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Naughty Spanking One

Page 15

by Miranda Forbes

  “Because, because …” He waits in silence while realisation slowly dawns. “You want me to, don’t you?”

  Alistair leans over, kisses her furrowed brow. “Why the dilemma, sweetheart? You have your hobby and I have mine.”

  Lollycocks, Glory Holes And Bears! Oh My!

  by Astarte

  I love a fruity lollycock! So does Hyacinth! Sometimes we share one. Like when we’ve got Harry bared, nipple-clamped, spread-eagled and tethered on our double bed. After a suitably sensual spanking, Harry’s lollycock is rampant, ready and throbbing; a glistening pearl of pre-cum at its tip. We lick his lollycock together, running our tongues up the hot shaft to take the pearl, meeting in a lascivious lezziekiss before taking it in turns to deepthroat the juicy morsel, tonguing and sucking till cumtime. Then it’s guzzle and gobble time as we milk him dry and kiss again, our mouths full of cream, spreading his lotion all over each other’s tits and then having him lick our breasts dry while he fingerfucks us both together. That’s what we call an orgy – or what wild-card Harry calls “a high Two Pair!”

  I leaned over Hyacinth’s bed and pinched a nipple. I knew she would be tired after such a night of fun. My Harry had come to dine at our Lowndes Square pad in Knightsbridge, collecting a royal ransom in oysters, lobster and white wine from Harrods Food Hall on the way over. We had pigged out on seafood and Chardonnay before stripping down to our Agent Provocateur undies to play Dirty Dictionary. Win or lose, the result is always the same! If Harry wins, we flog his butt. If we win, we flog his butt! So it’s a win-win situation! After that we all end up on our king-size bed bonking our brains out … who said “Three’s a crowd!”?

  We never lose.

  Harry tried that obvious old chestnut “Dick tater … dictator” with a potato hanging on a string from his prick, and later, Hyacinth was quick to guess “Stopcock” before removing the large wooden clothes peg from his weapon and lovingly massaging some life back into it. Harry correctly divined Hyacinth’s massaging my clit with her elegant big toe as “pussyfoot” but was obviously too excited by the spectacle to guess “rabbit hole” when I took Harvey, Hyacinth’s lovetoy rabbit to her cunt and buzzed her to the night’s first orgasm. The evening degenerated deliciously from that moment on.

  But I digress!

  It was high time to rise and shine because slave-driver Nyna had called to check we were packed and ready for our flight to Toronto. As Morning Glory’s Fashion Director, she had booked us for a week’s photoshoot in Ontario for their new ‘Great Outdoors’ Sporting Collection, to make the glossies in time for the London Fashion Week catwalk shows. So we were off to do a fashion shoot up in the Canadian backwoods and then at Niagara Falls.

  Hyacinth peeped out from under her long lashes and squinted at the sunlight.

  “Bounce your tits out of the sack, Sweetcheeks! We have to be at Gatwick in two hours, so shake a gorgeous leg, sweetie! Nyna says it gets chilly in early September up in the primeval woods where we’re going, so I’ve packed us sweaters and jeans, gloves, rag socks and long johns.”

  Nyna had chosen a remote place called Aubrey Falls for the shoot, chartering a seaplane to fly us up into the wilds and landing us on a river called the Mississauga. Some lumberjacks were to collect us there and take us to their logging camp. As well as looking after us, they were being paid to provide a muscular ‘bit of rough’ for decorative background. Thinking of the possibilities was tiring me out already!

  Our dyky slave-driver and her (very) personal assistant Francine collected us, and with her chosen photographer, the classy Carla, and Antoine, our camp hairdresser and make-up artist, we trooped out to Gatwick together in the company van, along with the crated clothes.

  I was tired and sore when we boarded our plane. Darling Harry sure can tongue and groove a woman and he used everything he had on me last night – and then some! I came over and over, drenching his face several times. I love watching him lick his lips and smile like he just had a mouthful of hot fudge syrup.

  “Hold the fort, Harry, darling,” I thought. “I’ll be back to exercise your hard cock as soon as I get away from all those horny lumberjacks!” I hoped they were horny anyway, and I guessed Hyacinth did too!

