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by Marie Rose Dufour

  “Believe me; the rumors have not escaped my attention. I may not have seen a cock in a while, but I am not dead.” The fantasy of a Serralian massive cock hammering into her pussy over and over again while she screamed out her release kept intruding during the rest of the conversation. She’d have to stop this train of thought because she could feel the dampness starting to seep onto her panties. If she didn’t, she would be drenched in her own juices and uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

  “I can’t believe we are actually going to do this tomorrow,” Liz exclaimed trying to get her 14

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  mind and body under control, but her mind kept on going back to the thoughts of massive cocks and mind-blowing orgasms. Her pussy dripped more onto her already saturated panties. Crap!

  She looked at the clock already counting the hours before she could go home and fuck herself with her vibrator until the ache inside of her went away, at least for a little while.

  “You are so not going to regret this. I have to say, I have a great feeling about this. I will meet you at the Serralian Embassy downtown at eight am. If I am a little late, register without me and I’ll catch up with you.”

  Liz watched her friend practically skip out of the classroom. She had a feeling life wouldn’t be the same after tomorrow, and in the famous words of Martha Stewart could be a very “good thing.”

  Fated Mates


  Chapter Two

  “Michelle, where are you? You’re a half hour late. I can’t believe after convincing me to come here today, you’re MIA. I am going to wait ten more minutes and then I am going inside the embassy and do this without you or I’m going to run home and cry. I’m really not sure which at the moment. I can’t believe this is happening. Call me soon; I am starting to get worried.” When the phone rang, she answered it without looking at the number.

  “Thank God! Where have you been?”

  “Same place you left me,” sneered the voice of her ex-husband at the other end of the line.

  Liz’s stomach knotted up with immediate anxiety. Even after being divorced for three years, he still put her nerves on edge.

  She sighed into the phone. Why is he calling now?

  “What do you want, Kevin?”

  “Should you talk to your husband this way?”

  “Ex, ex-husband, or have you forgotten I divorced your cheating, abusive ass three years ago.”

  “The decision was totally yours. I didn’t want a divorce. I wanted to work on our marriage.” What a joke. The last time she had been alone with her ex, she confronted him about text messages from his girlfriend. He got so furious he slammed her head against the wall. Liz considered it the final straw; she left him right after with only the clothes on her back, never once regretting the decision. In fact, she considered it the best decision she ever made.

  “What do you want, Kevin? Tell me quickly before I hang up on you.”

  “I need you to take the cats.”


  Marie Rose Dufour

  “After all of the fighting we did over them in the divorce, you want me to take them now. I don’t get it. I know it’s not out of the kindness of your heart. You don’t have one. So what’s the story?”

  “What? There’s no story.”

  “Then this is a pointless conversation and I’m hanging up.”

  “No, wait,” he yelled over the phone. “Amy can’t stand the cats and wants me to get rid of them. So can you take them or not?”

  Whether her nerves were getting to her, the conversation, or a combination of both, Liz burst out with hysterical laughter. The poetic justice of him taking orders now instead of giving them completely satisfied her deep within her soul.

  “Hey, I didn’t call you to have you laugh at me. Can you take them or not? If not, they go to the pound.”

  She gasped. “Don’t you dare! Of course I can take them. Can you drop them off tomorrow afternoon? I have to work in the morning.”

  The threat of putting the cats in the pound sobered her up quickly. It reminded her again he had a mean streak a mile wide.

  “Yeah, I guess. I’ll be there around three. Oh, and by the way, I heard you’re hanging around the Serralian Embassy right now. I hope you’re not thinking you could be a mate to one of those freaks!”

  “Hanging up now, Kevin. Bring the cats by tomorrow. I’ll be waiting.”

  “Don’t hang up on me, you cow,” he shouted.

  She could just imagine the fury on his face as she disconnected. Let Amy, his whore, deal with the aftermath. She wanted him and she got him; the “Kevin problem” no longer belonged to her.

  Liz paced in front of the embassy as she tried to get Michelle to answer either her cell or home phone. What could have happened to keep her away this morning?

  Even now with most of the planet at peace, waiting or loitering in front of an embassy is Fated Mates


  never viewed as something positive. By the looks, she received from the receptionist and the security guard, Liz could tell all of her pacing around and talking on her cell phone made the people inside the embassy uneasy. Both of them were discreetly glancing at her through the huge glass doors engraved with the Serralian seal.

  “Excuse me, miss?” A security guard must have come out of the building while she kept trying to make numerous calls to Michelle. Damn!

  “Are you planning to come in the embassy on some business? If you aren’t, I am going to have to ask you not to loiter in front while talking on your cell phone. The Serralians feel cell phones should only be used in emergency situations and find it insulting to see one used in their presence.”

  Great! Not only am I insulting the race I’m hoping to be mated to, but also I’m also loitering and being asked to move my ass. My picture is probably being sent across the internet as a possible terrorist, she thought to herself. She hoped the day started to get better from here but she wasn’t getting her hopes up.

