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Broken_The Discordant Earth Series 1

Page 29

by Melony Paradise

  “That’s horrible. They should be given a proper burial. Erica and her baby need to be laid to rest.”

  “That is impossible, at this time. I will consider your request, though.”

  The tension in the air smothered the room as Kayn watched Alyssa with calculating eyes, and she fought the urge to squirm under his scrutiny.

  “Where is Miss Lee, Alyssa? Her child should have been born by now.”

  Oh, crap! “She’s gone.”

  “Gone where?” Kayn’s eyes narrowed, shadows darkening his sharp features, giving him a sinister appearance.

  “I don’t know,” Alyssa said, shivering. “She stayed with Granny a few days and left.”

  “She did not indicate where she was going?”

  “No. She left in the middle of the night.”

  “Why did you not inform me?”

  “I didn’t know it mattered.”

  “Of course, it matters. She has our offspring. Miss Lee should have been under our care.” Kayn clasped his hands behind his back, an irritated growl rumbling in his throat. “You have witnessed what is possible with our mixed genetics. There is no telling what has happened to Miss Lee and her child.”

  Yes, there is, but you’ll never know. “I’m sorry, but I’ve had so many other things on my mind. I didn’t think to call you.”

  “No, you did not,” he snapped. “You will be more forthcoming about our child, correct?”

  “Yes. I will let you know if I go missing in the middle of the night.”

  “You are being childish, my dear. I expect more from the mother of my child.”

  Seriously? “It’s been a long few days, Kayn. I’m tired and grumpy, and this conversation is wearing on my nerves.”

  “I apologize. I do not wish to upset you. I have only one other question.”

  “What is it, Kayn?”

  “Have you spoken to Miss Sanders recently?”

  Oh, shit. “It’s been a few days. Why?”

  “She has not contacted you?”

  “No, Kayn, she has not. Why?”

  “Is that not unusual? She is your closest friend, correct?”

  “Yes! Correct! What’s the problem? We aren’t attached at the hip, Kayn. We sometimes don’t talk for many days at a time.”

  “Control yourself.” He glared, lips pursed. “Miss Sanders and her family are missing.”

  Go to hell. “What do you mean, ‘missing’?”

  “The Sanders family has missed three employment days. None of them have called to report illness. There has been no contact with them since last Tuesday. Lorn has submitted a missing person’s report. I am surprised he has not contacted you.”

  “I am, too. You don’t have any idea what might have happened? They can’t have vanished into thin air.”

  “The guards report the family exiting the compound Tuesday evening and never returning.”

  “Do you have a team searching for them, Kayn? They have to be somewhere. You have to find them!”

  His face softened. “Yes, my dear. I have assigned a team to the search. We will find them.”

  I hope not. “Good. You have to find her. I can’t lose my best friend, too. Her parents are like my second family, and without my mom and dad, I need them.”

  Alyssa buried her face in a damp towel, hoping he’d mistake her tears of exhaustion for tears of despair.

  “I will do all I can to ensure their safe return. You may wish to contact Lorn.”

  “I will,” she said, “and I’ll try Jess’ phone. Maybe they just went on some impromptu road trip.”

  “Contact me if you hear from them.”

  “Everything okay, Aly girl?”

  “Yeah, Granny. Kayn was just leaving.”

  “Ms. Summers, I do appreciate you caring for Alyssa and our offspring.”

  “No need to thank me.” Granny snarled at him. “Alyssa is precious. Her baby will have all the love and support it should have, in my home.”

  Kayn’s eyelids drooped as he peered down at Granny. “Our child will be well cared for. In the meantime, I will order extra supplies to be delivered. Alyssa needs more nourishment and you have extra guests.”

  “As you wish, Commander.” Granny snorted, turning her head to roll her eyes at Alyssa.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.” Kayn approached Marly and Shari where they hovered in the hallway.

  “Commander,” Marly said, with a guarded expression and his arm tight around his wife’s waist.

  “I am relieved you and your wife are safe.”

