Mail Order Bride: Ultimate Mail Order Bride Collection: 6-Book Bundle ~ Clean Historical Romance (Shades of Romance Series)

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Mail Order Bride: Ultimate Mail Order Bride Collection: 6-Book Bundle ~ Clean Historical Romance (Shades of Romance Series) Page 17

by Jill Maguire

  “I think the best idea would be for me to get you settled into a nice room at the hotel for the night and I’ll bring the wagon into town first thing in the morning.” Then turning pointedly to Royal he added, “And I’ll bring Caleb too so you boys can get acquainted.” To Felicity’s total amazement Royal nodded and smiled. He still didn’t speak to Hayden but the acknowledgement and the smile were far beyond any interaction he had ever had with a relative stranger before. Felicity’s heart almost burst.

  “That sounds perfect,” she agreed. “I think we are both rather travel worn and will enjoy the next step of the journey so much more after a good night’s rest. Thank you.”

  “Then let’s get you settled.” Hayden stood and took Felicity’s hand as she rose. He was elated when Royal reached over to take his other hand as they strolled across the street to the hotel. Hayden was good friends with the owner and had every confidence that his new bride to be would be in good hands.

  After arranging for the room and a good hot meal for the two travelers, Hayden carried their bags up the stairs and said his goodbyes. Slapping his hat back on his head, he started humming a tune. Tomorrow morning couldn’t come fast enough.

  Chapter Nine

  Felicity would never have believed that the sky could be bluer or bigger in one part of the world than another. But when she looked up as they rode back to Hayden’s ranch, she had to admit that she had never seen a sky as big or as blue as the Montana sky she was looking at.

  Hayden sat beside her pointing out landmarks and interesting features as they rode, while Caleb and Royal sat in the back of the wagon getting acquainted. Their conversation was pretty much one sided with Caleb chatting and Royal listening, but Royal seemed to be hanging on Caleb’s every word.

  Royal had taken to Caleb right away, another sign to Felicity that she had indeed made the right choice in coming here. Every now and then, she would think of her father and wish he were with her. She missed him terribly, and prayed that she would get word soon that he was well and on his way west. She could imagine him here, maybe living a short distance away where she could visit often and have him over for dinner.

  “And here we are.” Hayden’s voice broke through her thoughts and she stared at the ranch house in amazement. It seemed to sprawl out in every direction with a verandah that wrapped around it on every side. Felicity could already imagine herself standing under its cover during a summer thunderstorm, safe and dry.

  “It’s magnificent,” she crooned. “So different from houses in the city.”

  Hayden laughed. “That it is, for sure.” As they slowed to a stop the front door opened and three smiling figures appeared. “And here is our welcoming committee.”

  Felicity watched as a tall, sandy haired man who looked a lot like Hayden stepped down from the porch. She could see he was younger by a few years and slighter in build, but the family resemblance was there. Another man followed behind. He was shorter and stockier than either of the young men and his hair was almost completely grey. A dark haired woman with bright pink cheeks and sparkling blue eyes came last. She was almost as round as she was tall but she looked as though she could make everything all right in your world by taking you in her arms and giving you a big squeeze. Felicity glanced over at Hayden. He was grinning from ear to ear, obviously happy to be home.

  He jumped down from the wagon and hurried to help her do the same. The boys had already jumped out and Caleb was encouraging Royal to come meet his family. Felicity stood frozen waiting for Royal to come running over to her, but instead he followed Caleb without so much as a glance back.

  Hayden grabbed Felicity’s hand and pulled her towards the house. As soon as they were within earshot he announced “Family, I’d like you to meet the future Mrs. Hayden Crandle.” Then he turned to Felicity and introduced them individually. “This is my younger brother Josh, my Pa Jacob, and our housekeeper Mrs. Marretti.”

  Felicity smiled and reached out to shake hands with each of the men, as would be customary in the city and was quite surprised when they both hugged her warmly. And then just as she suspected, Mrs. Marretti folded her into an even bigger welcoming hug.

