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Naughty Spanking One

Page 18

by Miranda Forbes

  A burning fire shot through Guinevere’s body. She bucked in involuntary reaction to the excruciating pain, grinding her cunt into Alysha’s belly. Her scream was stifled by Alysha’s kiss.

  Mistress Domina struck twice more, placing each cut a cane’s width higher than the previous one. Alysha felt each impact pass like a bolt of lightning through Guinevere into her own belly.

  Guinevere’s bottom was on fire from the three cuts across the tender lower curve of her cheeks. She writhed with pain, her pubis grinding roughly against Alysha’s pussy as the agony flowed from her bottom to her belly and transmitted itself to Alysha.

  Now Mistress Domina drew the cane back parallel to the three crimson stripes seared across the lower curves of Guinevere’s ravaged cheeks. A wrist flick brought the cane sharply back and forward to strike in a whipping flash that bent the rod in its speed of delivery. A brilliant scarlet weal appeared across the centre of Guinevere’s bottom. In strictly measured time, she cracked two more flicking parallel strokes, delivered with devastating speed and accuracy. Guinevere’s breast heaved at the stinging pain, her breath coming in hoarse gasps. Perspiration poured down her face onto her glistening breasts, running in a rivulet between the twin mounds.

  Her ordeal was over.

  The onlookers sat in entranced silence. For one couple the unfolding scene had been too much. Their skirts were hitched up to their waists and glistening fingers rubbed furiously at each other’s clits.

  Mistress Domina moved round to cane Alysha’s tender cheeks. After a lingering caress of her target, she unleashed a similar six cutting strokes upon her rounded curves.

  Alysha screamed as the first cut bit. It was Guinevere’s turn to smother her sweetheart’s cries with forceful kisses, her lips stifling her cries as the blows landed in their ordained stinging pattern of six across the quivering softness of her globes.

  Mistress Domina finally lowered her cane to inspect her artistry. She caressed the heat of the raised welts with her hand. It was precision caning that left a set of six parallel stripes across each quivering bottom. The livid red welts would soon shade to a pleasing deep purple.

  The girls stood immobile; an erotic Canova sculpture marbled in pain.

  Mistress Domina clasped the two girls to her bosom and kissed their tearful faces.

  ‘Now fuck!’ she commanded. ‘The pain will heighten the ecstasy of your orgasm. Finish what that Bullen bitch interrupted!’

  Alysha smiled and bent to kiss Guinevere’s perspiring breasts, coaxing their red nipples into excited erection. Her hand descended to caress Guinevere’s taut tummy muscles, stole lasciviously lower to the copper curls of her fleece, fingered open her puffy love-lips to find it moistly ready. Guinevere gasped and thrust her pussy to meet the questing finger. The audience heard the unmistakable squelching sound of a cunt being lasciviously frigged before their eyes.

  ‘Fuck me darling! Fuck me!’ Guinevere’s voice was husky with pent-up lust. She squirmed to the intrusive finger swirling inside her cunt, massaging her throbbing clit ever closer to its urgent orgasmic release

  ‘I love you! I love you! I’m coming! I’m coming!’

  Guinevere’s knees buckled as her flooding climax took hold. She collapsed to the floor, clasping her lover’s legs for support.

  Alysha thrust her silky black muff into Guinevere’s perspiring face. ‘Suck me, Goddess! Suck me! Finish what that Bullen Bitch interrupted!’

  She clutched Guinevere’s head, pressing lips to her hungry cunt, rhythmically thrusting to the darting, loving, questing tongue slurping at her ruby pearl. A glow began to build, flamed suddenly and exploded in her belly as Guinevere’s burrowing tongue flicked at her jewel to bring her finally to shuddering climax. She pumped her cunt, thrusting, grinding her love-lips onto Guinevere’s heated face. Flexing and writhing in ecstatic, pain-induced delirium, her taut muscles quivered to the surging waves of orgasmic energy flooding through her body.

  The storm was over, energy spent. Her shoulders slumped, head drooping for a moment in sated, perspiring exhaustion.

  Alysha sucked her wet fingers, savouring Guinevere’s fragrant cum juices. Then, raising her beloved from her knees, she kissed her lingeringly and led her from the salon.

