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Stone Heart_A Single Mom & Mountain Man Romance

Page 107

by Rye Hart

  I wondered if anyone had taken that little asshole of hers.

  I thought about how her ass would bounce every time I slammed into her. I thought about smacking it time and time again, leaving my handprint behind as a sign of owning her. I thought about all the times I could make her moan my name before tears of mercy streamed down her cheeks.

  Then I thought about kissing them away before I pulled one last orgasm from her body.

  “Amanda. Shit. Oh fuck, those tits. That ass is so tight. Come for me. Come on my cock. Just like that, baby girl.”

  My legs contracted and my abs shook. The smell of Amanda’s perfume swirled around my head. The steam of the shower blanketed my body as I shot cum against the wall, pumping my lust from between my legs. Visions of Amanda smiling at me in bed descended into my conscious mind as I lowered myself to my knees. My cock was dwindling in my hands as my eyes screwed shut.

  I wanted to keep the idea of her next to me there for as long as I could.

  I sat down on the floor of the shower and caught my breath. I had no fucking idea what I’d gotten myself into. Once a man masturbated to the memory of a woman, he never went back. Once a man entertained the idea of having her body underneath his, he wouldn’t stop until he had it. I could feel the hunter in me rising up. Years of repressed urges and unfulfilled desires boiling over the edges of my body as my cock began to grow again.

  So, I wrapped my hand around my dick again and closed my eyes as I saw her.


  With a bow in her hair and a pair of black stockings on with crotchless panties soaked and ready to be peeled off her.

  Just the way I liked it.



  “Hey, Amanda!”

  “What’s up Sarah?” I asked.

  “Nothing much, just getting off work. What’s up with you?”

  “Well, I promised you I’d call you after I went into town, and I did today.”

  “Oh, sweet! What did you find? Anything helpful?” she asked.

  “It was. I found a contractor that I trust, though I don’t know if I can afford his rates. He’s coming by the cabin later on today to take a look at things. See what kind of estimate he can give me before we talk about what’s feasible.”

  “You have someone there that can sit with you while you do that?” she asked. “I can get a flight out or something.”

  “Sarah. I’m not a child. I’ve got this. It’s just some pricing, and the guy seems really nice. Liked by the locals, too, which is a big thing in towns like this.”

  “One, you’re twenty-two, so technically you are still a child.”

  “Says the girl who’s a year younger than me,” I said

  “And two, I’m just looking out for you. With everything you’ve been through the past few months, it would be okay if your head wasn’t screwed on straight.”

  “Are you calling me crazy?” I asked. “Because if you are, then you’re late to that party.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me flying out?” she asked.

  “Sarah. I’m fine. I’m serious. If all else fails, I’ll ask my neighbor for some advice.”

  “Uh huh. That neighbor. We’ll talk about him later How much do you have for the repairs?”

  “Between the inheritance money and my savings account, I can put exactly $32,461 into the repair of this cabin.”

  “And by the way you talk about it, that doesn’t sound like near enough,” she said.

  “I was up front with the contractor and told him taking out a loan wasn’t going to be in the cards. He was understanding and even talked about payment plans I could do, which would help my money go a lot further.”

  “Payment plans?” she asked.

  “Yep. They come in, do the work, draw up the bill, and then I put a certain percentage down and split up the rest into monthly payments over the course of however many months I want to pay on it. That thirty-two thousand could make monthly payments for two, three years before I’d be in trouble, and that would give me plenty of time to get my art going in the right direction.”

  “Amanda, don’t get too in over your head. I wouldn’t go spending any more money than you have.”

  “I know, I know. I’m not going to go crazy and update the entire place and spend two hundred thousand dollars or some shit. But, if the major repairs took $40,000, I could do the monthly payment thing, use some of the money from my online sales to pay the rest over time, and the big things could get fixed.”

  “Just making sure you’re not losing it over there,” she said. “First the cabin’s okay, then it’s a wreck, then you meet some handsome neighbor you’re boning-”

  “We aren’t having sex,” I said.

  “Fine, a handsome neighbor you want to bone. I’m making sure you’re still being rational .”

  “Thanks. I think. Anyway, from what I was able to tell the contractor, the major repairs alone will cost more than what I have. He won’t be able to have a firm estimate until he comes and takes a look at the place, but the general figure was already thirty-five thousand.”

  “Yikes. And what does that cover?”

  “Replacing the staircase, repairing the porch under the assumption that it doesn’t have to be replaced, fixing the cabinets in the kitchen, stabilizing the kitchen counter, and steam-cleaning the furniture after all the work is done.”

  “They steam clean?” she asked.

  “No, that was a different service I priced out after I talked with the contractor in town. Anything else will take me way over budget, so I’m hoping for the best when he gets here.”

  “When are you expecting the contractor?”

  “Around three o’clock today. And yes, I’ll call you once he leaves.”

  “Good. I know you’re in the town you grew up in, but you’re a single woman living in a cabin on a mountaintop. That makes you vulnerable, and I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “I appreciate it, Sarah. I really do. Right now, my focus is on repairing this cabin and painting.”

  “And your neighbor,” she said.

