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Broken_The Discordant Earth Series 1

Page 17

by Melony Paradise

  “Can I do anything for you?” He watched her, one arm draped over the steering wheel.

  “No, not really,” Alyssa said, looking out the window at nothing in particular. “It’s just so much, you know? My life changed, and it happened so fast. I thought things would be so different than they are now, well, I thought it’d be the same, really, like it has been for the last four years. I expected it to stay that way until Zion. That was supposed to be my happy ending to a fulfilling life here on Earth, the most beautiful day of our lives, leaving this dreary existence for the ethereal heavens. What a joke!”

  Was my life the joke? Was it really all that fulfilling? Was I ever actually happy?

  “You had no way of knowing, Alyssa,” Sebastian said. “Life on Earth can be beautiful, too. When this is all over, I can take you places that prove living on this physical plane is just as rewarding as Zion ever was supposed to be.”

  Searching his eyes, Alyssa found only sincerity in Sebastian, and almost cried. Not once had Kayn ever offered to take her anywhere, even though she’d faithfully served him and he often went to places she had only glimpsed through his publicity broadcasts. Maybe she’d imagined a future with the alien commander that could never be real.

  With a sigh of resignation, she climbed out of the SUV as Sebastian came around to grab her bags and the cookies, motioning for her to lead the way. Shuffling through the hallways, exhaustion weighed heavier with each step as Sebastian nudged her along. At one point, she spied someone, a shadow perhaps, lingering in the dark of one of the side hallways they passed. I’m so exhausted, I’m probably hallucinating.

  By the time they reached the room next to Kora, Alyssa could barely pick up her arm to open the door. Sebastian herded her into the room, setting the bags on the loveseat as she trudged to the bathroom where she splashed some water on her face.

  Only slightly more awake than before, Alyssa came back out to find Sebastian gone and the lack of his presence was a punch in the gut that surprised her. She shook her head at herself, grabbing her pajamas from her overnight bag, and went back in the bathroom to change. Her racing heart settled when she opened the door and saw Sebastian had returned while she’d been changing.

  “I checked on Kora. She’s sleeping like the dead. Didn’t even budge when I opened the door.”

  “Jordan’s there?”

  “Yeah...” He smirked. “He’s camped out on the sofa, snoring like a lumberjack. I don’t know how Kora can sleep through that.”

  “Well, I imagine this is the safest she’s felt in a very long time—if ever.”

  “True enough.” He looked at the floor, suddenly appearing cautious. “You going to sleep now?”

  “Mm hmm.” Alyssa yawned, hugging herself. “I’m so damn tired, I feel like a zombie.”

  “Okay, well, I’ll go then…” Sebastian half-turned toward the door, head down with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

  Alyssa bit back a grin. Damn, he’s adorable. “You can stay here... with me.”

  He turned his head, looking at her sideways. “You want me to?”

  Alyssa huffed at him, rolling her eyes. “You obviously want to stay, and I don’t want you to go, so...”

  “Where would you like me?” He looked up at her with a crooked grin.

  “Well, it seems I forgot my teddy bear. Maybe you can take his place?”

  Sebastian chuckled and stripped off his jacket and shirt while Alyssa climbed into bed. He stood there for a minute with a far-off look as she watched several emotions play across his face, wondering at his hesitation.

  With a quick, decisive nod, Sebastian stalked to the bed, sliding in beside Alyssa. She touched the warm, silky skin of his collarbone, dragging her fingers down his chest to the lines of his six-pack, a small gasp escaping him when her fingers reached his side.

  “That tickles...” Sebastian’s deep voice rumbled in his chest.

  “Sorry.” Alyssa bit her bottom lip, imagining things she shouldn’t.

  “You should sleep.” His low, deep voice lulled her into a zone of contentment.


  “Alyssa,” Sebastian said, his toned stomach mesmerizing her.

  “Yeah?” She savored the feel of his hot skin under the pads of her fingers. So smooth and yum—

  “Darlin’, I’m not made of stone.”

  “What?” Alyssa blinked, returning her focus to his face and the sexy stubble on his strong, square jawline. He is so hot…

  “You keep that up, and I won’t be able to just sleep here with you.”

