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Page 4

by Terri Pray

  “You've not done this before have you?” Jane reached out, running her fingers through Celeste's hair.

  “No, ma'am.”

  “Then listen well, and it won't go too badly for you. I don't mind being a little rough at times, but it would be better if you took heed of what I want from you, then do the same when it comes time for Emily to enjoy your touch.” Her grip tightened for a moment in Celeste's hair. “Be assured, I can hurt you if needed, but I prefer not to.”

  “Yes, ma'am. I'll do my best.” What other choice did she have?

  Jane edged back a little, pulling one of the boxes close and before she threw a thick sack over the top and sat down on the edge. “Kneel between my thighs, slut. It will be easier that way.”

  Celeste wanted to protest and explain that she was not a slut at all, but it would not have done her any good. Whatever she had been, it had all changed when Davien had claimed her. Her maidenhead had been stolen, and how many men had she been forced to please since? Four, five? Five it had been so far and there would be many more to come no doubt at the whim of the one that now laid claim to her. Now he wanted her to take it a step further. Listen, obey and it would be for the best. Learn what Davien wanted her to learn, do what was needed, get through this and survive to escape and find the Raven. Slip out of the hellish existence that her life had become.

  “Closer, girl. You'll need to get in closer than that won't you?”

  Celeste felt her jaw clench tight as she moved in between Jane's thighs. Heat, she could smell the desire on the other woman's flesh. A scent she had come to know on her own body in the past few weeks. Unwanted passion. An unholy drive forced into life against everything she had once believed in.

  “You know where the soft center of delight is in a woman, that small, delicious little nub high in a woman's sex?” Jane spoke softly, tracing one hand between her breasts, down to the top of her mound. “That small little bud?”

  “Yes, ma'am.” Celeste kept her voice quiet, shame building with each beat of her heart. She knew the bud well and had felt the heat build on her inner walls when Davien had brushed that point.

  “Lick it, put your face between my thighs and lick that little pip with that sweet tongue of yours.”

  “But I... ”

  “Do it,” Jane growled. “This is the start of your lesson, obey me or you will face the consequences.”

  Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as Celeste lowered a little more between Jane's thighs. A soft nervous giggle bubbled into life somewhere behind them, Emily no doubt, but Celeste tried to push away the presence of the other woman. Bad enough that she was being forced into learning this without taking into account the fact there was an audience.

  Celeste edged closer, her lips but a breath away from the woman's mound. What would it taste like? Her stomach rolled part in fear, part in disgust. With a slow breath she leaned in, nudging closer to Jane's soft lower lips. The aroma mingled with her own desire and fear, combining to urge her closer to the center of Jane's desire.

  “What are you waiting for slut, get on with it,” Jane snapped.

  Celeste swallowed hard and closed the last of the distance between her lips and Jane's sex. She edged in close enough to touch the soft down covered mound. Where was the clit, where was it hidden? She knew it was within the plump sex of the young woman who sat on the edge of the box. She had to do more than just lean in.

  With trembling fingers Celeste reached out and touched Jane's tender mound, pulling the plump lower lips apart. A wave of heat and arousal washed out from the split lips. A small pip sat at the top of the parted sex, glistening with Jane's desire, beckoning Celeste closer.

  Is that how she looked? She had never really taken a look, but had learned to explore her body at least a little under her own touch. The small nub of flesh almost seemed to pulse as she watched, beckoning her to taste it, touch it, to urge a small cry of pleasure from the waiting Jane.

  With a nervous knot in her stomach Celeste leaned forward and slid the tip of her tongue over the tiny bud of flesh. The taste caught her off guard. Strong, but not sickening instead it was compelling in an odd way. She tried again, taking it more slowly this time as she slowly circled the throbbing nub with her tongue.

  A low moan filled the air. Good, then she was doing the right thing, at least for now. Celeste licked carefully around the throbbing pip before holding it between her lips and suckling. Jane groaned in delight, tangling her fingers into Celeste's hair, holding her in place against her sex.

