A Gentleman's Pride: The Tainted Series

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A Gentleman's Pride: The Tainted Series Page 5

by T. L. Tate

  “I see. So where do we go from here?”

  “I’m not sure yet. But I wanted to let you know what I was thinking about. Are you okay with all of this?”

  I kissed her again, “Honey, I just want you to be happy. That’s all. So if you’re not happy there then we’ll find a place where you can be happy.”

  “Thanks, Jake. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “I love you, Rachel.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We kissed again and she told me that she would probably spend the rest of the day at a day spa and that she would see me after her appointment with Amara. I walked her out of the building. When we left my office I was surprised to see that Sarah wasn’t at her desk. However, when we rounded the corner, I saw what became of my wandering assistant. She was sitting with Toni, her face yet again colored by a pink shade as Toni cackled at her expense. When they both saw us, Toni smiled brightly and waved, Sarah smiled shyly and nodded.

  After escorting Rachel to her car and kissing her goodbye, I headed back towards my office and was brought up short by Toni. “What was that about?”

  “Nothing. She just came to talk to me.”

  “Hmm.” She leaned forward and sniffed me. “Talk huh?”

  “Yep. That’s it. You should ask her about it if you doubt me.”

  “I don’t doubt you. I’m just worried about her. I hate seeing her like this.”

  I had to remember that even after all of Toni’s flirting and machinations, she’s still Rachel’s little sister. Toni looks up to Rachel. Of course she would be worried. “I know. We’re working on it but I don’t know how things will turn out. Hopefully, they’ll get better.”

  What she thought of my assurances, she didn’t say. On my way back to my desk, I passed Sarah. She was just hanging up the phone, “Oh, Jake. Mr. Nemack wants to meet with you at 4 today. Will that be okay?”

  “Sure. Tell him I’ll come up to his office.”

  “Sure thing.” She picked up the phone, ready to dial.

  “Sarah. Wait.”

  She put the phone back on the cradle. “Yes?”

  “Who all has keys to my office?”

  “W-w-who what now?” Her face turned red.

  “Keys to my office. Who has them?”

  “Oh. Umm, the janitors, you, and I have a set. Why?”

  “You have a set?”

  “Y-yeah. Why? Is that not okay?”

  “I’m not sure. Where were you about 10-minutes ago?”

  “Where was I?”


  “Oh, I was talking to Toni.”

  “Talking to Toni? About what?”

  “Umm, nothing. Just girl stuff. D-did I do something wrong, sir?”

  “Do you have the keys to my office with you?”

  She shook her head, “I don’t carry them. You can find them in this top drawer.” She pulled back the drawer and it was empty. “T-that’s odd. I know they were here this morning. I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll find them. Give me a minute.” She started frantically opening drawers. I reached down and touched her hand. She stopped moving but the hand that I touched was shaking.

  “It’s okay. Really. I was just curious. You’re not in any trouble.” I smiled and she let out a relieved sigh.

  “T-thank you, sir. Thank you.”

  I laughed and winked at her, “Jake. Call me Jake, Sarah.”

  “Of course. Sorry, Jake. Sorry.”

  I turned and left. Once I was alone in my office, I kicked myself. Towards the very end there I flirted. I know I did. What the hell was wrong with me? I can’t flirt with my assistant. Not only is it wrong but it is way too cliché.

  My meeting with my boss went swimmingly. He just wanted to sit me aside and congratulate me on prospecting to and selling our services to our new client. Apparently the board was excited and this excitement trickled down to him and he was spreading the goodwill. They offered me a stupidly large bonus and I took it. Money. Money. Money!

  Now sitting across from Dr. Amara Jeffries, she sat her notebook on her lap with her glasses hanging at the opening of her shirt. Her forest green blouse was open just below her chest, showing a good portion of her chocolate cleavage. I didn’t know if she was doing it on purpose or not but she was advertising her body in a way that was difficult not to react too. Her long dark legs were crossed at the knees, while a short grey skirt kept her flower hidden. Her soft and plump looking lips were upturned at the corners in a slightly mocking gesture. They glistened like two freshly moistened pillows of deliciousness. Her prominent cheekbones and intelligent eyes highlighted her perfectly proportioned face. Her natural hair was twisted and fell about her shoulders. She rocked her foot back and forth as I tried to avert my eyes from her obvious attractiveness.

