate. Werewolf mates wouldn’t do that to each other. She wouldn’t have let him do that.
/>   But she’s human. She doesn’t understand what a mate is. She’s not a wolf...

  I ignore my mind. I must be coming down with something. The flu maybe. That must be what it is. That’s why I’m feeling the way I am. It’s nothing to do with Alexia. She turns around when Chris heads back to the locker room, and her eyes meet mine. Her whole face seems to light up when she sees me. Too bad I don’t want to see her right now. Throwing the hot chocolate on the floor I walk away. And then do one of the most stupid things I could do.

  I kiss Tara.


  Alexia’s POV

  I couldn’t really get into the game as much after I saw Logan kiss Tara. I don’t really know why it bothered me that much. I didn’t even know him. I’m not sure if it’s because my view of him was now tainted by Tara, but he didn’t seem to be playing as well as he was before half time. We did win the game though, so I did cheer and clap with everyone at the end, I’ve gotten good at putting on a smile even when I don’t want to. We slowly made our way down to meet the guys by the locker rooms, but before I could even get out of the stands I heard Chris shouting me.


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