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Playing for Real: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 5

Page 8

by Natasha Moore

  He finally moved, walked silently around her. This reminded her of their first time in this room. She’d been blindfolded and didn’t know it was Paolo in the room with her. At least not at first. She’d thought he was a stranger there to use her as a bondage toy. Well, a different stranger, since she’d just met Paolo as well. But he’d never felt like a stranger to her. He hadn’t spoken that night, not wanting to give anything away.

  He didn’t speak now but began to touch her. He stood behind her and ran his hand over her hair, stroking her softly, calmly. Then he brushed his fingers along her arms, sending shivery tickles dancing along the surface of her skin.

  His hands dropped to her ass, stroking the cheeks. He dropped a soft kiss to her shoulder as she relaxed into the erotic massage. When the sharp smack connected with her bottom, she gasped and dropped her pose.

  Another slap. “Back in position.” The words were soft, but dark and serious.

  She swallowed and quickly regained her pose. Before when he’d spanked her, she’d been bound or held down. She never realized how difficult it would be to have to concentrate on holding her position while he delivered smack after smack to her ass.

  The spanking seemed to go on forever, the slaps growing harder, coming faster. Or did it seem that way because she struggled to keep her position? Her sex throbbed with the strokes. Her ass burned. Finally tears flowed because she couldn’t stop them.

  And still he spanked her.

  She could hear his heavy breathing, even over her own.

  Finally he stopped. Abruptly.

  She kept her gaze focused on the floor. The tears she’d cried made things fuzzy, but she did her best to blink them away. He didn’t say anything for the longest time, perhaps to give her time to collect herself. Then she heard him walk away. In a moment he was back in front of her. He cupped her chin and raised her face to his.

  “You did very well.” He had a cloth in his hand and gently wiped the tears from her face. Then he kissed her forehead. “You can get dressed now.”

  She wanted to cry out her displeasure. Beg him to fuck her. Ask him why they wouldn’t be doing anything more tonight. But she didn’t. If he wanted to enlighten her, he would. Then again, maybe he wanted her to figure it out.

  There was no small talk on the drive back to her apartment. No talk at all. Her bottom burned but she didn’t squirm in her seat. Paolo walked her up the stairs, held her gaze for a long, hot moment.

  “Do I intimidate you?” he asked softly.

  “What? No.”

  “Good.” He nodded, then brushed her lips lightly with his. “I will see you Wednesday.”

  She stood in the doorway and watched him walk away.

  Chapter Five

  When Paolo picked her up Wednesday night, the limo waited at the curb. Jack opened the door for her and she slid in the back, glad her skirt was a little longer, a little fuller than the first time. Paolo joined her in the dark interior and again he nearly overwhelmed her simply by his presence. As soon as the car pulled away from the curb, Paolo took her hand, kissed her knuckles. “Remember how we talked about acting out fantasies?”

  She couldn’t see his face, but the seductive tone of his voice sent shivers along her spine. “Role playing?”

  “That also.” He tipped her head to the side and nuzzled the crook of her neck. “Remember that I asked you to trust me?”

  She took in a quick, shaky breath. Nodded.

  “Good.” He didn’t say anything more on the ride to the Playhouse, but his hands stroked her gently, his lips brushed her skin, and her body heated and melted. When they rode together in the back of the limo, Julianne felt as if they were cocooned in their own special world. She snuggled against his warm body and let him play with hers.

  Once they were at the Playhouse, Paolo led her to another room dominated by a large four-poster bed. After he closed the door, Julianne looked around the room, noting the lush, red cover on the bed, the rich cream on the walls, the dark wood under her feet. Paolo headed over to a cabinet that looked more like a piece of fine furniture than the utilitarian cabinets in the other playroom. It was beautifully decorated and she wondered if he had chosen the colors and the furniture.

  “Julianne?” Paolo’s voice was sharp. He glanced over his shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh, shit. Sorry. The new room distracted me. Sir.” She tugged the dress over her head and kicked off her shoes. She dropped to her knees and lowered her gaze, her heart pounding. How could she forget the simple routine? Her heart pounded. She couldn’t find the calm she’d begun to find before each session.

