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Ray of Light

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  He sipped his beer with a look of approval in his eyes. “That’s really cool.”

  Zeke nudged me gently in the side. “Beauty and brains. You don’t see that very often.”

  I smiled at him with gratitude. “Thank you.”

  “Beauty?” Rex asked. “Anytime I look at Rae, I think of wombat trying to take a shit.”

  Tobias was about to drink his beer when he stopped and almost knocked the glass over. “Who the hell says stuff like that?”

  “It’s true,” Rex said. “It’s the way she does her hair.”

  “Straight…?” I hardly touched my hair because I was so lazy. When I went out with Jessie and Kayden, I really put time into my appearance, but other than that, it was the path of least resistance. “And remember, I just offered to help you.”

  “Damn.” Rex sighed like he just realized his mistake. “I mean, you’re okay.”

  That was the most I would ever get out of him. “I’ll take it.”

  “This is going to cost a lot of money,” Zeke said. “I’ll chip in.”

  “No.” Rex eyed his best friend almost venomously. “Forget it.”

  “What?” Zeke asked. “I don’t mind. And Rae shouldn’t have to pay for everything.”

  “The answer is still no,” Rex pressed.

  “Why?” Zeke asked. “You’ll take her money but not mine?”

  “She’s family,” Rex argued. “It’s different.”

  Zeke didn’t react overtly, but I could tell something inside him broke a little. “I always thought we were family.”

  “We are,” Rex said. “I didn’t mean it like that…”

  “Then let me help you,” Zeke said. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to.”

  Zeke was always a good friend to Rex, and I appreciated that even if I never showed it. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if Jessie and Kayden weren’t by my side every day. “I think it’s a good idea,” I said. “That way neither one of us takes a huge hit.”

  “I don’t know…” Rex sighed anxiously. “I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to pay you back.”

  “You will.” The bowling alley was a dump. It was old, and the walls were gray. If we spiced it up, it would attract families as well as the younger crowd. There were tons of bars and shops around it, and it was the only bowling alley within twenty miles. It had all the potential.

  “And even if I can, it’ll take me a while,” Rex said. “I won’t be able to reimburse you overnight.”

  Zeke gave him an irritated look. “We both went to graduate school. How stupid do you think we are?”

  “Well, I think Rae is one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. You, on the other hand, are pretty damn gifted.” Rex downed the rest of his beer then returned the empty glass to the coaster.

  Ryker eyed us back and forth until he spoke. “Is this how all your conversations go?”

  “What do you mean?” Rex asked.

  “You’re vicious to each other but have each other’s backs at the same time?” Ryker moved his eyes to mine, and there was a hidden depth there I couldn’t see.

  Rex shrugged. “She’s my sister and I hate her and everything, but…I kind of like her…sometimes.”

  He put out some good vibes so I reciprocated. “I kind of like him too…once in a blue moon.”


  “Nothing hits the spot quite like wings and beer.” Ryker patted his flat stomach.

  “Amen to that.”

  He put his hands in his pockets as he walked beside me, with Rex, Zeke, and Tobias up ahead. “I don’t remember you from when I was in high school. It’s strange because Rex and I used to hang out all the time.”

  “Well, he’s five years older than me, so we weren’t in high school at the same time. That’s probably why.”

  He nodded in agreement. “It’s funny that we’ve crossed paths again…”

  “Yeah. And my dog didn’t need to hunt you down for it to happen.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe you’re the one who can sense where I am, not Safari.”

  “That’s creepy…”

  “A bit stalker-ish, huh?” he said with a laugh.

  “Yeah. I like hot guys as much as the next woman, but not enough to creep around.”

  “Hot guy?” He looked at me with a smile on his face and a smolder in his eyes.

  “Duh. Like you’ve never looked in a mirror.”

  He faced forward again, that smile still there. There was a slight tint to his cheeks, or perhaps I was just imagining that. “Want to come over?”