  “And painting,” I said, ignoring her. “Sarah, I’d forgotten how beautiful it was out here. The animals and the sunsets and the trees. It’s inspiring. I’ve already drawn one picture.”

  “What was it of?”

  “A bird that perched on the windowsill outside. Which reminds me, when all this is said and done, this cabin has the perfect windowsills to have little window box gardens. You know, like herb plants and shit.”

  “‘Herb plants and shit.’ You make it sound so magical out there.”

  “Shut up. I hate you. Anyway, just some thoughts after all this big stuff’s taken care of,” I said.

  “It sounds like you’re preparing to set up camp there.”

  I paused as I thought on her statement. In a way, I was. I was slowly settling into a place I’d considered home for years. I was beginning to dig through my grandmother’s room, and with her articles of clothing came memories of us sitting on the porch and talking. I wanted to put up another porch swing like we had before I’d broken it as a kid. And put a couple of rocking chairs on the porch so I could go out there with coffee and watch the nighttime set over the forest.

  “I guess it does, huh?” I asked.

  “I’ll support you in whatever you decide,” Sarah said. “As long as you have a room for me to come visit. Because I can’t live too much longer without my Amanda.”

  “You’ll always be welcome here,” I said. “My grandmother would’ve loved you.”

  I felt tears rising in my eyes as I thought about my grandmother meeting my best friend.

  “Anyway,” I said. “I should get cleaned up. The contractor will be here in a couple of hours, and I should at least put on a bra.”

  “Might be a good idea,” Sarah said, giggling. “Call me right after.”

  “Will do,” I said. “Talk to you soon.”

  End of Sneak Peek. Would you like to know how this

  Click Here: Rock Hard Neighbor: A Single Dad Next Door Romance



  “Are you ready beautiful?”

  His hands quickly pulled the flannel from his back, exposing his strong, rippling arms. Veins pulsed in his forearms as he peeled his white undershirt off, and soon I was gazing on the most beautiful body I’d ever seen. His abdomen rippled and the “v” of his muscles pointed the way to what I wanted to see most.

  He descended back on my body and I pressed my body into his. I felt my nipples rising toward him, raking against the swell of the hair on his chest as his lips trailed downward. He covered my neck with kisses and sucked patches of skin between his teeth. I was moaning and arching into him. Begging him for more.

  His tongue lapped at my nipples, pulling groans from my throat as my hands wrapped up in his black tresses. His hair was thick and his breath was hot, and I could feel him grinding into me as he traveled down. His hands parted my legs at the knees and the rush of cool air shivered my skin.

  But then, I felt his lips descend on my wet folds.

  I rose my hips to meet his lips, offering myself to him on a silver platter. I felt him grin against my skin, his tongue prodding my folds while his fingers massaged my thighs. He licked a thick stripe up my slit, gathering my arousal upon his tongue. I looked down at him and saw him staring back at me as the glittering gold of his eyes turned devious.

  His gaze only heated me with a white-hot pleasure that I wanted to explore.

  I pressed him back into my body and his tongue found my clit. He sucked and flicked as my hips rolled into his face. I could feel my body coating his cheeks with my fluids as they poured out of me and onto the bed. The electricity surging through my veins as his fingertips embedded their prints into my skin was nothing short of fantastical. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my hair was a tangled mess of knots. I writhed underneath him as his tongue explored my depths, then I lifted my eyes to look down once more.

  His face was buried between my legs just as his arms wrapped around my thighs, pulling me closer to him as he drank me down.

  My heels dug into the sinewy muscles of his back. My toes began to curl and my back began to arch. I bowed like a tightened violin as my fingernails scraped across his scalp, and soon my legs were quaking with delight.

  “Yes. Please don’t stop. This feels—so good—yes.”

  His name rolled effortlessly off my tongue as he rode my climax out with me. His tongue pressed deep, massaging the whole of my pussy while his beard tickled my thighs. I dropped to the bed and heaved for air as tears of joy prickled the backs of my eyes.

  I felt like I was floating on clouds.



  “Uncle Evan sing song?”

  “What song would you like me to sing, Liam?”


  “You want the alphabet song as your bedtime song?” I asked.


  “Okay. Let me go put your sister down, then I’ll come back and sing you the alphabet song,” I said.

  “Okay. Kisses for Hawy?”

  “Let me go get her, and you can give Hadley some kisses,” I said.

  With my nanny out sick, it was just me and the kids. I thought this situation would’ve gotten easier by now, but it hadn’t even started feeling normal. Going from living a secluded life in the woods to becoming a legal guardian for two very young kids had been bumpy.

  I loved my niece and nephew – but these last three years of my life had become a deep-fried pile of bullshit, served up and ready for me on a silver fucking platter.

  It seemed that with every passing day, it was getting harder and harder to choke down.

  “Come here, Hadley-bear,” I said. “Brother wants to give you a kiss.”

  Scooping the seven-month-old up in my arms, she started babbling and blowing bubbles. Every single time I looked at her I saw my sister-in-law.

  “Hawy! Hawy!”

  “Ready to give your sister kisses?” I asked.