  “That's it slut, keep doing that.” Jane's cried out. “See what she's doing Emily, licking and nibbling. Never done it before but she knows some of what needs to be done already.”

  Emily, she had almost forgotten the other woman's presence. Heat blossomed over her cheeks. Ignore the woman that was there, try to shut out her presence and things would become far easier for her.

  Jane's grip tightened in Celeste's hair. “Get back to it, slut.”

  “Yes, ma'am.” Celeste murmured against the woman's sex. Jane whimpered as the words caressed her tight pip, arching towards Celeste, the grip in her hair tightening further, forcing a soft cry of pain into life from the kneeling woman. What was it with everyone wanting to pull her hair like that? Not that she had much of a choice but to obey when someone did grab hold of her in such a manner. Even a light grip had proved to be painful.

  Celeste leaned back into the woman's heated sex and licked over her labia, parting them with the tip of her tongue. Though this was the first time she had applied herself to the pleasure of another woman it came easier to her than she had first expected. Jane groaned above her, arching closer to Celeste, her hips pressing forward until the woman's mound ground against Celeste's face.

  Jane's thighs closed around Celeste's head, half blocking her hearing as she nibbled on Jane's lower lips, suckling them into her mouth with a soft whimper. Heat and the sweet taste of the woman's desire filled Celeste's senses. Jane's hips rolled, her lower lips parted, her clit pressed tight against Celeste's lips.

  “Finger!” Jane groaned, her grip never easing from Celeste's hair. The words semi-muffled by the thighs that had closed on her head. “Put a finger inside me. Now slut!”

  A finger? Celeste frowned and shifted a little more between the woman's thighs, rolling her shoulders to ease the tension in them before she pressed one finger between Jane's heated labia. Warm flesh closed on her probing digit, sucking into the woman's needful depths. Muscles rippled on Celeste's finger, pulling it deeper, a low moan filling the room. A sound that brought to life a heat between Celeste's own thighs, a soft needful sensation that she did not understand. How could servicing this woman, this stranger, cause her own body to surge into life?

  Shame colored her cheeks, a fear building with the heat. Each step she took further into the darkness the less chance she had to escape Davien. Even if she did how long would it take for her to shake off the desires he had triggered in her body?

  “Fuck me slut, fuck that finger into my cunt little whore.” Jane growled, her hips setting the pace, sweat coating the woman's inner thighs. “Don't stop now. Don't you dare stop now!”

  Celeste whimpered at the strong grip in her hair, the pressure of the thighs that clamped against her head. Pain lanced through her head from the grip, strands of hair broke in Jane's fingers and still Jane held her tight against her heated sex. Slowly Celeste worked her finger in and out of Jane's vulva, pressing against the tightly the woman's clenching walls. With each stroke she whimpered against Jane's clit, sending soft vibrations into the small nub.

  “More!” Jane demanded.

  More? How could she give more? Another finger? It was the only thing she could now do that would give the woman what she wanted, or what she hoped Jane wanted.

  Celeste caught Jane's clit between her lips, suckling on it, circling the tight pip with her tongue as she pulled her finger out of Jane's sex. With a soft whimper into the throbbing nub Celeste pressed a second finger
into the woman's vulva along with the first, parting them a little within her clenching walls, pressing into them and forcing them to spread despite the tight ripples that claimed the woman's inner core.

  “Gods yes!” Jane arched fully, loosening her grip on the kneeling woman.

  A little more and Jane would reach her peek. Celeste smiled against the clit she still held between her lips. Her fingers worked deeper into Jane's sex, thrusting deep, mimicking the way Davien used her body, how he drove into her core, forcing cries of pain and delight from her lips, just as she now urged those same wordless declarations from Jane.

