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Naughty Spanking One

Page 7

by Miranda Forbes

  “You didn’t have to be so rude to me you know, dear husband,” Jo said from the kitchen doorway.

  “I know. Look, I’m really sorry, I was just really busy and hadn’t noticed the time. My project is at a really critical point and someone had messed up the figures,” he replied, without interrupting his washing up.

  “Well, I’m important too. I’d been working all day to make tonight special for us and you ruined it all. And this isn’t the first time either! You’ve been interested in nothing but work lately and it’s making you grumpy and inconsiderate. We’re supposed to be partners, you know, and if you want that to continue you can stop treating me like dirt, or I might have to take some drastic measures!” Jo added ominously.

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Chris demanded.

  Jo dropped her voice to a husky whisper and walked over to caress Chris’s arse.

  “I’m a mum now, Chris.” Jo breathed. “And that means that I spend a lot of time dealing with children. I know exactly how to deal with naughty boys with no manners!” Chris’s face registered his shock at what she was saying. Jo lifted her hand and brought it down with a sharp slap against his bottom. “I’m sure I can deal with a naughty boy who is supposed to have grown up just as easily!” she teased

  “Are you serious?” Chris asked, apparently shocked.

  Jo took a step backwards. Chris stared back at her, jaw hanging and eyes wide with surprise.

  “I’ve never been more serious!” Jo replied, giving Chris a stern glare. “If you don’t treat me right, you can expect to be disciplined. You can’t possibly think it is acceptable to neglect me and take me for granted as you have been doing?”

  Chris shook his head, and even managed an apologetic look – although Jo was well aware that the bulge growing in his trousers was far from sorry.

  “I deserve love, occasional romance and most importantly to be appreciated,” Jo stated. Chris nodded his agreement. “You have ignored my needs for too long already and tonight we are going to begin to redress the balance.”

  Jo peeled off the jeans and T-shirt and Chris’s eye almost bulged out of his head at the sexy sight this revealed. The black basque and stockings had transformed Jo into the most exotic creature. Chris was no longer looking just at his wife, but at a gorgeous sexy Amazon, full of fire and passion who could easily have stepped out of one of his most secret fantasies.

  “It’s rude to stare! And I’ve had more than enough of your bad manners for one day,” Jo snapped in the haughtiest voice she could manage.

  “Sorry, Mistress,” Chris responded automatically, and felt his cock twitch with excitement. He was astonished at this transformation in his normally so-quiet wife. He was even more amazed at just how incredibly erotic he found her like this. She was in control, and he wasn’t quite sure he knew how to deal with it.

  His unthinking words gave Jo the extra confidence she needed. “You have been a very naughty boy Chris. You have been thoughtless and insensitive. You need to be taught a lesson, and as your loving wife and the mother of your children I shall be the one to deliver your punishment. You will be made to share the pain that your lack of consideration has caused. As my lesson to you, I intend to spank your bare bottom until it is as red as the roses you will be buying me tomorrow to accompany your apology. I will be as hard on you as your neglect has been on me. This will hurt a great deal.”

  Chris found Jo’s words disturbingly erotic, but also frightening. If he went through with this things could change for ever between them, but could he get out of it?

  “You are going to be spanked for behaving like a selfish schoolboy. Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?” Jo asked.

  “Um. I didn’t mean to upset you,” Chris replied weakly.

  “Too late, Chris,” Jo said with a shake of her head “Now bend over the table and make yourself ready.”

  When Chris didn’t respond instantly Jo grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him before marching him to the table. He struggled and protested, but Jo paid no attention.

  “Enough!” She snapped. “You have earned your punishment and you are going to take it whether you want to or not. Now bend over,” Jo wasn’t sure where the strength came from, but she pushed on his back and Chris found himself bent submissively over the desk.

  “Now we are going to bare that bottom of yours,” Jo said and made short work of undoing his pants and sliding them down to his knees. She flipped the bottom of his shirt up above his waist and stepped back to enjoy the view she had been imagining all evening.

