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Unwrap Me Daddy_A Holiday Romance

Page 6

by Natasha Spencer

  “Sarah and Garrett under the mistletoe!” she yelled.

  To Sarah’s horror she looked up and saw the mistletoe. She glanced over her shoulder to see that Garrett had been just a step behind her, and he too looked uncomfortable for the half second that no one could see them. When he recovered, he slipped his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her cheek to the jeering satisfaction of the office.

  Sarah pulled a face she didn’t have to fake, and shrugged away from him with a ‘gross’ expression on her face. To the rest of the company, she was akin to his daughter. It made sense for her to react that way despite the pang of hurt she’d felt as his lips brushed her cheek. She’d found herself unwilling to step away, and took a deep breath to steady herself.

  It was then that she decided she’d done enough socializing. She excused herself, and headed back to her office, hoping no one would come looking for her. She didn’t feel much in the Christmas spirit, and took the elevator to the top floor. When she entered the reception area she’d almost turned back, memories of the night she’d come into the reception area all alone and discovered something macabre. Her heart jumped a little, but she reminded herself that there was nothing here like that this time.

  She’d almost made it to her desk when the elevator dinged once more. She paused to see who had followed her up, her stomach twisting nervously as thoughts of the rabbit came back to her. Her father had said she should quit if this had upset her so badly, but as expected Sarah had not been able to do so.

  Garrett exited the elevator and at the sight of her peeking from behind the wall, called her name. Of course, Sarah had little interest to talk to him and headed for her office. She’d made it to her doorway before he caught up with her, grabbing her arm to turn her to face him. She shook him off and glared up at him for a moment before she feigned her professional face.


  “Don’t ‘yes’ me.”

  Garrett leaned down and kissed her, this time full on the lips. His mouth demanded her submission, forcing entry into her mouth to tangle with her own tongue. He only broke the kiss when she swayed, and he held her in his arms to steady her.

  “Mistletoe kiss. Done right,” he growled in that sexy, gravelly tone he seemed to take on when he was excited.

  “Garrett, you can’t… you just can’t keep playing with me like a yo-yo,” she said, her cheeks hot. She could feel how wet the kiss had left her, and her shoulders trembled. She had wanted that just as badly as he had. She squeezed her thighs together, trying not to think of the way he’d felt between them.

  “I know, I’m sorry. I… I was wrong to rebuff you at the party, especially as harshly as I did. I just… it’s so complicated, Sarah. I want you. I’ve wanted you for an age. I can’t change that. But Elizabeth… she’ll lose her mind if she finds out.”

  “Your separation is finalized, isn’t it? She should know that you’d end up dating someone quickly.”

  “That’s the difference between you and her, gorgeous. She doesn't think anything is ‘normal’ or ‘right’ unless she’s given it her approval; and I promise you she will not rest until she gets rid of anyone that might stand in her way of keeping this divorce rolling.”

  “It doesn't matter… I want to be with you.”


  Garrett was taken aback. How could she not care for her own safety? The lengths at which he was willing to go to keep her safe were staggering, yet she was willing to put herself in more danger. For a moment, he wondered just how much she’d be willing to sacrifice for him. No one else had any interest in his well-being; sure, the people whose paychecks he was responsible for, and perhaps even a few ex-girlfriends that might sacrifice a night in for him, but Sarah was different.

  “I want that too.” Garrett heard himself say.

  He leaned close to her again; this time the kiss he gave her was far from aggressive, more gentle and passionate then he’d managed previously. He could feel himself shiver with anticipation for more, yet he needed her to know how desperately he loved her. He slid his hand down her back to grip her rear and pull her close to him.

  “Garrett, you need to tell me how you really feel. I can’t play this game, and I am not interested in playing around. I want you. I want a life with you, and I need to know if you feel the same, or if you simply want a rebound. Please. I think you owe me that much.”

  Garrett felt a pang of guilt again, this time for how he’d treated her. He needed to be better. He made sure she wouldn’t fall back before he let go of her, and cleared his throat. He needed to be honest with her, and she certainly wasn’t asking too much from him on that front.

