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Flames of Redemption

Page 7

by Jamie A. Waters

Valentina frowned, bending down to adjust the knives in her thigh holster. It was sufficient as a temporary measure, but she might need something a little longer lasting. Maybe she could arrange to have Yuri smuggle in some of her custom weapons and accessories. “Why would I want to do that? You know I have no interest in command.”

  “I do not like the way he treats you,” Sergei said quietly.

  Valentina froze, anger whipping through her at his careless words. She straightened, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you finished? We have work to do.”


  She held up her hand to stop him. “No, Sergei,” she snapped. “I have enjoyed playing with you again, and I would be sorry to see our games end, but you are crossing a very dangerous line. What is between Nikolai and me is not your concern.”

  Sergei's jaw clenched, and he pushed off the bed, radiating silent fury. “I brought the drone. We can go whenever you are ready.”

  “Good,” she agreed, turning away from him.

  “Valentina, this is not over between us.”

  She paused, her heart thudding in her chest, but she didn't look back. “It's been over for a long time, Sergei.”

  Sergei gave Valentina a boost into the ventilation system and watched as she disappeared from view. Since she was smaller and could move quieter, they had decided it would be better for her to control the drone from within while he monitored on the ground level. Although he'd never admit it to her, she'd always been better suited for this type of work than him.

  He closed the grating behind her and pressed his earpiece into his ear. Leaning casually against the wall, he pulled out his commlink to watch her progress and pretended he was reading through messages.

  He was kicking himself for saying anything to her about Nikolai. Considering her reaction in the medical ward, it was obvious she was still deeply tied to him. His only excuse was that having her so close short-circuited his brain. It had always been that way with her, and time hadn't done a damn thing to dampen it. If anything, he was more captivated than ever.

  Sergei rubbed the back of his neck as he watched Valentina maneuver through the narrow ducts. Until his slip-up, she'd begun softening toward him and falling back into old patterns. Unfortunately, he was running out of time before she went back to Nikolai. Once that happened, any progress he'd made would be lost. Part of him was surprised the charismatic chairman hadn't already issued the order recalling her yet.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Sergei lifted his head, mentally chastising himself for not paying more attention to his surroundings. Ever since Valentina had walked back into his life, he'd been in a perpetual state of disarray. He nodded a greeting to Brant, who was eyeing him with suspicion. “I am waiting for Valentina. She wanted to visit the construction tower, but I seem to have lost her.”

  He heard her snicker in his earpiece, and he straightened, eager for a little payback. If she intended to toy with Brant, well, he'd just have to make things a bit more difficult. The security officer was a little too enamored with her.

  Brant frowned, glancing down the corridor. “She's not in Lars's quarters? I was on my way to check in on her.”

  “No. She can be rather elusive, always getting into trouble and not listening to reason.” Sergei made a dramatic show of sighing. “It can be tedious trying to keep track of her and always having to chase her down, but I will relay your message when she reappears.”

  “Poor Seryozha,” she purred softly in his ear. “If you cannot keep up with me, perhaps I shall find someone who can.”

  Sergei barely resisted the urge to grin at her taunt. Whenever Valentina reappeared, he'd enjoy proving himself to her. Fuck. Just the thought was enough to distract him from the distrustful security officer glaring at him.

  Brant crossed his arms over his chest. “She didn't seem all that fond of you, either, when I took her out to lunch earlier.”

  Sergei settled back against the wall again. “Oh? Valentina did not bother to mention your lunch when she stopped by my quarters earlier… to catch up.”

  “I'm not surprised. I didn't have the impression she confided in you,” Brant retorted. “I just got out of a meeting with Alec. I understand you’ve agreed to invite Nikolai to meet with him.”

  The silence over his earpiece was deafening.