  The reality was every bit as sexy as she’d imagined. Chris’s face was bright red but his cock was as hard as the wood of the table. She wondered how she had never noticed before just how much his sweet white bottom was crying out for a vibrant red palm print, or several.

  “You are to stand perfectly still, understood?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Chris replied, his voice almost a squeal.

  “This is not going to be easy on you, but you really need this. You have earned every single stroke.”

  Jo raised her hand high, then brought it down hard on the left cheek of Chris’s bottom.


  Chris winced as he felt the burning sensation flare across his bottom. Again and again her hand swept down on him. It took a while for her to get the hang of it, but soon blows were raining one on top of the other and the burning was growing stronger and stronger.

  Jo paused for a few seconds and changed the stroke to a gentle caress, Chris whimpered then howled as she immediately switched back to the heavier slaps.

  Swish … Smack … Swish …!

  “Yow!” Chris felt that his arse was on fire. He clutched at the desk, using every ounce of will to stay still as Jo had demanded while she laid into him. Jo added to his discomfort with a litany of his faults.

  “A good husband does not forget to call.” Thwack!

  “A good husband comes home on time.” Slap!

  “A good husband remembers to say thank you.” Smack!

  “Ow!” Chris cried out. His bottom felt completely raw, but his cock was so hard he was sure it was damaging the table. “Thank you, Mistress!” he whimpered. “Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.” His words caught Jo off guard. “I’ll do better,” he promised, “I’ll be the husband you deserve.”

  “Really?” Jo asked, slowing the onslaught to add a few gentle caresses in between the blows. “You haven’t been very good so far,” she mused. “But then, now you know you can expect to be disciplined if you fail me, I imagine it will be easier to remember your manners.”

  Her hand snaked between his legs to test the rigidity of his cock. “I don’t suppose it will be hard to remember at all,” she said as she gripped his shaft and gave it a confident squeeze. “But if you do forget you know what will happen don’t you?” A last stinging blow rammed her message home.

  “No, Mistress!” Chris whimpered as his knees weakened and he sank to the floor.

  Jo kicked him onto his back and surveyed the effects her spanking had had on him with a critical eye. He was shocked and sore but not broken, but he was already looking at her with new respect.

  For a second her instincts told her to comfort him and tell him it would all be alright, but this was not the night for half measures and she quickly shook the impulse away.

  “You are going to be very, very good to me in future,” she told Chris as she stepped out of her thong. “And you can start right now,” she declared as she straddled him and pulled his face towards her waiting pussy.

  And he was.

  Don’t Mess With The Dean

  by Eva Hore

  ‘Okay, Brad. I’ll see you tomorrow then,’ I gushed, as he kissed my cheek.

  Closing the door behind me, I waited until I heard his car take off before breathing a sigh of relief. He was so boring. I was only dating him to please my parents. Since enrolling at this University, he wouldn’t leave me alone. He was the son of an old f
riend of my parents, Mr Carney, our Dean. Ugh!

  I could just hear the low volume of a television set and a murmuring voice as I let myself into the apartment. Oops, my flat-mate Sarah must have company, I thought. Her bedroom door was slightly ajar and, being nosey, by nature I decided to take a peek, see who she was entertaining in there.

  I sidled along the wall until my eye was peering through the crack in the door. She was lying in the middle of the bed, naked, her legs splayed open and masturbating. I tried to see if there was anyone else with her but I could only see her.

  A loud slap reverberated through her room as she slapped at her pussy. I almost gasped out loud, I was so surprised. I’d never seen anyone do that before. She rolled over and I got a great shot of her creamy arse cheeks staring back at me. A buzzing noise and then a big black dildo came into view.

  ‘You like to watch, don’t you?’ she said.

  Someone was in there with her. Who, I wondered? I knew I should go to my room, stop spying on her but I couldn’t tear myself away. I wanted to see what else she would do and more importantly what the other person would do to her.

