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River Falls: The Wolves

Page 13

by Lizzie Wildblood

  I gasp as I look into his eyes. There is no green. They are golden. Bright. Almost glowing like an animals eyes do when a light gets shone on them.

  “Do you understand me Alexia? You are mine. I want to be very clear here.” He smoothes some hair at the top of my head with one of his hands, and he lets his hand trail through the full length of it. He rests his hand on my hip and squeezes his hand a little. I am now the one who feels like I’m under a spell. One cast by him.

  “Just breathe Alexia.” I take a big breath of air and exhale slowly.

  “Yours?” Is all that I can manage to ask. But I am rewarded with a big smile.

  “Yes mine.” He says and wraps his arms around me and I bury my face in his chest again.

  I know later on I am going to wish that I had asked him to explain further what he actually meant. But right now all I can think about is the fact that Logan has just given me the best kiss of my life. I’m pretty sure, that this will be ‘that’ kiss that all others are gauged against. But I know that none will ever beat it.

  A loud phone melody breaks us apart a little, he gets his phone out of his pocket, but he keeps his hand on my waist to stop me going too far.

  “Yeah.....ok......yes......I’m on my way” he looks at me apologetically.

  “I’m really sorry, but something has happened at home and I need to get back to help sort it out. Can I pick you up for school in the morning?” He asks whilst trailing his finger in little circles on my hip.

  “Yeah ok, I’d like that.” I say a little shyly.

  “Ok, well I really need to go” he says as he starts walking toward his truck, but taking my hand so I have to follow him. Just before he gets in he turns back to me and pulls me into him again and gives me a soft, closed mouth kiss on the lips.

  “Promise me something?” He says looking a little worried. I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion, wondering what he wants me to promise.

  “Don’t sit out side tonight, and don’t go looking for any wolves.” What? How does he know that I sit outside?

  “What...” I start to say and again I get interrupted.

  “Just promise me that you will stay inside tonight.” He says again in a serious tone, and I can tell that this is something that is really important to him.

  “Ok yes, I promise I’ll stay inside tonight.” Right now I would most likley agree to anything he asks. He nods his head up and down and stares at me for a while longer. I can tell he’s fighting with himself about leaving. I know he doesn’t have a great relationship with his dad, and I don’t want to be the cause of it getting any worse, so I take two steps back breaking our connection.

  “Go Logan, your family needs your help. Don’t worry, I promise I’ll stay indoors. I keep my promises.” I say with a smile and continue taking small steps backwards so I don’t change my mind and ask him to spend a little more time with me instead.

  He sighs and gets into his truck. He doesn’t drive off straight away though, he pulls upto the porch where I’m stood waiting to wave goodbye to him.

  “Go inside and lock your door, I’ll be back in the morning. Good night Alexia.” Is it even possible that I find him even sexier when he’s acting all protective over me?

  “Good night Logan.” I reply with a small wave of my fingers. I watch him start to drive down the path then turn and go inside. I notice my phone buzzing in my pocket, must be Amber checking to see if I’m ok. I take it out and realise that it must have been going off while I was with Logan and I didn’t notice.

  I also didn’t notice the dark shadow hiding in the tree line. The one thats been there for a while, watching us.

  Watching me.

  Chapter Eleven

  Myths and Legends

  Logans POV

  I can’t believe I’m driving away from her already. What has just happened is a big deal. I don’t think she realises how big of a big deal it actually is. No, I know she doesn’t realise. Because she doesn’t know anything of my world, apart from what she’s seen in films or read in books. She doesn’t know what it means to be mates. To be honest, I’m a werewolf and I didn’t totally get it, until I met her. I’m sure she doesn’t even think any of that stuff is real. It's all just myths and legends. That I’m just a myth.

  Unfortunately for her, Alexia is now a part of it. Well, she could choose to reject me, but I’m not going to let that happen. Not now that I know what having just a little of her is like. My head is constantly clouded by her. My thoughts are always about her. What she’s doing and who’s she with.

  When I’m actually with her, I can’t think straight. Its like there is this thick blanket of fog all around me. It dulls down all my senses. I involuntary tune out everything else apart from what she is saying. I find myself counting her heart beats. I love when it speeds up when she get nervous or excited. I love even more that I am the cause of it.

  Right now though I need to clear my head. A member of my pack is missing. That is probably the only reason why I have just left her at home by herself. Tom had not come back from his patrol run. We were going out to look for him. Tom's a good kid, but thats what he is. A kid. Fifteen. I don’t like the sound of it. Not with that rogue in our area. There's something very wrong. I may not be Alpha yet, I may not even want to be Alpha yet, but second most important thing to me is my pack and its members. The most important thing is what I drove away from about fifteen minutes ago.

  This rogue wolf is making me uneasy. I hate the fact that there is even one in town, but one that we have already tried to catch and he has still eluded us worries me even more. There was another attack last night on a woman. We know it was a rogue, but he’s clever. Which is surprising for a rogue, and that makes me think that it’s connected with the attack on Jason’s pack.