  “Yes,” he agreed, making an effort to keep his tone neutral. Dammit. Valentina would be furious he hadn't shared that information with her. He should have told her about the meeting right away, but he'd been distracted when she was half-naked and kissing him. Although, if he were honest with himself, he hadn't been in a hurry to tell her. He hadn't wanted to risk prematurely sending her back to Nikolai. “I sent over the request after I spoke with Alec. I am still waiting for a response.”

  “Good. Alec mentioned Nikolai would probably prefer a neutral meeting place.”

  “Yes, that is likely,” Sergei replied, darting a quick glance at his commlink and resisting the urge to swear aloud. Valentina was definitely pissed. The visual link to her and the drone had been manually disengaged on her end. She could be anywhere right now, and it was unlikely she'd be interested in playing this time.

  Brant frowned at him. “I understand Valentina works closely with him. What sort of man is he?”

  Sergei pretended to stretch and glanced upward at the grate before leaning against the wall again. He didn't see her, but that didn't mean a whole lot. “Valentina knows Nikolai far better than I do. You may want to ask her when you see her next.”

  Brant nodded. “I'll do that. Alec also mentioned you agreed to assist us with a risk assessment. We're going to need you to provide us with some additional information about Nikolai, his escort, and what to expect during this meeting so we can finalize the security detail. I believe Alec is hoping to meet with him in the next day or two.”

  Sergei froze, dozens of scenarios running through his mind about how best to kill Brant for his reckless statements. Of all the things for Brant to say, the foolish security officer had to suggest he would provide OmniLab with sensitive information.

  “If you even think to betray Nikolai, you will be a dead man,” Valentina hissed in his earpiece. “Next time I see you, your heart will be at the end of my blade.”

  He swallowed, his heart clenching and not because of her threat.

  “I will not have much information to provide, only a meeting location and some other minor details. I cannot be of more help than that,” Sergei explained, but he knew the damage was already done.

  Valentina was gone—back to Nikolai.

  Chapter Seven

  Valentina climbed off the borrowed speeder and stormed into the camp. Two armed men watched her approach. Yanking off her helmet, she tossed it on a nearby rack. “Where is Nikolai?”

  “He's in the command center,” one of the men informed her, stepping aside to let her pass.

  Valentina marched down the hall, aware that most people were taking one look at her expression and moving quickly out of her way. Brant's words still echoed in her head, and her anger at Sergei hadn't diminished during her travel to their camp. His suggestion about leaving Nikolai's service came back to her, and she scowled. If he had some vendetta against Nikolai, she really would kill him.

  Valentina pushed open the door to the command center, glancing at the rows of monitors and maps displayed on the screens. A few people looked up when she entered but immediately went back to work.

  Nikolai and Yuri were standing on the far side of the room, looking over a technician's shoulder. Yuri said something too low to overhear and pointed to an area on the screen. Nikolai replied, gesturing to another location. Out of all the people in the Coalition, these two were amongst the closest to her heart. They'd been peers in the same training class, but over the years they'd become so much more. Nikolai might outrank her, but he and Yuri were her family. She'd do anything to keep them safe. It might destroy something inside her to actually kill Sergei, but she wouldn't allow any
harm to come to them.

  Valentina pulled off her gloves, shoving them into her pocket. It had been far too long since she'd seen Nikolai, but he was much the same, with the exception of the shadows under his eyes. He'd always told her he slept better when she was near. As though sensing her silent observation, he turned, his blue eyes warming at the sight of her.

  Valentina hastened her step as she approached, and he drew her into his arms, wrapping them around her tightly. She leaned against him and returned his hug, his arms a comforting weight around her.

  “Valya,” he murmured, pressing a kiss against her hair. “I wasn't expecting you to return so soon. You've been missed.”

  He released her, and she turned to Yuri, who also embraced her tightly. “I was beginning to think we'd need to storm the towers to retrieve you.”

  “Never,” she whispered, hugging him tightly before turning back to Nikolai.

