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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 90

by Rebecca Foxx

  Leaning full and hard into his kiss, Tabitha laved his mouth with long, lascivious licks, her eyebrows arching as her tongue lapped against a pair of teeth that seemed inordinately sharp and long.

  “If I didn’t know any better,” she thought, “I’d say this dude had fangs. What the….”

  All coherent thought fled her moments later, as her attentive lover fell to his knees before her and crawled like an animal between her feet; freeing her from her confining high heels to suckle her toes and lick her pads.

  Laving his way up her long sturdy legs as he stole beneath her jacquard skirt, Royce smoothed his hands across the skin of her fully made thighs as he surged upward to capture the border of her proper white cotton panties in glistening white teeth.

  Dragging her undies down the length of her legs and leaving them in a cloudy heap right beside her feet, he returned soon enough to the site of her greatest pleasure; opening her tender folds with a long wet lick before gracing her with the ultimate kiss.

  Her ardent lover licked and suckled her tender clit, bobbing his head up and down to intensify her pleasure as the silky strands of his long blond hair teased the skin of her thighs.

  Thrusting her hips forward to intensify the sensation, Tabitha pitched her head back and bit her lip hard; basking both in the glow of a golden full moon and in the impassioned attentions of the man who seemed intent on showing her the greatest pleasure.

  Finally and with a long resounding lick he sent her over the edge; those same sharp teeth grazing her clit as he sent her hurdling across the bounds of an incredible clitoral orgasm.

  An enthralled Tabitha howled at the moon as ecstasy overcame her; hearing a cry that echoed her own escape the lips of her lover.

  Falling forward into his arms, she gasped outright as the two collapsed on the surface of the royal red plush rug that lined the surface of the boat deck.

  Their lips collided in a fierce kiss as they peeled each other’s clothes off; their arms and legs entangling between them as they finally lay naked in one another’s arms.

  Tabitha took in her breath as her hungry hands canvassed her lover’s massive chiseled chest and sculpted washboard abs; her lips plying his with the sweetest kisses as his strong hands ran like warm water down the length of her planed back.

  Lowering his golden head to her neck and nipping the skin of her tender nape, Royce cradled his lady in his encompassing arms as his hard trim hips gyrated against hers; his long hard shaft soaring upward to kiss her feminine cleft.

  The couple writhed together in a passionate clench as he buried his head in her breasts; his nipples rising to hard erect peaks between his soft moist lips.

  Thrusting herself into his arms, Tabitha ran her fingers through his long blond hair as their hips and thighs locked between them.

  “I want you inside of me, Royce,” she hissed, running her fingernails with animal lust down the surface of his back, “Now.”

  Answering her with a lusty growl, Royce reared his head upward to seize her lips with a hot, passionate kiss; the song of ivory gulls christening their passion as their sweat laden bodies sought solace in the passing of cooling night winds.

  His lips seized hers in a binding kiss as fully and finally, Royce united them as one; surging his long hard cock to the depths of her soaking wet pussy.

  Their hips claimed an immediate rhythm as they rolled reckless across the length of the blanket; the rocking movements of the ship beneath them cradling their joined bodies as he continued to probe and penetrate her.

  Clenching his lover closer to him, Royce ran his hand over the crest of her full breasts and over her rounded stomach; finally resting his fingers between her legs as he rubbed and kneaded her clit; continuing to move and shift inside of her as his magical fingertips sent shards of hot ecstasy careening through every fiber of her being.

  Finally and with a long last stroke he surged forth to her very core; uniting them in the raw heat of an incredible joined orgasm.

  The couple clung together as passion overcame them; sealing their encounter with a binding kiss as they collapsed together in the softness of their trysting spot.

  Although still reveling in the radiating waves of a magnificent shared climax, Tabitha tensed within seconds as her gasping lover removed his hands from her back; raising them instead to cover his face as his massive chest rocked and heaved.

  Immediately she noticed that the power of his climax had effected some changes in her lover. His voice expressed itself in a heated growl, his hair and fingernails seemed longer and thicker; and when he finally parted his fingers he revealed a pair of eyes that glowed an ethereal shade of moon gold.

  “Please turn away,” he released on a growl, leaving her arms and rising from the rug as he revealed the face and body of a man transformed.

  Scurrying to her feet as she threw on her dress, Tabitha watched with wide eyes as long thick tufts of bright blond fur spouted everywhere throughout his body; rendering him the perfect likeness of a werewolf that she’d seen once in the frames of a midnight movie.

  And when he finally dared to take his hands from his face, she beheld the face of le loup.

  She gaped outright at the vision of a visage that boasted glowing eyes, an elongated nose, and lips that opened to reveal the fangs whose presence she’d only suspected earlier.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he growled out, adding as he shook his furry head from side to side, “But I don’t want you to see me like this.”

  Tabitha stepped forward, offering a comforting hand in his direction as she moved closer to him.