  A scream tore free as Jane arched fully, her sex grinding against Celeste's mouth. Heated desire coated Celeste's lips, filling her senses with the taste and smell of Jane's release. The woman's hips pressed tight, a shudder rocking through her body as a groan finally filled the room and her grip faded completely from Celeste's hair, the pain easing at last.

  “Good, very good,” Jane murmured as she leaned back on the box.

  “She looked like she knew what she was doing there.” Emily spoke quietly. Damn the woman, was she still there?

  “It's instinctual in some ways, I think. We, as women, know what feels good and what doesn't.” Jane replied, her voice still ragged. “Put her to use if you want, now you've seen what she can do.”

  Put to use, like a beast, a tool, without care for what she felt. That's just what she was to the men and women in Davien's castle. A slave whose emotions mattered not at all unless it pleased them to twist her feelings around, to use them as a weapon against the nude and kneeling woman.

  “Come here slut,” Emily snapped, pointing to a spot on the floor by her boot clad feet. “Crawl here, now.”

  “Good, keep her under control,” Jane nodded her approval. “His Lordship won't like it if we are lax on her.”

  “Lax? Oh no, won't be that with her, she's a slave right?”

  “Yes, she is. Just as long as we don't leave any marks on her beyond a few small bruises, he won't mind.”

  Damn them both. Did they think she could not hear what they said? Celeste edged back from between Jane's thighs, pale and shaking before she had so much as turned to look at Emily. Her breasts swung as she crawled towards Emily, a pale veil of silver white hair half blocked her view, yet did nothing to hide the heat that blazed into life across her cheeks.

  “She's blushing, are slaves allowed to feel embarrassment and shame?” Curiosity shone through in Emily's words.

  “It will be trained out of her if his Lordship desires.”

  If Davien wished it? So far he had not mentioned such a thing. Did he want her turned into a doll with no real thoughts of feelings except the ones he told her to experience? The very thought of such a fate left her chilled to the core.

  “Come here slut, now,” Emily growled.

  Damn you, I'm crawling there now.

  Celeste hurried across the root cellar, trying not to scuff her knees on the floor as she moved to Emily's feet. The woman had not disrobed, so just what did she have in mind.

  “We can spank her right?”

  “Yes,” Jane replied. “But you know if you want her to lick you out you're going to have to remove a few pieces of clothing.

  “Oh I don't want that, maybe another time, but I fancy making her yelp. When you pulled her hair earlier it sounded so good, those whimpers she was making.”

  Jane burst into laughter. “Hey if you think you're going to get more enjoyment from spanking her than from having her suck your sweet cunt then go for it. I'm not one to stop you. I might even enjoy watching it done to the little slut.”

  A slut, the word still hurt even though she should have been used to it by now. She had been so much more only a couple of weeks ago. A woman who had run a farm, in everything but name and save for the whims of her sister, she had not been forced to accept the touches of men or women. She had been able to enjoy the walk to and from the village, the smells and sounds of the market, even the banter with some of the locals. Now she was little more than a beast.

  “Sit across my lap.”

  “But I... ” Celeste stopped herself before more words escaped her lips. Better not to put herself in further trouble. Her mouth had been the reason she had been sent down to the kitchen like this in the first place. If she had just kept silent over the way he wished her prepared for the day, then this would never have happened.

  “Is there something you wanted to say, slave? A protest perhaps?”

  “No, Ma'am.” Celeste tensed, lowering her gaze quickly. If the woman did not believe her words then she would be in a lot of trouble. Punishment, Davien would see to it that she was punished in a way she might never be able to forget.

  “Then get over my lap, now.”

  Silently Celeste moved over the woman's lap, until her ass was high in the air.

  “Such a pretty little ass.” Emily traced her fingers over Celeste's taut buttocks. “I wonder how they will look once I have spanked you.”

  A silver veil of her own hair hid Celeste's face, shielding the torrent of emotions that must have played openly across her features. One day, when things had changed, she would find a way to repay the favor to the two women in the cellar. Her hands clenched into tight fists. Hitting Emily, however wonderful the image of her hand smashing into the other woman's face might be, would have been a foolish mistake.