  I bent the sleepy little girl down toward Liam, and he pressed a kiss right against her cheek. The sight melted my heart ten times over, and I knew the question that was coming.

  “Sleep with Hawy?” Liam asked.

  “No, no. Hadley needs her own bed to sleep in. But in the morning after breakfast, we’ll all pile in front of the fireplace. How does that sound?” I asked.

  “Fire! Yeah!” Liam exclaimed. “Alphabet song?”

  “Let me put Hadley to sleep—”

  “Alphabet song!”

  Tears were rising in Liam’s eyes, and the last thing I wanted to do was rile him up. Hadley was nestling into my chest and yawning against my shirt. I knew I needed to get her down to bed before she got too tired, or I’d really be in for a ride. Hadley was a wonderful little baby until she became overtired, and then she was hell on wheels.

  She was just like her father in that sense. And just like that, the thought of my brother threw me back to that night. The police came knocking down my damn door with their pitiful glances and urgent messages, and I’d been too high on painkillers to even register what the fuck they were saying.

  “Alphabet! Alphabet! Alphabet!”

  “Okay. But just once,” I said.

  “A, B, C, D, E, F, G… H, I, J, K—”

  “‘Elenemo pee’!”

  “Q, R, S, T, U, V—”

  “‘Double doo lex, I, and bees’!”

  “Now I know my ABC’s, next time won’t you sing with me?”

  Liam clapped his hands while I cradled Hadley close to my chest. I pressed a kiss to his forehead as he hunkered down underneath his blanket, then I started out of his room and down the hallway.

  The night my brother and sister-in-law died in that damn car accident had changed my world forever. It not only dropped two kids in my lap, but it also shined a light onto the sad reality of my addiction. In high school, I injured my back playing football. My fucking tackles didn’t know what the hell they were doing, and I got sacked.

  But when the guy from the other team hit me, he twisted my torso a little too much.

  I came down on the side of my back and hit a damn rock, because the school apparently didn’t check for shit like that. I cracked ribs and ripped muscle to the point that it took three damn surgeries before I was even remotely back to normal.

  Back then, though, I was resilient. Back then, I prided myself on not having to take painkillers. The girls in my high school fucking ate up my story, and I slayed more pussy than I ever had up to that point. And they were all on top so they wouldn’t ‘hurt me.’ It was the life.

  “Okay, Hadley. It’s time for bed.”

  I slipped the tiny girl into her crib before I placed a kiss on her forehead. She was sleeping soundly, with her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. While she was awake, she looked just like my sister-in-law, but asleep, she was a spitting image of my brother. A stab of pain hit me square in the chest, and for a second, it hurt to breathe.

  “Uncle Evan?”

  Whipping my head up, I looked over at the doorframe of Hadley’s room. The little boy I’d just bedded down was rubbing his eyes and dragging a blanket behind him. I tucked Hadley in before I left the room, then I shut the door behind me before I turned my sights back to him.

  “Liam, what are you doing up?”

  “Water?” he asked.

  “No more water. You’ve already had a glass. If you have any more, you’ll pee straight through your diaper.”

  “But… water.”

  His lip began to tremble, and I scooped the two-year old up into my arms. I needed to get his tantrum away from Hadley before he woke her, and I knew it was coming. The tears would start before his legs started to kick, and then he’d escalate to screaming if I still didn’t give him what he wanted.

  “Water,” he said, sniffling.

  “Not this late,” I said.

, Uncle Evan!” he exclaimed.

  “Sorry, buddy, no more water.”

  The crying struck up just as I got him into his room, and I shut the door behind me to mute it. I slid the boy back into bed just as his legs started flailing, and I did what I could to tuck him back in. Liam’s cries echoed off the corners of the room, and I prayed they didn’t wake Hadley. These were the times I was still out of my element, still in uncharted waters. Every time I thought I had it down with these kids, something changed, and I didn’t know how to react. I felt the stress of the moment overwhelming my body, and my hands began to shake.

  It was times like these that I could still taste those pills on my tongue.

  “I want water!”



  “This is not how we get things we want, Liam. You know this,” I said.

  “Water! Water! Water!”

  I heard Hadley’s cry coming from her room. I groaned and looked up at the ceiling, wondering how in the world I was going to get Liam to calm down without losing my shit. I got up from his bed and walked toward the door, letting him simply throw his tantrum while I went and checked on the baby.

  And still, my hands were shaking.

  My addiction to painkillers hadn’t been instant. In fact, it hadn’t really grabbed me by the throat until I’d gotten my I.T. company off the ground. I started the company with just myself and my right-hand man, Ted. I was the creative mind, while Ted was the coder, and together we tackled the world of technology. What started out as a basic security firm had blossomed into a corporation that designed security software for smart-homes. Over the course of a few years, we grew exponentially, and when the stress of it all became too much, and my long work hours in front of the desk resulted in throbbing pain, I started drinking more than I should have. I quickly realized that I couldn’t keep that up, if I didn’t want it to be obvious. Showing up to the office smelling like a distillery wasn’t exactly practical. Remembering how good painkillers made me feel after my injury, I sought them out again as a way to deal with the stress of my daily life.


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