  Barely breathing, I watched as she slipped the dildo between her gaping flaps. Mesmerized by the sight of the black monster as it pounded her pretty pink pussy, I found my own pussy throbbing, wanting some attention. I was desperate to go to the privacy of my own room, desperate for some masturbation as well.

  ‘Bring your cock over here,’ she demanded. ‘I want to suck you off.’

  ‘No,’ a voice said.

  Who was that?

  ‘Oh, please,’ she begged.

  ‘Rub your clit,’ he demanded.

  Who was that? His voice sounded vaguely familiar. I watched as she pulled the hood back over her clit and began to rub. I’d never seen another woman naked like this before and found it was turning me on.

  ‘Now finger-fuck yourself, you little slut,’ he said.

  ‘I want you to fuck me,’ she pouted.

  ‘Do as I say.’

  She inserted a few fingers and began to thrust in and out of herself, rising up, her breasts falling as she lowered her eyes to watch herself. Then she was back at her clit, rubbing hard and fast. She fell back, her back arching, her breasts straining forward, nipples erect while her breath came out in gasps.

  ‘Oh, yes, yes,’ she squealed. ‘I’m … I’m coming.’

  ‘Stop!’ he ordered.

  She didn’t though: she kept right on rubbing, her body thrashing about the bed as she came. She lay back exhausted, eyeing him through hooded lashes. What was she up to now?

  ‘Didn’t I tell you to stop?’

  She pouted at him.

  ‘You know I’ll have to punish you now, don’t you?’

  She giggled stupidly.

  ‘Roll over.’

  She did eagerly, eyeing him over her shoulder.

  A rustling of clothing had my senses alerted. I was ready to run in case I got caught. An arm came into view, and then a back and a hairy arse. It was an older man; the back of his hair was receding.

  In his hand he had a ruler.

  ‘Up on all fours,’ he said.

  She wiggled her arse at him and he slapped her with the ruler.

  ‘Ow,’ she cried.

  ‘Quiet,’ he said, slapping at her thighs.

  I watched mesmerized as welts formed on her flesh. Criss-crossed markings covered her arse and thighs. Lowering his head he seemed to be kissing them, his hand rubbing over the rawness, the ruler now discarded.

  ‘You like being bad, don’t you?’ he asked.

  ‘No,’ she whimpered.

  ‘But you like being spanked don’t you?’

  ‘No, sir, I don’t.’

  Sir? Why did she call him that?

  ‘Roll over and spread your legs for me.’

  She did.

  Slipping a finger inside her, he chuckled. ‘You loved it alright. You’re wet, very, very wet.’

  ‘Well, maybe just a little,’ she giggled.

  ‘Let’s see if you taste as good as you feel.’

  He knelt on the floor before her, grabbed her by the hips and pulled her forward. Opening her legs he held them wide while she whimpered for him to hurry. Lowering his head, he began to lick her pussy, lifting her legs high so they hung over his shoulders and flopped about.

  ‘Very nice indeed.’

  ‘Oh, God, yes, that’s fantastic,’ she whispered.

  Shit, for an old guy he certainly knew how to please her. She was wild, whimpering as she pushed her pelvis into his face. She pulled the hood back over her clit and began to rub like crazy while he nuzzled to munch on her.

  Then he climbed up onto the bed and into her open thighs. Her legs wrapped themselves around his back, drawing him down. She squealed as his cock speared into her. I watched them humping, her heels kicking into his back as she spurred him on.

  ‘Oh, yes, fuck me. Fuck me harder, harder,’ she begged.

  He slammed into her and I swear the floor shook with the ferocity of the pounding he was giving her. His arse cheeks clenched and contracted as he pummelled her. My hand found its way into my own panties, running over my slit. I parted the lips, slipped a finger in and began to finger myself. My panties were restricting me so I quietly slipped them off.

  Now I could really attack my clit. Smearing my silky juices over my hardened nub I rubbed frantically, pleased when I felt the spasms taking over and my juices begin to flow more freely. Peering back in on them I saw they’d changed positions, that she was up on all four, doggy style and he was slamming her from behind, slapping at her arse cheeks in the process.