  “Uh, sorry.” Not really.

  Sebastian grinned at Alyssa with an arched brow and slid a finger down her cheek, sending shivers down her spine. When he kissed that same tingling cheek, she sighed, sinking into his body.

  “Roll over, darlin’. Let’s get some sleep, okay?”

  “I suppose,” Alyssa grumbled, but rolled over anyway, as Sebastian slid his arm under the pillow to cradle her head and scooted forward, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her tight against his lean body. His rhythmic breathing and his hand brushing back and forth across her thigh lulled her into a deep, restful slumber.



  Alyssa groaned when the bed shook.


  Sebastian tightened his arm around her waist.


  “What?” He hissed, loud and annoyed. Alyssa turned toward the unwelcome voices, rolling over to snuggle her face into Sebastian’s warm chest, savoring the feel of his skin against hers.

  “Kora wants to have breakfast—” the hushed voice cracked “—in the cafeteria. She says she’s feeling better today. You two coming?”

  Jerking her head up, her eyes burned as they flew open. “Jordan?”


  Pushing away from a confused Sebastian, Alyssa tried to put some space between them as her cheeks flared. “I, uh, we’re just, uh—”

  “Chill, Alyssa.” Jordan blinked at her, a hint of disappointment in his eyes along with something else, something that looked like determination. “It’s okay, I get it. No worries.”

  He straightened up, standing over them as she clutched the blankets in her white-knuckled fists, and dragging her eyes away from Jordan’s piercing blues, Alyssa turned to Sebastian, who wore an amused grin. With these two brothers staring back at her, the beating of her heart and the racing of her pulse brooked no doubt as to which man she desired.

  “I’m sorry, Jordan,” she muttered, her gaze locked on Sebastian’s handsome face. “I just don’t feel—”

  “Stop,” Jordan blurted out, drawing her attention back. “Really, I get it. Just let it go. I got to get Kora to breakfast.”

  A tiny sparkle brightened his eyes when he mentioned Kora, and Alyssa relaxed, falling back against the pillows, draping an arm over her eye as she let out a sigh that turned into a loud yawn.

  “Well?” Jordan waited with his arms crossed.

  She waved him away and grumbled at his impatience, still feeling a bit of awkwardness and guilt.

  Sebastian chuckled, and Jordan huffed at them before he snickered, leaving them alone. Alyssa lifted her arm and cracked an eyelid to find the room dimly lit from the edges of the window blinds.

  She wormed her body in snug against Sebastian’s sinewy form as he tucked his chin against the top of her head, gently rubbing a hand up and down her back. She briefly entertained a vision of herself waking every day next to this amazing man.

  “You can go back to sleep, darlin’.” Sebastian murmured into her hair.

  “Mm, that would be nice,” she said, positioning her ear to listen to his heartbeat.

  “I got nothing planned today. We can stay in bed all day, if you want.”

  “That sounds like the best plan ever... but I should probably check on Kora.”

  “Jordan seems to have things under control.”

  “Yeah, he does, doesn’t he?”

  “Mm hmm.” S
ebastian stroked her hair, his fingers trailing down her back.

  “Maybe we can stay here just a little while longer.” Alyssa gazed up at his stunning, cobalt eyes.

  He swiped his thumb across her cheek, lips twitching into a little grin, and Alyssa sighed, closing her eyes. She felt the lightest touch of his lips as he kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Sorry, I had to do it.”

  “I don’t mind.” She blinked her eyes, giving him a lazy grin.

  “Maybe you won’t mind this then...”

  Leaning down, he lay a gentle kiss upon her lips, and Alyssa melted into him as his hand fisted into the back of her shirt, squishing her fully against his body. She parted her lips, allowing him to slide his tongue between them.

  Aroused by his tender assault on her mouth, Alyssa moaned and squirmed against him, running her hands down the silky flesh of his lower back. Sebastian sucked on her bottom lip, his hard body grinding against hers.

  Arching her back in lustful response, she tipped her head back to gasp for breath, and Sebastian dragged his mouth down her chin, planting hot kisses along her collarbone. She dug her fingers into his toned, luscious ass and wrapped her leg around him, burning with desire.