  “So what am I supposed to do here?” I was nervous around her. I felt like she was seeing too much of me and I didn’t like that.

  Her mocking smile transformed into a genuine grin. “Well, this is our first solo meeting. How about we talk about you. Tell me why you agreed to come see me.”

  “Oh. Well you already know about my wife’s affair.” She nodded. “I was angry but I felt like I had to do at least do this much…considering.”

  “Really? And why did you feel this way?”

  “I, umm, already told you. I felt that I didn’t allow our relationship to grow with the changes in our lives.”

  “Is that all?” She twirled her pen in her hand slowly.

  “What do you mean?” I felt myself begin to sweat.

  “I mean didn’t you have another reason to agree to this?”

  “I don’t understand.” Did she know? There’s no way she knew. Did she?

  “I think you do.” Fuck!

  “I-I…how did you know?”

  “Know what?” Her smile was mocking again.

  “How did you know about what I did?”

  “And what’s that?”

  “I-I also had an affair.”

  She shrugged, “Part of my job is understanding underlying motivations. Yours was obvious when we first met. I doubt your wife has figured it out though.”

  “So what should I do? Should I tell her?”

  “Do you think you should tell her?”

  “I want to, but…”

  “But you think it’ll be selfish of you?”

  “Yeah. I’m worried that I’ll hurt her for no reason.”

  “Well, all I can tell you is that a open and honest marriage should be the hallmark that you’re striving towards.”

  “I-I know.” I looked down at my clasped hands in disgust.

  “But…” When she said that I picked my head up. “But if I’m being honest. All relationships have varying levels of deceit. It’s naïve to believe that they won’t. Why don’t you tell me about why you had your affair.”

  I sighed. “Okay. The night I found out about Rachel’s affair a…umm friend came by and I had sex with her. At the time I just wanted to get back at Rachel. I thought turnabout was fair play so when my friend came on to me, I went for it. We did mess around once more the other day but it’s over now. Now my only focus is on Rachel. I don’t want to cheat on her ever again.”

  “Hmm, so you felt justified because she cheated first?”

  “I wouldn’t say justified, but I definitely wanted to hurt her. I thought that would be a good way.”

  “But how can it hurt her if she doesn’t know about it?”

  “Well…I don’t feel that way anymore. I don’t want to hurt her. I want to be with her. I love her.”

  “So then what are you going to do?”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  She chuckled and shook her head to the side. “Sorry, that’s not how this works. I’m not here to make decisions for you. I’m here to help you arrive at a decision for yourself.”

  “Well then for now I think I’ll just bury it. I don’t plan on betraying her again and I don’t want to hurt her either. So it make
s more sense to call it a mistake and move on.”

  Her eyes grew piercing and she stopped smirking. She picked up her notepad and wrote something and then set it down. After doing so, she bent forward nice and slowly. As she reached for her glass of water that sat on the small table separating us, her glasses pulled at her shirt and I saw more of her breasts and the dark bra she wore. She pretended not to notice but I knew that she could feel me watching her. What she thought about it, I didn’t know.

  “So tell me a bit more about your relationship with your wife. I heard your history in our couple’s session. Now I would like to hear it from you, without it being censored by your wife’s presence.”

  The rest of the session was spent with me talking about our meeting and how our relationship developed from the beginning to the present. By the time that my time was up, I was spent. Walking me to the door, Amara placed her hand on my arm and leaned in. I felt her body rub up against me.

  I could smell honeysuckle and vanilla on her breath. It was sweetly intoxicating. “Just between us, I think you’re doing the right thing in not telling your wife.”