  ‘Oh,’ she whimpered. ‘That hurts.’

  ‘I told you if you didn’t do everything exactly how I said, I’d have to give you another spanking.’

  ‘But I did. I did everything you told me to.’

  ‘Quiet,’ he demanded. ‘You’re being disobedient and for that I’ll have to spank you properly.’

  He pulled his dripping cock from her and smacked her hard on the cheek, leaving the imprint of his hand. The other welts were still there but not quite as visible. She squealed and he slapped harder. In no time her cheeks were bright red. Then he was caressing them, rubbing lovingly before slapping at her thighs.

  ‘Please, no more,’ she said.

  ‘Does this hurt?’ he slapped at her again.


  ‘No? Does that mean I’ve been easy on you? That I haven’t applied as much pressure as I should?’

  How could she say no, I wondered? Her arse was bright red, her thighs had matching welts. Why was she allowing him to do this? Sarah was a bit of a prude, always on her high horse about equality for the sexes, women’s rights and all that.

  He picked up the ruler he’d discarded.

  ‘You ready for another spanking?’ he said.

  ‘Yes, I am. I’m sorry for not doing what I was told. Please spank me.’

  Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that she’d be into this sort of stuff.

  As he began to administer the punishment, the ruler slapping rhythmically, I had the most powerful of orgasms. It was amazing. I’d never had one like that before. I wondered if it had something to do with the spanking, if perhaps I too would enjoy it, enjoy someone slapping me, making it sting like fire.

  He didn’t use the ruler for too long. Sarah went wild, thrashing herself around the bed, lunging for his cock, begging him to fuck her. By now she had some blue marks, obviously he was spanking her quite hard with the ruler and before spearing himself into her saturated cunt, he lowered his head and licked the injured areas lovingly.

  Now the real pounding began. She was screaming and flinging herself around while he called her every filthy word you can imagine. I was dripping. Watching them had me coming, one orgasm after another. It took all my willpower not to go in and join them.

  For an old guy he was incredible. He had the stamina of a man much younger. I was just about to come when t
he phone in the hallway rang. I froze and so did they. He looked over his shoulder toward the door and my heart stopped.

  It was Mr Carney. She was fucking Mr Carney. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I held my breath as the phone rang out and they resumed their lovemaking. I crept back to the front door and outside, trying to quiet my hammering heart. The wind had picked up and it whistled passed my naked snatch.

  No wonder she had called him sir!

  Where had I left my panties? Oh, no! outside Sarah’s door. I didn’t know what to do, go back or hope they didn’t see them. I sat on the bench, pulling my skirt around my thighs while I pondered what to do.

  In about half an hour, while still sitting on the bench, a shadow passed over me. I looked up to see Mr Carney. We eyed each other, neither of us speaking. He dropped my panties in my lap.

  ‘I believe these are yours,’ he said.

  ‘Er …’ what could I say?

  ‘Sarah has an early class tomorrow. I believe spying on your flat mate is against the rules and you know what that means, don’t you? If you’re interested in receiving your punishment leave your door unlocked. I’ll see you at seven.’

  He walked off, confident and sure of himself, knowing after what I’d witnessed that there’d be no way I’d say no. My bum was twitching, wondering what it would be like to be spanked. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come.

  His Lordship’s Satin Knickers

  by Virginia Beech

  Lord Camberley whipped a final cut across the rounded cheeks of maid Gloria’s now reddened and quivering bottom and lowered the rattan cane. He looked across at his German Housekeeper Freja and Butlerine Cordelia, who were holding the new maid down by her wrists over his tooled leather desktop. Flushed with anticipation for what they knew was to follow as they surveyed maid Gloria’s glowing globes twitching sensually before them, they noted the nascent erection straining within his tight riding breeches. The noble cock of the Master of the Camberley Foxhounds was throbbing lustily within its strict confines of Gieves cavalry twill, a heated animal aroused by the caning and desperate to be freed.


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