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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 35

by Rebecca Foxx

  She couldn’t believe this. He actually wanted to be with her! This was amazing, and sure enough, she knew what she wanted.

  “I want to be with you as well,” she said, tears welling up on her face.

  Both of them knew this would be a risky relationship, but as they kissed one another at that moment, all of the worries and the risks associated with the worries were going away, replaced by a feeling of happiness and adoration for the other person. It would work itself out in the future, they were sure of it, and it was only going to get better from here.

  Chapter Six

  The kiss that they shared was subtle, but passionate, and the two of them both recalled that first night together. It seemed like forever ago, but it was only a few days. But for whatever reason, the gravity of their feelings towards one another was unlike anything they had ever expected.

  They started to deepen the kiss with him holding her in his arms and touching her curves, enjoying the way that it felt. For Keisha, this was a dream come true, and for William, this was what he wanted. He knew for a fact that it was definitely not going to be easy, that’s for sure.

  He would get judged, but he didn’t care anymore. He was already the black sheep, and he could always be darkened further. He just wanted to be happy, and if that meant doing something out of the ordinary with someone that he cared deeply about, then so be it.

  He pushed his tongue into her mouth, letting it touch and mingle with hers. The small, subtle moan that escaped her moth was music to his ears, and soon he started to grind his hips against her own, loving the way that it felt to have her moan loudly against his lips.

  He loved the way she felt, the touches that sent shivers down his spine, and the adoration that was obvious between them.

  It didn’t take long before they were in the bedroom, with William pushing her down on the bed, and pulling up her shirts and pulling down her pants. He got her naked in a flash, but then, she stopped him, looking at him with a sultry glance.

  “I want to give you a little something before we continue this,” she said with a smile.

  He didn’t know what she was talking about, that is until she got to his pants and with deft fingers, took them off his body. There were only his boxers left, and the prominent bulge that was there. She started to pull it down slightly, and William could feel the cold air immediately hit his cock, the shock sending shivers down his spine and a moan to escape his mouth in an involuntary fashion.

  She took his cock in her hands, lightly caressing it as he moaned anew lightly rocked his hips against her own. She then started to move her tongue to the tip of his erection, moving the muscle against his cock in a circular motion.

  He gasped, gripping the sheets of the bed as she continued to play with the head and move her lips downward. He was shivering under her, loving the way that this felt and immediately getting lost in the pleasures of the moment.

  He couldn’t believe how amazing this was, how tantalizing and good the feelings were as he continued to feel her caress and touch his aching member.

  Then, he started to feel her move downward, letting her lips move right against the underside of the shaft and moving the lips upward against his cock. The light scream that was uttered from his mouth was obvious and apparent to her, and soon, she started to move her lips up and down in a ravaging fashion, loving the way he seemed to shudder and gasp underneath her.

  It was so perfect the feeling of her warm mouth taking over him. He started to rock his own hips in an involuntary manner, letting his cock slide in and out.

  “Fuck,” he said. He was already getting very closer, and he wanted to continue this, but then, she pulled away, blowing on the head.

  “I can tell you’re about to burst,” she said with a sultry glance.

  She moved back down, pulling her panties to the side to reveal her gaping, wet pussy. William felt a jolt in his cock once again as his need increased, and immediately after fishing of a condom and slipping it on, he knew what he wanted. He wanted her, the woman who changed him for whatever reason, the woman who made him realize that it was indeed what he wanted.

  He started to push himself into her, loving the way that her pussy seemed to hug him completely. He could already feel his cock starting to tense up with need, the lustful warmth getting to him in ways he never thought possible.

  He started to rock his hips a little bit, letting his cock get a feel for this once again. It had been a while since they did anything, and in all honesty, he missed it more than ever. He started to thrust faster and faster, his body aching for more and the need increasing as well.

  After a couple of thrusts, he started to tense up, the shock immediately sending shivers down his body as he felt his cock tense up, and that’s when his orgasm hit him.

  He came hard, his body feeling the passion of the moment as his high started to take over him. He immediately loved it, and he definitely enjoyed the way that this felt. He started to feel his cock tense up, coming hard against the rubber and feeling the warmth exit his body. At that moment, she let out a low groan as well, her hips bucking and her pussy tightening against him as she cried out, her own release exiting her body and making her feel thing she hadn’t felt with anyone else.

  He pulled out, and the two of them looked at one another.

  “No regrets?” he asked.

  “None at all. To be honest I’m glad that you came back. I wanted you to come back, but I didn’t know if you would,” she admitted.