  “No!” Royce wailed, adding as he turned away, “You deserve so much better than this madness. Please just go.”

  Sighing in resignation, Tabitha turned toward the railing of the boat; lowering the gate that would allow her to take leave of a place that—just moments earlier—had seemed like the ultimate paradise.

  Soon she found herself in the circular driveway that fronted Royce’s mansion; hailing a taxi cab that would deliver her home.

  Once ensconced behind the locked door of her own private haven, she reached for her work satchel and fished out the mysterious journal that—or so she hoped—would explain the unexplainable.

  After leafing through reams of crème colored paper that held trivial details regarding Royce’s life and business, she froze in her place as she came to a page marked ‘The Fever of the Night.’

  “At the age of 21,” the passage began, “My father Randolph and I travelled to Africa to embark on a diamond mining expedition; a trip that would take us to a green fertile jungle that—or so we’d been informed—held untold natural and mineral resources.”

  “We rejoiced as we mined some of the shiniest gems we’d ever seen throughout the course of our careers,” the passage continued. “Yet our joy turned to horror moments later, as a strange creature sprang forth from the forest and charged growling in our direction; a tall furry creature with fangs and glowing eyes, that could be described only as a werewolf. The creature attacked me before my father’s eyes; sending him into shock as it sunk its fangs deep into my neck.”

  “My father died that day. And I might as well have.”

  Tabitha shut her eyes tight, drawing a deep sustaining breath as her system was wracked by a slash of cold, hard emotional pain.

  “This is his secret,” she mused aloud. “This is the terrible secret that plagues his soul.”

  Finally she opened her eyes and forced herself to read onward.

  “My father always had a weak heart—and the sight of his son in agony sent him over the edge; triggering a cardiac attack that ended his life,” the diary read. “I managed to fight off the creature and was taken to a hospital; where a doctor told me that I had been the victim of a werewolf attack. And although he treated my wounds, he told me that he could not prevent the possibility of my own affliction—and, eventually, my own transformation.”

  “A handful of times throughout my life, the fever of the night has
come to claim me,” Royce continued. “And although I never lose my senses, and never, ever, have I harmed anyone, the transformation is so horrific, so repulsive, that I know without a doubt I must spend my life alone—for I cannot bear to expose a woman to the utter horror of that which I’ve become.”

  Snapping the book shut, Tabitha let loose with a loud sob as she considered an unspeakable truth; the realization that the man she was coming to love was in truth a terrible beast.

  “No, he’s not,” she countered immediately, throwing the diary hard across the room before burying her head in her hands. “He’s a wonderful, beautiful, loving man who is dealing with a terrible problem. I can’t just abandon him—and I certainly can’t expose him to the public, ruining his life, his family, his entire career.”

  Her troubled meditation was disrupted by the sound of a soft knock on her door; one that came accompanied by a familiar voice begging for her attention.

  “I have to see you, Tabitha,” Royce’s pain-ridden voice penetrated her door. “Please.”

  Although she hopped to her feet and headed to the door, Tabitha stopped just short of turning the knob that would eliminate all distance between them.

  “Now when I open this door,” she called out to him. “Am I going to see Cute Smexy Royce? Or Hairy Scary Royce?”

  She relaxed a bit as his answering laughter sent succor to her senses.

  “That’s one of the many things I love about you, Tabitha,” he said her name like the sweetest poetry. “You can inject any situation with just a touch of humor. And rest assured, I’m back to being Royce.”

  Within moments the couple immersed themselves within each other’s arms; with Royce sweeping Tabitha off of her feet and carrying her into her bedroom.

  Their worries briefly forgotten, the couple’s lips collided in a fevered kiss as they collapsed together atop her silken comforter; their limbs and tongues entangling at once as they united in what seemed a timeless embrace.

  “Please do not fear me,” Royce plead with his lover, holding her body closer than close as he whispered, “I would never hurt you, my sweetest Tabitha. I yearn only to please you.”

  More than willing to prove his words, Royce seized her lips in an intense kiss as once again they stripped each other of all of their clothes; their hands stroking and exploring one another’s bodies as two became one.

  Royce’s strong but gentle hands molded Tabitha’s body as though it was fine clay, massaging and worshipping her full breasts, her rounded stomach, her full lush hips; his lips soon following suit as he continued to kiss her senseless.

  “You’re perfect,” he released on a whisper, cradling her adoring in his arms as her breasts crushed his hard massive chest and he stroked the strands of her long black hair.

  “Glad you finally noticed,” Tabitha quipped, adding as she leaned forward to kiss and lick his hard pecs, “And by the way, I do believe you. I know in my heart that you would never hurt me.”

  Throwing herself deep into his arms as the ultimate proof of her trust, she wrapped her arms around his bulging shoulders and her legs around his trim waist; spreading her fleshy thighs before him as she welcomed him inside her.