  “Yes, me too. Any idea what caused the fire?”

  “Not at this time, no. The fire chief has agreed to notify me of his findings. I assure you, there will be a thorough investigation into the matter.”

  Alyssa scoffed, turning it into a cough when Kayn looked over at her with narrowed eyes. Why bother? He probably already knows it was Ras. Maybe he ordered Ras to do it.

  Turning back to Marly, Kayn put on an appeasing smile. “I have assigned a team to begin rebuilding your store. Would you like me to assign you temporary living quarters on the compound?”


  “Absolutely not.” Granny interjected, hands on her hips. “They’ll be staying right here with me.”

  Shari touched Granny’s arm, eyes wide with equal parts concern and hope. “Are you sure, Willow?”

  “Yes, dear. You’re welcome in my home for as long as you want. Aly and I could use the extra company. Besides, I got lots of stuff that needs fixing so, Marly, you better get friendly with the hammer.”

  Marly grinned. “Thank you, Commander, but it looks like we’re staying put.”

  “Very well. Good evening to you all. Goodbye, Alyssa.”


  When the door clicked shut, it felt as if the house breathed a sigh of relief. Marly pulled Shari close while Alyssa slumped against the sofa cushions, and Granny crossed her arms with a nod of finality.

  Chapter 27

  Alyssa spent a few days at coalition headquarters, per Granny’s suggestion, where Sebastian doted on her constantly, which she selfishly encouraged. When she wasn’t holed up with her loving man, Alyssa enjoyed quality girl time with Jess and Kora, or much needed baby time with Lyssa.

  Jess and Kora regaled her with tales of rec room antics and gossip. Kora had decided to spare the permanent residents from middle of the night cry fests, by staying in her original room, prompting the gang to stay in their rooms near her. To everyone’s relief, Cecily had taken Zirena back to California, promising to return with less obstinate reinforcements.

  Jordan and Sebastian had moved all their belongings out of resident housing, and Jess moved into the room next to her parents, where Lorn began spending most of his nights. Her parents initially protested, but Jess quickly put them in their place, “I am an adult after all.”

  The gang attended numerous meetings where plans were made, arguments won and lost, and evidence of rising alien violence plastered the conference room walls. Edward became more and more involved in the fight against the Szu’Kara.

  Reports came in from all over the world. Apparently, the Szu’Kara street presence had increased dramatically in all the larger cities. Not so much in the smaller towns, but the change was noticeable. Alyssa contacted Granny, who confirmed a light patrol passed by the house a couple of times a day.

  “It’s okay, darlin’. They think Jordan’s a Good Samaritan. He’ll be able to get you in and out of town, no problem.”

  One night, before Alyssa went back to Granny’s, Sebastian and Jordan led a team to ambush a weapons supply convoy. Alyssa and Jess waited with Kora and the baby, and spent hours chewing fingernails, pacing the room, and eating comfort food.

  Finally, around three in the morning, the team returned triumphant to an overjoyed crowd. Cheers were heard all over headquarters as the coalition had acquired much needed weapons for future excursions.

  Jess consoled a distraught Lorn. During the ambush, he’d had to kill two
alien guards, even though he’d committed to the coalition, he still mourned the loss of Szu’Kara lives.


  “Willow, have you seen this?” Shari called from the living room.

  Granny and Alyssa turned to each other, puzzled, and filed into the living room where Marly and Shari both perched on the edge of the sofa, their eyes glued to the television.

  Alyssa recognized Cecily’s voice, even with the top half of her face covered with a half-mask. Video ran in the background of Szu’Kara soldiers abusing human slaves.

  “...regret to inform you our alien benefactors are not here to save us or protect us. They have no intention of ensuring humanity’s continued existence on Earth. The Szu’Kara have ulterior motives.

  “I am sorry to say everything you know or believe about Zion and Asen’Sha is a lie. This may be hard to believe, after so many years, but the realm you know as Zion is only a hallucination. The aliens use the Valene in their skin to drug you, making you think you’re in a different dimension that feels like Heaven.

