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Mail Order Bride: Ultimate Mail Order Bride Collection: 6-Book Bundle ~ Clean Historical Romance (Shades of Romance Series)

Page 16

by Jill Maguire

  “Speaking of dinner, Hayden, how are you men folk managing with that?”

  Hayden’s face turned red. “I have to admit, we are eating a lot of biscuits and beans.”

  Sara laughed. “Well, if you send some flour with Caleb I’ll bake you boys some bread. And if you can send a chicken and vegetables once in a while I’ll cook you up a stew and send it home as well.”

  “You are a good friend Sara James. I hope Will appreciates what a treasure he has in you.” Sara blushed and laughed again.

  “And speaking of such matters isn’t it time you started thinking about a wife and family of your own?”

  Hayden looked surprised, as though the idea was completely new to him. “I guess it is, but I can honestly say I don’t know of a single woman who has ever interested me in the slightest, present company excluded, of course. In fact, I don’t believe there are any unspoken for females in these parts.”

  “That is quite true, I’m afraid. But there is another way to find a bride, you know. Have you heard about Millie Goddard’s Mail Order Bride Service?”

  Hayden stared blankly at her. “Uh…no” he stammered. “What is that?”

  “When she was in the east visiting her aunt, she learned that many of the women there were answering ads from men here in the west that were looking for brides. The couples would correspond for a while, and then arrange to meet and get married. You should go talk to her.”

  Hayden was still staring at her as though she had taken leave of her senses. “You mean I post an ad stating that I am looking for a bride and some woman answers my letter and agrees to travel all the way out here to marry me?”

  “In a nutshell, yes. You would discover after a few letters that you either liked each other or you didn’t, and if you did, then she would make the journey, and you would have a wife.”

  “And Millie Goddard is the one organizing this?”

  Sara nodded. “As I understand it, all you have to do is write the advertisement, stating what you’re looking for. She takes care of posting it in several big newspapers and when ladies respond, she gives you the letters. Then you take it from there.”

  At that moment Will James charged into the kitchen shouting a warm greeting to his good friend and all conversations about romance and marriage came to a halt. Sara excused herself to tend to dinner preparations as the two men chatted over another cup of coffee. Eventually the aroma of simmering stew reminded Hayden that he best be getting back to the ranch. He thanked Sara for her help and said he would speak to Miss Murdoch about dropping Caleb by.

  It wasn’t until he lay quietly in bed later that Hayden’s mind drifted back to his conversation with Sara about Miss Goddard’s mail order bride service. First thing tomorrow he would begin composing his advertisement.

  Chapter Seven

  Felicity dressed carefully for the day choosing her best dress and fixing a long burgundy ribbon in her hair. In her latest letter to Hayden, she had described the way she would be dressed to help him identify her at the train station. It probably hadn’t been necessary as she doubted very much that more than one young woman travelling with a younger brother would be getting off that particular train.

  She was as nervous as any new bride would be but for very different reasons. Here she was, heading off to parts unknown to marry a man whom she had only met through correspondence. The fact that they had been communicating for several months now did little to calm her nerves as she prepared for the journey that would suddenly make it all very real. The knot that she felt in her stomach was a combination of fear and anticipation and it fluttered back and forth between the two every few minutes.

  Felicity was acutely aware of Royal’s fear as well. For him, the whole notion of moving again and leaving his father behind this time was terrifying. Fortunately, the bond he had with Felicity was the strongest one of his life and he trusted her completely. Felicity knew this decision of hers would initiate a temporary setback for Royal, but she believed in her heart that the ultimate outcome would be worth it. Hayden truly believed, and had convinced her that the two boys would grow to be like brothers. Felicity couldn’t think of a more wonderful thing to have happen for him.

  Thinking of Royal, she decided she better check on him. She had laid out his best clothes and he was usually pretty good at getting himself ready, but knowing how nervous he was, she knew he might need some encouragement today. Then it would be time to say goodbye to Father and Aunt Caroline. And that wasn’t going to be easy.

