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The Way You Love Me (The Lawsons of Louisiana Book 5)

Page 17

by Donna Hill

  “I can help you.”

  “Help me? What do you mean?”

  “I can pay for your classes.”

  “Are you kidding me? No. I don’t want you to do that, and I didn’t tell you about it because I wanted a handout!”

  He levered up on his elbow and clasped her bare shoulder. “It’s not a handout, Bailey. Why is it so hard for you to accept anything from me? I’m not like those other men, and you’re not your mother.”

  She swung her head away. It was a constant war that she waged within herself. More so now than ever before in her life. She could easily see herself falling headlong into all the trappings that came with a life that Justin could offer. First the car, then space in his closet, then keys to his door, the dress, jewelry and now he was offering to help pay her tuition. What next? How much of her independence was she willing to lose?

  “I can’t let you do that,” she said softly. “This is my dream—just like you have yours. I need to do this for me. And if I can’t, then I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”

  * * *

  “I moved some stuff into Justin’s house,” Bailey said as she sorted through her mail.

  “Wow. So now what?”

  “Now we...” Her heart thumped. “Addy...its a letter from Harvard.” Her fingers trembled.

  Addison jumped up from the couch. “Open it!”

  “I’m scared. What if I don’t get in?”

  “But what if you do? Open it.”

  Bailey drew in a breath and stuck her thumb under the flap of the envelope and peeled it open. Slowly she unfolded the letter. Her eyes raced across the words. “Oh, my God, oh, my God!” She squeezed the letter to her chest.

  “What? What?”

  “I got a full-year scholarship to freaking Harvard!” She jumped up and down and spun in a circle of joy.

  Addison started screaming, too, as if she’d won the lottery and then wrapped Bailey in a hug. “I’m so happy for you. Everything is coming together for you. Finally. And you deserve it, girl. You deserve it.”

  Tears pooled in Bailey’s eyes. “Thank you,” she sniffed and then read the letter again through her misty eyes. “This is so incredible.” She sat at the wobbly kitchen table and stared at the letter—at her future.

  “So...when would you have to leave?”

  Leave. The word rocked her inside. That was the reality. She would have to leave. Leave her family, her life here—Justin.

  “Classes start in five weeks,” she said softly.

  “How do you think Justin will take it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m sure the two of you will work it out. He wants you to have your dream as much as you do. Long-distance relationships can work if the couples are willing and committed to it. Besides, your man has the means to see you whenever you want.”

  “Yes,” she said almost to herself. “He certainly does.”

  Chapter 22

  Bailey stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror. The dress fit as if it had been made especially for her. The garment hugged her upper body, showcasing her narrow waist and full breasts that teased above the heart-shaped dip of the bodice. From the waist the silk-and-tulle skirt floated out and around her knees. Her jewelry sparkled, and for the first time in her life she felt like she was living the fairy tale of her dress.

  “Oh, baby...” Justin murmured in deep appreciation.

  She turned from the mirror and gave him the full effect but was hit by a jolt of lightning when she laid eyes on him.

  The cut of his tuxedo accentuated his broad shoulders and washboard abs. He opted to go tie-less, which gave him an elegant yet cavalier appearance, and the slight shadow around his jaw only added another level of delicious sexiness.

  Bailey beamed then gave him a little twirl before dancing over to him. He looped his arm around her waist and gently swayed with her. “You’ll be the most beautiful belle at the ball,” he said then lowered her into a dip that had her giggling with happiness.

  * * *

  “Exactly how many cars do you have?” Bailey asked, wide-eyed when Justin opened her door to the Lexus.

  He gave an indifferent shrug. “A couple.” He shut her door and came around to the driver’s side and got in.

  “How many is a couple?”

  He turned the key, and the car purred to life. The lush leather seating enveloped her, and she felt as if she was being held in the palm of a hand. The dash gleamed with lights and buttons and the sound system was to die for.

  “The Benz, the Navigator, the Jaguar, this...and a Mustang convertible,” he added.

  Bailey shook her head in amazement. What could one person need with so many cars? But the reality was, if he didn’t have more than one car, she would have been in debt with a rental, since she’d told the mechanic to junk the car.

  “I have a confession to make,” Bailey said.


  “I’m sure you must have guessed it, but I’ve never been to one of these things before, at least not as a guest.”

  “No big deal, really. Just a lot of people who got all dressed up to drink and gossip and spend money—for a worthy cause. It’ll be fine. And as soon as I make the rounds, shake a few hands, we can leave if you want. Deal?”

  “Deal.” She relaxed against the headrest.

  Justin drove with his left hand and placed his right hand on her thigh. A shiver fluttered up her leg.

  “I’m going to be shaking hands really quickly,” he said, his voice having grown thick, as his fingers stroked her inner thigh.

  Bailey’s lids drifted closed. She covered his hand with hers to stop his trip up her skirt. “We’ll never get there and get back if you keep that up.”

  Justin snatched a look at her. “Yeah, real fast handshakes.”