  “I know. Again, I'm sorry. You deserve better. I’ll do better.” He gave her a small hopeful smile, and Sarah’s expression reassured him to continue, “I want that with you. I want a life with you – a house, vacations, whatever you want to buy.”

  “I don’t want to buy things, Garrett. I want you to love me. I want to live together as man and wife, not a weekend girlfriend. I want to be what Elizabeth should have been to you this entire time!” She wasn’t quite crying, but the fact he’d thought she wanted him to simply support her was one that clearly hurt her.

  Garrett hugged her again, kissing her forehead briefly before he spoke, “I…am new to this. I’m sorry. I didn’t think that’s what you wanted, I just… I think of providing, first and foremost,” he said gently, his hand coming up to stroke her cheek. “I want you to want for nothing. I want you happy. That’s all I want for you.”

  “All I need to be happy is you,” she confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. Garrett hugged her tightly, and kissed the top of her head, soothing her gently, shushing until she eventually began to stop her soft whimpering. She bit down on her lip, and after some minutes of him holding her she’d quieted.

  “See? It’s alright.” He stepped away and offered a smile that she did her best to return, though her expression was still misty-eyed. “I promise you, we will be together, Sarah,” Garrett vowed, his heart twisting at the realization the promise could ruin the whole of his friendship with Matthew.

  Sarah calmed down and stepped closer, leaning up to kiss him again. Her mouth was warm, soft, and oh so pleasant. Garrett groaned at her kiss, and picked her up, pulling her flush to his body. He set her on the edge of her desk and pushed her legs apart, which simply hiked up her Christmas dress. She’d worn a cute, red, Santa-style dress, and as he parted her legs he could see her sexy, little black panties.

  For a moment Sarah seemed apprehensive, but when he parted her legs she leaned back, watching him with a smile.

  Garrett knelt, his mouth kissing at the inside of her thigh, just above the knee. He nipped and kissed his way towards her sex, nuzzling and shivering with anticipation. How long had he waited to taste her? How many nights had he longed to feel her shuddering in orgasm around his tongue and fingers?

  There was a distinct ding! from the elevator that sent both of them scrambling. The click of too-familiar heels heading towards Garrett’s office was enough to make his blood run cold. Sarah had the intelligence to be sitting at her desk with a presentation front and center when the clicking stopped at the door, at least.

  “So as I was saying, if we cut costs here… oh, hello, Ms. McMillin.” Sarah’s voice was cool and crisp, her smile friendly.

  “What do you want, Elizabeth? I’m busy.” Garrett was less cordial; his fury that she had dared come into his office was turning his face red and his eyes narrowed to a stern, hard glare.

  Elizabeth eyed them both, and without responding to Sarah, said only, “Call off the divorce. Now.”

  Garrett could feel the headache starting at the back of his skull.


  The shouting was at least half muffled once they’d gone to the other office. Sarah could still hear them shouting at each other, Garrett was sure, but at least she couldn’t likely hear the venomous details. Elizabeth was raging at him that she had planned a party just two days he
nce, and her access to his fortune had been limited to a tidy five-thousand a week for spending. The party required at least triple that, though better it have a higher budget.

  Garrett had been floored. He’d always had a frugal streak, and found the spending limit he’d already put into effect rather generous for a woman he no longer cared for and despised being around. As she detailed what she needed from him, he listened with ever-growing fury. He wondered to himself what had made him marry her in the first place.

  Garrett had worked for every dollar he’d had, and then as the company grew he’d made all the more. Before he knew it, he had made more money than he’d known what to do with. He’d had his fancies: the helicopters, nice cars, and more. Fortunately he’d just rented them, as he’d known that his excitement would be short-lived. None of them had made him happier to own, but had been fun at the moment, and the excitement was worth it.

  Elizabeth, however, seemed to need to own everything. As he listened to her snarl and scream, watching her turn red in the face, he hated her. He hated what she’d become, what she’d turned him into. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and shook his head, his anger spent. He was so very tired of being angry at her.