  Who ever it is doing this, is here for a reason, and I don’t think they are going anywhere without trying to get what they want; but he’s covering his smell with something. We keep getting faint traces but nothing at all like we should be able to pick up. It feels like our noses have been more useless than a humans nose today.

  The further away from her I get, the more I realize that my senses were really not what they should have been when I was with her. It makes me slightly nervous that my abilities will be dulled when I’m with her. I don’t like the idea of not having my full strength if something were to happen. I’m hoping everything should go back to normal when I get more used to being around her. But its not like I can just go and ask someone from my pack if this is what usually happens when you meet your mate, not without my dad finding out.

  I pull into our pack grounds and drive straight to the pack house, which is also my house. I park my truck and rush into the house, ready to join the search. I find my mum in the kitchen with a red eyed Tom’s mum, I can tell she has been crying, and she tells me everyone has already gone out looking.

  I head out to the back porch and strip down my clothes, ready to shift. Although being a werewolf is a supernatural thing, unfortunately we can’t magically shift with our clothes on and then shift back with clothes still in tact. It doesn’t work like that. We can shift with clothes on if we needed to in a rush, but the clothes would most likely rip apart and be a hindrance to my wolf form while running to have a half torn shirt attached to me.

  My mind quickly wanders to Alexia, but I have to remind myself that she is safe and secure at home, but Tom’s not and I need to help find him. I crouch down and feel my muscles start to tremble and shake. It doesn’t hurt anymore. When I first started to shift around the age of twelve, the first few times it hurt a little and was uncomfortable, but it was more afterwards when I had shifted back that my body was sore. Now it’s just a natural part of me. I hear the sounds of bones popping and cracking and I can feel my body change into a completely different creature. My face elongates and my nose becomes a snout, fur starts to grow all over my body. Within a matter of seconds a large black wolf that has eyes identical to my own has taken my place. My senses are
back to full speed and everything is so much more crisp and clear.

  One of the great things about being a werewolf and part of a pack is communication. I can link my mind with my fathers and find out where he is exactly and where he needs me to be. No need for cellphones when you’re a wolf.

  “I’m here. Where shall I look that hasn’t already been searched?” I ask my father with our mind link.

  “Just the north border left to look now. Head straight there, you should reach it before us.” I can feel the authority pouring out of him, even with all the distance between us. He is actually the most powerful Alpha I have ever met. I wouldn’t like to see anyone challenge him in a fight. They would lose their lives within minutes.

  “Yes sir” I reply, and start running north. I can run at incredible speeds, all my four paws working in perfect synchronization, as I move silently through the forest. After a while of running a smell assaults my nostrils and I start running faster.

  Blood. Werewolf blood. And lots of it.

  “Is that blood you smell? Have you found him? We are right behind you.” My father enquires. I must have unknowingly projected my thoughts.

  “Not yet, but yes it is. You better get here fast” I’m instantly filled with concern for the boy, and what has become of him, but also filled with so much rage I don’t know how I’m containing it. A loud howl rips from my throat as I continue to run and I hear the rest of my pack behind me echoing the sound.

  Then I see him. Beaten, naked and covered in blood. His blood. He is unconscious, and lying in a fetal position. Being naked means he was in wolf form when he was attacked and he must have shifted back while he was unconscious. I listen carefully for a heart beat and hear a slow quiet thumping.

  “I’ve found him. He’s alive. Just about.” I send a message to my father before shifting back to my human form, so I can check him over better. I crouch down next to him, softly calling out his name. But I don’t get any response. I hear a group from my pack arrive with my father in the lead. Tom’s father is just behind him. He has already shifted back and is coming down to my level to see to his son. Nudity is something we have grown up with. We don’t get embarrassed by it, its just natural to us. The same way being a wolf is natural.

  I can see the anger in his eyes too, as he takes in his son’s body. There are sure to have been broken bones, but with our accelerated healing they would have mended back together by now, but if they aren’t in the correct position they will have to be broken again and reset. He is covered in bite marks and scratches.

  Wounds that have come directly from another wolf, like a bite or scratch, take longer to heal. Which is why Tom has lost so much blood. There is no mistaking he was attacked by another wolf; but again, there’s no smell of one.

  “I’ll find who did this. I will. He won’t get very far.” I promise him. It’s a promise I intend to keep.

  A couple of hours later, we have managed to get Tom back and he is in our medical room. The pack doctor and his parents are with him. And he is conscious now too. My father will let him rest till morning then ask him about what happened, and if he knew who the person was.

  I take a long hot shower, which relaxes my muscles, and I find myself thinking over the past few day’s events. Today’s in particular.

  I have a mate. Well I always knew I had one, but now I’ve actually found her.

  Knowing what this rogue wolf is capable of doing to a werewolf, and seeing it with my own eyes, is worse than reading about those girls who died, most likely at his hands. It makes me even more determined to keep Alexia away from the pack. She cannot find out what I am, not yet, and no one else can find out what she is to me. But the issue is that I’m not going to be able to stay away from her.

