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River Falls: The Wolves

Page 26

by Lizzie Wildblood

  Its quite surprising how quickly jealousy can creep up on you. Only one thing can take my mind off Logan kissing another girl now.

  “Do you have any ice-cream?”

  “I could have some ice cream too if there’s enough” Just the sound of his voice soothes the unwelcome feelings of jealously inside of me. I turn to face him and he is stood in the doorway with a light smile on his handsome face. His hair falling just over his face and I have to make a fist with my hands to stop my self from getting up and running my fingers through it. His mum places a tub of double chocolate ice cream on the counter with two spoons, and kisses me softly on the cheek.

  “Just give it some time, I promise it will be worth it” She whispers quietly to me. She places another kiss on her son’s cheek and leaves the room. I’m left wondering how long he was standing there listening. The tell tale tingling sensation that usually gave me notice he was near; seems to be on constant mode at the moment.

  “I’m sorry Alexia, I know that seems to be all I ever say to you, but I over reacted and I’m sorry. I realise it may not look like I am, but I really am trying here. To be honest I’ve never done this before and I don’t want to screw it up. Well no more than I already have. Mind if I sit and share?” I push out the stool next to me with my foot, slide a spoon over to him and open the chocolaty goodness. I don’t say anything, but right now I don’t feel the need to, and honestly I just need to sort my head out I have so much going on up there.

  When the tubs half empty I put my spoon down and just look at him, thinking random things to my self.

  I think he is trying...

  Why does he have to be so hot...

  I love ice cream...

  “Why do you like Ice cream so much?” I must look confused at his odd question, so he carries on talking.

  “Ice cream, that’s what you were going to buy when you crashed you car right?” he has a cocky smirk on his beautiful face that should annoy me but for some reason it doesn’t.

  “How do you know that’s what I was getting?” I ask him, grateful to be talking about normal stuff, rather than werewolf stuff.

  “You told me.” I did? When?

  “Oh you were pretty out of it at the time. I don’t even think you were conscious.” There he goes with that smirk again.

  “If I wasn’t conscious then how could I have told you? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head when you found me?” I pick up my spoon and take another spoonful.

  “I’m sure.” He puts his spoon down and takes mine from my hand so he can hold both of mine instead. He just sits, keeping his eyes fastened on me. I can feel myself blushing under his intense gaze and look down.

  “Alexia...” His voice is so relaxing. I don’t think I’m ever going to get bored of his voice.


  “Alexia look at me...”

  I lift my gaze to him again. I don’t think I’m ever going to get bored looking at him either. He smiles at me and pulls me a little closer.

  “No more secrets Alexia.” I pull back a tiny bit, slightly confused. I’m petty sure I just heard him taking to me but his lips didn’t move. I focus my attention on his lips. I’m really not going to get bored looking at those. I take a deep breath, Concentrate Alex ... did they move?

  “They didn’t move, and p.s, I wont get bored with your lips either.”

  I pull my hands back and stand quickly from the stool almost knocking it over but Logan catches it easily and places his other hand on my elbow to steady me.

  “You’re talking to me.” I question him, so much for normal conversation.

  “Yes I am.” I hear his voice as clear as anything, but his mouth never moved once. Not even a millimetre.

  “How?” How is that even possible, and did he read my mind?

  “Well...” He doesn’t get chance to say anything else as I start rambling.

  "Stop doing that! Talk normally, like normal people do. Did you read my mind? Can you read my mind? Oh my God, you can read my mind” This is so embarrassing...

  "Alexia stop, its not embarrassing at all...” he says its not embarrassing but he sure is laughing about it now.

  “Well of course its not embarrassing for you. And I said stop doing it. People are going to think I’m crazy, talking to myself.” He just laughs even more.

  “So tell me more of what you wont get bored of with me?” He leans back against the counter top with that smirk yet again, and now I actually am finding it annoying. I wish I had something to throw at him. I think I actually am going insane though now. I turn away from him and hide my face in my hands. I’ve never been so embarrassed. How long has he been able to read my mind? Oh God... stop thinking Alexia!!

  I notice he has stopped laughing and a heat appears behind me as arms snake gently around my waist.

  “I can't read your mind, just sort of hear the thoughts that you are projecting really strong. But we can talk to each other. Like this. In our heads. That’s another reason why I know you are my mate. I wouldn’t be able to do this with someone who isn’t either in my pack or isn’t my mate. And you’re not a wolf, so you’re not a pack member, which only leaves one other option.” A little bit of relief comes to me. At least he hasn’t read every thought. So I only have to be fifty per cent embarrassed now.

  I think back to when he transformed in his room, I heard him speaking to me, but I thought I had imagined it.