  I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded. She stepped back and opened the door. Rachel was sitting in the waiting area, alone. When she saw me she stood quickly and floated towards me. She looked much better and far more relaxed than I had seen her in a long time. Apparently her spa day went well.

  “Hey baby.” I kissed her as she held me.

  “Hey handsome!”

  “I’ll be here waiting for you and then we can go out and grab dinner.”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t want you waiting here for me. I’m sure that you’ve had a long day. Why not go home and I’ll pick something up on my way back?” She leaned in. “Then we can go another round and eat dinner.”

  I’ve got to admit, the idea of having my wife and then having a good dinner was tempting. Agreeing, I kissed her again and then headed home.

  When Rachel came home I was hungry for two things. I immediately settled for sating my primary hunger. She walked through the door with a bag of take out from an Ethiopian diner we used to frequent. Placing the bag on the kitchen countertop, I stepped up behind her.

  I could sense that something was off about her. “What’s wrong, babe?” Did your session not go well?”

  “It went fine. Don’t worry. I’m okay.” I knew she was lying but if she didn’t want to discuss it I didn’t want to force it out of her. Besides, when she turned around her hands went straight to my hard cock. I couldn’t have forced her even if I wanted to. “Mmmm. You’ve been waiting for me, huh?”

  “Of course. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  She clucked her tongue. “No dessert before dinner.”

  I dropped to my knees and pushed up her skirt. She didn’t stop me as I slid the panties off of her body. “Oh come on. Please. I promise to clean my plate later.” I kissed up her thighs until my lips touched her slit. I spread her lips open with my tongue and she lifted her leg and draped it over my shoulder.

  She tilted her head back and moaned. “Mmmm! Such a greedy boy. Eat it, baby. Eat all the dessert you want. It’s nice and sweet. Just for you.”

  “Mmmm. I love it!” I dove back in as she continued to writhe. When she was good and wet. I stood and picked her up. She was on the edge of the countertop with her legs spread.

  “Look at me, Jake.” I did. “I want you to look at me as I give myself to you. I want you to have all of me. I love you, Jake. I love you so much.” There was such angst in her voice that I almost stopped. Where was all of this pain coming from? I didn’t know. She held my face between her hands and spoke slowly. “Say that you love me. Tell me that you know that I love you. Tell me, Jake. Please.”

  “I-I love you, Rachel. I always have and always will. I know that you love me, honey. I know.”

  She smiled sweetly. “Thank you. Now fuck me. Fuck me up.”

  I slid into her like a hot knife through butter. I didn’t stop until I was buried to the hilt.

  “Ah fuck!” She screamed.

  “Holy shit!” I yelled.

  She held herself up with her arms as I lifted her ass off the countertop. She rocked as I slammed inside of her. When she grew tired I saw her arms start to quiver. I hooked both of her legs in my arms and lifted her off of the countertop. With her small hands locked securely behind my neck, I stepped back from the counter and continued to ram into her.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Her voice rang throughout the house but was muffled when she bit down on my shoulder.

  “Goddamn! You’re incredible, baby!” And it was true. Her hot and wet pussy opened up to accept all of me while touching all of my sweet spots. It was divine.

  Walking over to our table, I slowly set her feet on the ground. Once she was down, I touched her shoulder and she quickly turned around. She bent over the table, so that her ass was over the edge and her chest lay flat on the tabletop. I entered her nice and slowly.

  I was rewarded with a deep and long “Oooo”, as I buried myself inside of her. Once I was in deep, I rocked my hips in slow, deliberate circles as she pressed herself against me.

  Leaning over on top of her, I removed her long hair from her face. Kissing her shoulder, I made my way up her neck and to her ear.

  I whispered, “I love you so much. You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re tough and I’m so happy that you’re my wife.” I felt her pussy squeeze me tighter as I spoke.

  Tears sprang to her eyes almost immediately. “Oh, Jake! I don’t deserve someone as wonderful as you. I love you so much.”