  Last time he asked me out, he said the same thing. There was no invitation to dinner or the movies. “Straight for the kill, huh?”

  He didn’t seem apologetic about it. “We can do the whole date thing, but the only thing we’re going to be thinking about over dinner is hitting the sheets. We’re attracted to each other, so why don’t we just skip ahead? Get to the good stuff?”

  “Isn’t the good stuff even better when there’s a buildup? When you get to know each other?”

  “Or we can get to know each other in an intimate way…” He said exactly what he wanted without any shame. No other guy could pull that off without looking like an asshole. Ryker was deadly handsome and carried himself with a lethal dose of confidence. He got what he wanted with little effort, and he probably had to do far less most of the time.

  He came closer to me, his arm brushing past my shoulder. “What do you say, sweetheart?”

  Even his voice aroused me. He could say anything and get my blood pumping. The immediate attraction held the kind of heat that could start a wildfire in the middle of a field. I turned down his offer once and went on a date that still left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn’t want to do that again.

  I wasn’t ignorant. Ryker threw signals all over the place that told me he was a bit of a player. He made panties melt with just a smile, and he had a sign across his chest that said heartbreaker.

  But I wanted something good after the dry spell I’d been through. I wanted heat and passion without the complications. While I wanted to find Mr. Right and my happily ever after, I wanted to be satisfied as I waited for him to come into my life. “Okay.”

  Now he grinned from ear-to-ear. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  “But I have to go home first. Then I’ll meet you there.”

  “Why don’t we just go now?”

  “Because my brother will be a little bitch about it if he knows.”

  Ryker eyed Rex up ahead then turned back to me. “Why would he care?”

  I rolled my eyes. “He’s weird when it comes to boys. When he didn’t live with me, it was much easier for me to date. But if I bring a guy back to my apartment or don’t come home until the following morning, he flips out.”

  “Does he bring women back to the apartment?”

  “All. The. Time.” I couldn’t count the number of times a girl in just a thong appeared in the kitchen when I was making breakfast before work. “It’s a double standard thing. He’s just protective of me, not that I need it.”

  “You don’t strike me as the kind of woman to put up with it.”

  “I’m not,” I said firmly. “I’ve told him off before, but it hasn’t changed anything. Since the arrangement is temporary, it’s just easier to tiptoe around him. And since you’re his friend, it would be a million, zillion times worse. I would never hear the end of it.”

  “I can understand that last part.”

  “So, how about I meet you in an hour?”

  “I guess I can wait for a little while.” He gave me a smolder as he brushed up against me.

  “You won’t get started without me, will you?”

  “I might…but I’ll be thinking about you.”


  Rex and Zeke were in the living room when I grabbed my purse and prepared to leave. I shaved every inch of my body except my arms, eyebrows, and head, and I changed into a sexy pair of black panties. “I’m going out with Jessie. See you late

  Rex didn’t turn around, but he raised his hand in goodbye. “See ya. Wouldn’t wanna be ya.”

  I couldn’t keep the sarcasm back. “Good one…”

  Zeke turned around and actually gave me his attention. “What are you guys up to?”

  “Not sure yet,” I said. “But it probably has something to do with alcohol.”

  “You want more after today?” Zeke asked in surprise.

  “You know me,” I said. “I’m like a well.”

  “Well, have fun. Call me if you need a ride.”

  “If I’m calling anyone, it’s Rex. That asshole owes me big-time.”

  Rex still didn’t turn around. “I thought you were leaving.”

  “Go to hell.”

  Rex gave me the bird while his eyes were still glued to the screen.


  Ryker had a nice apartment close to the water. It was on the top floor of the building, and the elevator took me right to it.

  Was he loaded?

  When the elevator reached his floor, the intercom started to ring like a phone. Ryker picked up after a few rings. “Ryker.”