  “Elizabeth, I’m not granting you another penny. I felt I was being generous at the moment I signed to give you your stipend. I’m now feeling like I was far too generous. You need to leave. I want you out of the house by morning, and you are to take only what is in your rooms. You can go to any one of the houses, or pick out your own suite at a hotel. I don’t care, but I’m done with you.”

  “You can’t be serious! How dare you, you slimy bastard. I’ll get it all. I’ll make you suffer. I’ll be sure you’re ruined, and this company knows what a slimeball you are, and who’s the one at fault in this shit! You’re a pile of garbage, and I hope you enjoy the publicity you’re getting, because I promise you’ll be getting a lot more!”

  Elizabeth shrieked, picking up one of the decorative flower vases and hurling it at him. Garrett ducked, the clay vase shattering on the corner of his chair, around where his groin had been just a moment before. It splintered into pieces, strewn across the floor in a matter of seconds.

  Garrett grabbed his phone, ready to dial security, but Elizabeth was already heading for the door. She knocked over the decorative plants, and slammed his door hard enough against the wall that its handle was pushed into the plaster, trapping the handle there. Garrett wiped his forehead, his face pale. He hadn’t realized just how angry the woman would get, but he may need a protection order after this little stunt. Garrett looked at the paperwork that she’d brought – it was ready to be filed, and this was only a copy. Charges and allegations of his years of abuse, of emotional trauma against Elizabeth. It was all nonsense, but it certainly would make headlines as the tabloids frantically scrambled for something to write about concerning his marriage.

  Pinching the bridge of his nose against the thundering headache, he dialed his lawyer. Things were coming to a head.


  How dare Garrett Skjaervo turn her down?

  Elizabeth stared at the buttons of the elevator as she waited for it to reach the ground floor. She was furious, her fists clenched at her side as she waited, watching the numbers tick down. She grabbed the keys to her BMW in a sudden flash of anger and began stabbing at the buttons, which broke off or cracked. When the elevator reached the ground floor she tried to get her VIP card out, but it wouldn’t eject the card.

  Elizabeth cursed under her breath and headed to the parking garage. She’d gotten what she needed – Garrett’s phone. She headed to his parking spot, aware that there were no cameras where his car was parked. He’d liked it that way as it gave him somewhere to have a truly private moment, but today it would serve him as nothing but troublesome. Elizabeth was quick to download the appropriate app to his phone, allowing her to track all of his phone calls, texts, emails, and messages. The second thing she did was to drop the tiny, innocuous square in the center console. It seemed like nothing at all, but it would give her all the information about the car’s speeds, whereabouts, and an audio recording of who was in the car.

  She shut the door when she was done, using the keypad to open and shut the door. It had been his birthday for as long as she’d known him, and it hadn’t changed now. Garrett was an entirely predictable man after all. Elizabeth walked away, a satisfied smile on her lips.


  Elizabeth was going through the various keystrokes Garrett had placed that day. She watched from her laptop as he conducted meetings, surfed the web for answers to questions he had out of the blue. She waited, patient as a spider in a web. All she needed was proof he was doing something, anything, and she’d file it in court. In fact, the more evidence she had, the more she would be able to delay the trial and give herself an alibi for his death.

  She’d told her dinner companion three days, but with more and more evidence stacking up, she’d extended it the two weeks left until Christmas. The more she had on Garrett, the better. She knew he’d been exorbitantly fond of Sarah, but the idea he was truly with the girl was one she hadn’t expected. Yet it made sense, didn’t it? Only the day after Sarah had begun working for the company, Garrett had written up the divorce papers.

  No court would grant him the divorce he asked for within hours, no matter how much money he had. She didn’t need to press him so badly now, though her stipend had been one that had taken her off-guard. She was lucky that she’d been squirreling away a good amount into an offshore account, otherwise he might have really dampened her plans. Of course, she’d loved the excuse to go up and embarrass him in front of his new little tart.