  Caleb stepped forward then and introduced Royal as his new “brother.” Felicity felt herself stiffen as the strangers each welcomed Royal with the same affection as they had shown her. Royal stood still and accepted their hugs, and while he didn’t exactly return the affection, he didn’t run away either. There was obviously a sincerity and warmth about these people that Royal instinctively trusted. Felicity relaxed.

  Once all of the introductions were over, Caleb announced that he was going to show Royal his room. Mrs. Marretti excused herself to head home to see to lunch for her husband, and Josh mumbled something about needing to go into town. Jacob apologized for having to leave them on their own for a while so he could meet with the vet who was tending to an injured calf.

  Hayden laughed as he watched the look of surprise flash across Felicity’s face. “People don’t stand around here doing nothing for very long I see.”

  “Nope,’ Hayden agreed. “Welcome to life on the range. But truth is, they probably thought we’d like some time alone. And I would like to give you a tour of the house if you’re up to it.”

  Felicity smiled, her eyes sparkling. “I can’t wait.”

  Felicity often thought of Mr. Johansen’s house in Burgundy Hills as a mansion, but it was nothing like this. Where it consisted of two floors of elegant rooms, this house was one huge open space with hallways jutting off in several directions that led to various bedrooms, a library, a study and an additional sitting room that was walled with real glass windows. The view over the range from that room was amazing.

  The kitchen was definitely the heart of this home. It was bright and cheerful with vases of wildflowers everywhere. When she pointed them out, Hayden’s eyes clouded. “I imagine Mrs. Marretti put them there. Ma always loved fresh flowers in the house. The men around here don’t seem to ever have time for picking daisies.”

  Felicity smiled and placed a hand softly on his arm. “That was a sweet thing for Mrs. Marretti to do but even without them I would have noticed that this house has been touched by a woman’s love.”

  She glanced around the cozy kitchen. Cheerful curtains hung at the windows and a hand embroidered runner ran the length of the gleaming harvest table. Cross stitch verses hung on the walls and an arrangement of colorful glass bowls was displayed in an open wooden cabinet.

  The loving touches continued through the kitchen and into the large sitting room, although it was more subtle here. The furniture was large and comfortable looking, definitely made to accommodate the rather large men that used it. But even the bulky sofa and chairs were softened by the hand quilted throws that draped over each one. Yes, Grace Crandle’s spirit could still be felt in so many ways.

  “I have some very big shoes to fill,” Felicity thought to herself. To Hayden, she said “Your mother made this home beautiful. I promise I will do my best to do the same.”

  Hayden looked down into the eyes of this woman he had only just met and felt the first stirrings of love. And judging by the look she was giving him, she felt it too.

  “I think it’s time to show you the rest of the rooms.” Sunlight flooded every bedroom in the house and the spotless windows all looked out over rolling countryside. The beds, like the sitting room furniture were solidly built of polished pine and more hand stitched quilts in soft blends of colors adorned each one.

  When they reached the room that was to be Royal’s, they found both boys seated on the floor in the center of the room. Caleb was reading to Royal from one of his favorite books. Felicity’s heart nearly burst at the total look of contentment on Royal’s face. Hayden noticed her reaction and smiled. “I take it Royal enjoys books?” Felicity nodded enthusiastically.

  “He loves them. I have always read to him, and he is starting to read a little bit on his own. It appears Caleb likes to read as well.” It was Hayden’s turn
to nod.

  “Caleb is consumed by an eagerness to learn anything that comes out of a book. Ma read to him all the time from all sorts of different books. It flusters Pa at times that he shows no interest at all in ranching, but I think he’s proud too, of his learning skills. He just finds it hard to express those feelings. And now that Ma’s gone, he feels like he’s letting Caleb down. With a ranch to run, there’s not much time for book learning.”

  “Well reading and book learning just happens to be my specialty,” Felicity quipped to lighten the mood. “So have no fear, the boys are in good hands in that department.” At those words Hayden had to hold himself back from taking her into his arms and spinning her around with happiness. In just one day she had turned his grey world back to sunny again.