  Paolo was soon in front of her. “What is your safe word?”

  Maybe he wasn’t going to chastise her. “Chardonnay.”

  “Very good. Rise.”

  She rose to her feet as gracefully as she could, taking the standing pose immediately.

  “Have you been practicing?” he asked, pleasure clear in the tone of his voice.

  She kept her eyes lowered but she could see the coil of rope in each hand. “Yes, sir.”

  “I am pleased to hear that.” He kissed the top of her head. “This is a special night.” He wrapped each wrist with soft rope and led her to the foot of the bed, the lengths of rope trailing behind her. “Up you go. Kneel at the end of the bed.”

  She did as he told her to and then he pressed her shoulders into the mattress so that she lay there head down, ass in the air. He returned to the cabinet and came back with a thick black blindfold. He climbed up beside her and placed it over her head and soon she was lying on the bed in the comforting darkness.

  Paolo dropped a kiss onto one of her bare shoulders. His lips brushed her ear. “Do you trust me, Julianne?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That makes me very happy.” He ran his hands along her arms, stretching them out over her head and crossing her wrists. He quickly tied off the ropes and she rested her head, that familiar calm already starting to flow over her.

  Paolo moved to the end of the bed and positioned her so that her legs were wide spread, her knees on the edge of the mattress. Her feet hung off the end. So did her ass. He started stroking her bottom and she braced herself for another spanking.

  Instead, she should have braced for his words.

  “I have invited another man here tonight. He will be here soon.”

  She thought she must have heard him wrong. “What?” She struggled to move, but he held her hips and she could only raise her head to look at him, but of course with the blindfold on it was useless.

  “You heard me.” He dipped his fingers between her thighs and she quivered. “A stranger will be fucking you tonight.”

  “But…but you said no other men.” That had been a hard limit for both of them. Fidelity.

  He took his hands off her ass, rounded the bed and leaned over until she felt his breath on her cheek. He stroked her hair, guiding her head back to the mattress to lie between her outstretched arms. “This is different. This is not cheating. I have invited him here.”

  “No,” she croaked, her heart beating a rapid tattoo.

  “Yes,” he whispered, his lips brushing her ear, his thumb brushing the curve of her breast. “He will be here in a few minutes.”


  “You gave your consent, remember? For me to do whatever I want.” He tweaked her nipple. “And I want to watch you being fucked by another man.”

  “No!” She swallowed. “No, you can’t do that.” But as her heart thudded, her body trembled and her sex tingled.

  “I can,” he said, his voice low and dark. “Unless you want to use your safe word?”

  She gasped. Was this a fantasy or real? This was role playing, right? He’d be playing the role of a stranger, wouldn’t he? Surely he wasn’t really bringing in another man. A chill ran over her skin. But wasn’t that one of the things that brought her here to the Playhouse to begin with? Sex with a stranger? He knew that was one of her fantasies. He’d played it
out with her the first time.

  “But…but…” She couldn’t think. Couldn’t find the words.

  “You know why, don’t you?” He nibbled on her ear while he waited for her to make her decision. “You know why I am letting another man put his hands on you.” He pressed his hand on her back, dragged it down her body until his palm rested between her legs. “I know you have stranger fantasies. You have dreamed of being possessed by a stranger. Have you not?”

  She swallowed. Nodded. Still couldn’t say a word.

  “But that is not why I have arranged this,” he whispered. He gripped her sex. “It is because this is my body to do with however I want. Yes?”

  She nodded again, whimpered. Her pussy clenched beneath his hand.

  He slid a finger, maybe two inside, slipping easily into her wet core. “This body is mine to lend to anyone I want to. It is mine to give away if I so desire.”

  Julianne moaned. The thought that he would share her with another man shouldn’t have her sex gushing. Still, she didn’t really believe he would do it.