  Elizabeth checked the log for Garrett’s car, finding no unexpected trips, only that he’d gone out to get lunch twice rather than have it delivered, which was strange for him. Not strange enough to warrant cheating, especially as he’d been alone on those trips. Perhaps he’d gone to get them for himself with no prodding from Sarah, but she suspected he was definitely getting them for her.

  She was almost ready to shut the laptop when a little chat window popped up on Garrett’s screen. It was a video message from Sarah. Sarah, who was supposed to be only in the office next to his. Garrett too seemed confused, watching the message blink for a moment. He hesitated, but clicked on it anyway. Sarah was in her chair, watching him through the screen. She had her legs thrown over either arm of the chair; causing her skirt to hike high up on her hips, and revealing lacy red panties. She wore a skin-tight dress in red with a black belt, a more couture Christmas-inspired outfit than the last, complete with black thigh-high boots and a Santa hat. She grinned mischievously at Garrett through the monitor, her hands running down her curves to accentuate them and draw attention to the fullness of her breasts, the way her middle came in to be a perfect hourglass. “Come finish what you started,” she purred seductively.

  Elizabeth watched the mouse’s cursor tremble, and then the message was deleted, his screen going stagnant. As Elizabeth watched the blank screen, her heart thundering in her ears, she knew exactly what he was doing. She didn’t need to see them to know that Sarah had convinced Garrett into fucking the hell out of her.

  Perhaps she ought to be hurt, upset. Heartbroken, even. But Elizabeth had not loved Garrett; she loved his wealth. All she felt was a mix of triumph over her proof, and an icy rage that this young slut had the audacity to touch what was hers. That Sarah Hemmings had dared to cause her so much trouble.

  She wondered for a moment if she could have Mr. Townsend kill her as well, perhaps a sad, soppy suicide after the fact. She felt a wicked smile creep across her lips, and decided she’d go to the trouble of having cameras installed. She saved the blackmail material, and decided she’d go pay Sarah a visit after work.


  “Oh! Garrett!”

  Sarah’s back arched as he ground into her again, once more filling her with himself. She gripped the back of her chair, her legs straining where he’d tied them to the cha
ir’s arms with his tie and belt. He was glad he’d had the foresight to lock her office door, otherwise there would be no way to get her out of such a precarious position.

  Sarah panted, looking down between them, where his manhood disappeared into her. She whimpered up at him, biting her lip and shivering slightly. He’d felt her orgasm rock her, and as he began to draw out of her, she whimpered again; she didn’t seem to like it when he pulled out of her. He stopped, staying where he was. He’d hauled the chair up to balance on its back legs while he held the arms of the chair just under her legs. It had been a rough workout, but one he’d found obvious and immense pleasure in.

  Finally, he pulled free of her, watching his come run down to pool on the black leather of her chair. He set her down after, and worked to unfasten his tie while she worked on the belt. In a few seconds she was free, though she still trembled from the rough orgasm she’d already had. She sat back and watched him, her cheeks red and a small, satisfied smile on her face. “Sorry I distracted you,” she mused, giving him a smile that told him she wasn’t sorry at all.

  “Uh huh. I’ll just bet you are.”

  Sarah grinned up at him, though her expression changed almost instantly as a thought crossed her mind, and her eyes flicked to the clock. “If you don’t leave right now you’ll miss your appointment with your lawyer. You should have left ten minutes ago! “Garrett cursed and turned to leave, but stopped to turn and kiss her one last time. As he did, he jumped feeling her deft little fingers on his erection. He flushed crimson, realizing he’d completely and utterly forgotten to put himself away, which she did now.

  “Go get ‘em.” Sarah winked, grinning after him as he left.


  Normally, she’d have had been left alone for the rest of the day at that point. The receptionists had taken the week off, and so she was alone on the top floor. She was working on a new press campaign, setting meetings for Garrett to be interviewed. They’d decided that a safe media outlet might be the best way to get the publicity that Elizabeth had created off the air. Airing something directly confrontational would only bring in the views for the news station. Doing an interview would help Garrett control the public view of him.


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