  Alyssa’s breath caught when Sebastian’s hand slipped under her shirt to palm her lower back and rolled their bodies until he lay on top of her. His hot tongue searched her eager mouth as she slid her fingers through his hair, grabbing onto a shaggy clump.

  Sebastian growled, sliding his hand down to firmly grab her thigh and pull it up against him until she felt his hardness pushing against her, making her quiver with heat. She gasped against his mouth, her mind reeling with passion.

  Abruptly, Sebastian pulled away, gazing down at her, and sucking in deep breaths, they stared into each other’s eye. Alyssa could barely think past the greedy desire urging her to keep going, even as she saw indecision and hunger on his face.

  “We should stop,” she said, with deep regret.

  “Mm...” Sebastian raised an eyebrow.

  “This is, it’s...” Alyssa stuttered, unable to form the right words.

  “Right?” The corner of his mouth turned up. “What we want? What you want?”

  She closed her eyes, sighing in frustration.

  “Yes. It is what I want, but—”

  “But what...? You’re pregnant with his baby?” Sebastian pinned her with his intense gaze. “I don’t care. That doesn’t matter to me.”

  “It does to me... It feels wrong.”

  Sebastian’s eyebrows shot up, his body going stiff.

  “Not that! That feels, well... good. It’s just, uh, I don’t know!”

  “What? What’s bothering you?” he asked, pushing up onto his knees.

  “I’m pregnant with a hybrid baby, Sebastian, and I’m still in this screwed up relationship with Kayn, even if it is based on lies. Besides, um... I’ve never been with a human, only him… and only twice.” Alyssa’s face flushed bright red as she looked away from Sebastian, unable to meet his eyes.

  “Darlin’, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, and I apologize if I’m pushing too hard. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You didn’t... I want to be with you, I really do. I just think maybe I’m not ready yet. Sorry.” Tears threatened to choke her.

  “Don’t apologize, darlin’. I’m not upset. Besides, you’re worth the wait.” He tapped her on the nose with his finger.

  Alyssa beamed at him. “So are you.”

  “You still want to sleep some more?”

  “Um, I don’t think it’s a very good idea for us to stay in this bed.”

  Sebastian smirked. “No, probably not.”

  “Besides, I really should brush my teeth. Sorry for the morning breath.”

  “I didn’t notice,” he said with a wink. “I think I’ll go to my room to change. See you in a bit.”

  Alyssa waved, watching his sexy body exit the room, and leaned back against the bed, clasping the pillow over her face to scream out her sexual frustration.

  Chapter 15

  “Anyone call for me?”

  “Your commander called last night,” Granny said over the phone. “Told him you were both napping.”

  “Did he say what he wanted?”

  “Said that mate of Kora’s is in jail, and we’ll be getting a delivery today. What’s the delivery?”

  “Stuff for Kora, and extra supplies for the extra mouth you’re supposed to be feeding.”

  “Ah, I see. How’s she doing today?”

  “I’m not sure yet, I slept late, but Jordan woke me up and said she’s doing better. I’ll see her in a few when I get breakfast.”

  “You give her my cookies?”

  “Not yet. She was asleep when we got back last night, but I’m sure she’ll be happy for a snack. I think Sen starved that poor girl. Her belly’s big but the rest of her is skin and bones, I swear!”

  “You may be right.” Granny clucked. “Go get yourself some breakfast, baby girl, you’re not much better off than Kora in the flesh department. Put some meat on those bones! You got a baby to feed too, you know.”

  “I know, Granny. I’ll be sure to eat plenty.”

  “What’s the matter, Aly girl?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t feed me that bull pucky, little miss, I can tell when something’s wrong.”

  Alyssa grinned as her heart warmed with Granny’s concern.

  “Can’t get nothing past you, can I?”

  “No, ma’am. Spill it.”

  “It’s Sebastian—”

  “He do something he wasn’t supposed to? I’ll kick his bu—”

  “No, Granny! No, he doesn’t need anything kicked. I do.”

  “What for?”