  She’s already there, in my head. Taking over all my thoughts and clouding my vision. I can’t wait to see her again in the morning, to smell her, to touch her, to kiss her.

  I didn’t think I would ever be one of those guys who did the whole ‘goodnight text’ thing, but already I’m thinking about what I could write, just so that I can read what she replies to me.

  I settle down in bed and grab my phone, it’s quite late and I don’t want to wake her, but I really would like to have some kind of communication with her. Even if it is just a text. I quickly type out out my message and wait for a reply.

  Logan: hey, you awake still? X


  Alex’s POV

  It's times like these that I wished I kept a diary. Maybe then I would be able to make sense of what has transpired today. Honestly I don’t think I can get my head around it. The more I think about it however; I don’t know whether I should be overjoyed or angry. Or maybe just both.

  My first feelings were positively good, happy ones. He likes me. Logan actually likes me and wants me. And that kiss, well I don’t really have any words for it. It truly was unbelievable, incredible, unlike any thing my body has ever felt before. I can’t explain the fireworks that go off inside me when I am near him. I didn’t want the feeling to ever end.

  Now though, maybe its because I’ve had time to think about it, I’m not sure my feelings are the same. Not about the kiss, I don’t think anything could make me change my mind on how great the kiss was, but more on what he said.

  ‘You are mine Alexia, Chris or anybody else cant have you. You belong to me.’

  He was talking to me as if I were an item. Something that could be possessed by someone. I don’t belong to him or anyone. I’m not a thing; I’m a living, breathing human being. I can’t deny that I do feel some kind of pull toward him that I can’t understand. We certainly have a connection, and I did sort of like it when he called me ‘his’. But to say that Chris or anyone else can’t have me? That’s not what normal people say, is it?

  I’ll have to talk to him about it tomorrow when he picks me up for school. The other thing that keeps on niggling at me, and I’m sure I’m not imagining it, but his eyes turn a different colour. They really were golden tonight. It couldn’t have been a trick of the light, we were outside. The odd things that happen to him or me when I’m around him are stacking up and something inside me tells me there is something that connects it all but I just have no clue as to what it is.

  I decide a hot bath is what I need to clear my head. Usually I would have gone outside and read a book but considering that I promised for whatever reason not to go outside tonight, I can’t really do that. After an hour of soaking in the bath I get out and put on my comfy pajama shorts and tank and head down stairs to make myself a hot drink.

  Just as I’m making my hot chocolate I hear a long and distant howl. There’s something deeply desperate about it. I immediately turn to go towards the back door to look out side. Expecting to see my wolf out there, but then I realize the howl was too far away. I then hear a series of other howls. It appears to be in response to the first howl. I cant help but think something is wrong with my wolf, I know the first howl was quite a distance away but I’m certain it was my wolf.

  My wolf? I guess I’m a little possessive too. Maybe Logan’s rubbing off on me.

  I open up the back door and take a few steps outside. I get a shiver but it has nothing to do with the cold night air, and it’s not a good shiver like I get with Logan. It feels sinister. I get the feeling that someone is watching me. I take a few more steps into the garden to make sure there is no one there.

  Good going Alex... Do what the dumb busty blonde always does in the horror movies.

  I don’t know why I’m still outside. But it’s that instinct that when someone tells you not to look at something you just can’t stop yourself from looking. I can’t help myself; I have to know if someone is there, all the while praying that someone isn’t.

  I hear a rustle in the bushes to my right and I turn to look that way. I can see something there but I’m not sure what it is. And I’m not sure I want to know what it is anymore either. I start taking small steps backwards to the porch and its quite clear now what I’
m seeing.

  A huge wolf.

  But unlike when I’m with my wolf, I feel very afraid and not at all safe. I keep walking backwards not wanting to turn my back to it. Nothing about its stance tells me it’s a trustworthy creature.

  It’s a large grey wolf and it’s walking very slowly to me. I can hear a low grumbling sound, it’s not really a growl, but it doesn’t sound very friendly either. I carry on taking small steps back and after what feels like an eternity I finally get to my door, step inside and lock it behind me. I stand watching the wolf through the glass on the door. It’s still approaching me and I double check that the door is locked; even though I’m fairly sure a wolf can’t unlock doors. Once I’m certain it’s locked I let out a long sigh of relief, but I don’t take my eyes from the animal outside.

  It’s stopped at the foot of my porch steps and is just stood there. Its eyes are glued to me, and it makes me feel like a creepy guy is watching me and I suddenly wish I had on more clothing than my short pajammers and vest. It tilts his head in the air and pokes his nose into the blackness that’s out there. I assume it’s smelling something, I’ve watched a few nature programs and that seems like what it’s doing. I’m hoping that once it has smelt what it wants to it will turn and leave, however I don’t get my wish.


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