  “Yes I spoke to you when I was a wolf. It's how we communicate with each other. You know you’ve spoken to me before right? In our heads I mean?” he leans his head on top of mine, while his arms tighten slightly around me. I try to think of a time when I would have done it. I’m pretty sure I haven’t spoken to him like that; I mean that’s something a girl would remember right?

  “When? I don’t think I would even know how to start to do it.” I try to turn around in his arms and take a step back, I can’t think straight while having that much body contact with him. He lets me go and steps back himself so he’s leaning back on the counter again.

  “It's how I knew you were in trouble. I heard you calling for me. Which to be honest is pretty amazing, we shouldn’t actually be able to hear each others thoughts yet, but as I’m finding out, things with you don’t always go according to the rules.”

  “I called for you?” I question, thinking back over the crash, everything happened so quickly, I don’t remember much of it. Not true, there’s one part I remember lots of. I drop my head quickly to try and hide the blush in my cheeks. Logan acts as if he hasn’t noticed and carries on our conversation, but I’m sure he knows the exact thought I just had.

  “Yeah, you called my name, and then we followed your scent to find you, when we did, oh god Alexia, I didn’t know what to do. I think I almost killed Dom; he was only trying to help. But I was going crazy; I didn’t want anyone touching you. And then when we got here I was talking to you while you were still unconscious and you told me why you were out driving.” He walks over to me and just stands in front of me.

  “I told you why... while I was unconscious?” I deliberately try to think of anything other than why I was out there. Anything other than kissing Chris and that text. Logan gives me a quizzical look dropping his head to the side.

  “Yeah you said... Ice cream. That’s why you were out right? You would tell me if there was anything else. You can trust me. You do trust me... don’t you?” worry and doubt fill his eyes and I immediately close the small gap between us wanting to take away his worry.

  “Yes I trust you Logan, I do. It's just ...” Do I tell him about the strange messages and notes? I don’t want to risk him getting angry again, or mention the whole Chris and me kissing incident.

  “Just what? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.” I cup the side of his face with my hand, trying to help soothe his worry.

  “It's nothing, just me worrying over nothing. Just Tara messing around I’m sure, she sent Amber a weird text. I’ll deal with it.” I don’t quite think he’s bu
ying it but he lets it go.

  “How about we just go watch a film, stop all this talking and just relax. Doc said you needed rest, not information overload. I’ll bring the rest of the ice-cream?” he smiles cheekily at me.

  “Ok deal” I say with a smile of my own. I turn to head out the kitchen and back upstairs to his room but he takes hold of my arm and gently pulls me back to him.

  “There’s just one thing I need to clear up before we do. I wont be able to relax otherwise and I don’t want to get into a fight about it, so please if you don’t understand my reasoning please don’t get upset and we can just talk about it.

  “Okay, what is it.” I ask, turning my body back to face him fully.

  “Please promise me, don’t let O'Connor or anyone else do this... I won't be able to control myself if they do.” He places his hands on both side of my face and the intensity of his look leaves me breathless.

  “Do what exactly...” I barely manage to whisper out.


  Chapter Twenty-Two


  He places his lips on mine, kissing me. It’s not tender and gentle, its full of passion and desire and it energizes me into responding with the same amount of passion. I feel my feet leave the floor and his arms drop lower to my waist to lift and hold me flush against him. We finally pull away from each other when we need air.

  “Promise me?” he asks again, my bruised lips feel too numb to form words so I have to settle for nodding my head in agreement. I’m rewarded with a breath-taking smile and a flash of something golden in his eyes. I’m assuming his wolf side was happy with my answer.

  His wolf side... That sounds so weird. So much has happened in the past few hours I’m not even fully sure I’ve taken it all in. Maybe that’s why I seem to be dealing with everything so efficiently. I have so many questions.

  “You really should go and put some clothes on” He says while lowering me to the ground.

  “Otherwise I’m going to want you half naked all the time. Actually that’s not a bad idea, forget the clothes.” His eyes leisurely slide down my body and linger on my bare legs and back up to meet my eyes with a sly smile on his face and another glow in his eyes.

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll just go dressed like this to school on Monday. I mean I don’t mind others seeing me like this, it’s just like a mini dress right?” I ask casually, swinging my hips left and right as if I were checking out my outfit in a mirror.

  His sly smile is replaced by a low growl, and he pulls me back to him and looks around searching for anyone that could see me right now. A giggle leaves my lips, and I slide my arms around him, giving him comfort. It seems that I’m starting to understand him a little more now his mum explained things a little better. Could be fun.

  “Logan, I’m kidding. Quiet down. But could I go home and get some clothes please? I really would like to get dressed.” I actually could stay here for a while longer but I also want to feel a little more in control of things, and clothes would certainly help with that.