  “I like him... a lot.”

  “I figured,” Granny said, sounding satisfied with herself. “So, what’s the problem? He doesn’t like you back?”

  “Oh, he likes me back just fine.”

  “Okay, sounds like a match is to be had then.”

  “But Granny, I’m still with Kayn and pregnant with his baby.”

  “Oh, pish! That doesn’t matter anymore. He’s an evil monster who killed your parents, baby girl. That Zook doesn’t deserve two seconds of your concern.”

  Shocked at Granny’s use of the derogatory name for the aliens, Alyssa bit her tongue to prevent herself from scolding her.

  Granny’s right, I shouldn’t be sticking up for them. Kayn doesn’t deserve my loyalty anymore! So, why can’t I let him go and move on?

  “Now, Granny, not all the Szu’Kara are bad. They wouldn’t be in the coalition if they were.”

  “You’re right, Aly girl. Regardless, Sebastian is a good boy, and I always liked him, but that’s just my two cents.”

  “I hear you but I still have to pretend like nothing’s changed. I think they want me to go back to work so I can keep an eye on Kayn and the general. Plus, Kayn asked me to have dinner with him.”

  “You watch yourself, Alyssa. Don’t trust anyone there but the ones you know are good guys.”

  “I will, Granny. I better go now. Got a baby to feed, you know.”


  “Look who’s out of bed, finally,” Jordan said with a snicker.

  “Hi, Alyssa.” Kora smiled shyly, appearing well rested and a little less fearful.

  “Hey, Kora. How’d you sleep?”

  “Good.” She peeked at Jordan, who sat close enough to rub elbows with her.

  “Jordan was a good boy, right?” Alyssa asked, giving him a stern look.

  “I was a perfect gentleman, thank you very much.”

  Kora giggled, and Alyssa coughed to cover her shock. Had she ever heard Kora laugh?

  “Well, good. I’m glad you got some rest.”

  “And how did you sleep?” Jordan eyeballed her with a smirk.

  “I slept just fine. Great, actually. I was exhausted last night.”

  “Yeah, e
xhaustion, that’s it,” Jordan said, narrowing his eyes, one corner of his mouth turned up.


  “You don’t think it might have been the extra body in your bed?”

  “That’s none of your business, mister.” Alyssa looked down at her food, ignoring Jordan’s jibes.

  “Who was in your bed?” Kora asked, staring at her with innocent curiosity.

  Jordan turned his head toward her and stage whispered behind his hand. “Bas was.”

  “Oh...” Kora’s eyes widened and a smile pulled at her mouth.

  “It’s not a big deal.” Alyssa chewed on her bottom lip. “Let’s drop it, okay? So, what’s the plan for today?”

  “We’re going to hang out in the rec room.” Jordan chewed on a bagel, watching Kora out the corner of his eye.


  “Yeah, it’ll give Kora a chance to meet some of the residents so she can get more comfortable with everyone and move into her permanent room as soon as possible.”

  “And where is her permanent room? Near yours, I suspect.”

  “Well, sure. She should be near a familiar face, right, Kora?”

  “Uh, yeah...” Kora didn’t sound so sure.

  Alyssa pointed her fork at her. “Take your time, Kora. You don’t have to be around all those new people until you’re ready.”

  “It’s okay—” she lowered her chin, hiding a bashful smile “—as long as Jordan’s there.”

  Alyssa felt relieved knowing someone else looked out for her timid friend, and Kora seemed comfortable with Jordan. Besides, he was caring and protective, the perfect person to stick by her side.

  “Hey, gang.” Sebastian called from behind Alyssa, setting her aflutter as Jordan snickered, making her blush.

  “Hey, Bas. Where you been, dude?”

  “Had to stop by the control room for the daily report. Nait was having a fit about me being late.”

  Alyssa blushed again when Jordan and Kora both looked at her. Jordan broke out in a bout of laughter, and Kora giggled behind her hand.

  “Oh, stop it, already!” Alyssa glowered at them, dizzy from all the blushing.

  Jordan doubled over, practically falling out of his seat.

  “What’s so funny?” Sebastian asked, his eyes scanning the table.


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