  * * *

  The foundation gala was being held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and the decked and bejeweled guests were out in force. Bailey felt as if she’d stepped into the pre-Oscar show hour as she and Justin walked arm in arm down the length of the red carpet and up the marble stairs to the entrance. The annual foundation gala for cancer research brought out the media, who took as many pictures as possible as the well-heeled guests arrived, calling out to them, asking who they were with and what the women were wearing.

  Bailey was overwhelmed and held on tight to Justin, who seemed to be less than interested in the hoopla or maybe it was the fact that he was so accustomed to these things that it no longer fazed him.

  Once inside, they were directed to the main ballroom, which was something right out of a magazine. Crystal chandeliers splashed diamond-like light across the expanse of the room that was dotted with large circular tables—to seat ten—all topped with bursts of flowers in tall glasses, gleaming silverware and hand-designed china. Waiters floated around with trays of champagne.

  Justin reached in his pocket and pulled out the invitation. “We’re up front. Table three.” He stuck the invitation back into his pocket before stopping a waiter. He took two glasses of champagne from the tray and handed one to Bailey. “May this part of the evening fly by,” he said with a wink and tipped his glass to hers.

  Bailey’s teasing glance caught him over the rim of her glass. “Let the handshaking begin.”

  They settled themselves at their table after Justin ran into several of the guests that he knew, and each time he proudly introduced Bailey as “my lovely lady.” She couldn’t remember ever having been claimed like that by a man in public. It made her feel valued in a way that she hadn’t experienced before. And he didn’t say the things he did, or do the things he did for her because he could get something out of it. She had nothing to offer but herself. And that seemed to be enough for him, which made keeping the news from him about the letter from Harvard that much more di
fficult. She knew she couldn’t wait much longer.

  Shortly after they were seated, Carl and his wife, Gina, arrived, and Gina and Bailey hit it right off. Before long they were talking like old friends that had plenty in common. Bailey wanted Gina to meet Addison, and they talked about setting up a girls’ night.

  The entrées were served, and the formal part of the evening was under way. The waiters were taking away the plates and preparing to serve the next course when Jasmine appeared at the table with her cousin Stephanie.

  “Justin. Hello.”


  Her light brown eyes roamed the table, acknowledged Carl and Gina then settled on Bailey. “I wouldn’t expect to see you here.”

  “And why would that be?” Bailey tossed back.

  Jasmine gave a shrug. “I mean, I didn’t think that you could get time off from bartending.”

  Stephanie snickered.

  Justin rose, towering over her. He got close, lowered his voice to a stern whisper. “I’m going to tell you this for the last time. We’re done. We will never be. Bailey is with me. You don’t have to like it. I don’t give a damn. But you will respect her.”

  The color beneath her cheeks heightened. Her nostrils flared as if she couldn’t breathe as she blinked back the sting in her eyes.

  Stephanie took her arm. “Come on. There’s nothing going on over here.”

  Jasmine looked at Justin with a defeated pain in her eyes before she turned and followed her cousin.

  Justin’s chest heaved. He sat down, his face stoney. Bailey covered his clenched fist. “Thank you,” she mouthed. He leaned over and kissed her lightly.

  “Now that we’ve got that bitch, I mean, business, out of the way, let’s eat,” Gina said, breaking the last lock of tension at the table.

  * * *

  As promised, once the meal was over, Justin and Bailey began inching their way to the exit before all the long-winded speeches and awards were presented. He’d already made his five-thousand-dollar contribution, so there was nothing keeping him there, and he was eager to get Bailey out of that dress that had been driving him crazy all night.

  This time she didn’t stop him when his fingers roamed higher and higher up her skirt to tease the thin covering over her crotch. She could feel herself growing slick with need as she pressed her hand over his to cup it in place. It had taken twenty minutes to get to the hotel, but it seemed to take an eternity to get home.

  “I think you’d better take that off. If I get my hands on it I may rip up a perfectly beautiful dress.”

  “With pleasure,” she cooed and blew him a kiss before giving him her back to undo her zipper. “And for now, be gentle.”

  He made slow work of unzipping her, kissing each inch of succulent flesh as it exposed itself to his hungry eyes.

  Bailey quivered as the heat of his kisses shimmied up and down her spine. He peeled the dress away, and she stepped out of it. Justin turned her around; her bare, full breasts brushed against his tux jacket and lit her nipples afire.

  “Damn,” he groaned before embarking on the feast of her offerings. He lifted the weight of her breasts in his palms and guided them to his mouth. His tongue teased each nipple, nibbling and laving them until they were hard, dark pebbles.

  Bailey’s fingertips dug into the hard knots of muscle in his arms while she arched her back to give him better access.

  “I want to take you, right here, just like this,” he said, his breath a hot hiss against her skin. He hooked his fingers along the elastic of her black panties and tugged them down, slid two fingers inside her that took her breath away.