  “Oh, yes, of course. I’m waiting for my friend but she seems to have stood me up. We were going to…we were going to visit the Stones of the Goddess.” So nervous, she could barely get the words out without stuttering.

  The security guard’s face broke into a huge grin. Wrinkles around his eyes reminded Liz of the old fishermen who used to dock their boats next to her mother’s house growing up.

  “Well, young lady, I don’t know about your friend, but I don’t think you should keep destiny waiting.”

  What an odd thing to say, Liz thought. Nothing should seem odd considering what she hoped to become in this embassy.

  The security guard held out his arm to escort Liz through the embassy. The grandeur of the embassy defied all words in the English language. The ceilings above their heads soared to forty feet and painted upon them were star charts mapping space from Earth to Serralia. Columns of rose-colored stone, mined from the most sacred caves on Serralia, decorated the space and 18

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  created awesome arches throughout the lobby. On the walls were murals depicting different locations on their home world. If the security guard wasn’t escorting her, she probably would have spent all day just studying the amazing craftsmanship highlighted throughout the building.

  She knew how Dorothy felt when she first arrived in the Land of Oz, her eyes couldn’t take in enough of the beautiful sights, both the building and the people. A few times, her mouth must have been wide open at the beauty unfolding in front of her during her walk through the building.

  It was awe-inspiring. Despite being a busy embassy with people bustling around doing their jobs, a church-like reverence surrounded her. Something special happened here, which had nothing to do with it being a political building. Surprisingly, the Serralians were not known to be a sedate race of people. They were people who put one hundred percent of their efforts in whatever they set their minds to do. One reason the Serralians intrigued the people of Earth so much, once mated they focused all of their
energy on the happiness and satisfaction of their mates.

  Liz even heard a rumor in rare cases, an immediate telepathic link would connect the two people body, mind, and soul once mated. It must seem like the two were linked because the male attended to his mates every need. There were more rumors than facts when it came to Serralian Mating rituals. It occurred to her because of the protectiveness of the Fated Mates and the whole process, people still didn’t know much about the Serralians.

  “Do you get a lot of visitors who are selected as Fated Mates for Serralians?” Liz asked as they walked down a seemingly endless corridor. Her insecurities about herself started rearing their ugly heads. She considered herself too plain for these beautiful people, too fat, too, too; too…the list was massive. Damn Michelle for not being her with her. Michelle could always talk her down from the ledge. In everyone’s life, you need someone who would literally or figuratively slap you upside the head and tell you to “Snap out of it!” Michelle was her person.

  The old security guard patted her arm. “There are some. We have, as many mated as not.

  Now, don’t get nervous.”

  Liz smiled at the old man. He certainly put her at ease.

  “I have to thank you. You are calming me down. I might have chickened out and gone home Fated Mates


  if you hadn’t come outside and escorted me into the building.”

  “It’s my job.” His blue eyes twinkling and sparkling with amusement.

  She wondered if the Serralians realized their security guard gave off a Santa Claus “type” vibe, which immediately put her at ease.

  “You really don’t think I am an actual security guard for this embassy, do you? An old guy like me! It is my job to escort potential mates to the temple. I am told I have a certain look.

  Although, I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is.” The look on her face must have been comical because he dissolved into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

  “Now, darlin’, I know I have a Santa Claus look. I have to say, I’m proud of it and the job I do here.” He stopped and patted her arm.

  “Oh, look! Here we are at last. This is the end of the line for me. You have to go in the actual temple on your own.” With a nod of his head, he turned on his heels and walked briskly back down the long corridor and out of sight.

  Liz took a deep breath and crossed the threshold into the temple. Walking through the doorway felt as if she were passing through an invisible barrier or force field, and reminded her of walking against the tide at the beach.

  “I am the high priestess of the Stones,” said a disembodied voice pulsing out of every corner of the room. “Step up and place your hands on the Sacred Stones and meet your destiny.” It felt very strange to be in the deserted temple with the Sacred Stones and a disembodied voice telling her what to do. Liz always thought there would be priestesses around praying and giving homage to the Sacred Stones.

  She walked up to the raised tabernacle in the middle of the temple and peered inside of the basin. The shallow bowl held five smooth, oblong stones, reddish in color, which glowed like rubies sparkling in the sunshine. Across the face of each stone were rune symbols etched onto the stones.

  “Place your hands on the stones and meet your destiny.” 20

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  At this moment, her life could change forever. Liz thrust her hands forward and placed them on the Sacred Stones with more confidence than she was feeling.

  Immediately, a maelstrom caught Liz up, wind whirled around her whipping her hair and clothes in different directions. A tingly sensation, like accidentally touching a live wire, started from the palms of her hands where she touched the stones and worked up her arms to her shoulders. Liz felt her nipples pucker painfully into hard tiny pebbles. The swirling cyclone of wind enveloped her and lifted her off the ground, turning her, lifting her, and turning her again.

