Book Read Free

Dr. Boss

Page 20

by Ivy Blake

  “I’m fine. They just called me.” I sniffed. I had at least stopped crying.

  “Were they mad?” She asked softly. I shook my head.

  “No, they thought I forgot. Or that something came up…anyway I told them I was studying. They told me to come in tomorrow for the meeting.” I explained. She sighed.

  “That’s good. I’m glad it’s going to work out.”

  I nodded.

  “What about what’s going on between you guys?” She came and sat next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder. She always smells like milk and honey, somehow it’s soothing. She always smells like that, it reminds me I have a friend. A damned good one, too.

  “I don’t know. I might tell them. Or maybe I’ll just…not.”

  She frowned.

  “Come on, you have to say something.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t want to make them uncomfortable. They never said it would be about feelings, so I don’t know how they will take to it.” I said honestly. I wasn’t just afraid of rejection, I was afraid of having misunderstood everything, and getting more involved than they wanted me too.

  “You don’t know that for sure. So you should talk to them about it, maybe after the meeting.”

  “I am so nervous about that meeting. I don’t think I can bear to think of anything else. Especially not that.”

  “Hmm. What will you wear?” she giggled.

  “Oh goodness. I can’t even handle that.”

  “I can pick something out for you.”

  We sat together for a while, and she told me about how things were going at work. I felt bad that I hadn’t really been speaking to her about her life, and only mine. So it was nice to see what was going on. She did get that promotion and with school ending, she could work there full time and work on her designs. She wants to make it big and I am sure she will.

  “How do you really feel about them?” She asked me. I gave her a look.


  She grinned slightly. “I mean, how do you feel about them?”

  I sighed as I closed my eyes in thought. I was exhausted. Thinking about those two was exhausting.

  “I love them.” I replied quietly. She gasped inwardly. I know it was hard for her to understand, or to get her grasp around it. But it was true.

  I never thought I would fall into this situation either. I mean, it sounds crazy. Two men, one woman. It was something you hear or read about, but never expect to happen. To think it happened to me was something out of a movie. I loved Logan; his smarts and his geniality; and I loved Jake; with his wit and infectious personality that always surrounded me. I loved them both, and it wasn’t like it splits my heart in two or anything. It just completes it, glues it together and makes it beat faster.

  “Wow.” She finally said.

  “Yeah. I know it’s a little crazy but…it’s true.”

  “The both of them?” she asked, but not in a judging manner or anything.


  “Equally? Or do you feel more for one than the other?”

  I shook my head. “No. I will say that sometimes, I would rather talk to one more than the other about certain things. Logan gives really good business advice and Jake gives good life advice. But I love them both, and I want the three of us together.”

  I explained the best way I could. And I knew she couldn’t really understand it fully because it just wasn’t happening to her. These are hard shoes to put yourself in and I don’t expect her to. But she supported me, and didn’t judge me. So that was all I could really ask for.

  “Wow. That’s interesting. Weird, but interesting. Do they feel different?” She smirked.

  “Yeah,” I giggled, “they feel different.”

  “But you don’t like one more than the other?” I asked her.

  “No. It’s like having the best of both worlds, you know. Sometimes you want that fullness, other times you want the deepness. So I don’t like one more than the other, I just get both.”

  “You bitch.” We laughed together.

  “That’s something else, really. Just promise me you will at least try and talk to them. And don’t run out on any more meetings.” She nudged my shoulder playfully.

  “I promise. I’ll try.”

  I finally fell asleep and woke up feeling somewhat the same. I mean, I was excited about the meeting and ready to turn in my finals. That would be the final stretch, closing the door on college. I read it over again in my pajamas and then printed it out. I showered and dressed in gray dress pants and a salmon blouse that buttoned up. I let my hair down and pinned one side back. It was nice enough for the meeting and casual enough to do the quick drop off.

  I didn’t like either of my professors from those courses, so it was more of a leave your shit and go, but I hoped I would get a good grade. Granted, I wouldn’t even know until a few days later. I hated that part; waiting.

  I grabbed coffee from the coffee shop, and it reminded me of the day I saw Logan here. It had only been a day and I missed them, and I was anxious to figure out whether or not they were selling me out. They didn’t hint at it at all yesterday, and I couldn’t tell if this meeting was for the company or for the sellout.

  I finished my coffee and had a scone, then I headed over to the office. I arrived a half hour early, but it gave me that much time to hide in my office and collect my bearings. I wondered if they did plan on buying me out, if I could try and convince them otherwise. It would mean the world to me if I could; if I could keep my dream of running my own company alive. It would be hard to do on my own, but not impossible. And then it would take much longer. I would welcome the work, but I didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity just because I didn’t have the balls to stand up for myself.

  I gave myself a quick pep talk in my head and headed to the conference room. I stopped short of the door and just looked at them. Logan and Jake; so powerful and imposing. They command the attention of the room and everyone in it has no choice but to bow down. They make my knees weak, my core tight from fighting the arousal between my legs. I was so afraid my nipples would be showing, but my half cup bra kept it hidden. I thought I subconsciously wore this nice lingerie for them, but I didn’t suspect anything. Maybe I hoped for it, despite being angry. I had to find out the truth, anyway.