  She kicked her panties away and pulled his jacket from his body. The buttons of his shirt were determined to stay in place, but she was just as determined. With his shirt finally undone, the hard span of his chest was hers for the taking, and she took. Her tongue danced along his skin, suckled his nipples, teased the hard lines of his arms while she unfastened his buckle and unzipped him. She took him in her palm and felt him pulse along with the almost painful moan that left his lips. Bailey lowered herself, bit by bit until the head of his cock brushed her lips. She flicked her tongue along the dewy head and was rewarded with his outcry of her name. Little by little she took him in, sucking and licking until he filled the cavern of her mouth to the back of her throat. She wanted all of him, but she’d taken in all that she could. She stroked the rest until he began to rock his pelvis against her mouth. His fingers dug into her hair.

  “Ahhh, babe...” He sucked in air through his teeth. He grabbed either side of her head. “Gotta...stop,” he managed, even as he continued to thrust against her willing mouth. Then he pulled out and stumbled back, breathing heavily. His eyes were blazing dark pools as if an oil field had been set on fire.

  Bailey’s wet, puffy lips parted as she looked up at him with her own kind of hunger. He pulled her to her feet and unceremoniously scooped her up and carried her up to his bedroom.

  * * *

  When Justin entered her, she exploded. The sudden intensity of her orgasm slammed through her like an electric charge. Her body vibrated, and she cried out. The pitch of her joy hung in the torrid air. Justin wasn’t ready to let go yet. He wanted to remain buried inside her heat and held captive between her thighs.

  Bailey moaned and rotated her hips as Justin continued to move within her as her own release began to ebb, then by degrees rise to meet the thrill that Justin stirred inside her. She felt that she would burst from his fullness while his ride toward release intensified with every thrust that became faster, deeper, harder. His breathing escalated, a sheen of sweat dampening his skin. His groans grew heavier. She tightened her hold on him.

  “Come. Come to me,” she whispered deep in his ear.

  The erotic words mixed with the quick sucking of her insides on his throbbing member sent him hurtling over the edge.

  * * *

  “That was...there are no words,” Bailey said.

  “My sentiments exactly.” He kissed the back of her neck and pulled her closer. He sighed in satisfaction. “It’s good having you here.” He kissed her again.

  “I like being here.”

  “There’s plenty more room in the closets,” he said suggestively.

  For an instant, she froze. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I have no problem with you being here...full-time.”

  She turned over. Her eyes searched his face in the dimness. “Move in?”

  “Why not? Plenty of space.”

  She paused. “Justin, I need to tell you something.” She felt him tense.

  “What is it?”

  “I got the letter from Harvard. They offered me a scholarship for a year, and...I’m going to take it.”

  The seconds of silence were eternal.

  “Babe, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you. I know how much you want this.” He gathered her close, bringing her into the hollow of his neck. He stared out into the darkness. “Harvard. That is big-time. When would you have to leave?”

  “Umm, five weeks. I have to look for off-campus housing.” She fluttered a laugh. “I think I’m a bit old to live in a dorm.”

  Justin chuckled absently. “Very true...not saying that you’re old or anything,” he added in jest.

  Bailey nudged him. She drew in a breath. “I know this is going to change things between us...the distance. But I want us to find a way to work it out.” She clutched his shoulder and tried to gauge his expression.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Of course we will. Let’s not worry about that now. You have plans to make.”

  Chapter 23

  “Harvard. That’s major,” Carl said. He lifted his bottle of Coors and took a long swallow. “How is that going to play out with you two?”

  Justin stretch
ed out on the lounge chair on the back deck, tucked his hands beneath his head and closed his eyes against the setting sun. A light evening breeze ruffled the trees.

  “Good question. We were just settling into a rhythm. I gave her a key.”

  “You what?”

  “Yeah, man.”

  “That’s a serious move.”

  “That’s how I’m feeling about her—serious.”

  “Man. Well, they say that long-distance relationships can work,” he said without much conviction.

  “They who?”

  “You know. Them. Those people that take those surveys.”

  “And you would know that how?”

  “I hear things.”

  Justin cut him a look. “Whatever, man.” He paused. “Would you do it?”

  “Have a long-distance relationship?”


  “I guess it depends on how long and how invested I was.”

  “What if it was Gina?”

  “Hmm. If you’d asked me that before we got married, I probably would have said no. would be hard, but I’d do it if it would keep us together. I can’t see myself without Gina.”

  Justin sighed heavily. Maintaining a relationship was tough enough with all the curves that life could throw, then add in long distance and you were asking for trouble.

  “What about Xavier or LSU?” Carl asked, cutting into Justin’s thoughts.

  “She’s going on scholarship.”

  Carl’s brows rose then fell. “Oh.”

  “Oh, what?”

  “Nothing. I’m just saying, oh.” He waited a beat. “If it’s about money...maybe you could help her out and then she could stay.”

  “Ha! You don’t know Bailey. She’s so damned independent and determined to do everything on her own, her way, that she’d cut my head off for even suggesting it. I hinted at it once before and she went nuclear. Naw, not an option.”

  “Then you don’t have much of a choice. She’s going to Harvard, and you are either going the long-distance route or walking away.”

  Justin closed his eyes. Walking away wasn’t in the plan.


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