  Her whole body started to pulse with excitement. A sensation in her pussy built and throbbed to an unknown beat until the whole room pulsated with the contractions deep within her. Her body raced towards an orgasm. It throbbed and pounded through her and when she thought the sensations were going to overwhelm her, a scream ripped from her throat and an orgasm exploded out of her. Her screams of pleasure echoing off the temple walls.

  Lowered gently to the ground by some unknown force, Liz heard chanting in an unknown language. How strange to hear chanting in an empty room.

  In the aftermath of the most intense orgasm of her life, she felt as if many ties, small capillaries of emotions, consciousness, the actual fiber of her being were being extracted from her and connecting to someone else.

  By the time she was lowered to the ground, her whole body was wet and trembling. She shook so badly she thanked God for the floor beneath her because she her legs wouldn’t have held her anyway. She’d have ended up a puddle on the floor anyway.

  The once empty room now bustled with activity. Two Serralian priests carried in an exquisite lounger, piled high with pillows and encrusted with gold and jewels. They placed it beside Liz. From out of nowhere two beautiful Serralian women, dressed in ceremonial robes lifted her onto the lounger.

  Immediately Liz woke up from basking in the euphoric haze.

  “Oh, I am too heavy for you to pick up. Maybe the two priests should do it. The two of you don’t look strong enough to pick up a Quarter Pounder, never mind me.” Amazed at the Fated Mates


  huskiness of her own voice, Liz sounded like a woman who just had the best fuck of her life. Her body felt so heavy and sated, she could sleep for a week.

  “Oh, no! Cherished one! No Serralian male is allowed to touch another’s mate except in medical situations. If they did, they would be put to death,” said one of the priestess.

  Placed on the lounger by women related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the downcast looking priests carried Liz and the lounger into the next room.

  The room resembled a high tech hospital room. All of the machines hummed quietly and everyone moved with the efficiency of an operating room. One man, the doctor, came over to her with a hand-held machine scanning her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet.

  “Hello. I am Dr. Palumbo. I am in charge of assessing the initial overall health of all of the human mates. This machine scans your vital and genetic information. It is creating a record of you.”

  A nurse came over with another machine and took a picture of the mating mark developing over the palm of Liz’s hand. It looked like a henna tattoo with “Celtic-like” designs.

  “This mark will go in the Serralian data-base, in order to give you information on your mate.

  Normally, on Serralia, mates do not get together before the official Mating Ceremony. We find giving a dossier of their match helps decrease anxiety before the ceremony.” After being poked and prodded for a while longer, Liz received a thick envelope, which contained critical information about her mate and an outline of how her life would change before and after the Mating Ceremony. She couldn’t get home fast enough to tear open the envelope.

  She still felt slightly woozy, so she wasn’t sure she could even drive. In her hands she held information about the man connected to her for the rest of her life, if she couldn’t drive, Liz would plunk her ass on the sidewalk and read the contents here and now. The man…for the rest of her life… She started feeling light-headed with the magnitude of what happened to her. Her head started to swim; she was terrified her wildest dream had just become a reality!

  Escorted through the embassy by one of the priestesses, all the people she came across bowed their heads to her, showing her respect afforded to mates. When she approached “Santa”, 22

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  he got to his feet and started clapping for her.

  “I knew you were special. I always have a knack of knowing who is going to be matched. I just knew you were one of the special ones.”

  Liz smiled. She hoped her mate had the s
ame reaction as this man.

  Michelle stood outside the embassy with tears streaming down her face. The minute she saw Liz, she ran forward, threw her arms around her and gave her a bear hug, it practically cut off all the air to her lungs.

  “I just knew it! I just knew it!” She chanted through her tears.

  “Where were you? I was so worried about you. I thought we were going to do this together?”

  Michelle leaned back out of their embrace, framed Liz’s face with both of her hands, and looked deep into her eyes.

  “Don’t you get it? This destiny was always yours, never mine. Welcome to your life, my friend. Better late than never, let’s get you home. I left you some dinner and wine at your condo.

  I want you to sit and absorb what is in the envelope. Embrace your destiny! You more than deserve it.”

  She was off the ledge again at least for now.

  * * * *

  As he continued to make his rounds on the bridge, the crew scurried back and forth making themselves look busy, avoiding all eye contact with him. Always known as a fierce warrior, who spoke very little and smiled even less, people avoided him at all costs. Before the scarring, he never minded the avoidance, after he cherished it. It became worse after his recovery. He chose to wear an eye patch and not have reconstructive surgery on his face. It reminded him and others how peace came with great sacrifice. Serralians didn’t understand his choice, but he didn’t care. One day, he overheard two of the under officers talking. “With a face like Dragon’s, even the Goddess herself would not be able to find him a mate.” Fated Mates


  “You would think a war hero would have the resources to at least be able to fix his eye and remove the patch. Any Fated Mate might turn and run after one look at him.” It amazed him how these men, despite the growing lack of Fated Mates in recent years, still believed the Goddess was listening and going to provide any of them with mates.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” asked Mace, his second in command and closest friend.


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