  “Yes, on one condition, I’m coming with you. You’re not leaving my side for at least a year.” He says with determination. I don’t manage to hold back my laugh.


  “Kidding... Just a week. And no, I’m not kidding.” He takes my hand and leads me back to his room to gather my few belongings that are there and a jacket that he insists on me wearing. With it on however it looks like I’m just wearing the jacket and nothing else.

  On the ride back to my house he fills me in a little more on the pack, and explains the different ranks within it. I’m surprised to find out how many there are in the pack and how many packs there are in the world. I’m amazed by how they all manage to live a normal life in society, and not get found out. He tells me how it’s against pack law for a werewolf to show themselves to a human. Unless it’s in an unavoidable position like ours where his mate is human.

  My mind instantly shifts to the other wolf that has appeared in my yard and I immediately think about something else while also trying to not send any thoughts his way. I really need to learn how to do that. He gives me a puzzled look but doesn’t push it.

  Pulling up my drive he notices something before me and stiffens.

  “You have a guest... Again” He says through clenched teeth. I notice his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel, and place my hand on his arm to calm him. It seems to work and he turns to face me.

  “I have to speak with him. I need to explain. Its not fair on him.” All the time I’m speaking Logan is just gently shaking his head.

  “No.” Is all he says and turns away from me to look out the window at the car parked there.

  “Logan, you may be my mate, but if I understand right that doesn’t make you my commander. I can do what I like, and I am going to speak with him. Just speak. Nothing is going to happen.” I put my hand on his cheek and turn his face to mine.

  “You don’t have to worry Logan. He wont hurt me, so I’m not in any danger, and I promised, remember?” I lean my head closer to his and place a small kiss on lips. His hands move faster than I thought would be possible and pull me back to him when I move away to kiss me again.

  “Ok, I’m coming too.” He says while taking my hand in his.

  “Logan be reasonable.” I answer back and pull my hand away.

  “This is me being reasonable. I’ll wait in another room, while you talk to him. If he so much as touches you, I break his hand.” A small laugh leave my mouth at his words.

  “That is you being reasonable?”

  “Yes, I would really like to break his neck for already kissing you. This is me being... controlled. Lets go, the sooner you start talking the sooner he leaves.” He Turns off the engine and takes off his seat belt, this is not going to end well. I can feel it.

  “Logan. Please just wait in the car. He’s going to be upset and I don’t want to hurt him anymore than I think I already have. He doesn’t deserve that.” I can see that he is thinking through all the possible scenarios of what could happen.

  “No, I’m sorry, I wont take any more risks with you. I don’t trust him.”

  “Do you trust me Logan?” I take his hand again and bring his attention back to me.

  “Yes I trust you Alexia, but I” I smile and quickly interrupt him.

  “Okay then great, stay in the car, I’ll go talk to him, grab some clothes and then we can go back to yours and watch that movie.” Without giving him time to answer I exit the truck and start walking over to Chris’ car. I expect him to get out to meet me but he doesn’t, so I walk round to his side and tap on the window. He gets out not even looking at me and guilt sweeps through me.

  “Can we talk inside?” I quietly ask and he moves from his position leaning on his car and makes his way towards my house, he gets there before me and I have to move around him to unlock the door. He hasn’t looked up at me once yet or said a single word.

  “Take a seat if you want, I’m just going to go get changed. I guess I’ll be right back.” I make my way upstairs and get changed into leggings and a sweater dress and run a brush through my hair. In all honesty I think I’m just stalling. Trying to figure out what to say. I don’t want to hurt him, but from the way he is acting I’m sure it’s already to late for that.

  Plucking up some courage I go back down to find him waiting patiently for me. He starts to talk before I even reach the bottom step.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for two days. Amber too. We didn’t know what had happened to you ” He sounds worried but I’ve gotten to know him quite well over the past weeks and I know there’s some anger in his words too. Also by the way that he wont look at me.

  “I got into an accident, I’m sorry I didn’t meant to worry you” I slowly keep making small steps until I’m stood almost directly in from of him.

  “What, you fell and landed right into Logan’s arms and clothes?” He says keeping his head down, looking at my feet.
/>   “Well sort of yeah” he finally looks up at me and gasps at my face, he scrunches his hands into fists and gets up. He inspects my face, turning it left and right.

  “I’m going to kill him. What the hell are you still doing with him? I told you he was crazy, I knew this would happen, well lets see how he likes facing someone my size instead.” He starts to gently move me out of his way and it takes me a few seconds to catch onto what he is implying. I reach out to him and stop him pulling him back to me and thankfully he lets me.


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