  Once the tour of the house was finished, Hayden suggested they take some refreshments out to the porch. It was a beautiful summer day and he thought they could all use some fresh air. “Might be a good way to draw Caleb outside. He would stay indoors reading all day if you let him.”

  Felicity was quick to agree. “But I think Royal might just have a way to increase Caleb’s interest in the outdoors. He is quite a bug collector and knows just about everything there is to know about catching, identifying and describing all kinds of bugs. He is quite eager to find out if the bugs that live here are different from those we had in the city! Maybe Caleb will be intrigued by his obsession.”

  Hayden laughed. “Oh, I hope so. Caleb could really stand to spend some time outdoors.”

  As if on cue, the two boys came running out of the house, both grinning from ear to ear. “Royal’s going to show me how to catch bugs. Then we’re going to look up ones he doesn’t recognize in my bug book.”

  Hayden and Felicity exchanged looks and then laughed. To the boys, bugs and books meant the best of both worlds!

  Caleb turned back just as they reached the edge of the lawn. “I like having a little brother,” he called over his shoulder before they all but disappeared in the long meadow grass.

  “So far so good,” Hayden said, joining Felicity on the porch swing.

  “I’d say excellent,” she replied.

  Chapter Ten

  As the summer days grew longer and hotter, everyone settled into a new kind of routine while they waited for the much anticipated wedding day. Felicity had asked that they postpone the wedding for a while in hopes that her father might make it out. It was hard, she knew for Hayden to wait, but being a gentleman, he agreed.

  Royal started going to school with Caleb, and while the teacher reported that he was still quite withdrawn, she also said that he listened intently and seemed to grasp his lessons quite well. Felicity wasn’t at all surprised by this report, as she had never doubted Royal’s intelligence. It wasn’t his ability to learn that caused his anxiety, it was communicating with the outside world that was hard. Caleb was helping him make huge strides in that department.

  Hayden went out to the range every morning with Jacob and could focus on the work he had to do there knowing that the house was in good hands. Even more important than that he could now relax knowing that Caleb was happy.

  Jacob Crandle was glad to have his eldest son back in charge of things on the range. He knew was getting old and forgetful. It was reassuring to know that Hayden was there to handle things.

  And while Felicity’s presence had changed the lives of the three of them in so many ways, it hadn’t altered the headstrong ways of Josh Crandle at all. He still stayed at the saloon late every night and slept until mid afternoon each day. In between, he puttered about the ranch or in the barn, insisting that he was doing his part by keeping the wagons and horses in top shape. He tinkered with some of the tools and machinery and claimed himself to be the ranch’s mechanical handyman. Felicity thought him lazy and self centered but kept her opinions to herself.

  For the most part she simply ignored him whenever he was around, although she had to admit, his open appraisal of her female qualities made her quite uncomfortable. She was aware that there were far too few females in these parts, at least those of good character, and the way Josh looked at her confirmed that those were the types he was used to. For the most part, their paths seldom crossed so she didn’t dwell on the matter much. It wasn’t until early one morning in August that Josh overstepped the boundary and sent the entire household into chaos.

  The heat had kept Felicity awake for most of the night and instead of fighting it, she finally decided to head downstairs to bake some fresh biscuits for breakfast. She was surprised when she entered the kitchen to find Josh standing there.

  Not wanting to appear completely rude, she said a polite good morning and walked past him to retrieve the baking supplies from the pantry. She was startled to find herself suddenly grabbed from behind and spun around into an embrace. With his face mere inches from hers, he spat out a slur of inappropriate endearments and then crushed her against him.

  His breath was foul and his body stench even worse. Felicity struggled to free herself but she was no match for his strong arms. Not wanting to scream and make a big scene, she wedged her hands flat against his chest in an attempt to create some distance between their bodies. But the harder she squirmed, the tighter he squeezed. As his lips neared hers, she took in a deep breath and prepared to scream anyway.