  There was silence followed by the sound of many orgasmic moans as Amazon fingers exposed the hidden treasure of their lover’s hooded pearls.

  Mistress Domina broke the spell. ‘No wonder the Riding Mistress was jealous!’

  Hardly Working

  by Chloe Devlin

  ‘I don’t want to,’ Wendy said petulantly. ‘It’s hot outside and those cartons are heavy. I don’t feel like carting them into the storage room and unpacking them.’

  Her boss, Jack Tremaine, stared at her in what had to be sheer amazement. After all, she was usually a model employee, but she hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep last night. She’d been too busy fantasizing about Jack licking her as she made herself come over and over again. Besides it was hot and humid outside, a combination that made her very cranky.

  ‘Are you refusing a direct order?’ he asked sternly.

  ‘Aw, Jack, don’t make me,’ she whined again. ‘I told you. I don’t want to. Besides, it’s probably a bunch of crap that we don’t need.’

  ‘That’s it.’ Jack slammed his hand down on the countertop. He came out from behind the counter to the spinning rack display of condoms that she was restocking.

  Before Wendy could blink, he had grabbed her wrists and cuffed them behind her, using a pair of their top-of-the-line metal cuffs. She gasped in shock. What on earth was he doing? What if a customer walked in?

  ‘Now, this is the deal, Wendy,’ he said. ‘You’ve been a hard worker for several years. I enjoy having you work here, but I will not tolerate this sort of attitude. You have two choices. One, I will release the cuffs, you will collect your purse and you will never return to work here. Or two, you will accept discipline for your sass.’

  Her heart skipped a beat as it started fluttering just a bit faster. ‘What sort of discipline?’

  ‘I think a baker’s dozen on your bare behind should suffice.’

  Her eyes widened. ‘You mean a spanking?’

  ‘That’s exactly what I mean. You know you deserve it.’

  Wendy couldn’t believe her ears. She’d lusted after her boss since the day he’d hired her. But she’d never expected this. He was always friendly yet so businesslike.

  ‘Well?’ Jack asked impatiently. ‘What’s it to be? The first choice or the second?’

  She stared at his face, his high cheekbones suffused with color. Arousal glittered in his eyes. She glanced downwards and saw a large bulge in his jeans and felt her pussy dampen with moisture. ‘The second one,’ she said.

  He put a finger under her chin, lifting so that he could gaze into her eyes. ‘Are you sure you know what you’re getting into? If you say yes, I’m going to put out the closed sign and take you into the back office. You’re going to take off all your clothes, including your jeans and panties and lay across my lap. Then I’m going to spank your ass thirteen times. And I won’t hold back.’

  She practically melted into a puddle of lust at his feet. How did he know that bare-bottom spankings turned her on? That when she was home, alone late at night, and she spread her legs and started to play with herself, that she dreamt of a strong, dominant man who would keep her in line and spank her until her ass burned with pleasure and turned bright red?

  Trying to keep the excitement from showing on her face, she answered, ‘I understand.’

  ‘And you know that a good hard fucking always follows a good hard spanking.’

  Lord, could she take any more without throwing herself at his feet and promising to be his slave for life? ‘Yes, sir.’

  A smile of satisfaction came over his features. ‘Good. Then let’s begin. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.’

  As promised, he flipped the sign to closed and locked the front door. His hand on h
er shoulder, he guided her towards the back workroom.

  A long work table stood along one wall, open boxes of inventory that needed to be checked in and put out for sale on either end, a clear space in the middle. On the other side, Jack’s desk stretched from wall to wall, paperwork scattered on top. He sank into his leather executive chair and leaned back, the springs creaking.

  Wendy stood in the middle of the room, her hands still cuffed behind her, waiting for her instructions. Excitement poured through her veins, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. She could hardly stand still, shifting from foot to foot.

  ‘Let me open those so you can strip.’ Jack gestured with a cuff key dangling from his finger.

  Wendy turned her back to him and he unlocked one wrist. With her hands free, she swung back around to face him, keeping her arms at her sides.

  ‘Okay, strip,’ he commanded. ‘Everything.’

  She swallowed; her mouth as dry as her fingers went to the snap and zipper of her jeans. It didn’t take long to slide them off her legs. Then she removed her shirt, leaving herself clad only in a matching demi-cup bra and silk thong.