  He planted a kiss on her lips. “I always will. I don’t know, there is just something about you that makes me feel something strange. I’ve never been in love before, not at all. I’ve heard of it, but I’ve always wanted to feel it. I guess there is a first time for everything,” he said.

  She nodded. “That there is, and I’m ready to fall in love with you as well. I’ll stick by your side, and we’ll do whatever it takes, not matter what,” she replied.

  They kissed one another, and the two of them knew that it was obvious that it was only going to get better. William agreed to keep her around and with him while he was in town, and she was able to move out of her apartment.

  William helped her get out of the lease and such, and they went back to where he was. She was able to finally get citizenship to there, and for William, he couldn’t have been any happier. This was the start of his new life, a new set of feelings, and in all honesty, a new awakening for him.

  His parents still weren’t all that happy about the new girl. Of course it was to be expected, but he didn’t think it would be that bad. But then again, he definitely didn’t know what else to do other than to just smile and keep things as they were.

  For right now, he would try to appease his family, and he hoped that eventually, they would be okay with it.

  For William, this was a hard choice to make. All before he always acted like a child, but this was the first time he ever did something like this. He was finally growing up, becoming a man, and he was able to really learn all that he needed to when it came to this.

  Nothing could stop him now, and he certainly was going to do whatever it took to make not only himself happy, but Keisha as well.


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  (See all other books from Viola Angel)

  Girls Knight Out

  Chapter One

  The reverberation of the nightclub that she was in was starting to bother Cassandra. Her thick, curvy body sat in one of the chairs, sipping some drink that the bartender recommended. It wasted like cotton candy, so it wasn’t all that bad, but it wasn’t making the night any better. In fact, it was showing her just how shitty it had gotten.

  To say that tonight sucked was an understatement. Her other two friends, Tina and Britany insisted upon Cassandra coming to the club with them, saying how it would be a ton of fun, and how they would be able to meet so many hot guys. But the guys were more interested in them, two white girls
who could dance like no other.

  Cassandra was a chocolate beauty, but in truth, she didn’t have the dancing skills guys wanted, and the ones that did come up to talk to her were boring as hell, or just plain creepy. In truth, she was starting to think that tonight was going to be yet another one of those nights. Why did she even try anymore?

  At 26 years old, most people thought that it was the time to go out and find someone, but in truth, all of the men that she wanted to find were already taken, leaving the rest of them around with some serious issues.

  Cassandra wanted a normal relationship, not some relationship where the dude had some crazy mommy complex and some issues with it, or broke like no other. She already had multiple relationships like that, and she didn’t want to do it again.

  Her last relationship ended up with her having to leave the house because he was a deadbeat broke man who basically wanted her to pay for everything. After telling him that she wasn’t his goddamn bank account, he threatened her, and that’s when the red flags came up.

  Cassandra left, and now that she was in a new place, things were better. Still though, the thought of that bastard sent shivers down her spine.

  Which was why she never felt like these clubs and bars were her thing. Even though Tina and Brittany enjoyed them, it was probably because they were a few years younger than her. They could still get down and dirty with the club scene, while she was more into finding people who weren’t fucking immature brats.

  The place wasn’t that busy either, and most of the guys that were coming through either looked broke as hell, or just not her type. She didn’t want to deal with losers anymore, but instead she wanted to find a winner. Britany and Tina walked over, smiling.

  “Man you need to get out there! It’s so much fun,” Tina said.

  “I guess,” Cassandra said.

  “What’s wrong, girl? Come on, you’re not going to find a great man looking like that,” Brittany said.

  “In truth, I don’t feel like this place is right for me,” Cassandra managed to say.

  “But why?” Tina asked.

  “I don’t know, I’m just not feeling it. I kind of want to go home, if that’s okay with you. Plus I’m tired, and I don’t really know what else there is to do here. I’ve already spent a bit of money on drinks, and I don’t feel it,” she told them.

  Brittany and Tina nodded. “Well we’re probably going to stick around. Are you going to be okay getting home?” Tina asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll just get to my car. I mean, if worst comes to worst, I’ll call a cab or something,” she told them.

  “Okay. Be safe now,” Brittany said.

  The two of them went right back to gyrating their hips at the club. Typical them. They were nice people, but in truth, they were more interested in getting with various guys than anything else. It was obvious that the only thing they wanted was some tail, but Cassandra didn’t want that. She wanted a real relationship, not just something that one can find in the club.

  She walked to the exit, and the bouncer nodded. Her curvy body shuffled into her jacket, pulling it on and heading out. The night was cool, but it was refreshing, and after the pounding music and the blinding lights, this was totally what she needed. She had to get out of there, before it got even worse for her.