  “We do not have much time, Julianne.” He pressed the tip of his finger against her G-spot and she shuddered. “Do you want to use your safe word?”

  She closed her eyes beneath the blindfold. He’d asked her to trust him and she did. She shook her head.

  “Good. He would have been so disappointed.” Paolo dropped a kiss to her lips, then got off the bed. “He has seen you often. He thinks you are beautiful. He has wanted to touch your soft skin for weeks.”

  Julianne shivered. She didn’t know what to think. What to believe.

  “Maybe you have seen him before. Maybe you will see him again after tonight. In a store. A restaurant. Walking down the street. Maybe he will hire you to decorate his home or his business. You will never know who he is. But he will know. He will know what your naked body looks like. He will know what it feels like to bury himself deep in your tight heat.”

  She groaned, shifted a little on the mattress. Her legs were already tired from holding their position.

  “Do not worry. I will not leave you alone with him. Remember, I want to watch. I will even tell him what to do to you.”

  She hadn’t even realized her breathing had picked up until Paolo shushed her gently. “Relax. Breathe deep, remember? Trust me, Julianne. No one will harm you tonight. You will be living out this fantasy of yours.”

  She began to count her breaths as he’d taught her, but a sharp knock at the door made her gasp and it was useless. No way could she be calm now. Her heart pounded. The door opened, then closed. If Paolo spoke softly to someone, she wouldn’t have been able to hear over the blood pulsing through her veins and rushing through her ears.

  “Julianne, our friend will not speak, of course, because he does not want to give himself away. So I ask the same of you. Unless you wish to use your safe word, you will not speak. I will watch and direct you both.”

  Ever the Dom. Strangely, the thought made Julianne smile. She settled into the mattress and waited. That calmness she loved, craved, began to settle over her at his words.

  “Touch her,” Paolo said softly. “Feel how soft her skin is.”

  Cool hands settled on her ass and she flinched. She couldn’t help it. The hands seemed to be about the same size as Paolo’s, but his had been warm when he touched her only a few minutes before. The tentative touch didn’t feel like his, but the longer he touched her, the more confident the touches became.

  “I love the way his hands look on your skin,” Paolo said to her, his words calming her even more. They seemed to be coming from a long distance. “His hands are very tan and your skin looks even more pale, more lovely in contrast.”

  Was there really someone else’s hands on her? Someone she didn’t know who was running his hands over the cheeks of her ass? Julianne realized it really didn’t matter. There was nothing she could do about it one way or the other. Not unless she used her safe word, and she trusted Paolo too much to think she needed that now. So she relaxed into the mattress and gave in to Paolo’s desires. Submitted to him, no matter whose hands were on her now.

  “Spank her. Spank her hard.” She was so disoriented she couldn’t tell where Paolo’s voice was coming from. “She likes her ass red and hot.”

  The sharp smack didn’t surprise her, but it made her yelp just the same. The spanking was harder than what she was used to, but it still sent her arousal soaring as strike after strike rained down on her bottom. Sharp slapping sounds bounced off the walls. Her moans echoed through the air in a low counter-rhythm.

  In the widespread position she was in, there was no way to relieve the throbbing in her pussy. Her skin was so sensitized it felt as if there were hundreds of hands striking her, hundreds of hands stroking her.

  She turned her face, moaned into the mattress and arched into the blows.

  One moment, she was still being spanked, the next moment, strong fingers pulled her slick flesh apart and a tongue licked her long and hard. Julianne cried out from the overwhelming sensations. He speared her core with his tongue, plunging into her and drinking from her. His fingers still held her open. Her clit throbbed with need but he didn’t go near that sensitive bundle of nerves. Her whole world narrowed to this bed. Her ass. Her clit. Hands. Tongues. Pain. Pleasure.

  As quickly as he’d started to lick her, he quit, and began to spank her again. Hands, so many hands, stinging her hot, burning flesh. Each smack vibrated into her clit and soon she was moaning again with each blow.

  “Here is some lube,” Paolo said, his voice soft, almost as if he didn’t want her to hear it. “You know what to do with it.”