  Aunt Caroline was sewing the finishing touches on a dress for the bank manager’s wife when Felicity entered the room. Her eyesight wasn’t very good anymore but she struggled with her seamstress work in spite of her health. It was the only income she had.

  “Good morning, Aunt Caroline,” Felicity said, trying to sound normally cheerful. “I have a few minutes, would you like me to finish that seam for you?”

  The older woman raised tired, weary eyes to her niece and smiled. “Thank you, dear, but I’ll manage. I wouldn’t want to put you to work on your very last day here. Are you and Royal all ready to go?”

  Felicity nodded. “Royal is just outside letting the fireflies he caught last evening out of the jar. I was trying to find father, but he seems to be hiding.”

  Caroline nodded. “He is reluctant to let you go, but he knows it’s for the best. I promise you Felicity, I will work at getting him back on his feet so he can join you in the west. I know he will want to be near you and Royal once he’s himself again.”

  Felicity leaned down to hug her aunt. “Thank you so much Aunt Caroline. I know this will be hard for you and I want you to know how much I appreciate your help.”

  At that moment Royal and her father walked into the room. “We’d best get moving. There’s a dark look to those clouds that I don’t like. I want to get you settled on the train so that I know you’re safe.”

  Felicity took Royal’s hand and picked up her satchel. Everything that she was taking with her was in one bag and Royal’s in another. With one last goodbye to Caroline they were out the door and on their way. The storm held off for the trip and in only a few minutes they were ready to board the train. Felicity was the first to speak. “Good bye Father. We’ll miss you. Please take care of yourself.”

  Frederick held Felicity’s gaze for a long moment and then stepped forward to envelope her in a hug, the first time he had done so since they left Burgundy Hill. “Travel safe, my dear. And take good care of the both of you. Having you leave like this had brought me to my senses. I want you to know I am going to pull myself together, find a job and when I have saved some cash, I will come seek you out. You must stay in touch so I’ll know where to find you.”

  At his heartfelt words, Felicity felt the tears start to come, and for a brief moment she questioned her decision to leave. But deep in her soul she knew it was the right thing to do. She returned her father’s embrace and promised to write as soon as she arrived in Red Water Creek. Frederick turned then to Royal and hugged the boy. It was an awkward embrace for both of them.

  “Mind your sister, boy,” he said in a gruff tone full of emotion, and then turning again to Felicity he added, “Be happy.” Then with those final words, he turned and hoisted himself back into the wagon, urging the team forward. Felicity prodded Royal forward and they boarded the train, finding an empty seat near the back of the car.

  As she looked around at the other passengers, most of them families, Felicity suddenly felt very alone. Although she had always been in charge of things, she had also always had her father to turn to in times of need. Now she was in charge all by herself.

  To distract herself, she pulled Hayden’s last letter from her bag. She asked Royal if he would like her to read it to him, expecting the blank stare that was Royal’s usual response to conversation. Royal spent most of his days locked inside his own head while the rest of the world carried on around him. Much to Felicity’s surprise, and delight, however, this time he nodded. She hurried to start

  “My dear Felicity,

  I can’t tell you how excited I am that our day of meeting is finally so close. I have enclosed the train tickets for you and Royal, as well as some cash to cover expenses you might incur on the way. These are just the first of many ways that I will show you how much you are cared for and appreciated.

  The train will take you as far as Claremont, where you will have to spend a night at the hotel. I have made contact with the proprietor there, and he will be awaiting your arrival. The cost for your lodging and a good meal has already been seen to. I aim to provide nothing but the best for my bride to be and her family!

  From there you will ride the stage to my town. I have noted the arrival time for the stage in Red Water Creek and I will be waiting there for you. Since you have described yourself and your attire, I’m sure I will be quick to recognize you. I’ll look especially for the burgundy ribbon in your hair.

  I am rambling on here, but I want to say again how much I know you will love this place. The sky is as big and as blue as you have ever seen and the rolling green pastures of the range would rival those of any place on earth.