  I stood there awkwardly, unsure what device to speak into. “It’s Rae…”

  “I was wondering when you would get here.” The door opened and revealed his living room. The windows reached from the floor to the ceiling, and dark mahogany wood made up his floorboards. The walls were gray with white trimming, and his furniture was the color of cream.

  I walked into the apartment and heard the doors close behind me. I took a look around and tried not to gawk at all the expensive things he owned. Working as a researcher for COLLECT gave me a great salary, but it was nothing compared to this. In just his living room alone, everything was more expensive than everything I owned put together.

  Ryker emerged from the left, wearing sweatpants that fit low on his hips. Even when he was dressed casually, he looked sexy. His hair was a little messy like he didn’t comb it after he got out of the shower. But he probably knew I was going to run my fingers through it and mess it up anyway. “I’m glad you’re here.” He walked right up to me and slid my purse down my shoulder. Then he set it on the table beside us in a fluid motion.

  Now that we were alone together, the heat started to kick in. My body warmed up like a motor that hadn’t run in a long time. It took me a while to reach full capacity, but when I was there, I was ready.

  Ryker stared into my eyes with all the confidence in the world. Now that there were no witnesses, he stared at me like prey. His eyes moved across my body, like he was picturing exactly what he would do when he reached each spot.

  His fingers moved under my chin, and he had a slight hold on my face. I didn’t usually like being held like that, in a possessive way, but I liked it when he did it. He gently maneuvered my face, forcing my lips upward toward his. He leaned closer to me, about to lean in for the kiss.

  When his lips were just inches from mine, I closed my eyes. I was prepared to feel that all-consuming touch, that fire that burned me from head to toe. My body ached for his in a carnal way. Like an animal, I wanted to go at it with everything I had.

  “I promise this kiss will be much better than the last one you had.”

  My lips lifted involuntarily, and I opened my eyes to stare into his.

  His eyes remained serious, his attention focused purely on my mouth. He moved his fingers from my jaw to my neck. They wrapped around the area, getting a good hold on me. Then he gripped a fistful of hair, using it as an anchor to keep my lips pointed to his.

  Then he slowly moved in and pressed his lips against mine. When they brushed against my mouth, they were soft. The touch wasn’t aggressive the way his hand indicated. The kiss was slow, practically immobile. He just rested his mouth there, savoring the gentleness of the touch. Then he moved his lips with mine, kissing me purposefully. Breaths entered my mouth and my lungs. The heat from his fingers burned my skin, constantly reminding me I was his for the evening.

  His free hand wrapped around my waist and hooked on to the opposite hip. He pulled me against his chest, the curve of my breasts pressing right against him. I’d been a tomboy my whole life, but Ryker definitely made me feel like a woman.

  He deepened the kiss but didn’t increase the pace. The kissing was just as slow as it was in the beginning, but I loved it that way. There was no rush to reach the finish line. The journey itself was just as fulfilling.

  Ryker pulled away slightly and looked down at my face. My lips were lonely the second his were gone. My heart kicked into overdrive at the slight halt. Ryker brushed his lips past mine in a teasing way before he kissed the corner of my mouth. Then he started to kiss me again.

  My arms circled his neck, and with a mind of their own, my fingers snaked into his hair. It was soft like I suspected it to be, and the curls at the ends were slightly coarse.

  I loved feeling the details of his features under my fingertips. His smell flooded my senses, and the scent was forever ingrained in my mind.

  Effortlessly, Ryker scooped me up by my ass then lifted me into him. My legs automatically hooked around his waist like my body anticipated the movement. His lips moved to my neck, and he kissed the hollow of my throat in a seductive way.

  He carried me past the window and into the hallway. All the doors were closed so I didn’t know where they led, but his lips were distracting me too much to truly care.

  We entered his bedroom and he gently laid me on the bed, rolling with me on top of the comforter. His thighs were between mine, and his hand returned to my hair as he kissed me on the mouth.