  Understand pierced her foggy mind. Anal sex? Didn’t that hurt? “What?” she cried without thinking.

  Suddenly Paolo was beside her. He leaned down so that his warm breath brushed against her cheek. “Yes? Did you want to say something? Your safe word, perhaps?”

  “No,” she whispered. He’d promised to push her. She’d promised to trust him. Her apprehension faded. “I’m okay.”

  “Good.” Paolo kissed her cheek before he walked away, leaving her alone in the dark.

  Heavy breathing pressed in on her from all directions. In her dark cocoon of sensation, it seemed as if she were surrounded by invisible strangers. Touching her. Watching her. Wanting her.

  Julianne braced herself for the intrusion she’d never experienced before. But long fingers dove into her core instead, fucking her roughly. The sensations quickly built again, fueling the arousal that she couldn’t deny. She moaned as she felt her climax approaching.

  “I do not want you to come yet, Julianne,” Paolo said sharply, as if he knew she was close. His voice seemed to be coming from all directions, filtered through a thick gauzy film surrounding her.

  She groaned, moved her hips, urging the fingers to increase their thrusts.

  “Do you hear me?” he asked. “You are not to come until I say you can.”

  “Yeah,” she groaned.

  “Julianne?” His voice darker, deeper. Her name echoed off the walls, a repeating reprimand.

  Shit. “Yes, sir. Yes, I understand. I’ll try.”

  The fingers slipped out and the tongue began again, licking her slit from one end to the other. Even though she ached for his tongue to touch her clit, to relieve the intense pressure building within her, she hoped he’d stay away from it. She didn’t know how she’d stop herself from coming if he did. So of course, his tongue began to tease that sensitive bud.

  When the cool, wet finger slid into her anus, she jerked. Still she was surprised how good it felt. She’d expected it to hurt, but one lubed finger felt amazing as it breached that sensitive ring of nerves. She cried out from the intense sensations and dug her fingernails into her palms, trying to stop the orgasm. He stopped licking her, which helped, but then he slid another finger into her, stretching her as she’d never been before. Intense quivers warned of her impending orgasm.

  “Please can I come, sir?” she crie
d out.

  “Soon, cara.”

  “I can’t…I can’t…” But apparently she could. Everything had been reduced to this hazy world. To her and Paolo. It didn’t matter how many other people were in the room with them. How many hands or fingers or tongues pleasured her. Or who they belonged to.

  Because even if there were a hundred here, they all belonged to Paolo. He had all the control. She’d given it to him.

  The fingers slid out of the tight ring and the relief felt almost as good as the breach had. She moaned into the mattress but managed to hold off her climax. She didn’t think she could do it for long. She panted and waited for what would come next.

  “Fuck her.” Paolo’s voice was rough. The command came from everywhere, yet it was so intimate tears prickled her eyes. He might be saying it to another man in the room. Another man might touch her. Another man might use her. But the words were for her.

  She heard a condom packet rip. A zipper lower. “Fuck her hard.”

  There was a pause, then the hot tip of a hard penis pressed at her entrance. Her hips were getting sore from the position she’d been placed in, but she managed to shift a little bit to give him better access. She was so wet and ready, he slid right in, his hard length filling her, stretching her sensitive flesh.

  His fingers dug into her hips then and he thrust in and out a couple times, then stopped, pinning her in place.

  “I love watching him fuck you,” Paolo said, his words penetrating the haze of arousal surrounding her. He might have been whispering it in her ear. “I love the way your body rocks with the motion. I can see your pretty pink pussy all stretched out around him. Does he feel the same when he is inside you? Does he hold you tighter than I do? Stretch you farther?”

  The thrusting began again. Harder. Faster.

  Up until now, Julianne had told herself that this was the same situation as the night they met. She’d thought a stranger had been using her as a bondage toy, but it had been Paolo all along. Paolo touching her, spanking her, fucking her. She’d been so sure Paolo wouldn’t want anyone else touching her. Not really.


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