  At this point, Felicity looked to see if Royal was paying attention. To her surprise he was as engaged as she had ever seen him, expectant almost, and Felicity knew why. He had remembered that the next part of the letter was directed towards him. Felicity’s heart swelled with wonder that her new fiancé had so quickly reached the heart of her brother. She read on.

  “And for you Royal, there are meadows and river stream aplenty for exploring and catching bugs. The summer days are long and the weather perfect for such activity. My brother Caleb who is just a bit older than you is so excited that he will have a companion to share things with. He is looking forward to meeting you.

  I will say good bye now as this letter is already far too lengthy. I will see you soon.

  With much affection,


  Felicity folded the letter and looked over at Royal, who for the first time in a long time, was smiling.

  Chapter Eight

  Hayden couldn’t contain his excitement. He had been whistling since his feet hit the floor that morning, making his father smile. His boy was finally going to be married, and Jacob Crandle couldn’t wait. Since Grace had passed, the ranch had seemed so empty, as if a part of it were missing. Jacob truly hoped that this new bride of Hayden’s would fix that. Not that she could ever replace Grace, but it would sure be nice to have a woman in the house again.

  Jacob stepped in front of his son who was checking his appearance in the mirror for the umpteenth time. “You look just fine, son. That girl of yours is going to fall head over heels once she lays eyes on you.” Uncomfortable with the emotions he was suddenly feeling, Jacob gave Hayden a slap on the back. “Now you best get the wagon hitched up or you’re going to be late. If she doesn’t see your handsome mug when she steps off that stage, she may just head right on back where she came from.”

  Hayden laughed. “Okay, Pop. I’m going.” At the last second before he walked out, he turned back to his smiling father. “Seriously now, Pop, are you sure you’re good with all of this? Felicity and I will be living here at the ranch until we can build our own place. You sure that’s going to be alright with you, Josh and Caleb?”

  Jacob nodded. “It’s more than alright. It’s just what this house needs…a little bit of life and happiness. Now get going.”

  Caleb had been allowed to remain home from school so he could accompany Hayden on the trip to town. Hayden thought it might help Felicity’s brother to feel a little more comfortable and would be a good start to the boys’ relationship. Caleb was excited about meeting his new “brother.” He was already in the wagon and waiting when Hayden came out of the house.

  Hayden was just about to climb into the wagon himself when the sound of pounding hoof beats caught his attention. A rider was heading towards the ranch at full speed. As he got closer, Hayden recognized him as Morgan Kellerman, one of the ranch hands.

  The man started hollering before his horse came to a stop. “Better come quick, Hayden. There’s a group of nasty sheep ranchers that’s ambushed Josh on his way home. They got him on the ground and they’s beating the daylights out of him.”

  The commotion brought Jacob back out of the house in time to hear what the man had to say. “I’ll go, son. You have a stage to meet.”

  Hayden was already running to the barn for his horse. “No way, Pop. No offense, but you’re too old to tackle these guys. I know them. You go out there and all we’d end up with is you and Josh both in trouble. I can handle them.” Before any one could say more Hayden and Morgan were heading back towards town.

  Just as he had said, the ranchers had Josh on the ground. One of them was kicking at him while the other two watched. They didn’t appear to be armed, but they were all quite intoxicated. Hayden hoped that would work to his advantage. As he approached he fired two shots straight up in the air but kept riding full speed towards them.

  The barreling horse and the sound of gunfire was enough to scare the drunken trio into motion. They grabbed their hats and started running. Knowing them for the cowards that they were, Hayden let them go. Right now he had to focus on Josh. He was bleeding from his nose, one eye was pretty much swollen shut and he was doubled up in pain. Hayden assumed he had a couple of broken ribs. And his horse was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where’s your horse?”