  Nikolai gave her a wide smile, the gesture making him appear almost boyish. He put his arm around her. “Come. Let's go somewhere private to talk. Yuri, finish up with this and then join us. We can look over the rest of the plans later.”

  “Of course,” he readily agreed, turning back to the screen.

  Valentina leaned against Nikolai's side, walking back with him to the rooms he was currently using. He closed the door behind them and turned around to study her. His eyes roamed over her, drinking in the sight of her. “How bad is the injury? Do you need me to call for a physician?”

  She shook her head. “It's not necessary. The woman Pavel abducted is a skilled healer. She was able to repair the damage without relying on traditional medicine.”

  “Good,” Nikolai murmured, taking a step closer to her.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she stood on her toes and pressed a kiss against his lips. “I've missed you, Kolya.”

  His gaze softened, and he took her hand to lead her over to the couch. “I'm pleased to hear it, but I don't think that's the reason you returned.”

  Valentina sighed and sat beside him. He'd always been far too perceptive. “No, but my place is here by your side.”

  “Is it?” he asked mildly, resting his arm on the back of the couch.

  She didn't answer right away. Instead, she searched his expression. His eyes were infinitely patient, one of the many reasons he was such a respected leader. That, and his diplomatic skills and military experience. A long scar stretching from his nose and across his cheek was a testament to that service, but it didn't detract from his appearance in the slightest. It made him even more appealing but also served as a visible reminder he could be a formidable foe.

  He lifted her hand, placing a kiss against it. “Tell me, what has brought you back to me?”

  “I learned you were considering meeting with OmniLab leadership.”

  “Ah,” he murmured, leaning back. “Yes. Sergei sent over a meeting request with one of their leaders, Alec Tal'Vayr. He wants to meet within the next day or two to discuss concerns about our presence, given what happened to one of their people.”

  She scowled, her hands curling into fists. “Sergei did not tell me. I found out from someone else.”

  Nikolai's mouth twitched in a hint of a smile. He stood and walked over to a small cooling bin, pulled out a couple of hydrating packs, and handed one to her. “I see. Would it have made a difference to you if he had?”

  Valentina stood, unable to sit still. Every time she thought about Sergei and his deception, she was tempted to go back and strangle him. He had plenty of opportunities to tell her about this meeting.

  “Yes,” she snapped, gripping the hydrating pack a little too tightly. “He knows where my loyalty lies, yet he does not share this information with me? I would never allow you to walk into this meeting without having those you trust by your side.”

  Nikolai opened his hydrating pack and took a long drink. “What of Sergei? Does he have people he trusts by his side?”

  Valentina stiffened, suspecting Nikolai was asking an entirely different question. Certain subjects were off-limits, and she wasn't about to discuss this with him. “If you are asking about the investigation, I did not have an opportunity to interview many of our people. I reviewed Sergei's personal notes, but there was nothing within them that hinted at deception. If you wish it, I will go back to finish properly assessing his command.”

  “Not yet,” he said with a sigh, dropping the empty hydrating pack into a recycler. “You will remain here until the situation with OmniLab is resolved. I have need of you.”

  She paused, considering him for a long moment. “What do you wish of me, Nikolai?”

  “Work with Yuri to secure a location for this meet. I want you both to decide upon an escort and to include yourselves in that number. We have another facility targeted for takeover within the next few months. The situation with OmniLab needs to be stabilized before then.”

  “I don't like the idea of you meeting with them,” she admitted, putting down her hydrating pack. “You're too valuable to our cause to put yourself at risk.”

  “I wouldn't be any sort of leader if I allowed people to take risks I wouldn't take myself,” he reminded her, his tone sharp.

  Valentina lowered her gaze for a moment and took a steadying breath. When she lifted her head, she took a step toward him. “We don't know enough about their powers, Kolya. Please let us try to find out more before you put yourself in danger. If you will agree to wait, I can return to the towers and continue to investigate.”