  ‘I think I recognize that set,’ he nodded to her lingerie. ‘Used your employee discount, huh?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ Somehow it seemed so natural to call him ‘sir’ in a respectful manner.

  ‘Nice. Now take it off so I don’t have to rip it.’

  She removed the bra, her firm breasts standing upright, her large nipples starting to get hard. As she slid the thong down her legs and stepped out, Jack held out his hand. ‘Give those here.’

  The tiny thong was soaked with her juices and the scent of aroused female filled the air. Jack hung the scrap of silk from his lamp, the heat from the bulb warming the fabric and intensifying the scent.

  ‘Are you ready, Wendy?’ He sounded almost gentle, almost tender.

  She licked her lips and nodded. ‘Yes, sir. I am.’

  He sat up, the chair springs squeaking again. ‘Then come here and stretch yourself across my lap.’

  She obeyed without any hesitation. Deep down inside, she craved this treatment, this punishment. And she knew Jack would never truly hurt her. Just make her butt burn enough to feel good.

  ‘Hands behind your back,’ he ordered, cuffing them together again when she did as he commanded.

  Jack held his breath as his nubile employee draped herself over his thighs. His cock hardened even more, straining against his jeans. He never dreamed she’d actually go through with this, much less be totally turned on by the thought of getting her bare butt spanked. Yet here she was, offering those pale round cheeks to him.

  Using his left hand to pull her cuffed wrists out of the way as well as to secure her on his lap, he caressed her creamy skin with his right, her cheeks quivering beneath his palm. He briefly dipped his fingers between her legs, feeling the moisture gathering there.

  Without warning to her, he lifted his hand and brought it down on her bare flesh. Hard enough to sting his palm.

  Wendy gasped, then said, ‘One, sir.’

  She continued to count the swats as he peppered both sides of her ass, turning the skin bright red. Heat flowed from her butt to his palm as he took a break and ran his hand over her reddened flesh before resuming.

  She wriggled in his lap as he landed swats nine, ten and eleven, still counting each one aloud. When he landed number twelve, a cry escaped from Wendy, but she managed to gasp out the count.

  ‘One more, Wendy,’ he said sternly. ‘And then what happens after your baker’s dozen?’

  ‘A good hard fucking, sir,’ she said.

  He reached between her legs again and found her pussy totally wet and slick with her juices. ‘Guess you’re looking forward to that, aren’t you?’

  ‘Y-yes, sir,’ she whimpered as he gently played with her labia, her juices coating his fingers.

  ‘Good. Now ask me for the last one.’

  ‘Oh, god,’ she gasped. ‘Please! One more. I can’t wait to feel your hard cock in me.’

  ‘As you wish,’ he murmured and brought his open palm down, holding it firm against her hot skin.

  She let out a cry and arched her back, shivers wracking her body. God, it was so hot, he thought. Watching her climax just from his spanking. Drops of moisture from her spasming pussy soaked through his jeans.

  He gently rubbed her ass, letting her body shiver and shudder until the spasms started to lessen. Finally, she lay limply over his lap, still breathing heavily.

  Wendy felt the last tremors of her orgasm shoot through her body. She’d never come just from a spanking before. Generally she needed a helping hand, usually her own, even after a guy had tanned her butt. But between the excitement from the swats on her flesh and the fact that it was Jack doing the spanking, she’d gone off like a firecracker.

  Calloused hands grasped her shoulders, helping her to her feet. ‘How was that, Wendy?’

  ‘Um, good, sir,’ she said.

  ‘Not too soft? Not too hard?’

  With her hands still cuffed behind her, she could feel the heat emanating from her ass as she pressed her wrists against herself. ‘No, sir,’ she replied. ‘At the risk of sounding like Goldilocks, it was just right.’

  ‘Good.’ A smug smile graced Jack’s face and then he pointed to the work table. ‘Now it’s time for the rest of your punishment. Go bend over there.’

  Slightly unsteady on her feet, her legs still weak from her climax, she made her way to the work table. The height was just right with her in heels. As she leaned forward, the edge of the table caught her at her hips, and she let her chest rest against the shiny surface.