  It’s a long flight into Toronto Pearson so we overnighted at a downtown hotel on our arrival to be fresh for our trip up into Grizzly country the next day. But there was to be no rest for the wicked! Antoine en drab was soon Antoinette en drag and had us all high-heeling down to Mandy’s famous Goodhandy’s Club for their draggy Pansexual Night, where gurlz will be boyz and boyz can be Queen for a Night! So Nyna and her chums were a touch heavy-eyed and Antoine was looking distinctly wan when they dropped Hyacinth and me off at the Toronto seaplanes dock on Lake Ontario before they set off upcountry with all the gear in a rented van.

  A chartered DeHavilland Beaver was waiting for us. Ernie, the cute-arsed pilot, introduced himself and his navigator Arnold. They helped us on board, very free with their hands on our butts. Cheap thrill, but hey, I’m into thrills of any kind on these tedious trips.

  We got settled in and were soon skimming out across the lake and up into the blue. Ernie explained that he takes off and lands on only one float as it cuts drag on the water. He mouthed a lot more techno-crap but all I wanted to hear was how long his dick was and how long it would take me to yank it out of his pants once we are airborne.

  His answer came quickly. He glanced back and winked so I leaned forward, touched his arm and pointed at the scene below. It was instant electricity

  Ernie looked at Arnold. “Take the controls, Arnie and Hyacinth can take my seat, but don’t let her touch anything! I’m going back to get better acquainted with Layla.”

  He clambered out of his seat and into the back beside me, helping Hyacinth into the front at the same time. He turned and we looked into each other’s eyes. The beacon was working between us. He reached over to undress me. I raised my arms cooperatively to help him get my sweater off and of course I’m bra-less. He appreciated the view, and playfully pinched my tits. It was cramped up there but with my energetic help he had me starkers in no time.

  I wasn’t wearing any knickers and he cupped my cunt as I slithered out of my jeans! I was so hot now that he could have fried an egg on my hot pussy! But I was thinking more of roasting some hot Canadian Jerky!

  I didn’t wait long for a taste of sizzling sausage! He discarded his boots and pants, and he wasn’t wearing under-shorts either (my kind of man). He had this hard-on that would have choked a horse. He sat down with it pointed to the ceiling, pulled me onto his lap and kissed me hard and long, putting his tongue deep in my throat for me to suck at hungrily! With his one hand on my tit and the other frigging my clit, I was going crazy with the combined sensations of tongue sucking, tit tweaking and clit stroking. God, it was so good! Sensing my need, he turned me to face the cockpit and lowered me onto his shaft and started fucking me, first long and slow, lifting my arse up and down on him and, as he got hotter and hotter, more furiously to my moaning and crying out. I came before he did, but he soon caught up with me.

  “Get ready, Delicious, here it comes!”

  He shot into me with loud grunts of passion and held me impaled, letting my tight pussy suck all the cream out of his magnificent shaft.

  I slid to the floor and, taking his meat in my mouth, I licked the succulent mushroom head and ran my tongue down slick shaft to his balls. He slid to the edge of his seat and I took his balls one at a time into my mouth, tonguing and sucking their warm roundness.

  My aerial gymnast was beginning to moan again and I could feel renewed life in that worthy weapon. I took him deep into my mouth, sucked and pumped him with my hand and he went crazy. He lifted me up on his lap to face him and lowered me again onto his rampant cock. I rode him like a stallion, my hair wildly tangled all over our sweating faces. This time we came simultaneously in loud moans and cries of ecstasy! God, what a stud I had found!

  Then he laughed. “You are now a member of
the ‘Mile High Club!’ Arnie knows to take her up to 5, 281 feet; we give it an extra foot to be certain that we are over a mile high! Baby, you are something to dream about! I never had it so good.”

  Ernie squirmed beneath the pussylock I had on his key. “I gotta take over for a while and let Arnie initiate your friend into the ‘Mile High Club’ too! We’ll get our clothes on and let them come back here. You can slide into Arnie’s seat next to me. Baby, am I glad we got this run for your agency! This is a dream trip!”

  It wasn’t long before we heard giggles, whispers and frantic undressing behind us. Hyacinth and Arnold were getting it off to get it on … in seats that were still hot from Ernie’s sexy arse!

  We swapped again and fucked and sucked our way through the two hour flight. We were both ready to collapse from lack of sleep, but neither of us would have missed this trip for the world. We sat as couples now with me and Ernie in the cockpit (I know why they call it the “Cock Pit” now!) and Hyacinth and Arnold in the passenger seats.