  Sweeping her up in a passionate embrace, Royce coddled her breasts and hardened her nipples with two attentive hands; all the while settling himself between her parted thighs as he licked her lips and cheeks in an animalistic advance.

  Fully and finally he thrust his hips against hers, his shaft filling her to the core even as he continued to caress and coddle her in a most affectionate manner.

  Rolling reckless together in the infinite softness of her feather soft bed, the couple’s kisses and gasps filled the air above them as she massaged his muscled shoulders and kneaded his planed back; hoisting her hips against his as he writhed and gyrated restless in her arms.

  Pressing his hot hard frame against hers as he gave himself to her totally, Royce thrust still deeper into Tabitha’s body as their arms and legs entangled. Soon it became difficult to tell where one ended and the other began as their kisses deepened.

  Finally and with a resounding thrust, he sent them hurdling across the bounds of an incredible mutual climax; one that left them trembling and shuddering in one another’s arms as they collapsed together in the softness of their bed.

  Tabitha smiled as her fingers made lazy circles across the planed perfection of Royce’s face; a visage that this time maintained both its basic familiarity and outstanding masculine beauty.

  “See, love?” he whispered, raising her hand to his lips for a gentlemanly kiss, “It doesn’t happen every time.” He paused here, adding in a darker tone, “but it will happen again. Is this something you can accept?”

  Tabitha nodded.

  “I can, darling,” she assured him, adding with a shrug, “A few years ago, Royce, I did a story about werewolf legends. I always suspected it to be a true phenomenon—I just never knew that it would hit so close to home.”

  Royce nodded.

  “Well speaking of stories…” he began, tone uneasy.

  He fell silent as Tabitha graced his lips with a kiss of deep understanding; and, or so she suspected, truest love.

  “Your secret is safe with me, Royce,” she told him, adding as she arched her eyebrows, “So to spice up my story, you will have to tell me something else top secret and totally scandalous instead.”

  Royce nodded.

  “Well actually I have many secrets up my sleeve,” he revealed, adding as his body covered hers, “Yet instead of telling you about them, I’d far rather show you instead.”


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  (See all books from Rebecca Foxx)

  Because the Night

  Chapter one

  Sometimes, just sometimes, the hunger of the night came to claim him.

  A renowned physician in the small tropical town of Clearview, Florida, Lance Culver became another person with the passing of the full moon; only the word “person” did not seem a fitting descriptor for the beast he became.

  The vision of the glowing beacon that inspired and oversaw his nocturnal transformation, one that held court over the crystalline stars that defined the Florida night, made his heart and pulse race in divine accord; erasing all signs of coherent thought as he ripped his clothes from his body and assumed what seemed to be his nature made form.

  Soon he found himself roaming the wooded area that surrounded his office and home; crawling like an animal through the emerald leaved grasses that defined this tropical copse.

  Rearing his head upward he howled in appreciation of the swaying palms and stately oak trees that oversaw his walk; indeed, in this state, a robust howl seemed the only expression of ideas or emotion he could muster. And as his slow, unsteady trek erupted at once into a swift, feverish run, he bared his fangs and became one with the night that seemed to consume him.

  Although at first horrified by the appearance of ebony fur as it covered him from head to toe, Lance had come to acknowledge his transformed appearance as a sign of his natural state; and on this night he found particular comfort in the company of woodland creatures who seemed very much his brethren—the pearl pink flamingos, the smooth ivory cranes and soaring seagulls that dotted and defined the tropical landscape.

  Coming to a dead halt at the center of this lush, beautifully untamed landscape, he shut his eyes tight to savor the sweet song of crickets and the shrill cry of gulls overhead; once again parting his lips to join their ethereal chorus—releasing a long low growl that rang forth free and clear on the breezes of a temperate night.

  His entire body tensed seconds later, as a jarring and unwelcome sound erupted in the air around him; disrupting the flow of the nature’s chorus that served to soothe his soul.

  Lance’s eyes flew open, and he barked outright, as he witnessed the unthinkable. He watched helpless as a speeding car crashed unceremonious into the side of a tall oak t
ree bordering the forest; the impact of the crash jarring and jolting the fragile body of the vehicle’s sole occupant—an elderly driver who let loose with a terrified moan as his weak withered hands released his wheel.

  Within seconds the man collapsed in the front seat of his dented, disabled car; clutching his chest as his eyes drifted shut and his lips fell open—releasing a single hard breath that sounded like a death rattle.

  “No,” Lance thought, now racing with frenzied paws in the direction of the car.

  Quickly resuming his human form, Lance rose to his feet and wrenched the car door open with frantic hands; catching the frail body of his elderly patient as it fell fast and limp into his arms.

  Laying the man’s body with infinite gentility into the soft dewy grasses beneath them, Lance performed a quick exam that revealed no sprained or broken bones; betraying instead a faint heartbeat that weakened and slowed by the moment.


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