  Her nipples hardened into tight buds, pressing against the cold hard tabletop. She shimmied her shoulders, letting them rub gently on the table, the pressure soothing the ache building in her chest.

  She heard the creak of the chair as Jack stood. Even without turning her head, she knew he’d moved so that he was directly behind her, staring at her heated ass. She wondered if she had palm prints on her flesh, or if it was uniformly reddened all over.

  Jack reached over and plucked something from one of the open boxes on the table. His denim covered cock brushed against the heat of her ass, sending a shiver of pleasure through her.

  She felt a coolness drip onto her flesh at the top of the crack in her ass. Silky lubricant slid down between her hot cheeks, smoothing the way around her anus. One finger slid between her cheeks, tracing the path of the oil until he gently pushed the tip into her ass. She squealed softly, but pushed back against the pressure.

  God, she couldn’t wait to find out what he was going to do. It had been so long since she’d been fucked in the ass. Was that his plan?

  He thrust his finger in and out of her asshole, spreading the slick lube all around – both inside and outside. ‘You’re going to wear a plug for me, Wendy,’ he said. ‘Not a big one, not a little one. But one that’s just right.’

  She squirmed, wanting to feel him filling her ass with something, anything, as long as it was bigger than his finger. ‘Please, sir. I’m ready.’

  He chuckled then slapped one cheek. ‘I’ll decide when you’re ready.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ It was so exciting to have everything taken out of her hands, to be at the whim of a hot, sexy guy who was determined to dominate her for both their pleasure.

  He removed his finger and pressed the hard knob of the butt plug against the tiny opening. ‘Push back,’ he commanded. ‘Relax and open up.’

  She did as he ordered; feeling her anus flower open under the pressure until the widest part filled her insides and her muscles could contract around the smaller top of the plug.

  ‘Good girl,’ he complimented her. ‘It looks nice and tight in there. Feel good?’ He ran a couple of fingers down her ass crack again, pushing slightly against the plug.

  ‘Uh, yes, sir,’ she replied, her insides pulsing with desire. ‘Just right.’

  His big hands massaged her burning cheeks, s
queezing the hot flesh with his fingers before soothing it with light caresses. ‘You have an absolutely delectable ass, Wendy. Perfect for spanking and fucking.’

  Before she could reply, he removed his hands. She heard the sound of his zipper opening and the soft rasp of his jeans as he took them off.

  Her eyes widened slightly as he took an extra-extra-large condom from the stack right next to her head. His cock had felt pretty big under her belly when she’d been over his lap, but extra-extra big? She heard the snap of the condom as he rolled it on.

  His hands patted the insides of her thighs. ‘Wider,’ he said, encouraging her to slide her feet further apart. Each inch that she shifted spread her wet labia, cool air wafting over her heated flesh.

  Blunt fingers slid through the wetness, touching and caressing her open pussy. A sigh of pleasure escaped as he pushed one, then two fingers into her, calluses rasping against sensitized flesh. She tried to clamp her inner muscles around the invading digits, but he simply thrust them deeper, and then pulled them out.

  ‘So wet, so ready for me.’ He notched the plum-shaped head of his condom-covered cock at the entrance to her cunt, holding it there so it held her pussy lips apart.

  ‘Please,’ she whimpered, trying to shove her hips back. She couldn’t wait to feel that huge shaft invading her body.

  As if in answer to her plea, Jack gripped her butt cheeks, his fingers digging into the tender flesh, then slowly, steadily slid his hard cock all the way in until his balls rested against her clit. The slow glide stretched her inner muscles with an erotic burn.

  Wendy gloried in the feeling of being stuffed with Jack’s cock in her pussy and a butt plug in her ass. She’d never felt so full, so excited, so close to coming. It wouldn’t take much – just a thrust or two – to send her into orgasm.

  ‘Yes, yes, that’s it,’ she gasped, feeling the broad head of his cock hit her cervix every time he shoved all the way in. Then the thick shaft dragged against tender flesh as he pulled almost all the way out before pumping in again.

  Before he could finish the third thrust, her entire body tightened and a lightning bolt of pure sensation flashed through her body. She shivered with each pulse of her climax, unable to stop the spasms from shaking her body. Panting against the exquisite pinch of ecstasy, she nearly passed out from the pleasure.


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