  That breath caught in her throat as Josh was torn backwards from her and all but thrown through the kitchen door. Hayden followed behind him, his face scarlet with rage.

  The next thing she saw was two bodies twisted together rolling across the back lawn. Each time Josh attempted to stand, Hayden grabbed the neck of his shirt and planted a fist squarely into the side of his face, knocking him back to the ground. Hayden repeated this action until Josh was bleeding from his nose and mouth and could no longer stumble to his feet at all.

  Felicity screamed for Hayden to stop, fearing that he might actually kill his own brother. It was Felicity’s voice that finally broke through Hayden’s rage and he stopped pummeling the body at his feet.

  The ruckus had brought everyone else out of the house. Jacob stomped over and grabbed Josh by the collar, pulling him finally to his feet. Turning to Hayden, he shouted, “I’ll take this one in and clean him up. You go somewhere and cool down. I won’t have this kind of violence taking place between my own sons on this property. What do the both of you think your Ma would have said about this?”

  He yanked on Josh to get him moving and glared at Hayden while pointing towards the house. As Hayden turned away, he saw the awful look on Felicity’s face. He wasn’t sure if it was fear, disgust, surprise, or a combination of all three, but when he reached for her to offer an apology, she pulled away. She ran into the house, leaving a dirty and disgruntled Hayden standing alone in the yard.

  After he cleaned himself up he went in search of her. He found her standing at the big picture window in the sitting room, her thoughts a million miles away.

  “I’m sorry,” he said simply and quietly. She turned towards him, her eyes blazing.

  “Are you apologizing for your brother’s rude behavior or for your uncivilized response to it? because both were entirely unacceptable in my opinion.”

  Hayden was shocked to learn that any of her anger was directed towards him. In his mind, all he did was try to protect her honor and put his obnoxious brother in his place.

  “Why are you angry with me? I was trying to help you.”

  “And your way of helping me is to act just as uncivilized by practically beating your own brother to death? Why not just grab a revolver and shoot him on the spot.”

  In spite of himself, Hayden laughed. “I wasn’t being uncivilized. That’s just the way men solve things sometimes. And even in these parts we don’t just pull out revolvers and shoot people. I think you’ve heard too many wild west fairy tales back in the city.”

  Felicity did not appreciate his humor, however. She spun on one heel, hoisted her skirt and stomped off to her room. It was sometime later that she ventured
out into the sitting room where Hayden was sitting with a cup of coffee. He looked up when she walked in, and then stood.

  “Would you care for a cup of coffee?”

  “Thank you, I would.”

  While Hayden was getting her coffee, Felicity settled herself in the big chair beside the fireplace. There was no fire now, with the heat of August upon them, but it was easy to imagine what a comfortable place this would be on a cold winter day.

  “You look a little more relaxed,” Hayden said as he handed her a fine china cup adorned with tiny violets.

  “I’ve had some time to think. Perhaps I over reacted a little, but I’m not used to such physical displays. It frightened me as much as anything else. It also made me wonder.”

  “Wonder about what?”

  “I couldn’t help but wonder if my being here isn’t coming between you and your brother. Maybe he doesn’t like the idea of some woman moving in and taking over the role of woman of the house.”

  “Nonsense. Josh would have to actually be sober to have such an emotional reaction to something, and he is seldom sober.”

  Felicity pondered that for a moment. “Why isn’t someone trying to help him?”

  Hayden’s eyes widened in surprise. “So now you’re going to defend him….feel sorry for him? After the way he acted towards you?” Hayden shook his head in disbelief. Felicity’s eyes blazed again, shooting daggers of anger straight through him.

  “If you have a problem with how I react to things, maybe I should just go back to the city where I can enjoy my fairy tales and city life.”

  “Whoa, now. Hold on just a second. I wasn’t criticizing you or your reactions. I was just confused is all. Don’t be so sensitive.”

  “Oh, so now I’m too sensitive as well.” Felicity rose and was about to stomp out of the room again when Caleb came crashing through the doorway, his eyes wild and his breath labored.


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