  I ran my hands down his chest and felt the definition of his physique through his t-shirt. When I reached his waist, I moved my hands underneath the fabric and felt the bare skin. His stomach was all grooves and abs, and his chest was rock-hard. An indecipherable moan escaped my lips as my body entered a new realm of arousal. I was ready for him the second I walked into his apartment. I couldn’t remember the last time I had sex, and I was excited that this would have a happy ending. Ryker didn’t strike me as the kind of guy to leave a girl hanging.

  One hand moved to my jeans, and he unbuttoned the top with ease. He kissed me at the same time, not breaking his concentration while he did two things at once. Once the zipper was done, he leaned back on the balls of his feet and pulled the pants down my legs. When I was just in my underwear, he looked at the black panties I wore. His eyes honed in on the area like it was a target. Then he widened my legs with his hands and pressed a kiss in the center of the fabric.

  My hands immediately curled over his, and I moaned at the touch. The heat of his mouth felt so good against the sensitive area. I wanted him to keep going but would never be so desperate to ask for it.

  He moved up my body again then pulled my top off. Just like with the jeans, he unbuttoned the clasp with a single hand. Once it fell loose, he kissed the valley between my breasts then sucked each of my nipples. He gripped one tit and squeezed it aggressively.

  All this foreplay was making me writhe. I was already soaked and ready to go, but that didn’t mean I wanted it to end. Listening to the sound our mouths made when we kissed, and noting the sound of our heavy breathing was a turn-on in itself.

  I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and quickly yanked it over his head. The slab of concrete that made up his chest and torso was exactly what I hoped it would be. His skin was tan like he jogged shirtless, and the muscles of his arms and shoulders were even better.

  I pulled his sweatpants down and took the boxers with them, wanting to get him naked as quickly as possible. When his cock popped out, I released a moan of joy.

  Ryker gave me a heated look then moved two fingers to my entrance. He gently massaged the area before he slipped two fingers inside. My hands went to his biceps, and I looked at the desire written all over his face. He pulsed inside me before he slowly removed his fingers. “Big dick. Tiny pussy. Good sex.” He kissed my stomach before he opened his nightstand and grabbed a foil

  I took it from his hands and did the honors. My fingers rolled the latex onto his length all the way to the base. Feeling his dick in my hands was hot as hell. I measured it with my fingers and realized it was nine inches. The fact that it was thick made it seem even bigger.

  He positioned himself over me then kissed me slowly. The embrace was slower than it had been minutes ago. Now he seemed to be stalling, building up the moment when our bodies would combine.

  I was anxious and needy. All his touches turned me on beyond capacity. Now I just wanted him deep inside me. I grabbed his hips and gave him a gentle pull.

  He ended the kiss and pressed his forehead to mine. Then he did as I silently asked and pressed the tip of his head inside me. The thickness stretched me right from the beginning, making me feel full.

  Ryker released a quiet moan as he slowly inserted his shaft inside me. My body needed a moment to acclimate to his large size. With every stretch of my body, there was slight pain. But there was so much more pleasure than anything else.

  He slowly made the descent, entering one inch at a time. Once he was completely sheathed, he remained still and tensed above me, savoring every second.

  I gripped his shoulders and dug my nails into his skin. I did it harder than I meant to and may have drawn blood, but the hormones inside me were responsible for it. My head rolled back automatically, and I arched my back. Nothing could describe how good the sex was.

  And we’d barely started.

  He slowly rocked into me, his length sliding past all the fluid my body produced for him. Sometimes he stared at my tits, and other times, he looked at my face. The look in his eyes told me he was enjoying it as much as I was.

  My fingers moved into his hair and felt the strands. I twisted them, feeling the sweat that started to accumulate on the back of his neck. He thrust into me harder with every minute, making the headboard tap against the wall.

  The night had only just begun, yet I felt that distant sensation form deep in my gut. It was a hot, fiery star that fell from the heavens and burned as it traveled across the sky. Every fiber of my being had come alive from the long sleep I had. It was the strongest climax I’d ever had, and I knew that before it even hit.


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