  Stay calm, focused, don't let your anger loose. If you do that you'll only make matters far worse than they already are. Accept it and live. Accept it and move on to the next task in one piece.

  The first blow fell on her upturned ass, striking hard, knocking the breath from her body in a low cry of pain. Heat blossomed out across her buttock, spurred on by a second and third strike. Try as she might she could not keep silent as Emily struck her ass over and over again.

  Her body betrayed her. Heat rose between her thighs, a soft rock merged with the whimpers. She tried to press her thighs tight together but the spanking continued on, forcing new sounds of pain into life.

  “She likes it.” Jane smiled, her amusement clear in her words. “Do it again. Spank that ass of hers. She whimpers so very well.”

  “I plan on it.” Emily's hand whistled through the air, landing two swift blows against Celeste's ass. Pain rippled through her core, her thighs pressed tightly together as she tried to keep her body from arching upwards from Emily's lap. “Oh look at how she squirms. Do you think she'll cum like this? She seems heated enough.”

  “Not sure, only one way to find out isn't there?”

  “Thighs apart, slut.” Emily commanded. “Wide apart until I give you permission to press them together again. You're a slave, I want you open.”

  Open, shamed and spanked over her lap.

  Reluctantly she parted her thighs, her eyes tightly closed. If she focused enough maybe she could ignore the hurt, the shame of the situation.

  It didn't work.

  Each new swat against her ass only built the feelings that burned in the pit of her stomach. Her thighs tensed, inner thighs damp from a need she wanted to deny even existed. Yet she couldn't ignore it. Her hips jolted, pressing towards Emily's leg with each new wave of pain.

  Worse still was the heat that now existed deep within her core.

  No, they couldn't ignore it.

  Or the slick heat that coated her sex.

  “She likes it, look at her. Her hips rock with each spank.”

  “Well now slut, is that right? Do you enjoy this, despite how you would protest. Remember speak honestly. There are far worse punishments that you could endure than a simple spanking. The cook and the Master both know just what can be done there.”

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  “Speak, answer my question slut.” Emily smacked down hard and fast against Celeste's ass. “I won't tolerate this.”

  “I... I don't know.”

  “A lie.” Emily's hand slashed though the air, cracking against Celeste's taut skin. “Tell the truth.
We both know that you like this.”

  She didn't want to. If she gave that knowledge life who knew what she would be subjected to. Fear gripped her heart at what might follow. “Please, don't... I can't. He'll use it. I don't want him to have something else to use against me.”

  Emily traced a light finger over the burning skin of Celeste's buttocks. “And do you think he doesn't already know? I've not been here long, yet we all know that he is aware of everything that goes on in this house. He's trained many women if the stories are true, he knows how they react. How they come to feel. He'll know, he always knows.”

  Davien, the man who seemed able to look into her eyes and see into the depths of her soul. Gods, Emily was right. He'd know. And then punish her for lying.

  “Tell us the truth. Do you like being spanked? Are you enjoying it?” Emily pressed. “Your body says yes, I can smell your desire, your heat. You're craving this and so much more, so admit it. It'll be easier when you've said the words.”

  Her throat tightened, threatening to close. No escape. No way to avoid this. She had to speak the truth no matter how much it frightened her. It wouldn't help her to deny it, if anything it would put her under a deeper punishment. Not something she wanted.

  “Yes, it's true. Gods it's true. I like it. I hate it but I like it. I don't want to be this way. I want to be free again. I want to go home.” Ireland, back to Ireland and the Raven. The man she dreamed of and the foolish hope she clung to that he might one day look her way.

  “Well now that is interesting to hear and it should make my time with the little pet so much more entertaining.” The voice of the cook broke through the heated flush of Celeste's shame. “Emily, Jane, off you go, it's my turn.”


  “Cook, we haven't finished with her yet,” Emily protested.


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