  Before long Ernie pointed out the ribbon of the Mississauga River he was going to land us on, and the dock where the lumberjacks would meet us. We watched the river grow bigger beneath us and then we were landing and coasting smoothly into the side of the dock where three burly hunks of muscle stood waiting. Built like tree trunks, they were wearing typical loggers’ gear; denim pants, plaid shirts and heavy, steel-toed boots.

  Ernie and Arnold jumped out and secured the plane to the dock, reached in for our bags and then helped us out with lots of lascivious touching on the way … Ernie let me slide slowly down his body before releasing me. His eyes smiled into mine and gave me a crushing kiss. The lumberjacks’ eyes were like saucers as they looked us up and down, obviously liking what they saw and wondering how we knew these pilots so well, having just arrived from London.

  Ernie bid us goodbye, saying he would return in two days. His wink promised a fun flight back!

  “Look after them! They’ve had a tiring flight!”

  I waved my studman a tired goodbye.

  We watched the Beaver take off and turned to the three lumberjacks who introduced themselves as Bernard, the foreman, Marcel the ‘topper’ and Jacques the cook.

  Bernard’s granite face cracked into a smile. “Call me ‘Big Burly’. You call ’eem ‘Topper’, and Jacques, ‘Flapjack’.” His voice was a deep gravelly rumble

  “Where is the restroom? we have to pee so bad our kidneys are floating.”

  Big Burly thought my question very funny. He gave a jolly belly laugh and pointed to the woods bordering the rough dirt trail leading from the dock.

  “Go be’ind zee tree!”

  “You gotta be kidding! No outhouse? No nothing but woods?”

  “Zees eez ze backwoods, Mamselle! Eet eez very primitif,” Big Burly rumbled in his sexy French-Canadian accent. “We wait on ze trail for you and zen lead you to ze camp!” That sexy smile appeared again. “Mais prenez garde! Beware ze greezlees!”

  We decided we could wait till we reached the camp. The only nice ‘greezlees’ I knew, were in a Walt Disney movie.

  We began to totter up the trail with the guys. Our high heeled boots, so elegant in the urban wilds of Knightsbridge, proved quite inadequate for Canada’s real outdoors. I made no complaint when Big Burly lifted me up and cradled me to his chest and Hyacinth positively flew into Topper’s brawny arms, leaving fat Flapjack to carry our bags. On the way, Flapjack bragged about the delights of his cooking and Big Burly told us about the knotty pine shower house he and Topper had erected specially for ‘ze ladies’. We would soon discover that strategically placed knotty pine holes can be put to a number of unexpected uses.

  The loggers had taken time off to greet us and were assembled in the camp lodge. They raised a cheer when Big Burly and Topper strode in bearing their human cargo. We had to shake a dozen hands the size of meat plates and drink a steaming cup of Flapjack’s ever-available hot coffee before we were finally taken to our quarters.

  “Ze woodland palace,” Big Burly said, as he and Topper showed us into one of the four little log cabins made ready for our team. It was a simple room warmed by a glowing wood stove with two sturdy wooden beds, a table and chairs. A mirror hung above a sidetable, on which stood a pail of water and a dipper. Primitive, but Aubrey Falls is not Mayfair and at that moment those sturdy wooden beds looked more inviting than any fancy Claridges suite! We shushed them out, promising to meet up for dinner after the others had arrived in the van. We collapsed onto our beds and promptly fell asleep!

  Our van duly arrived, and refreshed from that much-needed kip, we all met in the lodge for dinner with the loggers.

  It was still early when Nyna reminded us that we were starting the photoshoot at daybreak and chivvied us all off to bed. We trooped out of the lodge, collected towels from our cabins and made for our little shower house. We undressed and were laughing and splashing each other with the makeshift shower spray when Nyna put her finger to her lips. We clammed up and heard snickers and low talk outside the wooden building. Two jacks were watching us through two large knotholes in the wall.

  Sneaky, horny bastards! I didn’t blame them for wanting to see us starkers. All they had to look at during the summer was Indian squaws in the reservation trading posts, and each other’s bare arses in the showers! Eye candy like Hyacinth and me, our lipstick dyke Nyna, her sweetie Francine and classy Carla would be a pleasing change from hairy knees and nuts.