  Nikolai sighed and approached her, lifting his hands to cup her face. She closed her eyes as he brushed a kiss against her forehead. “You know I cannot. Your concern is touching, but we all have a responsibility to our people. Work with Yuri and contact Sergei to find out who will be meeting with us. I want detailed dossiers on each of them.” He paused for a moment and then added, “I admit I'm eager to meet their people and learn more about them.”

  She frowned. She had met Alec briefly, but there was no way to know who else he would be bringing or what sort of powers they possessed. For all she knew, they could influence Nikolai in some way or cause him harm without ever lifting a weapon. Sergei's notes had been intriguing, but not at the risk of endangering Nikolai.

  Nikolai lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “Now tell me about Sergei.”

  Valentina stiffened and pulled away from him, mentally kicking herself for falling into old habits with Sergei again. No one else had ever challenged her as much or gotten under her skin the same way. “There is nothing to tell. He has changed in some ways, but in others, he is much the same.”

  “Do you still care for him, Valya?”

  Valentina shrugged. “I suppose I will always care for him, but it will not prevent me from doing what is necessary. If he is a threat to you, I will handle it.”

  “You know that’s not what I was asking,” he murmured, approaching her from behind. He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her against him. “I thought you might be happier if you found your own path, but I'm having difficulties with the thought of letting you go.”

  “I did not ask you to let me go,” she whispered, her heart clenching.

  “You will always have a place with me for as long as you want it,” he said gently, pressing a kiss against her hair. “But you need to decide if you would rather have a place with him.”

  She turned around to face him. “I don't trust him anymore. You and Yuri have always been there for me. You are my family. How can you think I would want to go to Sergei when he was the one who walked away from all of us? My place is here with you.”

  Nikolai sighed. “Very well. Go ahead and get started with Yuri. We will figure out the rest later.”

  Sergei groaned and threw his arm over his eyes. The pounding continued, but it wasn't coming from his head. At least, not completely. He shoved off the bed and slammed his fist against the door control to open it. At the sight of Lars, he muttered a colorful oath and turned away, stumbling past several empty bottles on his
way to the sink.

  “You look like shit,” Lars said from behind him.

  Sergei shoved his head under the faucet, the cold water doing little to combat his headache. He turned his head, filling his mouth with water, and swished it before spitting it out in the sink. It didn't help. His mouth still tasted as though he'd swallowed dirty socks.

  The scrape of a chair across the tiled floor had a direct line to the icepick taking up residence behind his eyes. He grabbed a nearby drying cloth and rubbed it over his face.

  “What the fuck do you want, Lars?”

  “It's nice to see you too,” Lars replied in a dry voice. “I'm guessing your condition has something to do with Valentina's disappearance? She never returned last night.”

  “She is gone,” he said, going back over to his bed and sprawling across it. He threw his arm over his eyes to block out the light. “Turn off the light on your way out.”

  “Did you drink all of these last night?” Lars asked, the clank of empty bottles causing Sergei’s head to feel like it was going to explode. “I'm not sure if I'm more impressed by the quantity or by the fact you're still alive.”

  “Stop. Talking. Or. I. Will. Break. Them. Over. Your. Head.”

  Lars chuckled, and Sergei cringed at the sound of the recycler being opened and the clatter of the bottles being tossed inside.

  “I hate you,” Sergei groaned through gritted teeth.

  “I imagine you hate yourself more right now,” Lars retorted.

  Sergei grunted, agreeing with his assessment.

  “What happened with Valentina?”

  “None of your fucking business,” Sergei snapped.

  “I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on. Alec is concerned that her leaving has something to do with the meeting request.” Lars paused and added, “If you tell me, I'll get you something for your headache.”

  Sergei sighed in resignation. “She was on comms with me and overheard Brant mention the meeting with Nikolai. Valentina was… displeased. I hadn't told her about it or my part in assisting you with the preparation. She threatened to cut out my heart next time she saw me. Then she left.”


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