  I saw Jake first, in his dark khakis and dark blue polo that gripped every muscle in his chest and arms. Logan wasn’t in a suit, and I was surprised. He had on black cargo pants and black shoes, his white tee shirt was simple but looked expensive nonetheless. It isn’t fair that they are built like gods, by the gods and worthy of the gods. They don’t belong here with us regular humans. Their presence hummed through me, and it was like they knew I was here. They looked up from the far right side of the desk and smiled. I went lightheaded.

  Logan stood up and opened the door, from just a few feet away I inhaled his scent. That clean citrus and heavy woodsy smell. Rugged yet smooth. I realized I was standing there; still and mute as I stared between them both.

  “Madeline, are you alright?” He stood in the door, his strong arm holding it open.

  “Um, I’m fine.”

  He made an odd face, he cocked his head to the side and then gazed at me as he smiled softly.

  “Come in then, Dan will be here in a minute.”

  I nodded and willed my feet to shuffle forward. I caught Jake’s eye and he smiled. He came around the other side so I was between them both. Surrounded, hot, this meeting would last forever.

  “What happened yesterday?” Jake asked, and he sounded mad. I took a shaky breath.

  “I heard of what you both plan on doing.” I started. Jake swiveled his chair, so his open legs were pointing right at me.

  He leaned on the chair, his strong and thick muscled forearm on the handle of my chair. I inhaled sharply at his closeness. All I wanted to do was lean in and kiss them both. I felt Logan on the other side of me, watching.

  “What?” Jake asked simply. I looked into his eyes for
a fleeting moment, but didn’t have much to say.

  I wouldn’t be able to get through this meeting, I could barely hold it together. I felt tears pricking my eyes. Out of anger. They were going to pretend they didn’t know.

  “I heard that woman leaving your office yesterday, she was talking about you selling me out.”

  I heard Logan gritting his teeth. They hadn’t said anything, and it was hard to tell if they even knew what I was talking about or were just playing dumb until witness got here. Maybe they thought I would go to human resources and file some sexual claim. Maybe they were afraid of something like that. Though I would never do that, and it feels like they don’t trust me at all.

  “What woman?” Jake asked.

  I stood in anger then, glaring down at them both. “I was here yesterday, and I saw some woman running out of here. She was on the phone talking about you selling me out.” I spat. I felt a little odd with my hands on my hips, yelling at these two powerful business tycoons.

  Then Jake started laughing, and Logan looked indifferent. Why the hell was he laughing?

  “Why are you laughing?” My voice croaked and the tears I fought before came to. He saw and immediately stopped.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh, you just look so damned cute when you’re mad.” He smiled and I wiped my face quickly. Logan shook his head and sighed.

  “Madeline,” he held out his hand, “come and sit down. Please.” He pleaded, his eyes soft and welcoming. I softened a bit but pursed my lips at Jake in anger.

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Logan asked me softly.

  I took a deep breath and tried to think of where to start.

  “I was in here yesterday. And I saw some woman in your office, you were both yelling at her and she looked pissed.”

  “How did we look?” Jake was making jokes, what was wrong with this man? Even though it didn’t annoy me enough to ignore it.

  “Um, hot. I guess.” I crossed my arms and stared down at my lap. I could feel them smiling at me, amusement or not, they were smiling. Was I being irrational?

  “Anyway, she stormed out of there and then made a call. She said you were focusing more on this start-up and that you were going to buy me out.” I explained.

  Jake nodded and leaned back. He ticked his jaw as he clenched his fist and held it to his mouth as he frowned.

  “Is that why you left?” Logan asked.

  I nodded simply. The last of my tears were gone and I took a deep breath to calm myself.

  “I was mad, and I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t sure how to face you both, I was…scared.” I murmured.

  Both Logan and Jake gently laid their hands against my thigh. It was like they didn’t care if anyone saw, maybe they knew no one was around.

  “Madeline, why would you be scared?” Logan asked me. Jake squeezed my thigh to show he agreed.

  “You both are very intimidating, if you hadn’t noticed.” I whispered.

  The air shifted as everything came down on me. I struggled to even breath, and they both surrounded me so easily. Jake with his sharp cologne, it made me dizzy—but in a good way. A good way for him, because it draws me to him just as much as I am to Logan. They weren’t even saying anything and I didn’t know what to do, or say. How do you follow up to that?

  I just sat there and waited for one of them to say something. Perhaps they didn’t want someone as inexperienced as me, who was afraid of them. Well, I’m not afraid of them—but they make me nervous, yes.

  I opened my mouth to finally break the silence, but then I was blinded by a white-hot kiss. From Jake. He gripped my jaw so tight I couldn’t even move. His lips coaxed over me, hot and heavy and fast. His tongue grazed under of my bottom lip, and it dropped open to invite him in. As he kissed me, Logan let his hand drift higher and higher, right at the apex of my sex, but he didn’t touch me there, he just let his hand lay there. The heat of it was scorching. The feel of Jake’s lips were infectious. He broke away and before I could take two breaths Logan gripped his hand in my hair and pulled me to him. I could taste them both on my lips, their scotch and mint. Logan’s kiss was slow on my lips, soft and sweet and I caught my breath. His lips trailed down my neck, to that spot behind my ear and then Jake pressed one last kiss to my lips.