  I wiped the tears away and then rested my head against hers as I moved in slow circles. Soon she started bouncing against me and I knew that she was close. My breath through her hair and her soft moans were the soundtrack to our lovemaking. After we both arrived, I rested on top of her back as I kissed her cheek and whispered of my undying love for her.

  After dinner, we showered together and then went to bed early. We didn’t fall asleep straight away. Instead, we stayed up and talked. Eventually, she rested her head against my shoulder as I read her one of my favorite books. It was…nice. It was perfect really. When I heard her deep breaths I knew she was asleep. Quietly, I closed the book and turned off the lamp on my nightstand. I held her until I fell asleep.

  I dreamed of her that night. I dreamed of her dancing with a dress made of clouds. Her face was beautiful but her smile was sad. She looked at me as if she was saying goodbye. I tried to hold on to her but I couldn’t. She dissolved the very moment that I touched her outstretched hand.

  The next morning Rachel woke me with a sweet kiss on my forehead. Opening my tired eyes, I saw two beautiful brown jewels shining at me. “Good morning sleepyhead.”

  I stretched and then pushed myself up. “Good morning yourself.” There was a buoyancy to Rachel that seemed to keep her spirits afloat. It was a welcome change after the melancholy that had been affecting her. “You’re in a good mood, babe.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed. She was fully dressed and looked like she was heading into work. “I am in a good mood. I think I know what I should do about work but I want to go in and talk to Carla and see what she thinks.”

  “You’re going in early to meet with your boss? I thought she told you to take a few days.”

  She nodded as she absentmindedly rubbed my arm. “Yeah, she did. But I need to check some things with her first.”

  “So what’s this brilliant idea?”

  She hesitated, “I…umm, well I don’t want to say just yet. Not until I’m sure it’ll work.”

  “Hmm.” Suspicious much? Still, if she was in such a positive state, I didn’t want to ruin it by micromanaging her. “Okay. Well good luck, babe. I’m going to take a shower. Will you be here when I get out?”

  “N-no. I’m going to be leaving shortly. Jake?”

  “Yeah, honey?”

  “I-I love you. You know that right?”

  I smiled. “Of course I
know that. I love you, too.” I kissed her plump lips.

  “I just, umm, I just wanted to make sure that you know that I love you. I love you like a lot.”

  I laughed. “I know, love. I know.”

  True to her word, by the time I got out of the shower she was gone.

  “So how’s my big sis doing?” Toni was sitting against Sarah’s desk when I came back from lunch. I hadn’t seen her all day but that was fine. She had two presentations in the morning so I didn’t plan on seeing her until later.

  When she saw me approach, my assistant, Sarah, stood. “Sir…err…Jake! I’m sorry. Jake, you have three messages.” She handed me a few slips of paper as I smiled kindly.

  “Thanks, Sarah.” She smiled brightly when I thanked her. I was reminded of yesterday when I flirted with her. I kicked myself again. Toni looked between us and smirked, but what she thought of Sarah’s reaction to me, she didn’t say.

  I nodded for Toni to follow me and she did. “Rachel’s doing better. I think.”

  “You think?” She cocked her hip as she leveled her eyes at me.

  “Yeah. I’m not a mind reader.”

  “No. You’re just her husband.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That doesn’t mean that I know everything that’s going on inside of her head. I would’ve figured that was obvious when she ran around on me with that prick.”

  “Yeah. I guess. So…are you still mad about that?”

  I almost choked. “Of course I’m still pissed! But what can I do? It’s not like I’m innocent either. Besides, we’re making it work.”

  “And how’s that going?”

  “It’s going. You know, it’s not like everything is perfect but that’s not the point. We’re doing better together.”

  “Well ain’t that just peachy?” She was irritated but I didn’t know exactly what it was that was really bothering her. I wanted to believe it was because she still had feelings for me but there seemed to be more than that. But I decided it was better not to dig. You should never ask a question when you really didn’t want to know the answer.

  Knock! Knock!

  Saved by the knock. Sarah pushed the door open. “Sorry, Jake. But there’re a few things we need to go over before tonight’s team meeting.”


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