  “Some of you already know the Szu’Kara are basically slavers. They use and abuse humans at their will. Our women are used as breeders. Our children are traded like cattle. Men are forced to labor under appalling conditions. Valene is highly addictive, allowing the Szu’Kara to take advantage of our bodies and break our will.

  “Commander Kayn, like so many commanders before him, leads the Szu’Kara from planet to planet. They eliminate any intelligent societies inhabiting these planets. Their goal is to clear away what they perceive as trash so they can make a new home for themselves.

  “I am a member of the Coalition for the Freedom of Humanity, an organization that aims to set things right. We want to end the slavery and abuse. We want to free humans from this oppression. Our goal is to live in peace.

  “Since their arrival, Szu’Kara have so generously assisted with improving our manufacturing processes. They have integrated their own alien substances with our Earthly materials and created Plastin, which almost everyone is familiar with. Unfortunately, this substance in Plastin is only one part of a compound.

  “Szu’Kara scientists have modified concentrated amounts of Valene in a way that, when it comes into contact with Plastin, an extremely poisonous gas is released. They call it the Key, touting it as the key to Zion. Our own human scientists have been working on the Key for years, believing they were helping humanity reach eternal bliss.

  “The aliens are currently working on a way to release the Key into the air so humans will have no chance to escape the poison. Unless you live in a cave or have somehow avoided anything made in the last twenty years, you are surrounded by things that can kill you. The coalition recommends you take anything made of Plastin out of your homes and burn it. Burn it all!

  “Now, it may be impossible to determine the intentions of individual Szu’Kara beings, but I assure you, they are not all evil monsters with a desire to commit human genocide. Our coalition includes many of our alien friends that want to help save humanity. They are providing valuable information and putting their lives on the line to help us.

  “I implore you to take a look around. Open your eyes to the evils that are occurring in the settlements we have been herded into. Protect your children. Protect your family and friends. Fight against the Szu’Kara that want to enslave and murder humans.

  “Be aware not all anti-alien groups are the same. There are radicals among us who will sacrifice anyone who gets in the way of their goals. The coalition is not that way. We want to save lives, not take them, unless absolutely necessary.

  “This message will continue to repeat for as long as possible. Immediately after this broadcast, you will see photographic and video evidence displayed on your screen. These images are brutal and horrifying. They will show you many of the atrocities committed against humans. If you are a parent, you must decide, whether you want your children to see these images. They can be traumatizing.

  “Brace yourself. Our world is about to change.”

  The screen switched to display some of the same photos Alyssa had already seen, and she twisted away, gagging and holding her stomach. Granny shook her head, muttering under her breath while Marly and Shari grasped each other, disgust written on their faces.

  “This? This is what’s been happening?” Shari flailed a hand at the television.

  “Sure is, dear.” Granny deadpanned, only her pursed mouth giving away her ire.

  “I knew they were bad, but this—this is pure evil.”

  “I tried to tell you, honey,” Marly said. “Those aliens are monsters.”

  “Did you help the coalition do this?” Shari turned to Alyssa, waiting for an answer.

  “I helped as much as I could.”

  “This is going to cause some problems for that commander.”

  “That’s an understatement, Marly.” Granny chuckled at him.

  “What do we do now?” Shari collapsed back against the sofa, forehead lined with worry, hugging herself.

  “Nothing we can do,” Alyssa said, resigned. “Just have to sit tight and see what happens. Hopefully, this will keep Kayn and Ras busy, and take their sights off you two.”

  “Yes,” Shari muttered, her face scrunched up as she watched the gruesome scenes play on the television. “We definitely don’t want this kind of attention coming our way.”

  Marly insisted on keeping the television on, hoping for news about any backlash, while the women hung out around the kitchen table debating possible outcomes, Shari peppering Alyssa with questions about the coalition.

  Throughout the day, they took turns peeking outside, watching as pairs of soldiers passed by every couple of hours, but not much else had changed. Feeling cooped up, Alyssa decided to walk to the local grocery.