  They leaned away, and I could breathe again. I struggled to catch my breath as I straightened my hair. Logan let his hand drift away to my knee.

  “You belong to us Madeline,” Logan said. “You shouldn’t be afraid of us.” Jake finished.

  I nodded simply.

  “We are not buying you out.”

  I nodded simply to say I understood. Jake reached out to fix my lips as Logan stood up to get me a glass of water.

  “Dan is coming.” Logan gestured to the door. Sure enough, Dan strolled in with his big briefcase.

  “Hello.” He graveled.

  He looked like a nice guy, older than Logan and Jake but really good at his job.

  “Hey.” Jake said.

  I stood up and shook his hand before I sat back down. I sincerely hoped I didn’t look like I had just been gloriously kissed.

  “Okay, so I’ve got everything together. Take a look.”

  He handed us each a folder, that wasn’t all too thick.

  “We haven’t named it yet, but everything is there. Numbers, figures, dates.”

  We all looked it over, and I was still thinking of things I learned in class to understand it, but I think I did okay. They projected a two-hundred percent profit, and for production to only last fifteen weeks. It seemed crazy, but all their launches are fast and they throw a ton of money into marketing so that they can make it all back. Their business plans are of the most unique in the business world, and a lot of people try to model and imitate it but they fall short. Jake has a brilliant mind when it comes to consumer wants, and Logan knows how to implement it perfectly.

  They were doing the same with this startup. It would start in the city, and then move onward to other surrounding states.

  “This looks great. What do you think, Madeline?” Logan asked.

  “To be honest I’m not sure I understand everything completely but it looks good.” I replied honestly. Jake chuckled a bit.

  “I never understand it.” Jake said. Dan smiled a bit.

  “That’s alright. I just wanted to run everything by you. We can put this into motion and get approval from Financial by the end of the week.” Dan said. Logan nodded, so I assumed that was okay.

  It was pretty obvious he took the lead role in everything. He and Jake were equal, yes, but Logan always held the headway somehow.

  “Great. Thanks, Dan.”

  He nodded and stood up.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad.” Jake said when he left. “Just wait until you’re in a room with corporate.” I widened my eyes and looked at him, then he smiled and shook his head as he smiled.

  “I guess not. I have to get home.” I stood up and headed for the door, but Logan grabbed my arm and spun me back around.

  “Home? Why?”

  I frowned. “Because…the meeting is over and I don’t have to come in until tomorrow.”

  “We thought you would want to be with us for a while.” Jake said as he stood.

  God, it never gets old. Being in the midst of these two powerful men. Beautiful and imposing.

  “I didn’t think you would want to. I mean…I honestly don’t know what I mean to you two.” I spoke honestly, like I promised Sarai.

  “Madeline, we’ve told you.” Jake said, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

  “No. You have said a bunch of bedroom talk—like I belong to you or that I’m yours. But it doesn’t mean much beyond that. Not to me. I have real feelings for you both.”

  “Um, what kind of feelings?” Jake scratched the back of his neck, he obviously doesn’t do well with these kinds of conversations.

  “I…I’ve fallen in love with you both.” I wrung my fingers out as I nervously s
tood before them, my declaration filling the air.

  “Madeline, we haven’t treated you well. It’s obvious we have stressed you out. Since you just finished school, I think we have a way to make it up to you, if you let us.” Logan said.

  “Yeah. We do care about you, as more than a woman in our bed.” Jake said.

  “I…wow. I wasn’t expecting that.” I fumbled.

  “It’s true. Now, will you let us make it up to you?” Jake smirked, walking closer.

  “Well, how?”

  We packed up our things and then their driver took me to a hotel. It was swank and way too fancy. The entryway was marble, and the chandeliers the most obnoxious crystals. Logan stood by me as Jake got the room keys.

  “This place is amazing.” I said.

  “This night will be amazing, I promise.” He took my hand and we followed Jake up to the room.

  The suite was so large, and plush. The bed in the center of the intricately designed carpet and furniture. It made me feel like somewhat of a princess, or maybe even a queen. They dropped their keys and wallet on the center table and kicked off their shoes. I looked around a little more, but the air wasn’t allowing that. It screamed hot sexual tension, thick enough to cut.

  And I wanted it bad. I wanted them bad in every way, all night long. With finals ending, I needed to relax. I needed something to numb me and make me feel alive at the same time.

  “Let us draw you a bath.”



  I entered the dim-lighted bathroom and cracked a wide smile when I noticed rose petals all over the bubbly surface of the water, and I had to give it to them. No one had ever done this for me. Their gesture meant more to me than they could imagine.

  I stripped off my clothes and lay down in the tub, moaning in pleasure when the hot water enveloped my body. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. The water felt soothing on my skin, and the silence that surrounded me almost lulled me to sleep.

  After several minutes, I heard the guys arrive, and my heartbeat sped up at once. My eyes flew open, my calmness ebbing into excitement, and grew tenser as they neared the bathroom.


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