  Nyna has a devious down-and-dirty sense of humour. “Carry on as if they aren’t there,” she whispered. “Pose about and give them a thrill. We’ll give those two horny wankers an eyeful now, and sort them out tomorrow after I’ve had a word with Big Burly. I’ve got a naughty plan! We’ll leave them a painful memory they’ll never forget!”

  There was a wicked gleam in Nyna’s eye as she began posing provocatively for the two secret voyeurs; sensually drying first Francine’s and Carla’s tits, then Hyacinth’s and finally mine. Did I say “wicked”? By the time she got around to buffing up my boobs, her wicked gleam had turned to pure lust. Francine and Carla were in for a lively night in their shared cabin … so much for their early night – again!

  The two covert knothole peepers had scarpered when we left the shower block and we laughed when Nyna told us what she had in mind for them as we walked back to our cabins.

  She had obviously enjoyed touching us up for the voyeurs’ benefit. Her lingering kiss when she left me at our cabin door was more a promise of things to come than a friendly goodnight peck. Future location photoshoots with her could be interesting!

  Our photoshoot the next day at Aubrey Falls was exhausting. Big Burly and Topper took us through the woods to our location in a horse-drawn log wagon. Together with our admiring musclemen, the Falls made a dramatic backdrop for Carla’s camerawork.

  We paused at midday for a nice moose sandwich and hot coffee, while Nyna took Big Burly and Topper to one side for a quiet chat about the unwelcome knothole peepers. I could see that the men were very angry at the news that someone had abused the good name of their small community, but then they began to nod in agreement with her, before finally roaring with laughter at her suggestions. Slave-driver Nyna kept us working through till dusk when Carla complained of insufficient light. On the way back to camp Nyna outlined the plan she had agreed with our hosts. Very naughty! I was going to love this!

  We were tired and ravenous when we sat down with the loggers for dinner that night and did full justice to the freshly caught trout and juicy moose steaks that Flapjack served up for dinner. Afterwards, Hyacinth and I kept the boys drooling over our modelling stories while Nyna took the others off, ostensibly to pack up the clothes for our early morning departure but actually to prepare our painful surprise for the two peeping toms when they showed up again that evening to watch us shower.

  I gave them an hour and then looked at my watch and yawned. “It’s time for bed, Hyacinth! Come and shower with me before turning in!”

; Two loggers glanced at each other meaningfully and leered lasciviously. I had identified our dirtybirds. The sting was on!

  Antoine was waiting in drag in our cabin. As ‘Antoinette’ she was wearing one of my bras padded out with my knickers under one of my slinky dresses, fully made up and disguised beneath one of my fashion wigs. Very fetching! She told us that Nyna and the others were already hidden in the shower block, having taken down the makeshift clothes-line and prepared it with two slipknots, lining them up against the two knotholes in the wall. Carla was there with her cameras and Big Burly and Topper were hiding somewhere outside ready for the action.

  I gave Antoinette an affectionate pat on that pert posterior she was so proud of.

  “You’re every Big Bear’s wet dream!”

  She tested her wiggle before I gave her an appreciative kiss and shoved her out of the door.

  “It’s time to go, Sweetie! You’re on stage!”

  Hyacinth and Antoinette walked over to the shower block, chatting loudly. Once inside they undressed slowly and provocatively, Antoinette wiggling her derriere invitingly at the peepholes while Hyacinth slid lacy knickers down her elegant legs and she rubbed lasciviously at her pussy.

  “God I’m horny after a day with all those sexy lumberjacks. Too bad someone doesn’t stick a dick through those knotholes for us to fuck and suck! I could happily polish off a big lollycock before bed!”

  Two ogling voyeur eyes disappeared from the peepholes. They were transformed into ‘glory holes’ as two throbbing cocks were thrust through, hungry for promised attention.

  “Ooh! Look what’s for dessert!” Hyacinth cried. “Hot, luscious lollycock!” She knelt before one of the proffered cocks and, slipping the prepared loose slipknot around it, started fellating with gurgling noises of delight. Antoine needed no encouragement to follow suit and began to gobble greedily at the other.

  Their energetic osculation brought the jacks to a frenzy. The girls sucked deep, frigging the disembodied shafts to explosive climax.


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