  Josh groaned and mumbled something through his swollen lips. After several attempts Hayden understood what he was saying. Josh had bet his horse in a hand of poker and lost. Then he had attempted to ride away on the same horse, cheating his poker buddies out of their winnings. Hayden looked down at his brother in disgust.

  “You are a fool. Lucky for you that game of poker was lost to the only other souls in Red Water that are more foolish than you. You’re all so drunk most of the time you don’t know what end is up.”

  Hayden had to fight hard to resist walking away and leaving his brother there on the road. “Let’s see if we can find your horse. I don’t think those dopes took it with them.”

  Almost a half hour later, Hayden found the horse and hoisted Josh onto his back. Thankfully, his brother was just sober enough to hold on for the ride home.

  In total, by the time they got back to the ranch and had Josh into the house where Jacob could tend to him, Hayden was almost an hour late to leave. He would never be on time to meet the stage now by wagon. If he really pushed it, he might just make it on horseback. Hayden paced back and forth trying to decide what to do. Without the wagon, he had no way to bring Felicity and her brother back to the ranch. But if he took the wagon he would be late and she might think he had abandoned her.

  Deciding it was better to be on time, he swung himself back in to the saddle and dug his heels in to Scout’s sides. “Let’s go, fella. We don’t want to keep a lady waiting.”

  Hayden recognized Felicity the second she stepped out of the stage and one look at her fine dress made him realize for the first time, that after the ordeal with Josh and his subsequent hasty departure, that his appearance was a little on the dirty side. He tried to brush away some of the dust and grime and ran a quick hand through his hair. All he could do now was be honest and hope that she understood.

  He walked forward and nodded when she looked his way. She smiled in return but not before he noticed her taking in his frazzled appearance from head to toe. But the light of anticipation in his light brown eyes and the laugh lines that crinkled around his eyes when he smiled were all Felicity needed to win her heart. She held out her hand and introduced herself and then, tugging Royal forward, introduced him as well. Hayden was equally enchanted at first glance. Everything about Felicity Selkirk was exactly as she had described and his heart warmed.

  “Hello,” he finally managed to say. “I hope your journey was comfortable.”

  “It was long, but as comfortable as one would expect. I have to say though, I am glad t
o finally be this far. Is it long to your ranch?”

  Hayden struggled to find the words to explain. “Would you mind if we walked to the café and sat for a moment? I’m afraid I have a bit of explaining to do.” When he saw the look of dread on Felicity’s face, he hurried to assure her. “It’s nothing that serious, but please, let’s get out of the dusty street.”

  Felicity followed him silently, holding Royal’s hand as he glanced furtively around the streets. New places and new situations were always frightening for him, but Felicity couldn’t help but notice how his eyes kept returning to Hayden. He seemed drawn to the man as if he somehow sensed that here was a man who could be trusted. Felicity hoped with all her heart that that was true.

  Once they were seated in the café, Hayden ordered cold drinks for all of them and then began his explanation. He began by speaking directly to Royal, apologizing for Caleb not being there to meet him. Then he started in on the whole story.

  He told about how he had planned to leave home early and how he had the wagon all prepared for their journey. Then , without getting into too many of the gory details, he explained about the situation with Josh, and ended finally by explaining how he had come to arrive on horseback instead of by wagon, which meant that he now had no way to take them home.

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly while he waited for her reaction to his story. A wide grin spread across his face when he saw her smile. She wasn’t angry, or upset or even impatient. In fact, she laughed right out loud. The sound was genuine and musical and Hayden thought it was the happiest sound he had ever heard.

  “Well, Hayden Crandle that was quite a story. And it leaves me with several opinions. First, that I am happy to know you were looking so forward to our meeting that you wanted everything to be perfect, and two, that you chose to put family first. I am well aware of how things can happen sometimes and I admire your loyalty.”

  Felicity was pleased to see Hayden blush. “Humble, too” she thought to herself. Hayden felt himself relaxing as they continued to chat. He didn’t ignore Royal but included him in the conversation as much as he could, a deed which won him even more of Felicity’s admiration.


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