  “You sure you want to go outside, Alyssa?”

  “Don’t worry, Shari. Kayn might be a monster, but he still wants this baby. He won’t let anything happen to me.”

  “You be careful out there, baby girl. Don’t stay out too long. Keep your eyes and ears open.”

  Alyssa strapped her dagger to her thigh, inside loose-fitting pants, since her belly had grown to where most of her clothes no longer fit. She stuffed a grocery tote and change purse into her jacket pockets, snagging the grocery list Granny waved at her before she headed out the door.

  An azure sky greeted Alyssa, with occasional wispy clouds floating by, as she reveled in the early summer heat, her lightweight jacket almost too warm to wear.

  The sun hung low in the sky, disappearing behind the trees that lined the sidewalk as she strolled by. The small neighborhood had a sense of tranquility, with children’s laughter tinkling through the air, and Alyssa imagined an alien-free world, without images of dead or dying humans flickering across televisions around the world.

  Serenity settled in her mind and body, her thoughts on Sebastian and the overwhelming love and devotion he had for her. She marveled at his acceptance of her baby, and how he’d even talked about someday settling down, like a little family.

  While she wandered the aisles of the grocery store, she pondered where they might live. Maybe with Granny. Maybe in a new town altogether. I wonder what’ll happen with Kayn? Will I ever get away from him? Will he let me and this baby have a peaceful life?

  A weight settled in Alyssa’s chest, panic fluttered in her stomach like a trapped moth. She quickly finished up Granny’s list, paid the cashier, and rushed out of the claustrophobic store.

  Outside, Alyssa leaned against the brick wall to catch her breath for a couple of minutes, then straightened her jacket and began the short trip home.

  Near the end of the block, large hands grabbed Alyssa from the side. She yelped as someone yanked her into a small service alley between the shops. Arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind, and a sweaty hand clamped over her mouth, pulling her farther away from the open street.

  She dropped her grocery bag, oranges and apples bouncing around their feet, and the attacker stumbl
ed, nearly dragging her to the ground. Quickly, she dropped her body, becoming dead weight.

  The assailant, a man, hollered and fell forward onto Alyssa. She bucked up against him, trying to knock him off, and he rolled to the side but got a handful of her jacket, preventing her from escaping.

  Dropping to her knees, Alyssa screamed for help, trying to tug her arms out of her sleeves. The man crawled towards her, using her jacket for leverage, but at the last second, it slipped off, and Alyssa dashed to the end of the alleyway.

  At the corner of the building, she smacked face first into a Szu’Kara guard, who shoved her into the arms of a second guard and ran after the fleeing attacker. Alyssa wilted, shivering from fear and adrenaline.

  “Thank you—”

  “Sir, I have her in custody.” Static filled the air as the guard waited for a response.

  “Excuse me—”

  “Bring her in.” A tinny sounding voice answered on the walkie-talkie.

  The guard dragged Alyssa back through the service alley as she stumbled, kicking the stray fruit. She protested, yelling obscenities, but they fell on deaf ears as they approached a large, black van waiting behind the building. Not another damn van! Why does this keep happening to me?

  The door of the van slid open, revealing General Ras, a satisfied smile flashing on his arrogant face. The guard shoved her toward the general, whose eyes narrowed right before his fist snapped against her cheek, knocking her out cold.


  Throbbing pain radiated through Alyssa’s face, waking her, and she bolted upright, only to bounce back against a cushioned surface. Twisting her head around, she found her wrists tied to Kayn’s headboard.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me!”

  “This is no joke, Miss Rose.”

  Fear iced her veins at the sight of Ras towering over her. Behind him, Ela waited with a doctor’s bag in her hands. Alyssa’s eyes darted around the room, searching her surroundings, only to find Kayn lounging in a chair in the corner of the dim room.

  “Kayn, what’s going on? Why am I tied to your bed?”

  With a flick of his spindly fingers, Kayn dismissed the general, but Ela stayed, observing like a condemning statue. Alyssa focused on his shadowed face.


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