  She sauntered over to the edge of the curb, her body feeling a bit unsteady due to the alcohol. It was probably best if she didn’t go to her car, but instead just hailed a taxi home.

  She moved her hand up, trying to get a cab to come over there, but it was no sue. It seemed that the universe was totally against her, and she was starting to grow annoyed with the way everything was going. This was New York, a city of dreams, but she felt more smothered here than anything.

  She was about to give up, heading to her car in hopes to sober up by then to drive, when she heard something stop in front of her. She was expecting some cab with an Indian guy like how it normally was, but she was wrong.

  It was a limo.

  She didn’t hail a limo, did she? There was no way, and she didn’t know what to think. It was definitely something that interested her. There was a small rolling down of the window, and a voice spoke.

  “Hello there, do you know where the action is? I heard there was a lot going on here,” the voice said.

  Great, another partier. They’re probably some douchebag looking to get laid.

  “Down the street, if you’re looking for Club Nine. It’s one of the best, but a bit pricy,” she said.

  “Perfect,” the voice said.

  She was expecting that the car would leave, but it stood there. Then, the voice spoke again.

  “By the way, are you heading there now? I would love to get you a drink as thanks,” he said.

  She blushed, realizing that this person wanted to buy her a drink. It was nice of him, but she wanted to turn him down.

  “Thank you. I mean, I guess I can head over there,” she told him.

  “Perfect, hop in here with me, and I’ll have the driver direct us,” he told her.

  She opened the door, expecting to see some dude who was just trying to get laid, but immediately, she saw a face that almost made her faint.

  There is no way. There is no way this could be happening.

  But it was there, right in front of her, and she almost felt like screaming. Owen chancellor was in the back, and he was grinning at her with a smile on his face.

  “Hello love, why don’t you have a seat?” he said.

  She sat in there, shivers pulsating down her spine. She couldn’t believe this was happening, she didn’t want to believe this was happening, but it sure was. She was excited for this, but at the same tome completely and utterly terrified.

  Chapter Two

  For a moment, she thought she would die right then and there. Owen chancellor, one of the richest heirs alive and a humanitarian, also royalty, was here with her, in his car. It was definitely something that she never expected to feel, and for a moment, she thought about getting out and leaving.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked.

  “Of course. What’s so bad about hanging out with me? I’m not some fop,” he told her.

  That’s what they all say, but in truth, she knew that Owen was more than just a pretty face. He was one of the dukes of the land, a man with a lot of money, but also a lot of smarts too. He ran his own company as well, some consulting firm, and that was probably why he was here.

  “So, are you here on business?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I had to meet with someone, but that’s over and done with. I’m in town for a few more days too, so I figured that I could check out the sites and see what everyone does for fun in this place,” he offered.

  She smiled. “Well, nightclubs are one thing, but I for one prefer going to the mall and the bookstore,” she said.

  “I feel you on that. I mean, I was just going to stop in, get a drink or two, and chill. I need to unwind after the night I’ve had,” he told her.

  She nodded. “I take it its hard being a guy who runs his own company,” she offered.

  “You don’t even know sweetie. I’m sorry if I’m a bit ranty, I’ve just had a really annoying meeting, and I would prefer to get that image of what transpired out of my head. Americans can be so forthright with what they do. I was meeting to merge businesses, and then suddenly, the woman was all over me.

  Like come on, I want to work with the company, not with you. She was okay looking, but not my style,” he told her.

  She laughed. “I feel you on that. I just got back up on my feet. I’m a music teacher, and I got out a nasty relationship about a year ago. I was with some deadbeat motherfucker who didn’t do anything to better himself. I’m so glad I’m away from that now, but it’s nice to get out and finally see the sights and have some fun,” she admitted.

  “You’re telling me. Man, it’s nice to talk with someone like you. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to show off my true colors. I always have
to act so prissy and perfect in front of the rest of the human race just because I’m a goddamn duke. Like come on, it’s really annoying,’ he told her.

  “I feel you on that. Sometimes it’s really nice just to let yourself get loose,” she told him.

  “Indeed, that’s’ why I’m excited to spend a bit of time with you tonight, if that’s okay with you,” he told her.

  She nodded, and soon they pulled up to the club. Owen pushed his hair into sort of a messy style, pulling his suit a little bit closer to hide his face.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “I have to do this in order to prevent the crazies from coming after me. You’ve never had to de3al with hell until you have that happen, that’s for sure,” he told her with a sigh.


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